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2021 Service Pins
The following members celebrated a service pin anniversary in 2021. These names and stories are in continuation of the Quarter 4 issue in 2021. It is with sincere appreciation that we recognize their continued support of the National Field Archery Association.
Smokey Crews - 55 years

In 1962 Smokey Crews picked up his first Bow. It was a Ben Pearson Cougar Two recurve. He joined the local archery club and NFAA about 1966. Smokey was the area rep for WSAA and played a big role in helping the Washington State game Dep. To set up areas and seasons for the rapidly growing archery community. He loved shooting tournaments and hunting with his recurve, which he shot for over 20 years before going to a compound
bow. Smokey was a champion Bare Bow tournament shooter for many years. In the late 80’s he decided to put sites on his bow and continued to take many trophies.
Smokey has helped set up seven different archery ranges over the years. When the National Archery in the Schools program came to Washington State Dave Mack, Smokey’s best friend got our club involved and several schools in our area. Smokey taught along with the team for 20 some years, and well he’s still teaching some.
For thirty years Smokey taught Bow Hunter Education along with his wife and other club members.
In 2019 Smokey and his wife were inducted into the “Washington State Archery Hall Of Fame.” A great honor for their dedication to a life of archery. At the age of 80 he is still shooting with the same passion of the young man in 1962. His disability of neuropathy
in both feet keeps him seated for his shooting and hunting.
His love for Archery has been passes down to his children and grandchildren, Lord willing the great grandchildren some day!

Ron Rosenbaugh - 50 years

I was born in Iowa in February of 1947 and my family moved to New Mexico in 1952 to a dry climate because of asthma problems with my father. He worked on highway construction and we lived in trailer camps put up by his company along the roads that were being built, moving all over the state as highways were completed and new ones contracted. We settled into a home in Aztec, New Mexico in 1962 and I attended Aztec HS. I grew up in the outdoors of the National Forests and open country playing with selfmade bows and dime store wooden arrows, hunting snakes, rabbits, and any other moving critters. We were rarely successful.
While in Valley High School in Albuquerque (about 1963-64) I bought my first manufactured bow, a Bear recurve, and wooden arrows from Groves Archery and started bow hunting in the Sandia Mountains above the city. In those days it was pretty much a “learn as you go” project and by talking with other archers that hunted as well. I graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1969 in Chemical Engineering and my first job was with Shell Oil Company inMartinez, CA. I soon met members of the Diablo Bowmen and joined that archery club, NFAA, and the California Bowmen Hunters and State Archery Association. I started California hunting and competitively shooting in Bowhunter Instinctive class.
About a year later, I moved to a new job in Long Beach, CA and joined the Long Beach Bowhunters club and was a member until my family moved to Illinois in 1992. During those years I held most offices in the club and became active as a club representative to the Orange Belt Field Archers region that represented many clubs at the CBH-SAA state meetings. I held most of the offices of OBFA and was also appointed as Region 5 Legislative Representative for CBH for bow hunting defense activities. Serving many years as the Region 5 rep, I attended many California Fish and Game Commission hearings and testified before the body representing the archery viewpoints. I was very active in CBH-SAA until I moved from California and at the time of leaving, I was the Senior Vice President of the organization under President Joe Dotterer. I was also active in bow hunter education by being an NFAA Instructor for years and a Hunter Safety Instructor for the California DNR. I started competing and hunting with a Jennings compound bow after meeting Tom Jennings and talking with him at a Fresno Safari tournament in the middle 1970s. With a great love of bow hunting, I took several big game animals listed in the CBH record book and hunted not only California, but also Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon, and New Mexico for mule deer, elk, black bear, javelina, wild hogs, island goats, and island sheep on Catalina and Santa Cruz Islands
I was married to my lovely wife Marilyn in September of 1980 and we have had four children. I cut back on the frequency of
tournament competition as we were raising kids and priorities changed but had still actively competed after moving the family to Crystal Lake, Illinois in 1992. I became a member of the Big Foot Archers of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin about 20 years ago after membership in another club that no longer exists. I continue to be very active in Big Foot and continue to hunt actively in Illinois for whitetail deer and wild turkey. It has been a regular tradition to take my two week trips with my hunting buddies Tim Zink, Lou Foglesong, and Jimmy Mendez. Occasionally I will take the opportunity to hunt other states and the Rockies but my priorities are now on my children’sfamilies and grandchildren. The fire still burns brightly even as I get older and have had to slow down a bit due to age and some injuries, but archery and bow hunting will forever be in my heart and soul.