3 minute read
Annual Conference 2022 Advocacy now: law in extraordinary times
Kellie Arthur FortyEight Shortland Barristers
At the time of writing, it has been a week since the New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake or te Ture (NZBA) Conference, and I'm still reflecting on what an enjoyable, thought-provoking, and inspiring experience it was. There is nothing quite like the chance to meet face-to-face with colleagues and friends. Equally, it was wonderful to have the opportunity to celebrate Frances Joychild KC - the inaugural recipient of the NZBA Access to Justice award, sponsored by LexisNexis.
All of the sessions were interesting and informative; many of them left an indelible impression. Of note, for me personally, were the Climate Change and the Law session with Jenny Cooper KC, James Every-Palmer KC, Davey Salmon KC and Dhilum Nightingale, and the presentation from Kirsti Luke and Tāmati Kruger of the Tūhoe Tribal Authority. Mention must also be made of his Honour Justice Goddard's entertaining keynote, regaling the audience with his account of the things that keep him awake at night, and her Honour Judge Ida Malosi's witty, engaging and uplifting after-dinner speech.
The conference allowed the opportunity to step back and think about, as Maria Dew KC put it, the “why” of one’s practice; to hold steadfast as advocates upholding and promoting the Rule of Law and doing what one can to improve access to justice for all. Last, but not least, the collegiality among all those who attended the conference was clear - whether at the social activities, formal dinner, cocktail function or merely waiting in line for a morning coffee.
Thank you to all the speakers, chairs, organisers, sponsors and fellow attendees who made this year’s conference a success. A special thank you to the Otamataha Trust for the moving mihi whakatau and karanga to welcome us onto their land and open the conference. Looking ahead, following our tradition of swapping between Te Ika-a-Māui | North Island and Te Waipounamu | South Island, we have earmarked Ōtautahi | Christchurch for the next conference.

The Honourable Justice David Goddard

Dhilum Nightingale, Felix Geiringer, Davey Salmon KC, James Every-Palmer KC, Jenny Cooper KC

Felix Geiringer, Paul Radich KC, Tāmati Kruger, Kirsti Luke

His Honour Judge Paul Mabey KC, Julie-Anne Kincade KC, Phil Hamlin

Alex Hagen, Anne Toohey

Mai Chen, Sarah Wroe, Paul Radich KC

Paul Michalik, Colin Carruthers KC, Lisa Hansen, Christopher Griggs

Kathryn Lydiard, Ana Cathcart, Mathew Casey KC, Isabelle Cameron, Merv Giam

Catherine Harold, Rita Nabney, Matthew King

Genevieve Haszard, Julie-Anne Kincade KC, Sami Taghavi, Kellie Arthur, Kathryn Lydiard, Emma Priest

Stuart Grieve KC speaking after receiving his lifetime membership

Maggie Winterstein, Quentin Duff, Gowan Duff, David Boldt, Tavake Barron Afeaki, Bronwyn Carruthers

Presidents past and present – Stuart Grieve KC, Colin Carruthers KC, Maria Dew KC, Paul Radich KC, Stephen Mills KC

Michael Webb, Sonja Clapham (lifetime award recipient) and Stuart Grieve KC
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