1 minute read
Services for drug-using parents
from The Detox Handbook
by nextdistro
If you have children who are under 16, you may have worried about making contact with drugs services or your doctor about your drug use because you have heard that children of drug users can get taken into care.
However, drug use alone is never a good enough reason for your children to be automatically taken into care.
Children are only taken into care when they are in danger from, or suffering, physical, sexual or psychological harm or neglect, and only after everything possible has been
done to enable them to stay at home.
Most drug services have policies saying that they will support parents, and help them care for their children. All drug services are confidential and information about you will usually only be passed on with your consent or if there are real concerns that a child or young person is at risk of serious harm. If you are worried, ask to see their confidentiality policy.
If you are having problems with your drug use, or parenting, the drug service might be able to help you
sort them out. The fact that you are in contact with a drug service is likely to reassure social services if your drug use is reported to them by someone else.