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Advice and Information Services
Awell-run advice and information service reaching certain targets, ie, seeing a certain should be the first port of call for anyone number of clients each month. Competent seeking treatment. Here, the staff should services will assess the client, and then refer be able to inform you of what particular options them to the service that is most suited to their are available in your area, and suggest alternatives needs, but some advice and information services that you might not have thought of. As the first are actually counselling services in disguise, and port of call, an advice and information service has will automatically try to refer all their advice a great deal of power clients into the counselling service, regardless …a well-run advice and in shaping the quality of whether this is the best option. information service should be the first of service that you receive. As with any drug service, the quality of staff in such services is extremely variable. Some will be port of call for anyone However, you should be somewhat cautious extremely knowledgeable about drugs and their effects, and can provide you with a valuable seeking treatment… when approaching resource. Others may know jack shit about drugs, such services. Funding and care even less. So when they do give you for drugs services is often dependent upon their advice or information, it might be a good idea to