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Discussion of the APTA NY Chapter Office Building. A task force will be created to investigate possible options and report back to the Board at the Spring meeting.
Membership dues are recovering. Asked if there are any suggestions on engaging the members more. PTA Caucus Representative asked for more access to members and for help to fill PTA liaison positions from the districts.
Looking for ways to build the PTA membership.
Reminder to the Districts to be the catalysts as we move into the awards season There is information on the website to assist in nominating colleagues.
Discussed conference and registration fees. There will be a dinner at the Annual Conference as well as lunch, and those wishing to attend just the dinner can do so for a fee. Registrants for one ½ day course will be required to pay for lunch if they choose to participate. The Program Committee is looking at acquiring sponsors for all courses.
The search for the new Executive Director will begin shortly. The ED’s retirement date is August 1, 2023.
The APTA Council of Chapter Presidents presented an employee-based dues discount program. The discount would be based on the number of employees. More information is expected to be provided at CSM.
Communities/Council names are in the process of being changed in certain student and PTA groups, but roles have not significantly changed. A successful Town Hall took place on February 8th from 8-9 pm with the leadership to share Chapter updates.