NEXT - Corona - Research Document

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CORONA The Symbiotic Sisal Processing Plant Est . 1962

Come and See

Njoo na Uone E ndelea Kujifunza

Stay to Learn

Karibu Sana Corona, teknolojia ya maisha bora na uhifadhi mazingira!


A Corona - Latin, ‘c rown’ is typically an aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars, it grows, and reaches outward beyond its core. This term is also the name of a particular machine used in the process of Sisal Decortication, Corona is thus a homage to this process. WHAT

is ‘C orona’ ?

A re-imagination of current sisal industry operations. Unpacking the potential for reconfiguration and re-conceptualisation of architecture and systems WHERE is

it ?

Katani Ltd’s Hale Sisal Biogas plant Located in Hale, Korogwe District, Tanga Region, Tanzania 5°18’5.58”S, 151° 38°36’44.64”E HOW did

it come about ?

Through the exploration of a circular economic model which responds to existing industry and societal challenges WHY did

it come about ?

Now withered, the sisal industry was once the economic backbone of the Tanga region. It has massive implications and opportunity for the population











Tiago Da Costa Vasconcelos AEE01 2018 Programme Tutor: Thomas Chevalier Bøjstrup Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture IBT, Architecture and Extreme Environments



02 Programme 03 Investigation 05 Concept Glossary



08 Macro 19 Micro



28 Vision 29 Discourse 31 Precedents 33 Thematics 35 Case Studies 37 UN Global Goals Framework 38 Interrogation



40 Pragmatic 41 Poetic



50 Programme 51 Functions 58 System 59 Vermitechnology 61 Timeline, Ownership and Financing 63 Scope of Submission



66 List of Figures 68 References



70 Curriculum Vitae 71 Architectural Prototype


- Fig. 01. Decortication Closeup, Field trip photograph , Author



“This Master programme pursues to explore the intersection between architecture, technology, culture and environment. Through a site-specific approach, we aim to respond to present and future global challenges through research by design and direct on-site involvement in the form of active expeditions to remote world locations where prototypes are put to the test and buildings are designed. We mediate our presence in our environment via design and technology, often disregarding the environmental impact. It is our intention to investigate the design potential in working with technology not only as a performance orientated design parameter, but also as a process charged with aesthetic potential and cultural implications with sustainable aims, from building scale all the way to detail.” This year’s programme expedition and field research took place on the African continent, in the country of Tanzania. The focus of the following investigation lies in the Tanzanian Region of Tanga — a humid subtropical region whose economy thrives predominantly off its agricultural production and port city. Thematically, the study and speculation hereon centres around its Industrial backbone and underpinning of the region; Sisal Production and Processing. This investigation focuses on ecological and performative aspects which led to its rise and fall, ultimately theorising an innovative paradigm for industry, aiming to combat existing and future challenges within the framework of Architectural possibility.

Ultimately, responses will be informed and determined by the field tasks and architectural prototype A | P learnings gained through in-situ research and experimentation.



“ Could a shift toward Industrial Ecology rectify the lingering effects of practise-past in the Sisal Industry of today; and ensure a more sustainable, equitable and successful future beyond its borders ? ”


The sisal industry was once the economic backbone and fundamental underpinning of the region of Tanga. Its Port city, originally industrialised by the German colonialists — with the intention of supplying their war efforts — predominantly exported sisal based products and goods throughout its early development. These outputs are the result of the extraction and processing of fibre from the sisal plant, a widely cultivated cash-crop. Industry production, ultimately, fell drastically during the post-colonialist era as a result of three primary factors: Limited economic competitivity. Poor husbandry of cultivated land. Sharp decline in operation skills and experience.

Additionally, negative ecological impacts of production exacerbate negative impacts on the environment and cost effectiveness of product leading to a continued sedentary industry. This investigation positions itself within the discourse of Circular Economies, investigating the potential for speculative business modalities based on the principles of Industrial Ecology. Taking the form of a re-imagination, the project theorises an alternate paradigm for an existing plant located at the Katani Ltd Estate in Hale, Tanga Region. Katani Ltd — Tanzania’s foremost sisal producing corporation — purchased land containing existing colonial structures and occupied them with the facilities seen today. This complex plant produces output in two forms; Sisal fibres for trade, and waste for self-sustaining biogas digester feedstock. Given this ad-hoc post-occupational architectural appropriation, and diversified business modality, I have selected this site as the test bed for exercising theoretical and conceptual speculation in an attempt to identify opportunities for sustainable business development and effective environmental and societal benefit.


GLOSSARY Circular Economy

“ Looking beyond the current ‘take, make and dispose’ extractive industrial model, the circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design. Relying on system-wide innovation, it aims to redefine products and services to design waste out, while minimising negative impacts. ” The concept of Circular Economies will serve as the discursive lens through which the investigation will view the subject of industrial revival and sustainability at the macro-context scale. - What is a circular economy? | Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Industrial Ecology

“ Industrial ecology is the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems”. Focusing on connections between operators within the ‘industrial ecosystem’, this approach aims at creating closed-loop processes. “ The principle of Industrial Ecologies will act as a deterministic factor when assessing potential and possibility for industry modes and methods at the micro-context scale. - Industrial Ecology. | Ellen Macarthur Foundation


“ Vermitechnology is a simple process, which uses. Earthworms to produce good quality compost — vermicompost — through organic waste recycling. “ The purpose of the technology is to produce high grade, organic compost in a short time, with low input capital and investment. - Vermitechnology. | SATNET Asia

Page.06 Hard and Soft Elements

“ The empirical and the expressive, the constitutive elements of a system or process. The hard: nuts, bolts, objects we can touch, measure and see - and the soft: people, relationships, connections, visceral experience and the things we feel. ” This duality serves as the basis upon which the assessment and understanding of context will be done. Comparing the ‘what’, hard empirical things, and the ‘how’ and why’, the intangible elements of a system, relationships and dynamics. - Waste, Wage. Exploring potential, investigating diversity | Author CTP Essay

Macro and Micro Context Scales

“ Context — the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it ” ‘Macro’ in the context of this investigation relates to the industry and the region as a whole. The ‘Micro’ then refers to the site scale and effects seen at a building level. - Context | Cambridge Dictionary

Architectural Prototype A | P

“ On the expedition students practice setting up scientific experiments in the field as well as recording, logging and analysing data. Data that forms the foundation of each student project in the second semester. ” The ‘architectural prototype’ herein refers to my dehumidifying hexagonal units designed and tested with the aim of measuring material adsorptivity and regeneration in Tanga, Tanzania. - Course Description | Architecture and Extreme Environments, KADK


- Fig. 02. Decortication Waste Closeup, Field trip photograph , Author



Tanzania formed part of European conquests during the scramble for East Africa in the early 1900s. It saw great investment into industry throughout this time, focused predominantly on the development of mineral and agricultural producing facilities. Population 1964

11 340 000

Population 2014

52 230 000

Tanzania 945 087 km2

Tanga Region 26 677 km2

Tanga Region constitutes just 2.8% of Tanzania’s Area


“ Under German, then British, administrators, sisal fibre became the colony’s main export commodity, highly prized for use in cordage and carpets worldwide. When the United Republic of Tanzania was born in 1961, it was the world’s biggest sisal grower, with fibre production of 230 000 tonnes a year. Sisal was the country’s main foreign exchange earner and its cultivation and processing employed more than one million people. ” - Sisal in Tanzania | Natural Fibres .org

Tanzanian Sisal Production

Exports 1914

21 000 TONS

Exports 1964 234 000 TONS

- Sisal Statistics | Food and Agriculture Organisation UN

During the 1960s Tanzania alone was responsible for one third of the total global Sisal Fibre Production. 33%

During this time the industry also provided 1 000 000 jobs to Tanzanians. This represents employment of 9% OF THE TOTAL POPULATION of the country.


“ By the mid-1980s the decline of the industry in Tanga saw sisal exports down to just 30 000 tons per annum. This sharp decrease is attributed primarily to the low prices of newly manufactured synthetic fibres, poor husbandry of cultivated land and a lack of knowledge and skills to maintain and sustain the production of plantations and factories. The industry has remained in this state, never gaining real traction or momentum since. ” - Tanga History | Tanga Line Tripod .com

Tanzanian Sisal Production

Exports 1984

38 000 TONS

Exports 2014 37 000 TONS

- Sisal Statistics | Food and Agriculture Organisation UN 32%


Today, the of the global Sisal Output

The industry downfall meant the loss of 900 000 jobs to Tanzanians. Today, the industry employs a mere 0,2% OF THE TOTAL POPULATION of the country.


“ A coarse and strong fibre, sisal is being increasingly used in composite materials for cars, furniture and construction as well as in plastics and paper products. Sisal fibres are obtained from Agave Sisalana, a native of Mexico. The hardy plant grows well all year round in hot climate and arid regions which are often unsuitable for other crops. Sisal can be cultivated in most soil types except clay and has low tolerance to very moist and saline soil conditions. Husbandry is relatively simple as it is resilient to disease and its input requirement is low compared to other crops. Sisal can be harvested from 2 years after planting and its productive life can reach up to 12 years, producing from 180 to 240 leaves depending on location, altitude, level of rainfall and variety of plant. “ - Sisal: Future Fibres | Food and Agriculture Organisation UN


The Plant is cultivated in large plantations, due to the low fibre to mass ratio; around 2 - 4%, the net dry fibre yield per hectare of plantation is circa 1 - 4 tonnes.

- Fig. 03. Sisal Plantation,

Page.12 Harvest and Delivery

The Leaves are cut manually by labourers once the plant has matured. The cut leaves are piled in orderly heaps by the cutter and then loaded onto tractors for delivery to the factory.

- Fig. 04. Leaf Delivery, Field trip photograph , Author


Leaves are then loaded onto a conveyor belt, readied for wet decortication fibre extraction by crushing of leaves by a machine called a Corona

- Fig. 05. Decortication Conveyor, Field trip photograph , Author

Page.13 Separation and Washing

The extracted fibres are then washed and clean of remaining acidic pulp matter. This pulp and its waste water are typically expelled into the surrounds, harming the environment due to their high of acidity.

- Fig. 06. Fibre Washing, Field trip photograph , Author


The wet fibres are delivered to a row field for drying. They are suspended on wires for a period of 2 - 5 days in the sun to allow reduction in moisture content to around 10%.

- Fig. 07. Fibre Drying, Field trip photograph , Author

Page.14 Brushing

Once dry, the fibres are delivered for brushing. The fibres are brushed to a smooth finish and graded according to quality; length, colour and consistency.

- Fig. 08. Fibre Brushing, Field trip photograph , Author


The brushed, sorted fibres are then bundled and baled into large bales of typically 250kg. These are stored and eventually loaded for delivery.

- Fig. 09. Fibre Bales, Field trip photograph , Author


Fibre Spinning and Products

These fibres are then used by manufacturers to produce a variety of products. Twine, ropes, string, yarn which can also be woven into carpets, mats, and various handicrafts or used for commercial and industrial purposes and applications. The fibres can also be crafted for textiles and used in composite materials, such as a reinforcement in polymers or otherwise insulation for industry.

- Fig. 10. Dyed Fibre Spinning, Field trip photograph , Author

- Fig. 11. Dyed Sisal Cord, Field trip photograph , Author


“ Tanga region is situated at the extreme north-east corner o Tanzania between 40 and 60 degrees below the Equator and 370 -390 10’ degrees. east of the Greenwich meridian. Tanga shares borders with Kenya to the north, Morogoro to the south, Kilimanjaro to the south, and Arusha regions to the west. To the east it is boded by the Indian ocean. ” - Tanga Region Profile | The Planning Commission, Dar Es Salaam CLIMATE

The dominant climate in Tanga Region is warm and wet. Although reasonably comfortable throughout the year, it persistently experiences high levels of Relative Humidity (75+%)and frequent precipitation (139 rain days per year on average). ASHRAE Comfort Standards Upper Limit

60% RH at 23C

Point at which dust mites propagate

above 50% RH

75% average RH makes it challenging to achieve indoor comfort and health safety.

— A | P May offer up a response to this challenge in industry. — POPULATION DISTRIBUTION

With a total population of 2 045 000, the region of Tanga is distributed with an 80/20 split of Rural to Urban residents. The age distribution tends to a young population, with 50% of its people who are under the age of 20. This means that around 800 000 young people are living in rural Tanga.

- Tanga Region Statistics | Census 2012, National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania

Ta 945


Tanga features a very heterogeneous tribal composition where no single ethnic group accounts for more than 20% of the total region population. In turn this tends to dynamism in social webs given the diversity and inter-cultural social exchanges. The socio-cultural structure of Tanga lends itself to a population which better adapts and learns at increasing rates.


Formal employment statistics remain exceedingly low in the region given its heavy emphasis on agricultural households. Around 1.6M Tanga residents are Agricultural Household Members. Unskilled Labour Men Women

15.9% 32.8%

80% of Tanga Regions population are self-reliant in some significant way with respect to sustenance and income.

- Tanga Region Statistics | Census 2012, National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania


Service delivery for rural populations remains low given the challenges faced in logistics and infrastructure. Literacy Rates for the combined population of Tanga is 67%. Literacy Rate by Population Urban 89% Rural 65%

A 33% rate of illiteracy in Tanga means that around 600 000 people are unable to read and write.


Access to electricity throughout Tanzania stands at only 15.5% of the total population. Given the greater relative proportion of Rural/Urban population in Tanga, accessibility is likely even lower. It is likely that around 1 600 000 Tanga residents do not have access to electricity.

- Tanga Region Statistics | Census 2012, National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania



The site I have selected is Katani Ltd’s Hale Sisal Biogas plant. Located in Hale, Korogwe District 1 . Located 76km south west of the Tanga City Centre 2 , this plant in addition to processing Sisal, recently (2012) implemented Biogas technologies as a means of producing its own electricity generated through biogas to electricity conversion. It uses the biomass waste generated by the decortication process as feedstock for digesters. The plant is thus already attempting to combat some of the issues which caused degradation of the sisal industry in Tanzania, by producing a more cost effective product and thus I felt it an appropriate site for this Investigation. SITE LOCATION WITHIN TANGA REGION




Situated on the fringes of Hale 0 — a small size town with little urbanisation and technical development — The Estate consists of the primary entry point from the main road 1 , ancillary administrative buildings 2 , outdoor drying fields 3 and finally the two part production plant 4 . This Investigation will focus primarily on the plant 4 as the subject for interrogation and exploration.

Locale Map 0


2 3


- Fig. 14. Estate Location, Google earth V (February 10, 2018). Hale, Tanzania. 5°18’5.58”S, 151° 38°36’44.64”E, Eye alt 2 .64 km.


The plant consists of Sisal Processing 1 - 8 , and Biogas Production 9 - 16 . It is situated in an area of approximately 300 x 300 m ( 9 ha ), moderately sloped and largely surrounded by open grassland and some sparsely populated forest.

Production Plant Map


1 6 2

5 4






12 11 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fibre Laboratory (Canceled) - 17 x 8 m Delivery Yard - 46 x 28 m Pulp Squeezing - 12 x 12 m Leaf Processing - 38 x 25 m Brushing - 35 x 15 m Bundling - 20 x 15 m Loading Bay - 14 x 12 m Drying Yard (Inactive) - 28 x 17 m

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Collection Tank - 5 x 5 m Hydrolysis Tank - 7.5 x 7.5 m Biogas Digester - 18 x 18 m Storage Tank - 8.5 x 8.5 m Fertilizer Tank - 10 x 10 m Conversion Generators - 8 x 6 m Laboratory - 10 x 7 m Administration - 17 x 7 m

- Fig. 15. Hale Sisal Biogas Plant, Field trip drone photograph y, Author


Its structures were not intended to be Plant buildings. Thus, this opens an opportunity to re-imagine an appropriate architectural configuration which by design, responds to existing industry challenges.

1 3

2 14


5 8

12 14 11



10 13

- Fig. 16. Estate Plant, Field trip drone photograph y, Author

15 16


- Fig. 17. Hale Sisal Facility Delivery Yard, Field trip photograph , Author

- Fig. 18. Hale Sisal Facility Southern Eastern Side, Field trip photograph , Author


- Fig. 19. Hale Sisal Facility Extraction Line, Field trip photograph , Author

- Fig. 20. Hale Sisal Facility Brushing and Grading Room, Field trip photograph , Author


- Fig. 21. Hale Biogas Facility Entry Approach , Field trip photograph , Author

- Fig. 22. Hale Biogas Facility Systems, Field trip photograph , Author


- Fig. 23. Hale Biogas Facility Digester, Field trip photograph , Author

- Fig. 24. Hale Biogas Facility Tanks, Field trip photograph , Author


- Fig. 25. Pulp Transport Closeup, Field trip photograph , Author



The vision for this investigation is ultimately to explore the potential for industry re-invigoration through a circular economic lens; by architectural design. Given the historical significance of this industry in its ability to offer employment opportunity and economic freedom — pages 09 and 10 — as well as its product versatility — page 15 — there is significant opportunity to cement its future development within a sustainable framework. The investigation will seek to identify openings and opportunities where novel modalities of business practice and function could be implemented and initiated so as to breathe new life into the industry. BEYOND

Beyond the industry itself I believe there is scope for offering improved living conditions and opportunity to the residents of Tanga through the architectural investigation — page 18. Through the exploration of a circular economic model, this process will attempt to identify auxiliary benefits which design and implementation may generate; and in doing so develop a feedback loop with which to build back onto programme and function to further enhance this additive effect. Thus, by design and through exploration of an Industrial Ecological model, I believe there is opportunity to begin to respond directly to indirect challenges which the population faces. Tackling the challenges of the industry could begin to uncover solutions to the issues of the Region and Country.



“ A circular economy seeks to rebuild capital, whether this is financial, manufactured, human, social or natural. This ensures enhanced flows of goods and services. The circular economy focuses on functional re-use and renewal of products and processes such that their outputs ultimately become valuable inputs for use as productive resources.� - Circular Economy. | Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Principle 1

| Preserve and enhance natural capital by controlling finite stocks and balancing renewable resource flows. Principle 2 | Optimise resource yields by circulating products, components and materials in use at the highest utility at all times in both technical and biological cycles. Principle 3 | Foster system effectiveness by revealing and designing out negative externalities.

- Fig. 26. Circular Economy Diagram,


“ Industrial ecology is the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems”. Focusing on connections between operators within the ‘industrial ecosystem’, this approach aims at creating closed-loop processes in which waste serves as an input, thus eliminating the notion of an undesirable by-product. ” - Industrial Ecology. | Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Industrial ecology adopts a systemic point of view, designing production processes in accordance with local ecological constraints whilst looking at their global impact from the outset, and attempting to shape them so they perform as close to living systems as possible. This framework is sometimes referred to as the ‘science of sustainability’, given its interdisciplinary nature, and its principles can also be applied in the services sector. With an emphasis on natural capital restoration, industrial ecology also focuses on social wellbeing.

- Fig. 27. Industrial Ecology Diagram,



Project Type: Building Material Recycling Inception Date: 2003

“ Having continuously developed the brick cleaning technology while supplying reused bricks to all of Denmark, Rebrick exploits the huge reuse potential of used bricks through automated sorting of demolition wastes; separation of old bricks; and cleaning using vibrational rasping, making each brick ready for reuse. “ - Gamle Mursten Profile. | State of Green com

This Cleantech production company ensures that building waste can be reused without the use of any chemicals. Demolition bricks are collected, cleaned and assessed for shipping and re-use on new building sites. Saving more than 95% of the energy otherwise used to manufacture new bricks.

- Fig. 28. Rebrick material assessment,


Project Type: Symbiotic Business Model Inception Date: 1961

“ Kalundborg Symbiosis is the world’s first well-functioning example of industrial symbiosis and, within the academic discipline of industrial ecology, has become a textbook example of effective resource saving and cycling of materials in industrial production. “ - Effective industrial symbiosis. | Ellen Macarthur Foundation

At Kalundborg Symbiosis, public and private companies buy and sell waste from each other in a closed cycle of industrial production. Driven by increased costs of materials and energy for businesses, exchanges between companies are initially assessed on the basis of economic gains in saving of resources or money.

- Fig. 29. Kalundborg Symbiosis Diagram, images/case-studies/kalundborgSymbiosis.png

Page.33 BALBO GROUP Regenerative agriculture at scale


The Need: traditional industrial methods of crop cultivation rely on expensive pesticides and fertilisers and often lead to natural degradation. The Solution Regenerative agriculture which emulates natural processes aims to close nutrient cycles returning organic matter to the biosphere, thus enhancing soil and avoiding the need for costly chemicals. How does it do this The farm has developed its own harvesting equipment with low pressure tyres to avoid harmful compaction, that simultaneously cuts cane and shreds by-products returning them back to the soil. The Results A complete elimination of chemical inputs, mechanical irrigation no longer required and a 20% increase in productivity.

- Fig. 30. Screenshot from “Is this the Future of Global Food Systems?�, com/watch?v= G-pr0cYzuDQ

Page.34 E-CHOUPAL Improving income levels through better access to information

Overview The Need: around 60-70% of India’s working population is involved in agriculture, but many farmers are trapped in a cycle of poverty because they do not have the necessary support to make a decent living. The Solution An accessible online platform that shifts power from middlemen to the farmers through access to up to date information on market trends and technology. What makes it even smarter? Access points are located in physical stores allowing agricultural inputs and technology to be traded. Includes an advisory and knowledge exchange function to help farmer’s manage risks. The Result Win-win: higher profits for farmers; lower procurement and targeted sales for ITC otherwise used to manufacture new bricks.

- Fig. 31. E-Choupal project in action,



The following goals below form the framework within which I would like to situate my investigation given the existing conditions previously discussed. The investigation will adopt a critical view of challenges faced in the industry and Tanga, viewed through a discursive lens of circular economy. With its responses shaped by these Sustainable Development Goals. Aims to provide a renewable energy resource - biogas and biomethane - through upcycling of waste generated by internal processes.

Producing a model which serves as departure point for economic revival of industry. Expanding work opportunity and offering.

Upcycling and effective management and utilisation of waste in order to minimise negative environmental impact. Generation of self-sustenance model for stakeholders.



Secondary Connection

Industry Decline

Limited economic competitivity

Poor husbandry of cultivated land

Reduced Growth of synthetic fi- product cost bre industry effectiveness

Continuous cultivation of land

Industrialisation and technology

Increasing overheads and costs

Committed Poor manindustry con- agement of operations tinuity

Reduced margins and net profits

Inherent Inaccessibility to high industry opportunity grade product

Sharp decline in operation skills and experience

End of the colonial era in Tanzania

Emergent competing markets

Loss of techni- Migration cal and skilled of skilled employees experts

Non-competitive pay rates


- Fig. 32. Pulp Transport Closeup, Field trip photograph , Author



At several points within the web of Root Cause Analysis lie opportunities to respond with programme and function for a re-imagined facility, which would in turn respond to the relevant issues. Thus, ideas for appropriate programme will be expanded upon once noted in order to unpack the underlying thought process which lead toward said programme as a response. PROGRAMME

Once programme has been loosely but appropriately defined, detailed functions for each given programmatic purpose of the facility will be laid out. Each of these will then be assessed with regard to their respective performative and spatial requirements in order to ascertain their best suited location both on site and in relation to one another. Positioning and placement on site will then occur on the back of site analysis which is to be conducted through mapping techniques and site study. This, coupled with extensive of in-situ research will allow for proposed functional arrangement to remain rooted in a framework of existing conditions and realities.

PragmaticMethodological Approach will be broken down into: Learning and Outcomes derived from the A | P Simulation and Investigative Tools Programme Performative Matrix


The undertaken exploration into passive, low-tech dehumidification systems has resulted in a better understanding of the applicability of materials in this field. Given that such systems (desiccant solution) typically involve a form of mechanical heat regeneration, testing of a passive solar driven solution was unsuccessful in its attempts to regenerate the adsorbent abilities of the material. This being said, the ability for the material to adsorb moisture from the air was in fact successful. Not only this, but when combining this outcome with the fact that the Hale Sisal plant is in dire need of the ability or facility to dry their wet fibres when it is raining outdoors opens up the possibility for technological opportunity. Herein lies the connection between the aforementioned prototype and the investigation moving forward. An indoor drying room which is supplemented by Silica Gel desiccant systems; regenerated with the waste head produced by methane to electricity generator converters.

This great need exists given that it rains one in three days in the Tanga region, and Sisal fibres typically take between three and five days to fully dry. If exposed to rainwater, the quality and grade of the fibres suffers drastically.

— For an explanation and overview of the A | P please see Appendices —


- Fig. 33. Wet Sisal Fibre, Field trip photograph , Author


The first and foremost significant aspect of simulation with respect to this investigation is the accurate recording of site. This is due to the fact that the buildings are situated on land with a fairly steep slope and a number of plateaus. The methods for achieving accurate representation and measurement were done by initially using a DJI Mavic Pro drone. Utilising the drones aerial mapping capabilities, the site was photographed and a point cloud generated; representing the structures, vegetation and contents of the site. Ultimately this was used to produce an accurate contour map which serves as an accurate starting point when tackling the site. A Step by step process of the simulation will be discussed on the pages to follow. PERFORMANCE SIMULATION

At later stages of the investigation, during concept phase, simulating performative aspects of the proposed architectural response will allow for a generative feedback loop to be created. Utilising Autodesk CFD, the investigation will focus on the simulation and design improvement with respect to ventilation - as its primary performative focus.


A set of 160 aerial images of the site were taken and stitched together. Covering the (approx) 300 x 300 m site area, each of these images include geographic metadata for site information.

- Fig. 34. Hale Sisal Biogas Plant, Field trip drone photograph y, Author

Step Two

Mapping software then analyses the images according to altitude and reflectance to determine the relative distance each observable point is in relation to the drone’s camera. An ‘Altitude Map’ is generated which includes all observed objects on site.

- Fig. 35. Hale Sisal Biogas Plant, Field trip drone photograph y, Author

Page.43 Step Three

The software then calculates and assesses objects and points which could be seen as ‘anomalies’ across the primary altitudal gradient. These anomalies are the removed, leaving behind a gradated Altitude map better resembling the lay of the land.

- Fig. 36. Plant Altitude Gradient Map, Pix4d mapping, Author

Step Four

This refined Altitude gradient map then allows for interval contours to be generated and pulled from the software. The contour map below represents an interval of 1m altitude gain at each contour line.

- Fig. 37. Plant Contour Map, Pix4d mapping, Author


Proposed building programme and functions will be broken down within a matrix database to which I will assigns importance values for each unique function. This process allows me to begin relating individual building functions to one another spatially, programmatically as well as physically on site with respect to site analysis and condition. This encoded matrix is a technique which I have developed and used in the past, and acts more as a loose, variable tool for approximation with degree of accuracy, in a qualitative manner; rather than a ‘hard and fast’ fixed method for coding each programme onto site in a conformative manner. MATRIX

The matrix table consists of the following aspects which it lays out in understanding the individual requirements for each function: - Proximity - Day and Night time usage cycles - Optimal Orientation - Solar Access - Daylighting - Access to Views - Ventilation - Access and Usage of Water - Acoustic Sensitivity - Privacy Requirements - Security Requirements - Servicing Requirements

With each building function alloted a value within each respective category, the conceptual design process can begin to arrange and position



INTEGRATION Iakov Chernikhov






- Fig. 38. Wastewater Closeup, Field trip photograph , Author



Given industry relevancy, existing challenges within social dynamics and inherent opportunity in dialogue between the two. The following outlines my Investigation Programme and expands on its relevancy with respect to learnings covered in this document, and too, the intention toward an Industrial Ecology: - Sisal Processing Facility Reimagination

Aim | Process fibre in a more efficient systems loop whilst optimising arrangement on site with respect to other functions. Improving working and safety conditions. - BioMethane Production Facility

Aim | Production of refined BioMethane for trade and power. More efficient waste input utilisation systems for digestion and output energy flows as usable inputs for other functions. - Vermicomposting Facility

Aim | Production and packaging of high grade organic compost from digester slurry and additional biodegradable waste — to be expanded upon in the coming section. - Research and Education Facility

Aim | Offer teaching programmes for residents and stakeholders coupled with accommodation for study period. Undertake research into material product diversity and lifecycle analyses. - Communal and Shared Facilities

Aim | Add value to existing functions and provide spaces for stakeholders to gather and socialise. Providing additional functions for stakeholder engagement and plant enrichment.


FUNCTIONS Sisal Processing Facility Reimagination - Delivery Yard

Outdoor space for receiving, sorting and temporarily holding cut sisal leaves before decortication. Large Scale | Low Investment - Dry Decorticator (Raspador)

Known as a ‘Raspador’, this machine extracts fibres by using much less input water than typical ‘Corona’ — wet — machines. Small Scale | High Investment - Waste to BioMethane Transport

Optimised transport system of feedstock to BioMethane facility. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Short Fibre Hammer

Process for producing consistent short fibre grades which are useful for applications extending beyond the current product output line. Small Scale | Moderate Investment - Fibre Washing

Optimised washing area with specific considerations on wastewater management systems. Small Scale | Low Investment - Fibre Drying (Indoor and Outdoor)

Spatially optimised outdoor drying area and supplementary indoor space for adverse weather considerations. Small Scale | Low Investment | A | P learnings as a performative solution


- Brushing

Optimised brushing area with specific considerations on health and safety of employees. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Grading

Efficient grading area with specific considerations on health and safety of employees and in-plant logistics. Medium Scale | Low Investment - Baling and Storage

Upgraded baling and storage facility for better packaging and distribution from loading bays. Medium Scale | High Investment - Phytoremediatory Garden and Small Hydro

Regenerative planting to remedy any excess wastewater produced by the decortication process coupled with micro hydro-electric generators utilising the site’s slope. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Observation Decks

Interconnected spaces which allow for valuable vantage points within the facility for visitors and learners, emphasising function and safety at each section. Medium Scale | Low Investment

Page.51 BioMethane Production Facility - Collection

Strategic optimisation of location and collection tank from Sisal to BioMethane facilities. Large Scale | Moderate Investment - Hydrolysis

Batch hydrolysis system which would allow for increased uptime in the intake of wastewater and hydrolisis. Medium Scale | High Investment - Two-Stage Fungal Pretreatment

Pretreatment of the sisal waste feedstock by means of two-stage fungal inocula in order to improve methane yield and slurry composition. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Biogas Digester

Large industrial digester for anaerobic digestion of sisal leave biomass and wastewater. Small Scale | Moderate Investment - Storage

Biogas storage system Medium Scale | Low Investment - Slurry to Vermicomposting Transport

Optimised transport system of slurry to Vermicomposting facility. Medium Scale | Low Investment

Page.52 - Conversion Generators

Electric conversion generators to produce power from biogas and heat for additional plant processes. Small Scale | Moderate Investment - Biogas Upgrading

Biogas to BioMethane purification facility. Medium Scale | High Investment - Bottling and Storage

Bottling and storage facility for BioMethane for distribution from loading bays. Medium Scale | Low Investment

Page.53 Vermicomposting Facility - Feedstock Conditioning and Aeration

Preparation and sorting of vermi feedstock with open aeration. Medium Scale | Low Investment - Vermicomposting Digester Units

Flowthrough VermiDigester units with automated feedstock loading and worm castings and tea harvest. Large Scale | Moderate Investment - Screening

Castings screening for compost product grade screening. Small Scale | Low Investment - Packaging and Storage

Packaging and storage facility for VermiCompost and VermiTea for distribution from loading bays. Medium Scale | Low Investment

Page.54 Research and Education Facility - Laboratories

Research space for biogas and fibre technologies. Maintenance and testing of plant processing to ensure efficiency and safety. Small Scale | Moderate Investment - Learning Centre

Teaching spaces for students and stakeholders offering courses on theory and practice of the industry. Outcome is to equip learners with the knowledge required for implementation of Biogas and Vermi technologies at scale into their communities. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Visitor and Demonstration Centre

Centre for presentation and demonstration of scaled technologies and display space for innovation and investor acquisition. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Short Stay Residences

On site Accommodation for students and stakeholders undertaking learning modules. Small Scale | Low Investment

Page.55 Communal and Shared Facilities - Grow Gardens

Space for providing the plant with fresh produce, overseen and run by learners. Medium Scale | Low Investment - Safety Gear Locker Rooms

Dedicated space for housing and storage of safety equipment. Small Scale | Low Investment - Ablutions and Changerooms

Easily accessible private space for employees and stakeholders. Small Scale | Low Investment - Break Space and Canteen

Collective spaces for social interaction and relaxation. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment - Combined Loading and Distribution Bay

Collective facility which handles the three part plant production system and consolidates distribution. Medium Scale | Moderate Investment




Sisal Processing Facility Vermicomposting Facility Communal and Shared Facilities

BioMethane Production Facility Research and Education Facility

Operation Resources

Product Biomass Sisal to BioMethane Satisfies conditions for a ‘Loop’ in within all 3 UN Global Goal Frameworks

Resources Operation

Energy Product Slurry BioMethane to Vermicomposting offers solutions to problems in the Sisal industry whilst minimising waste

Resources Operation

Product VermiTea Compost

Grow Gardens Sisal Plantations

Finally, each facility and its processes allow for learning, research and innovation for improved future outputs Learners Funding

Skills Innovation Employees



It is a simple process, which uses earthworms to digest organic waste into high grade organic compost. It can be used for managing biodegradable wastes - biomass or organic material that can be degraded or composted. The purpose of the technology is to produce compost in a short time. About 4-5 kg of waste can be composted by 1000 worms in a single day. A tank of 5m3 allows about 500 kg of waste to be composted to produce ~250 kg of compost in ~1 month. ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS

“The initial investment cost for a 5x1x1 m tank is about $37. The shelter can be made from locally available material like bamboo and palm leaves or from iron or aluminium sheets.� - Vermitechnology. | SATNET Asia VERMIBIN DIAGRAM

Vermibin, specific size ratios to ensure thermal and aeration performance. Bedding Material covering active area, typically paper based products. Active area, organic waste added and coupled with earthworms. Castings drop into first holding bin, worm castings which constitutes solid compost. Liquid, liquid run off which constitutes VermiTea


One of the larger issues surrounding the continued cultivation of the Sisal plant is the ability to maintain the quality of its soil, not only this but Tanzania has an economy which is largely founded on agriculture. Vermicomposting could be a scalable solution to assisting in the efforts to maintain and also improve the soil conditions of plantations and farms. Vermitechnology produces some of the most organic, healthy compost in existence. The quality of the product could be utilised to not only reinvigorate Sisal Growing plantations, but also as a product to further enhance profitability and feasibility of the scheme. This is also an additional industry which would create jobs and serve as a platform for education on smart waste management for smaller communities and such. The ability for worms to produce large amounts of usable product from what is literally waste means that there is scope for such a system in a place where such large quantities of hazardous organic waste is being produced and disposed of; harming the environment in the process.

- Fig. 39. Industrial Vermicomposting Bins,



The timeline for such a solution could be made up of 3 primary phases. These phases are not only based on the existing reality of the market, but also the history of the industry and company itself. Phase 1 | Sisal Processing Facility, Vermicomposting Facility, Applicable Communal and Shared Facilities

Given the lower capital requirements for implementation of Vermitechnology, it would make economic sense to include this from a starting point given its added benefits for sisal plantation husbandry. Simultaneously, some of the organic waste produced by the Sisal processing facility can be digested by the Vermi digesters, mitigating some of the environmental impact. Phase 2

| BioMethane Production Facility, Applicable Communal and Shared Facilities

This phase would move forward built on the stability provided by a more effective Sisal and Vermi plant. Here we begin to see much larger capital investments given the higher grade technology required to achieve outputs. Once complete, however, the plant becomes virtually self-sustaining with respect to its energy needs. Phase 3 | Research and Education Facility

Finally the addition of study and learning spaces supplement the now functional plant. This is implemented at this final stage in order to maximise the benefits of learning from an already running plant.

Page.60 OWNERSHIP Ownership would remain under the subsidiaries of Katani Limited who currently run the Sisal production and Biogas Plant respectively.

However, Additional (Ancillary) Functions such as Learning spaces and Laboratories could serve as platforms for collaboration with other institutions (A university could collaborate with respect to labs for example) FINANCING

Financing would be structured such that Phase 1 would be funded by Katani and its Subsidiaries, Phase 2 would then result as the product of profits produced by a then more efficient plant, along with the leveraging of the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism Under the Kyoto Protocol) by adding additional revenue stream from the sale of carbon credits or certified emission reductions. Finally, Phase 3, through combined efforts from Katani, its subsidiaries and potential investors and collaborators (other private institutions or entities) the additional programme could be completed; ideally overlapping and running partially parallel to Phase Two.








12 Feb 19 Feb 26 Feb 05 Mar 12 Mar 19 Mar 26 Mar 02 Apr 09 Apr 16 Apr 23 Apr 30 Apr 07 May 14 May 21 May 28 May 04 Jun 11 Jun 18 Jun

| Tentative Schedule |


Programme Site Analysis Spatial Concept Volumetric Concept Materiality + Form Building Concept Narrative Expression Systems Building Solution Detail Presentation




The investigation will explore the relationships between site, building and systems. Investigating private and public accessibility, literal and figurative connectivity as well as relationship to framework and discourse. 1:200

Design process and exploration at this scale will focus on spatial exploration and speculation within the realm of architectural tectonics. The aim at this scale is to begin communicating the potential manifestation of ‘investigative outcome’ through a lens of Industrial Ecology to challenges observed in industry and context — discussed herein. 1:50

This scale will focus predominantly on the quality of space, and serves as an appropriate format in which to begin describing the essence of the investigative outcome with respect to user experience, materiality and intimate moments of connectivity between hard and soft proposal elements.

Page.63 | List of Figures DOCUMENT ILLUSTRATIONS

ii | - Fig. 01. Sisal Truck Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author 01 | - Fig. 02. Decortication Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author 07 | - Fig. 03. Decortication Waste Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author 11 | - Fig. 04. Sisal Plantation, 12 | - Fig. 05. Leaf Delivery, Field trip photograph, Author 12 | - Fig. 06. Decortication Conveyor, Field trip photograph, Author 13 | - Fig. 07. Fibre Washing, Field trip photograph, Author 13 | - Fig. 08. Fibre Drying, Field trip photograph, Author 14 | - Fig. 09. Fibre Brushing, Field trip photograph, Author 14 | - Fig. 10. Fibre Bales, Field trip photograph, Author 15 | - Fig. 11. Dyed Fibre Spinning, Field trip photograph, Author 15 | - Fig. 12. Dyed Sisal Cord, Field trip photograph, Author 20 | - Fig. 13. Estate Location, Google earth V (February 10, 2018). Hale, Tanzania.5°18’5.58”S, 151° 38°36’44.64”E, Eye alt 2.64 km. 21 | - Fig. 14. Hale Sisal Biogas Plant, Field trip drone photography, Author 22 | - Fig. 15. Estate Plant, Field trip drone photography, Author 23 | - Fig. 16. Hale Sisal Facility Delivery Yard, Field trip photograph, Author 23 | - Fig. 17. Hale Sisal Facility Southern Eastern Side, Field trip photograph, Author 24 | - Fig. 18. Hale Sisal Facility Extraction Line, Field trip photograph, Author 24 | - Fig. 19. Hale Sisal Facility Brushing and Grading Room, Field trip photograph, Author 25 | - Fig. 20. Hale Biogas Facility Entry Approach, Field trip photograph, Author 25 | - Fig. 21. Hale Biogas Facility Systems, Field trip photograph, Author 26 | - Fig. 22. Hale Biogas Facility Digester, Field trip photograph, Author 26 | - Fig. 23. Hale Biogas Facility Tanks, Field trip photograph, Author 27 | - Fig. 24. Pulp Transport Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author 29 | - Fig. 25. Circular Economy Diagram, https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation. org/ diagram 30 | - Fig. 26. Industrial Ecology Diagram, industrial_ecology.jpg 31 | - Fig. 27. Rebrick material assessment, resolve/image_960x545/image/7/73475/4-11busgamle-mursten_1jpg.jpeg


32 | 35 | 36 | 39 | 42 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 49 | 60 | 65 | 69 | 72 | 72 |

- Fig. 28. Kalundborg Symbiosis Diagram, https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation. org/assets/images/case-studies/kalundborgSymbiosis.png - Fig. 29. Screenshot from “Is this the Future of Global Food Systems?�, https:// - Fig. 30. E-Choupal project in action, ner-slide1.jpg - Fig. 31. Pulp Transport Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author - Fig. 32. Wet Sisal Fibre, Field trip photograph, Author - Fig. 33. Hale Sisal Biogas Plant, Field trip drone photography, Author - Fig. 34. Plant Altitude Variance Map, Pix4d mapping, Author - Fig. 35. Plant Altitude Gradient Map, Pix4d mapping, Author - Fig. 36. Plant Contour Map, Pix4d mapping, Author - Fig. 37. Wastewater Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author - Fig. 38. Industrial Vermicomposting Bins, ganic-fertilizer-organic-farming.jpg - Fig. 39. Biomass Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author - Fig. 40. Biomass Closeup, Field trip photograph, Author - Fig. 41. Prototype Components, Field trip photograph, Author - Fig. 42. Prototype Assembly, Field trip photograph, Author

Page.65 | References DOCUMENT SOURCES

Kasumuni, Ludger. “Tanzania: 80 Percent of Tanzania Labour Force ‘Unskilled’.”, 27 June 2016, Martínez, Elin. “I had a dream to finish school”: barriers to secondary education in Tanzania. Human Rights Watch, 2017. Nerini, Francesco Fuso, et al. “Powering production. The case of the sisal fibre production in the Tanga region, Tanzania.” Energy Policy, vol. 98, 2016, pp. 544556. Pinkney, Robert. “Tanzania: Democratic Transition and Consolidation.” Democracy and Dictatorship in Ghana and Tanzania, 1997, pp. 184-208. Thomas, Graeme. “Fibre stories.” Fibre stories: Sisal starts a comeback in Tanzania - International Year of Natural Fibres 2009, stories/sisal.html. “About us.” Kalundborg Symbiose -, “Architecture and Extreme Environments.” KADK, 3 Jan. 2018, “Circular Economy - UK, USA, Europe, Asia & South America - The Ellen MacArthur Foundation.” Ellen MacArthur Foundation, “English Dictionary, Translations & Thesaurus.” Cambridge Dictionary, “National Bureau of Statistics | Statistics for Development.” National Bureau of Statistics | Statistics for Development, “REBRICK/Gamle Mursten | Profile | State of Green.” Home, profiles/rebrick-gamle-mursten. “Sisal.” Future Fibres: Sisal, “Tanga History.” Tanga History,


- Fig. 40. Wastewater Closeup, Field trip photograph , Author


EDUCATION | 2017 - Current MA Arch: Architecture and Extreme Environments KADK The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark

c | +45 71 69 31 84 e |

| 2016

Portuguese Spoken | Reading | Writing


English Spoken | Reading | Writing


Afrikaans Spoken | Reading


BTech: Architectural Technology | Applied design | CUM LAUDE FADA University of Johannesburg, South Africa | 2013 - 2015 NDip: Architectural Technology | CUM LAUDE FADA University of Johannesburg, South Africa | 2012 NDip: Industrial Design FADA University of Johannesburg, South Africa | 2006 - 2010

AWARDS 2016 | International 2nd Place | National 1st Place ISOVER Multi-comfort Housing Competition 12th Edition Excellent performance in BTech: Applied Design | 3rd Place FADA DoA Award of Merit NRF Btech Freestanding Scholarship National Research Foundation Postgraduate scholarship

IEB High school Certificate | UNIVERSITY EXEMPTION Reddam House Bedfordview, South Africa

EXPERIENCE | Sep 2016 - Current | Ongoing NEXT Group | Johannesburg, South Africa Co-founder and Partner performing full spectrum of digital works ranging from concept to construction documentation & competition entries | Jan 2012 - Oct 2016 | 4 yrs 10 mos

2015 | Dean’s Merit List FADA Academic Excellence award 2014 | 2013 | Outstanding Academic Performance FADA DoA Award of Merit


SVPS Architects | Johannesburg, South Africa Freelance Technologist Assisting in the design concept phase and providing draughting and presentation work for a number of clients | Feb 2009 - Oct 2016 | 7 yrs 9 mos Freelance Design | Johannesburg, South Africa Designer creating advertisements, posters, banners, flyers and business cards. Setting up and developing corporate brand identities | Jan 2014 - Jun 2014 | 6 mos Kothari & Associates | New Delhi, India

2016 | ISOVER Multi-comfort Housing Competition 12th Edition Crown publications | Isover students web-page | ISOVER SA homepage

Architectural Intern performing design and draughting work under professional supervision of co-founding partner and lead design architect | May 2011 - Dec 2011 | 8 mos Achievers Tutoring pty LTD | Johannesburg, South Africa


High school Tutor teaching mathematics, physical sciences, information technology & programming, english and art history

2016 | FADA BTech Architecture Student exhibition Co-curator The Green Building Conference 2016 | GBCC 2016 Co-presenter on ISOVER Competition research and findings AZA Architecture Festival 2016 Co-presenter on ISOVER Competition research and findings 2015 | The ‘Living STUDIO’ exhibition Co-curator

SOFTWARE Autodesk Revit

Autodesk Autocad

Autodesk 3DS Max

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Premiere Pro

Chaos Group Vray | Max

McNeel Rhino

Google Sketchup

Act 3D Lumion

Microsoft Office 365

Page.68 | Architectural Prototype SUMMARY

Introduction I began by assessing existing methods of dehumidification, in large it is achieved through hi-tech industry heavy applications. For the average resident of Tanzania, this technology would be unsuitable given the economic climate and technological inaccessibility of the country. There are a number of systems, however, which utilize a desiccant material to adsorb moisture from the air. I set out to develop a simple and straight forward system which draws upon existing technologies and materials, and marries them in a passive, modular design. We have louvres for ventilation as well as solar shading, could we potentially develop louvre systems for dehumidification? Thus, The hexagonal unit contains louvred slats which have a silica gel desiccant adhered to them, these units can be stacked or lined up to provide greater surface area or increased depth. The prototype consists of 7 of these hexagonal units, each made from a clear acrylic shell and louvred slats. There are then saddle stands which allow for configuration of the units, these are also made from acrylic, with a steel prop below. As air passes through the units, the silica gel desiccant adsorbs moisture from the air, thus reducing its levels of humidity at source. Could the challenge of Building Dehumidification be achieved with a passive system? Video Please follow the QR Code to access the video describing the prototype and field trip.


- Fig. 41. Prototype Components, Field trip photograph , Author

- Fig. 42. Prototype Assembl y, Field trip photograph , Author

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