Australian mid-market activity Quarter 1, 2017 Financial Year
We are happy to present the quarterly instalment of our mid-market M&A overview. The focus of the analysis is on the current quarter with the aim of providing you with a brief overview of current midmarket M&A activity. Overview The number of transactions in the first quarter of the current financial year shows an increase of 26% on the previous quarter, and an increase of 5% compared to the same period last year. The average deal size increased from the previous quarter to $26.9m. This is consistent with the average of $25.1m over the last 12 months.
Number of transactions and disclosed average transaction value by quarter 350
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 FY2014 FY2014 FY2014 FY2015 FY2015 FY2015 FY2015 FY2016 FY2016 FY2016 FY2016 FY2017
Number of transactions (LHS)
Average EV of transactions disclosed (RHS)
The top 3 sectors for activity continued to be consumer discretionary (24%) industrials (17%), and information technology (16%), which account for over 50% of the transactions in the quarter.
Overseas acquirers represented 23% of all transactions. US companies remain the largest acquirers of Australian companies (9% of all acquisitions in the quarter which is in line with 9.9% in the previous period).
The media and retailing sub-sectors within consumer discretionary significantly contributed to the 58% increase in activity in the sector with 16 and 11 transactions, respectively, in the quarter. This level of activity represented the highest number of transactions in a quarter over the last the three years for both sub-sectors. Activity in the commercial and professional services sub-sectors within the industrials sector increased by 45% to 16 transactions in the quarter. This follows two months of a decline in activity since it recorded a high over the last three years of 23 transactions in a quarter.
Top sector activity and number of transactions
Other 38
Consumer Discretionary 41
Healthcare 12 Industrials 29
UK acquirers, continued their strong representation as the second most active overseas acquirer at 22% of all overseas acquisitions. Overseas acquirers continue to remain active across the consumer discretionary, industrials and information technology sectors. The healthcare industry also experiencing increased activity up to four transactions in the period compared to two transactions in each of the two prior periods.
EBITDA multiples The Nexia MM Index is compared to relative ASX listed companies in the graph.
All indexes increased on the prior period with the ASX Emerging Companies increasing the most at 37% compared to 14% increase in the Nexia MM Index and 6% in the ASX All Ordinaries. For both the ASX Healthcare Emerging Companies and Nexia MM Index the increase comes after a decline in the previous quarter. One transaction can have a significant impact on the Nexia MM Index. Materials To provide more insight into the Nexia MM Index, we have highlighted the EBITDA and multiple of some of the transactions. Although, the same limitations apply to this analysis as the overall Information Technology index, the analysis bears out the relationship between multiples and size with lower EBITDA generating companies also receiving a lower multiple. It also provides an insight into the relative sector multiples.
Materials 26
Information Technology 27
Consumer Discretionary
The Nexia MM Index compared to relative ASX listed companies 18.0x 16.0x 14.0x Nexia MM Index
12.0x 10.0x
10.3x 9.1x
ASX All Ordinaries
9.4x 8.4x
6.0x 4.0x
ASX Emerging Companies
2.0x 0.0x Q2
Q3 2014
Snapshot of EBITDAx distribution by sector $16.0m $14.0m $12.0m $10.0m
Q1 2017
We note that the source data is limited by the amount of information that is made public and captured in the S&P Capital IQ database. The calculations we have performed, in particular due to the limited number of data points in respect of EBITDA multiples, can be heavily influenced by a single transaction which reflects that transaction’s particular circumstances rather than a reflection of the market as a whole. Analysis of all transactions, including sector and buyer location is based on S&P Capital IQ classifications.
$8.0m EBITDA
About the Nexia MM Index
$6.0m $4.0m $2.0m $0.0m 0.0x
Consumer Discretionary Materials Healthcare
The Nexia mid-market EBITDA multiple (Nexia MM Index) analysis is a simple analysis of EBITDA for acquisitions of unlisted mid-market companies where the data is reported. It is indicative of a trend in the overall market rather than implying the multiple that should be considered for a particular company. The Nexia MM is limited 20.0x by a number of factors, including that there are a small number of 10.0x 15.0x transactions in Australia where the data is available. As a result the EBITDAx average EBITDA multiple can be significantly influenced by individual Financials Information Technology transactions where the specific characteristics of the transaction may Industrials Consumer Staples have resulted in a higher or lower multiple than would otherwise be Telecommunication Services achieved. To minimise the impact we have shown a rolling annual EBITDA multiple for disclosed transactions above.
The analysis was prepared based on data sourced from S&P Capital IQ. Data analysed is for completed transactions, with a primary geographic location in Australian and an implied enterprise value of less than $200 million from 1 July 2014 to 30 September 2016. Transactions where no value was disclosed have been included in the volume data with the implicit assumption that these would relate to smaller transactions and therefore meet the criteria. Overall 2,275 transactions are included within the data analysed. Transaction values were disclosed for 1,118 (49%) of these transactions with an aggregated transaction value of $27.1 billion. 109 transactions (5%) had sufficient data disclosed to calculate the EBITDA multiples. In respect of our methodology we note that this is a simple analysis to give an overview of the market and potential movements. It should in no way be seen as a substitute for a rigorous review of any potential opportunity that you may be considering and you should seek appropriate professional advice for your circumstances.
In considering the data against the listed company comparative, the Nexia MM is based on acquisitions and therefore implicitly reflects a control premium whereas the multiple for the listed companies reflect a portfolio interest. The range in the identified EBITDA multiples is significant at 1.8x to 64.0x in FY2014, 0.1x to 64.3x in FY2015 and 1.1x to 60.0x in FY2016. The range to date for FY2017 is 4.1x to 47.1x.
Contact us If you would like to discuss further any of the information provided in this update and how it will impact you, please contact your Nexia Advisor.
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