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Understanding obesity and weight loss What is obesity? To maintain a healthy weight it is important that energy input (what we eat and drink) is the same as energy output (energy we use for daily living). For example: Energy input • Daily breakfast, lunch, evening meal, snacks = 2500 calories Energy output – • Daily driving to and from work, sitting at office desk and watching TV = 1900 calories Calorie excess = 600 calories One pound of body fat = 3500 calories When this balance is wrong and over time the energy intake is greater than the energy output people become overweight. Obesity is a condition where weight gain has reached the point of seriously endangering health.

How do you know if you are obese? Body Max Index (BMI) is the most widely used method of classifying weight. BMI is the weight in kilograms, divided by the height in metres and squared. Many websites will complete this calculation for you. BMI

< 18.5 18.5 -24.9 25 – 29.9 30 -39.9 >40

underweight acceptable weight overweight obese severely obese

Another indicator of increased body fat is the waist to hip ratio. Health will be at risk if ratio of hip to waist is above 0.95 for males and above 0.85 for females. Another excellent barometer which will indicate you are over weight is if your clothes become too tight!

What are the health risks of being obese? • • • • • • • • • • •

High cholesterol High blood pressure Stroke Kidney disease Gallbladder disease Lung disease Arthritis Several types of cancer Menstrual problems Heart attacks Low self esteem and confidence

What can be done to reduce obesity? • • •

Increase physical activity (energy output) Eat a healthy balanced diet with portion control (energy input) Cut down on alcohol (energy input)

Nexus Community is a division of Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL). GLL is an employee-owned charitable social enterprise that exists for the benefit of the community and is a non-profit distributing organisation. We are proud to work with and provide services on behalf of:

We operate an equal opportunities policy

Email: info@nexuscommunity.org Visit: www.nexuscommunity.org

Understanding obesity and weight loss How may exercise and physical activity help with reduce weight? – –

Being physically active will use more calories Activity will increase muscle mass, so have a positive affect by increasing the resting metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate the faster you will lose weight Much of the energy used for activity will come from abdominal fat. The same abdominal fat that is the main contributor in developing high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attacks Exercise and activity will not only encourage weight loss but help to reduce the risk of heart disease, falls and injuries, stroke, diabetes and depression

Activity Leisurely swimming Brisk walking Cycling Weight training Low intensity aerobics Circuit training

Estimated calories over 60 mins for a 70kg person 422 281 563 422 422 563

There is no magical food or secret exercise tips to weight loss. Don’t be tempted by a “quick fix” if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. For sensible and effective weight loss prescription take the opportunity to chat to a Nexus instructor who will be able to design a programme specifically for you.

How much physical activity will be necessary to help weight loss? Choose an activity that you enjoy but take care to start slowly and build up gradually. Beware of crash exercising. Too much too soon will hurt and may even cause an injury, guaranteed to put you off exercising for life! You will need to be active on most days of the week but this doesn’t mean going to a gym or aerobic class everyday. It may be walking, swimming, line dancing, body pump – anything that makes you breathe a little heavier than normal (not gasping for breath), you should be able to talk and be active at the same time. 10 mins three times a day will give you a good result but the overall aim is to keep the activity going for 30 mins (or more) but this can be built up over weeks. Use every opportunity to keep active – walking while you use the phone, doing the housework vigorously to music, go for a walk in your lunch break. If you are moving you have increased your calorie output. It all adds up!

Nexus Community is a division of Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL). GLL is an employee-owned charitable social enterprise that exists for the benefit of the community and is a non-profit distributing organisation. We are proud to work with and provide services on behalf of:

We operate an equal opportunities policy

Email: info@nexuscommunity.org Visit: www.nexuscommunity.org

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