Welcome to Denmarks Renewable Energy Island. We will be able to facilitate 4 different workshops. Place Samsø Energy Academy Date arrival CPH 11.11 the 12.11 & 13.11 2013 Host Malene Lundén The 12.11 - Startup at 10.00 end 12.00 Tjek in. Intro to the Open Space technology
Workshop one. Energy Checks in Shops . ..
Michael Kristensen 1 hours - Break- sum up Optimization via the following indicators Warmth – Ventilization – Cooling - Frost Savings in relationship to energy usage.
Workshop two Challenging or changing your own perception of democracy.
- a creatitive design process. Kirsten Sørensen. Designer, MA, Ph.D.,Www.kirstenbondesorensen.dk Malene Lunden, Development and education at Samsø Energiakademi Break -Proces 3 hours. Workshop three.
Local ownership og the commons.
New Economic Models and which future values are in play Søren Hermansen, Director at Samso Energy Academy Adj. Professor http://energiakademiet.dk/en/english-‐1/ 3 hours -‐ Break -‐ Sum Up 13.11 2013 Startup at 9.00 Tjek in and reflection: Host Malene Lundén
Workshop Four Electrical cars and the future carshare scheme
Education form ”Lecture” Mickael Larsen Daily Leader, Cand arch/EMBA Research on the possibilities of introducing 100% electrical car driving On Samsø by 2030 - 2 hours - Break-Proces og sum up - 45 min We will be exploring and investigating the island for 3 hours and visit the larger installations on the island. After this we will go to the main program. Greetings the staff from the Energy Academy Søren Hermansen, Strandbakkevej, 8305 Samsø, DK | T: +45 21 64 43 91 | sh@energiakademiet.dk | www.energiakademiet.dk