Facility Guidelines for Alert Level 2

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COVID-19 Facility Guidelines for Operating at Level 2 As at 29 May 2020 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Background and Purpose The Government COVID-19 Guidelines indicate that aquatic and recreation facilities may open in Level 2. Facilities will be required to adhere to the following: •

Sport and recreation activities are allowed if conditions on gatherings are met, physical distancing is followed, and travel is local.


Public venues can open but must comply with conditions on gatherings and undertake public health measures

This document has been developed to inform the recreation industry. It represents the collaborative opinion of the recreation industry as their considered approach to a safe and manageable return to facilities under COVID-19 Alert Level 2. We have also worked closely with representatives from the Aquatics sector, Sport NZ, Swimming NZ and Aquatics NZ and welcomed their input and guidance.

This document outlines these in a clear and informative way to assist facilities management on best practice for operations under Level 2. Please note, these guidelines come with the clear understanding that the policies of individual facilities and local health and safety authorities will always be respected.

This document has also been reviewed by: • Sport NZ . Ministry of Health

This document sets out: • Suggested General Operating Principles applicable to facilities under Level 2

Disclaimer: At all times, the New Zealand Government and Ministry of Health directives, guidelines and information supersede any information provided by Recreation Aotearoa in this document, and facility operators understand the need for strict guideline compliance.

Facilities must take a cautious and considered approach to re-opening. It is your responsibility as a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to do this safely and to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and to follow relevant public health and WorkSafe guidance.

Facilities must work with their local governing organisation about how to operate within the over-riding principles of Level 2: •

Maximum of 100 people per group

Physical distancing of 1m between groups of customers, individual customers, and staff

High standard of hygiene protocols

Contact tracing

Contactless payments

It is important that any changes made to your operating and emergency procedures, as a result of COVID-19 requirements, are documented and all staff are informed of them and given the appropriate training where required. You must keep a written record signed by all staff members that they have attended training/briefings and understood the content.

Ministry of Health Guidelines Level 2

Facilities Guidelines

Sport and Recreation Facilities

All indoor and outdoor facilities will need to restrict entry numbers in order to comply with physical distancing measures. For smaller venues a reduced capacity may be more appropriate to maintain physical distancing

Sport and recreation activities are allowed if conditions on gatherings are met, physical distancing is followed, and travel is local. Public venues can open but must comply with conditions on gatherings and undertake public health measures.

Need to consider what your individual facility maximum is. This will need to be conveyed to your customers. Gathering groups are limited to a maximum of 100 people per group. Multiple gathering groups can be active at the same time, so long as this is managed in accordance with other public health guidelines and the attendees at one gathering, do not mingle or interact with each other in anyway. If more than 100 people are using a facility or space, physical distancing would have to be maintained including in shared areas such as entries and exits, carparks, toilets and shared spaces. Examples of this could be equestrian events and triathlons. Facilities would need to understand how this distancing would be managed e.g. via phasing of activities or through clear marking of zones/regions

Numbers need to be monitored on entry and on a regular basis throughout facility. Ensure you have an effective system for doing this. You may need to dedicate staff to this task only. Your priority as an employer is to ensure the safe well-being of your staff. Ensure that your plan for re-opening does not put the Health & Safety of your staff at risk. Tools for helping you to produce a COVID-19 safety plan can be found at: https://worksafe.govt.nz/managing-health-and-safety/novel-coronaviruscovid/covid-19-safety-plan-what-you-need-to-think-about/

Contact Tracing

Utilise your existing POS or membership system if possible.

All persons entering the facility need to be accounted for. This needs to include date and time of entry and full name and contact details including contact telephone number and physical address.

Any system needs to be contactless. This may require a dedicated staff member taking details. QR codes and apps could also be utilised for this purpose. The following have been recommended to us, for use by facilities: www.guesthq.co.nz www.checkmein.live/

www.evacheckin.com Consider providing an online form to be filled in prior to coming to the pool to reduce queuing times. Whatever system you use needs to have the capability to produce reporting for Ministry of Health as and when required. You will be required to keep all contact tracing records for at least 2 months. The following link provides guidance from Sport NZ on contract tracing for the sports and recreation centre. Outlining the procedure to be used and information required: https://sportnz.org.nz/covid-19/sector-advice/contact-tracing/

Hygiene, Health & Safety High standards of hygiene protocols, to be maintained at all times.


Contactless payments only (where possible) Consider installing sneeze guards/screens. EFTPOS terminals and counter tops to be cleaned between use. Customers that show signs of illness or are known to be any of the following, are to be refused entry: •

Have tested positive for COVID-19 unless they are



approved as being clear by the MOH Have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 and/or flu or cold e.g. cough, temperature above 38 degrees, shortness of breath, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, temporary loss of smell Live with or have close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms

Hygiene information signage to be displayed at point of entry and throughout facility.

Cleaning Schedules

Include information signage for those at risk e.g. over 70, reduced immune system, respiratory disorders. Check with your product supplier to ensure that the products you are using are effective against the virus that causes COVID-19. The product should be a virucide. Keep some areas closed to cut down on cleaning required. Create cleaning roster with focus on high touch areas. Create cleaning checklist for staff to sign when they have cleaned a section or area.

Where possible leave doors open to reduce customer contact with handles (chemical storage area doors to remain closed to restrict customer entry).


Consider how to clean door handles, taps, hook, etc between use. Each cubicle, toilet, shower will need to be cleaned between uses. Increase in frequency of cleaning. May need to dedicate staff to cleaning. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), must be available to staff. Ensure you have enough of these supplies. See our COVID 19 Response website for a list of suppliers. https://www.nzrecreation.org.nz/Site/conference/covid-19/ Directions on when to use PPE will be decided by individual facilities but must be consistent. All staff must be trained in the correct use of PPE. Display signage of how to fit PPE correctly in staff areas.

Hand Sanitiser Equipment

Designate an area for the fitting, removal and disposal of PPE. To be available at all entry/exit points, high touch areas around the facility and staff areas. No drinks fountains to be in operation. Bottle fillers may be used but need to be cleaned regularly. Encourage customers to bring their own, filled drinks bottle or have bottled water available for customers on site. Disability equipment such as hoists and wheelchairs need to be cleaned between each use. If hoists cannot be operated whilst maintaining 1 m physical distancing, then they should be placed temporarily out of service. Shared Equipment such as LTS and aqua jogging equipment needs to be cleaned between each use.


Gym equipment to be cleaned after each user. Areas used by staff are to be included in cleaning schedule. Staff to be discourage from sharing communal crockery and utensils at work. Staff to wash their own crockery/utensils after use.

Communal areas and items such as microwaves, kettles, toaster etc to be cleaned after use.

More information

Physical Distancing Physical distancing measures to be implemented in line with Public Health requirements. Physical distancing of 1m between individual customers, groups of customers and staff. If contact tracing is not in place then

Signage & Customer Information

Staff that are sick are not to be at work. The following link from Sport NZ provides guidance for sports and recreation sector on hygiene and sanitation https://sportnz.org.nz/covid-19/sector-advice/hygiene-andsanitation-guidance Health & Safety the link below will give you guidance around H & S process and procedures required during COVID-19 https://worksafe.govt.nz/managing-health-and-safety/novelcoronavirus-covid/covid-19-safety-plan-what-you-need-tothink-about/

Marked areas for queuing at reception. Separate entry and exit points need to be provided. Marked areas for sitting around pool deck or edge of hall for parents/guardians. Website, social media, and poolside signage should detail customer expectations.

physical distance of 2m should be maintained.

Provide an information board in reception or at point of entry. Consider how you are going to enforce physical distancing within your facility. Any changes to facility procedures for customers will become facilities rules and as such their enforcement will become the responsibility of all staff. Include instructions for staff on how to deal with breaches of these rules in facility NOPs. Customers who require physical assistance will need to be accompanied by a caregiver. Staff should not provide assistance, other than in the event of an emergency such as an evacuation. There are resources on physical distancing such as posters, social media and information sheets at https://covid19.govt.nz/resources/ Groups

A maximum of 100 per group is allowed. Multiple groups can be present in a facility but must be separated by physical distancing of at least 1m and there

is no intermingling with other groups. People within the group do not need to physical distance. Access to areas within facility

Leave changing rooms/cubicles and showers closed and encourage customers to do this at home. If you do need to open them then consider leaving every other one closed to provide enough space between. Limit numbers and time spent in changing rooms.

First aid

Each cubicle, toilet, shower will need to be cleaned between uses. Keep some areas of facility closed such as toddler pools, spray decks, slides, play areas. Physical distancing to be maintained when providing first aid, where possible. Staff to wear PPE as directed. Gloves and face mask as recommended minimum.

If first aid requires physical contact, such as broken limbs, large wounds or unconsciousness then PPE is to be used as directed.


Provide an area where a staff member can guide customers through self-help first aid whilst maintaining 1m physical distancing. To be carried out as trained (DRSABC). Administering rescue breaths carries a risk at any time so correct procedures and appropriate PPE should be used always. ANZCOR Guidelines for adaptations to CPR with a view to lowering the risk to staff from COVID-19 are here Ensure your staff have access to the correct PPE to prevent contact with face, nose and mouth of patient. If using bag masks and face shields you should ensure all staff are trained in how to use them correctly. https://www.poolstuff.co.nz/ps/


Consider putting together a CPR grab kit containing PPE, face cloth and hand sanitiser. All rescues to be non-contact where possible. Contact rescue as last resort or for unconscious casualty.

Minimising risk and reducing incidents

Lifeguard to have rescue tubes or similar rescue equipment within arm’s reach, at all times, in order to effect noncontact wet rescues. Do not run higher risk activities during public sessions such as diving, inflatables, slides, moving water features. Option to temporarily raise the age of unaccompanied children. This will be decided by individual facilities. No public recreational sessions recommended due to difficulty in enforcing 1m physical distancing.

Saunas, Spas and Steam rooms


Consider user groups and associated risks. Spas, saunas and steam rooms should be considered high risk areas for the transmission of COVID-19 due to the proximity of customers and the production of aerosols. We recommend that Saunas and Steam rooms be closed. Spa’s can open if physical distancing measures can be maintained at all times. Other water features or aerosol producing activities should not be operating during this time e.g. slides, splash pads etc Instigate a sessional timetable and consider allowing changeover time for cleaning between sessions.

Allocation of sessions for organised groups and activities is encouraged, such as swimming lessons, swim clubs, dive clubs, aquatic sports and aqua aerobics.

Water Treatment

These groups can provide contact tracing details of their members, ensure their groups adhere to 1m physical distancing and have protocols in place that match the facility’s. Facilities need to ensure pool water quality standards are maintained according to the requirements of NZS5826:2010 and actions are taken if the pool water is not within the parameters of the standard. The risk of transmission from COVID-19 via pool water is extremely low, due to the dilution factor and the action of the residual disinfectant i.e. chlorine.


Recommend that microbiological test be carried out prior to opening. Physical distancing needs to be maintained during evacuation. Where customers need staff assistance requiring close contact then PPE should be worn by staff (gloves and face mask).

Any changes need to be detailed in your Emergency Action Procedures (EAP) and communicated to staff.

Lane Swimming

You will need to consider how to ensure there is physical distancing at choke points such as emergency exits and mustering areas outside the building. Lane swimming is allowed, provided that physical distancing is maintained. Decisions will need to be made about how many swimmers per lane in line with physical distancing and gathering requirements.

Swimming Lessons & Aquatic Sports

Ensure that lane organisation is clearly communicated to customers. LTS teachers should teach out of the water to maintain physical distancing. If pool depth does not allow safe teaching with teacher out of water, then these levels should not be run. Refer to Sport NZ guidelines for more details

https://sportnz.org.nz/covid-19/alert-level-information/ Gyms and Fitness classes

Refer to Sport NZ and Exercise Association of NZ for guidelines: https://sportnz.org.nz/covid-19/alert-level-information/ https://exercisenz.org.nz/covid19/

Afterschool Programmes

Refer to Ministry of Education for guidelines: http://www.education.govt.nz/covid-19/ http://education.govt.nz/covid-19/alert-level-3-faqs-forschools-and-early-learning-centres/#Alert-level3


Staff that are unwell and/or showing signs of COVID-19 symptoms should stay home. Staff at a higher-risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (e.g. those with underlying medical conditions, especially if not well-controlled) may work, if they agree with their employer that they can do so safely. Physical distancing to be maintained at all times (except in the event of a medical emergency where this may not be possible).

Breaks are to be staggered to avoid large numbers of staff congregating in staff room. Office staff are to maintain physical distancing at all time. Consider implementing staggered work hours to reduce number of staff on site at any one time.

Staff Training

All staff to be briefed on physical distancing measures and sign to say they have understood these. Staff training can be considered as a group/gathering and is subject to the same public health measures. Staff that feel uncomfortable with close contact must not be made to participate in scenarios where close contact is required. Consider including them in another way that doesn’t require close contact.

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