Expanding Mail-Based Distribution of Drug-Related Harm Reduction Supplies Amid COVID-19 and Beyond

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Expanding Mail-Based Distribution of DrugRelated Harm Reduction Supplies Amid COVID-19 and Beyond

Services Administration and the US Drug Enforcement Administration acted quickly to relax certain regulations limiting access to opioid agonist therapy by allowing buprenorphine initiation via telephone and removing some of the limits on “take home” doses of methadone. This rapid adaptation is an example of pivoting service delivery to better meet the needs of patients in the context of a crisis.8 Although these efforts to minimize the

Brian S. Barnett, MD, Sarah E. Wakeman, MD, Corey S. Davis, JD, MSPH, Jamie Favaro, MSW, and Josiah D. Rich, MD, MPH

pandemic’s impact on vulnerable individuals with substance use disorders are both necessary and warranted, they are


insufficient to counter its acceleration of our overdose crisis.9 To augment measures taken by the federal government, state governments, and others to address this worsening crisis, we suggest increasing access to harm reduction injection supplies, via an additional avenue already capitalized on by our


nation to overcome pandemic-related 5

ne of the most disheartening as-

people died of drug overdoses. As of

distribution barriers: using the United

pects of the decades-long increase

2010, more than 140 000 people had

States Postal Service (USPS) and private

in drug-related harm in the United

contracted HIV through injection drug

courier services to supply these vital

States is our failure to fully implement

use, and in 2011, 43 126 of every

items directly to people who use drugs.

the wide array of effective interventions

100 000 people between 40 and 65

The volume of mail and parcels pro-

available for reducing that harm. These

years of age who injected drugs were

cessed by the USPS grew by 50% be-


strategies include broad access to opi-

infected with hepatitis C virus. A lack of

tween April to June 2019 and April to

oid agonist therapy,1 sterile injection

access to sterile syringes helped drive

June 2020,10 illustrating the rapid rise in

supplies,2 and naloxone,3 as well as the

the annual incidence of acute hepatitis C

mail and package deliveries during the

establishment of supervised consump-

virus infection from 0.3 to 0.7 cases per

pandemic. Should providers of harm


tion sites. Despite their efficacy, scaling

100 000 people between 2004 and

reduction supplies embrace this distri-

up these interventions has proven a

20147 and has also contributed to out-

bution approach, there is significant

persistent challenge as a result of poorly

breaks of hepatitis A virus and HIV in

potential to save lives and reduce health

targeted funding, legal barriers, stigma,

multiple states in recent years.

care costs associated with substance

and inadequate coordination among stakeholders. Consequently, thousands in the

Substance use disorder treatment, as

June 2021, Vol 111, No. 6

supplies, such as naloxone and sterile


Brian S. Barnett is with the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Center for Behavioral Health, Neurological Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. Sarah E. Wakeman is with the Division of General Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Corey S. Davis is with The Network for Public Health Law, Los Angeles, CA. Jamie Favaro is with NEXT Distro, New York, NY. Josiah D. Rich is with the Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology, Brown University, and the Center for Health and Justice Transformation, The Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI.


with other areas of medicine, has swiftly adapted to meet the challenges brought


United States die from drug-related

on by COVID-19. For example, in re-

overdoses and contract infectious

sponse to decreased access to opioid

bloodborne diseases each year, despite

agonist therapy providers and locations

the preventable nature of much of this

caused by the pandemic, the US Sub-

Despite the increasingly critical need for

morbidity and mortality; in 2019, 70 630

stance Abuse and Mental Health

harm reduction supplies since COVID-19’s


Barnett et al.



arrival, access to them has declined,

legal and financial barriers, as well as

to have this medication on hand at the

with an April 2020 national survey of 173

challenges encountered as SSPs at-

scene of an opioid overdose, as well as

syringe service programs (SSPs) reveal-

tempt to incorporate a new model of

implementation of legal innovations

ing that 43% had reduced services be-

sterile injection supply distribution into

designed to remove some of the bar-

their already busy operations.

riers to obtaining it. However, fear of

cause of the pandemic.


As a result,

NEXT Distro also provides infrastruc-

being stigmatized often prevents pa-

mailing these supplies. For example,

ture for health departments and harm

tients from asking for naloxone pre-

Maine’s governor issued an executive

reduction programs to begin or scale up

scriptions or obtaining naloxone at a

order authorizing SSPs to mail injection

their own mail-based efforts. Although

pharmacy or SSP, and although nu-

supplies to their clients,12 and Pennsyl-

its work has primarily been supported

merous states permit naloxone stand-

vania modified its naloxone standing

by private funding thus far, some health

ing orders, many pharmacies have been

order to permit community organiza-

departments, including the Delaware

slow to embrace this change.14 A further

tions to mail naloxone.13

Department of Health and the New York

complication is that even in states per-

City Department of Health and Mental

mitting standing orders, pharmacists

people who use drugs is not new, but

Hygiene, have partnered with NEXT

retain discretion over who to dispense

the pandemic has provided an oppor-

Distro and are providing support. Other

naloxone to, allowing the personal be-

tunity to learn from and build upon

health departments, insurers, and or-

liefs and poor regulatory knowledge of

preexisting efforts. Since 2017, NEXT

ganizations working to prevent over-

some pharmacists to prevent the ben-

(Needle Exchange Technology) Distro, a

dose deaths and drug-related infectious

efits of this approach from being fully

nonprofit organization based in New

disease spread should consider working


York City, has been at the forefront of

with this organization or replicating its

scaling up mail-based distribution of


some states have removed barriers to


June 2021, Vol 111, No. 6

Mailing harm reduction supplies to

free naloxone, sterile injection supplies, and educational materials on safer drug use practices nationally. To reduce improperly discarded syringes, the orga-

SSPs. However, stigma, legal barriers,


nization also distributes needle clipping

financial underinvestment, and community opposition continue to hinder the creation of these organizations and limit their operation. In addition, their

devices and sharps containers. Clients

Although sterile injection supplies can

harm reduction impact is constrained by

order supplies via NEXT Distro’s Web site

be purchased online without a pre-

distance, as shown by a recent study

(https://www.nextdistro.org) and learn

scription through Web sites such as

revealing that the further people who

about its services via Internet searches

Amazon.com, and naloxone can be

inject drugs live from an SSP, the

and word of mouth. As of this writing,

purchased in most states through www.

higher their risk for sharing injection

NEXT Distro has distributed harm re-

naloxoneexchange.com, mail-based


duction supplies to people in at least

distribution of free supplies via SSPs,

Because of these realities, most states

45% of US counties.

health departments, and other harm

have expanded nonprescription sales of

NEXT Distro’s approach includes not

reduction organizations could greatly

sterile injection supplies at pharmacies.

only disseminating harm reduction

enhance access given the financial

The vast majority of pharmacists in one

supplies directly to those in need but

hardships faced by many people who

survey strongly agreed that people who

also developing a hub and spoke model

use drugs. States have made helpful

inject drugs should always be allowed to

to grow harm reduction efforts across

efforts to expand access to such sup-

purchase nonprescription sterile injec-

the country. The organization currently

plies, but these dissemination strategies

tion supplies; however, they also re-

has partnerships in 32 states, primarily

face ongoing barriers, leaving ample

ported that restrictive store policies,

with SSPs, to facilitate naloxone distri-

opportunity for disruptive innovation via

time limitations, and other structural

bution and also has partnerships in five

mail-based distribution.

barriers limited their ability to fully

states for distribution of sterile injection


Sterile injection supplies, along with naloxone, have long been available via

Naloxone access has increased in the

implement this strategy and other

supplies. Expansion of the latter net-

United States in recent years as a result

harm reduction interventions when

work has been more difficult because of

of growing recognition of the vital need

interacting with these customers.17


Barnett et al.


Gatekeeping18 by some pharmacists

to rapid dissemination of HIV and hep-

distribution of harm reduction supplies.

opposed to sale of nonprescription

atitis C virus among people who inject

We are unaware of research addressing

supplies has also limited the efficacy of



inject drugs regularly being refused sale of nonprescription sterile injection supplies, particularly those who are

this important line of inquiry at this time. However, on the basis of NEXT Distro’s

this approach, resulting in people who


minoritized populations.19,20 Quantity

experience of rapid client base increases soon after new geographic communities of people who use drugs become aware of its services, coupled with the fact that only 6% of 173 SSPs surveyed in April

way of seizing the full potential of mail-

2020 reported mailing supplies,11 po-

impede nonprescription sales.

based distribution, they are not insur-

tential demand likely far exceeds current

mountable. Unsurprisingly, one of the

capacity. Given the absence of relevant

biggest obstacles is securing financial

peer-reviewed data, research on need

support. NEXT Distro has found success

for mail-based services and potential

in partnering with SSPs for distribution,

health care savings resulting from this

but SSP funding is often limited and

approach could prove vital in demon-

Mail-based distribution of harm re-

tenuous. With significant state budget

strating its merits to governments and

duction supplies circumvents many of

shortfalls expected from the pandemic,

other potential funders. Considering the

these obstacles. For example, fear of

the financial security of many SSPs is at

potential of mail-based distribution to

being stigmatized is far less of a de-

risk, despite our worsening overdose

significantly increase the life-saving and

terrent for people who use drugs when

epidemic and the sizeable return on

cost-saving effects of harm reduction

they can order supplies online for di-

investment provided by SSPs.22 This

efforts, we strongly recommend that

rect delivery instead of having to visit

reality poses what may be the most

both private and public donors increase

pharmacies or SSPs to obtain them.

serious obstacle for expansion of mail-

funding of innovative initiatives employ-

Although NEXT Distro has primarily

based distribution of harm reduction

ing it.

partnered with SSPs to distribute harm

supplies in the near term, because the

Retail pharmacies could provide an

reduction supplies, allowing clients to

capital necessary for processing supply

additional avenue for partially address-

order supplies through its own Web

orders and shipping supplies to clients

ing funding limitations. With pharmacists

site and receive them in discreetly la-

makes this approach more expensive

already regularly mailing prescriptions

beled packaging helps attract potential

than in-person distribution.

to customers, they could also mail nal-


June 2021, Vol 111, No. 6

Although several barriers stand in the

paraphernalia laws also continue to


limits, age restrictions, and anti-

oxone and sterile syringe supplies to

clients who would prefer not to be di-

Because of the funding challenges for

rectly associated with an SSP and those

SSPs and the relatively small number of

insured customers who use drugs. Al-

unable to access SSPs owing to phys-

programs in the United States, further

though not all insurance covers nalox-

ical disability, lack of transportation,

collaboration between organizations

one or syringes or covers them without a

or employment during hours of

such as NEXT Distro and health de-

copay, such coverage is something that


partments and the resulting financial

could be negotiated, advocated for, or

Mail-based distribution is also im-

support would likely be greatly beneficial

mandated by regulation. Given the po-

mune to the community opposition that

with respect to expanding the reach of

tential to bill insurers for these supplies,

often arises when opening an SSP is

this strategy. Health departments could

this approach would generate an auto-

proposed. Furthermore, it allows sup-

also serve as a valuable conduit for mail-

matic funding stream and be self-sus-

plies to reach remote areas and ones

based distribution services to increase

taining. If such a strategy were effective,

with policies limiting locally based harm

their client base by displaying and pro-

additional external funding could ex-

reduction efforts, which is particularly

viding written information about them in

pand it to uninsured patients.

helpful in counties (many in predomi-

their clinics. To catalyze these relation-

nantly rural areas such as Appalachia)

ships, it is important for states, cities,

also pose challenges to mail-based

declared by the Centers for Disease

and counties to gain a better under-

distribution that must be addressed.

Control and Prevention to be vulnerable

standing of the need for mail-based

Most states continue to criminalize the

Legal barriers in many jurisdictions


Barnett et al.



June 2021, Vol 111, No. 6


possession and distribution of syringes

regularly employed by unhoused clients

infectious disease spread, reduce health

for use in injecting illegal drugs, with

of NEXT Distro, and the organization’s

care costs, and establish a new distri-

limited carve outs for SSPs. Still, these

Web site also provides instructions on

bution method for these items that

SSP laws sometimes impose require-

how to use this service to encourage

could benefit our country long after the

ments that may implicitly forbid mailing

more unhoused people to become

pandemic’s conclusion. To put harm

syringes to be used for injecting illegal


reduction supplies in the hands of those

drugs, such as mandating that a person

Recently, prolonged delays have

who need them, we have sought solu-

return syringes to receive new ones or

plagued USPS mail delivery in many

tions in many places, but COVID-19 has

that SSPs provide verbal information or

parts of the country, presenting a

unexpectedly revealed that an effective

referrals to other services to clients. In

previously unencountered obstacle for

one may have been waiting all along in a

addition, under current federal law,

mail-based distribution of harm re-

location many of us in the public health

combining syringes with information on

duction supplies. This is unfortunate in

community have not yet checked: our

how to use them more safely when

that the USPS previously provided the


injecting illegal drugs might make it

best conduit for shipping these sup-

easier for federal prosecutors to argue

plies because privacy laws governing its


that federal paraphernalia law has been

parcel handling are stricter than those

violated by those who mailed them, al-

applying to private couriers, its prices

though this law does not apply to any-

for low-weight parcels are less than

one authorized to distribute syringes

those of its competitors, and its distri-

Correspondence should be sent to Brian S. Barnett, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Lutheran Hospital, 1730 W 25th St, Floor 5E, Cleveland, OH 44113 (e-mail: barnetb3@ccf.org). Reprints can be ordered at http://www.ajph.org by clicking the “Reprints” link.

under federal, state, or local law. To

bution network is unrivaled in size.24,25

address these regressive barriers, leg-

However, with the recent change in

islatures should repeal paraphernalia

presidential administrations and the

laws entirely,23 exempt injection equip-

approval of effective COVID-19 vaccines

ment from their reach, or explicitly

by the Food and Drug Administration,

permit harm reduction programs to mail

the reliability of USPS services could

supplies to clients.

soon be restored via potential gov-

Confusion about existing laws also

PUBLICATION INFORMATION Full Citation: Barnett BS, Wakeman SE, Davis CS, Favaro J, Rich JD. Expanding mail-based distribution of drug-related harm reduction supplies amid COVID-19 and beyond. Am J Public Health. 2021; 111(6):1013–1017. Acceptance Date: February 6, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306228

ernment action to help bolster the

presents a hurdle to expansion of mail-

struggling agency and a possible re-

based distribution. In many states, laws

duction in online shopping parcel vol-

already allow anyone permitted to dis-

ume as vaccinated individuals return to

pense or distribute naloxone to ship it,


CONTRIBUTORS B. S. Barnett originated the editorial and wrote the first draft. S. E. Wakeman, C. S. Davis, J. Favaro, and J. D. Rich assisted in the development of the concept and helped revise the editorial.

although this may not be common knowledge. At the federal level, non-


controlled prescription medication can


Jamie Favaro is the founder of NEXT Distro.

be mailed by individuals dispensing the

With direct deliveries of everything from

medication to someone under their

groceries to ballots being made to mil-

care, which would likely apply to anyone

lions of Americans daily throughout the

already authorized under state law to

pandemic, the renewed prominence of

distribute naloxone.

mail and parcel delivery in keeping our

Another challenge for mail-based

society in motion is hard to miss. Amid

distribution resides in reaching people

the reinvigorated epidemic of drug-

who are unhoused. However, the USPS

related harm brought on by COVID-19,

already offers a potential solution.

we should also be harnessing the public

General delivery is a USPS service that

health potential of postal and courier

allows people without a permanent

services by using them to distribute

address to receive mail at a designated

harm reduction supplies more widely. In

post office in their community. It is

doing so, we can save lives, prevent


Barnett et al.


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Barnett et al.


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