Friday, M
The Netherlands I Economy and finance
"The overall outlook is fairly positive" "Maxime Verhagen points that with low unemployment rate theconsumer is again increasingspending and gaining confidence" L Your new MlIliS/ry combines economic affairs, agricullure and imwl'ation. Why has lhe DUlch Government decided 10 create this slruclUre? Whal are the main funcliolls oflhe Millislry and Iww do you slimuiaJe coherence betweell Ihese Ihree key subjecls? In the past, agriculture and economics were also combined under one ministry. There is a great deal of synergy between Economic Affairs and Agriculture. The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world even though it is such a small country, where land is scarce and expensive. This is unique in the world and came about through a unique collaboration between . our renowned agricultural university in VVageningen,othereducatiournUinstitutions and the private sector. I will build on this experience in our new innovation policy to make the Netherlands even more competitive. VVe have extensive knowledge and lead the field in scientific expertise, but we can do more to exploit this. In this respect VVageningen University is a source of inspiration to me and de monstrates that these two departments can exploit each other's strengths. Our aim is to make the Netherlands the innovative delta of the European Union.
3. Ho....·do )YJU el'aiu(Ue the currellt siJuation after Ihe crisis and whal measures did the Ministry take to mitigale these effects? Compared to a lot of other countries, we score well - with a low unemployment, for instance. VVe also see that confidence in the economy is slowly recovering. My only concerns are in the area of business investment and innovation. That is why we are doing all we can to support business access to credit, including guaranteeing loans to businesses for sound investment plans. Our continued support for R&D and R&D personnel during the crisis has meant that many projects have been able to continue, so they immediately benefit now that demand is taking off again . I will also launch a new approoch to stimulate innovation in the coming months. VVe also want to ensure that entrepreneurs in the Netherlands are less encumbered by rules, by reducing these rules and creating fairer chances for small and medium-sized businesses in procurement. This will help to improve our competitive strength. 4. Altlwugh agricullure is seen abroad as one oflhe I1Wsl representative sectors of the Dutch economy, il accounts for ollly J5 % oflhe COUfltry's GDP and its contri bUlion is falling. Whal is the seClOr's key rolefor the coulltry and ilS trade balance? Only the United States ex ported more agricultural II I am developi ng an acti on plan to products than the Nether create even more favourable conditions lands in 2008, with Germa for entrepreneurs and foreign investors ny third. In 2008 we expor in the Netherl ands" ted agricultural products worth €65 billion (175% 2. Whal treruls can be seen in the l1Wsl im of the total Dutch exports that year). These figures illustrate the im portant sectors ofthe Dutch eCOlwmy?
-In the food sector. Provalor has developed compact mobile installations to produce healthy juices from the residue flow generated by the production of packaged pre-cut vegetables. This means that almost 100% of the waste vegetables are recycled (7 Lo 8 million kilos in 201 0 in a fast-growing market). The mobile installation also rE!presents considarable savings on transport costs. -In the" high-teah sector, thE! next generation of automotive services for car drivers has been developed to reduce congestion - the Spits project It involves providing up-to-date traffic information in navigation systems, parking services and cooperative cruise control. Tests have shOwn that cars can be driven more closely together to increase road networn capacity and redurecongestion. -In water technology. AquaExplorer is anticipating stricter environmental legislation and economic restrictions on the cleaning of concentrated industrial waste-water flows. They are developing a reaefur to reduce energy and other costs, produce less sludge and lower emissions to air and water. Moreover, the new reattor has the advantage of a lower investment cost 0125 to 30%.
eluding a cOllSiderable al1Wunt from the UK. What areas ofthe Dwch economy re present the best investment opportunities? Innovative and state-of-the-art clusters which offer great investment opportunities include logistics, life sciences, food and nutrition, sustainable energy, high-tech, and the creative industry. Developments in these areas are at the cutting edge of technology, and as such they offer excellent growth opportunities for inveStors.
"1 shall be investing venture capital more actively in innovative projects" 6. As a leading knowledge economy. the Nelherlands moved from third position in 2000 10 its current statuling at nL/mber eight. J umierstand it now aims to become one ofthe five leading knowledge econo mies again. How do you propose to re verse Ihis tretul? Do YOll think 0.67% of GDP for investments in R&D is a fair percentage? Dutch businesses like Ahold in retail, Heineken and Unilever in food, and Philips in medical technology, are world leaders. In innovation too. VVe also have many wonderful SMEs that are world leaders in their niche markets . Examples that spring to mind are plant breeding companies and our high-tech sector. But we still have even greater potential . VVe have some of the best scientists in the world. VVe can exploit this knowledge further so the Philipses and Unilevers of tomorrow will arise and we profit more from the enormous growth in emerging markets. We want to
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monstrates that these two departments can exploit each other's strengths. Our aim is to make the Netherlands the innovative delta of the European Union .
the Dutch economy, it accounts for only 15% ofthe country's GDP and its contri bution is falling. What is the sector's key role for the counlry and ils trade balance?
- - - - - --- - --. " I am developing an action plan to create even more favoura ble conditions for entrepreneurs and foreign investors in the Netherlands" 2. Wiml lft'lld l mil II" ~!"l'tl ill Ihc'/lW.11 im portclnl sec/elrs ()f llu~ J)lIIrh economy? The overall outlook is fai rly positive. Unemployment is low ami consu mer spending is again i n crc,L~iJlg along with consumer confiden ce . The leading sectors of the Dutch economy have success fully emerged from the econo mic crisis - thanks to the measu res we took at the time. Dutch businesses in sectors like high-tech, agriculture and food, life-sciences, water technology and interna
tiona chemicals are in
a strong position.
Only the United States ex pOrted more agricultural products than the Nether lands in 2008, wiJ.h Germa ny third. In 2008 we expor ted agricultural products worth € 6 5 billi on ( 17.5 %
of 1he tOI.a1 DULch expor1s thaI year) .
These figures illustrnte th e im
portance of the sector.
The Dutch agru-ind us trial comple). repre
sents nearly 10%
of the Dutch econo
my, marginally less
than in 200 I . The
se facts ill ustrate
how important the
sector is. Given the
global food crisis
-In water tectm%gy, AquaExplorer ·is
anticipating sttictet environmental
legislation and economic restrictions on
the cleaning of concentrnted indUstrial
wasIe-water flows.They are
developing a reactor to reduce energy
and olher costs, produce less sludge
and lower emissions to air andwater.
Moreover. the new reactor has the
advantage of a IDwer investment cost
and the need for irulOvati on in the area of food and flowers, I see interesting perspectives for DutCh companies. With institutes like Wageningen University, which attracts students from allover the world, and a number of highly innovative firms, the Netherlands has a lot to offer in terms of innovation and new products.
5. The Netherlands attracts more foreigll investments than most EU countries, in-
Verhagen, Minister for Economic
Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation
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in medical technology, are world leaders. In innovation too. We also have many wonderful SMEs that are world leaders in their ruche markets. Examples that spring to mind are plant breeding companies and our high-tech sector. But we still have even greater potential . We have some of the best scientists in the world. We can exploit this knowledge further so the Philipses and Unilevers of tomorrow will arise and we profit more from the enormous growth in emerging markets. We want to tap into the innovative potential on offer in the Netherlands. This new approach re quires more cooperation between univer sities, knowledge institutes, industry and government. Furthermore, we are cutting back on the rules that stand in the way of enterprise and innovation. In addition, we will invest in selected areas where the Netherl.ands can really become leaders, such as chemicals and agriculture. Also, I shall be investing ventu~ capital more actively in innovative projects. This means not just providing funds, but ensuring that money from successful projects returns to government so we can plough it back into the sector.
7. What are the main goals ofthis Ministry for 201l? There are two key objectives for the near future . I am developing an action plan to create even more favourable conditions for entrepreneurs and foreign investors in the Netherlands, so that we can consolidate our solid position and build on it. For in stance by cutting out unnecessary regulation, or by providing more venture capital . I am also reorganising energy policy in the Netherlands so that we succeed in achieving our clean energy targets and continue to lead the world in energy technology. By 2020 I want to have secured 14% sustain able energy production and 20% COz re duction.