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Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. Developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, this advanced meditation technique is aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. This is a free service by instructor Falli Shah, to bring more positive awareness and harmony to the community. Mask required. Free. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Meet the Angels – 1:30pm. They may be loved ones who have passed over, Archangels and Masters who are providing assistance, protection, divine intervention and personal messages. Join to learn tips of how to invite them into your daily life, understanding a language of messages and how to easily follow their guidance for your life. Rev. Judi Weaver is a Spiritual Trace Channel who will alter her state to consciousness to a higher vibration allowing for Angelic Beings to provide specific messages answering many life questions and wisdom for betterment to our health and overall happiness. $30. Andrew Jackson Davis Bld, 1112 Stevens St, Cassadaga. Info: Rev.Judi. Weaver@gmail.com or 386-503-4930. Psychic Mediumship Class – 3-5:30pm. Online class: Why Should I Study Psychic Mediumship Skills When I Don’t Want to be a Medium. $36. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. 407-247-7823. Talking Stick Circle – 5pm. Join for a Native American gathering to share ancient teachings as channeled from our Elders. We will follow the tradition of cleansing and synchronize our souls through the sacred practice of drumming. Bring your instruments, family, friends; children are always welcome. Andrew Jackson Davis Bld, 1112 Stevens St, Cassadaga. Info: Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com or 386-503-4930.
Pranayama and Meditation – 10-11am. With Elizabeth Henrichson. Pranayama is the conscious awareness of breath. Through guided breathing, you will increase the oxygen to your brain and all your internal organs which facilitates physical healing. Class limited to eight people. Held outside if weather permits. Bring your own mat and accessories. Mask required. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. Register: 904-381-8686 or Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser-
vice – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Yoga Nidra – 11:15am-12:15pm. Guided meditation with Elizabeth Henrichson. Nidra is a Sanskrit term for sleep. In yoga it is a meditation practice that induces a state of deep, but conscious relaxation. The goal is to achieve a state of samadhi (intense concentration), enlightenment, or bliss. Held outside if weather permits. Bring your own mat and accessories. Mask required. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. Register: 904-381-8686 or Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Channeling from the Universe – 7pm. We are all Sparks of the Divine on the planet Earth in this grand Universe of existence. The Universe is filled with Beings of Higher Consciousness, each showering us with guidance, messages and love to inspire us to reach for our utmost capabilities, finding peace and spiritual enlightenment. Join Rev. Judi Weaver as she moves into an elevated vibration and consciousness to Trance Channel: God Source, Angels, Masters and many other Universal Beings of Light for love healing energies and personal growth messages. American Space Museum, 308 Pine St. Titusville, FL. Info: 386-503-4930, SpiritualServices.online or Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com. Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Transcendental Meditation Introductory Talk by
Videoconference – 6:30pm. All the information you need to make an informed decision about learning this highly effective technique for reducing stress and improving health. Free. Register/info: 904-3759517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Frolic with the Fae – 9am. Nature Spirits include: earth, air, water and fire and within each are living beings: fairies, elves, gnomes, self’s, pixies, sprits, water nymphs, trolls, unicorns, crystal creatures and more. Join for a magical exploration of another world that is all around us! Learn tips and tools to invite them into your life and work with their assistance, followed by a deep meditation and channeled messages by Rev. Judi Weaver, Spiritual Trace Channel. $30. Holistic House of Holly Hill, 1126 Riverside Dr. Register: 386-238-9996. Info: Rev. Judi.Weaver@gmail.com or 386-503-4930. Reiki I Class – 10am-5pm. Healing Self and Others hosted by Caring Palms Healing Arts Call, e-mail, or sign up online to reserve your space. A $75 deposit is required; remainder due two days before class. 6 CEUs available for FL massage therapists. $150. 904-246-2206 or Brian@CaringPalms.com. Info/ register: CaringPalms.com.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser-
vice – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Transcendental Meditation Introductory Talk
– 1pm. All the information you need to make an informed decision about learning this highly effective technique for reducing stress and improving health. Free. Postell Market, Casino Bldg, 530 Beachview Dr (by Neptune Park) Rm 112, St. Simons Island, GA. Register: 904-375-9517. Info: Jacksonville@TM.org. Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. Developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, this advanced meditation technique is aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. This is a free service by instructor Falli Shah, to bring more positive awareness and harmony to the community. Mask required. Free. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Lesson on Veganism – 5pm. Join Sunil at Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa as he walks through some of the biggest reasons why now is the perfect time to become a vegan. 4236 St. Johns Ave in Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. www.seventh-wonder.com. Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Foam Rolling 101 – 6:30pm. Dr. Adrienne walks you through an intentional sequence of movements designed to help ease tightness and improve mobility. Attendees are encouraged to drew comfortably and bring a yoga mat. Free. Health by Design 2002 Southside Blvd. Jacksonville. 904-363-3374.
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Psychic Mediumship Class – 3-5:30pm. Online class: Why Should I Study Psychic Mediumship Skills When I Don’t Want to be a Medium. $36. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge. 407-247-7823.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser-
vice – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Summer Solstice Alignment Activation Medita-
tion – 1pm. Summer Solstice is a powerful time when energies uniquely align within the planet and solar system, thereby allowing for transformative energetic shifts to occur. This annual alignment creates specific vibrational tones to be activated, releasing sacred emergent energies and ancient teachings. Rev. Judi Weaver is a Shamanic Practitioner, Crystal Light Healer and Spiritual Trance Channel. Bring your own percussion instruments or others will be available for use. $35. Ormond Beach. Register: SpiritualServices.online/. Indian Cooking Class – 4-6pm. Join spa owner Falli Shah and her husband Sunny Shah for a vegan, Indian cooking class. This delicious event includes Pulao, Raita Sauce, Rotti, and Papadum, freshly prepared in front of you on an outdoor deck overlooking the garden. Mask required. $45. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.
Transcendental Meditation Introductory Talk – Noon. By videoconference. All the information you need to make an informed decision about learning this highly effective technique for reducing stress and improving health. Free. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org for connection information by email or text. Foam Rolling 101 – 12:30-1:30pm. Dr. Adrienne walks you through an intentional sequence of movements designed to help ease tightness and improve mobility. Attendees are encouraged to drew comfortably and bring a yoga mat. Free. Health by Design 2002 Southside Blvd. Jacksonville. 904-363-3374.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. The Power of Denials and Affirmations – 7-9pm. Licensed Unity Teacher Bill Wuerfel and Helen Sylvester of Unity Church for Creative Living, in Saint Johns, are presenting a three-week course exploring Unity’s Spiritual tools of Denials and Affirmations, via Zoom. $60. Info/register: 904-287-1505 or UnityInJax.com. See ad, page 6. Reiki II Class – 10am-5pm. Group and Distant Healing hosted by Caring Palms Healing Arts. $150. Prerequisite: Caring Palms Reiki I. Call, e-mail, or sign up online to reserve your space. A $75 deposit is required remainder due two days before class. 6 CEUs available for FL massage therapists. 904-2462206 or Brian@CaringPalms.com. Info/register: CaringPalms.com. Drum Circle – 6-8pm. With Julianne Battaglia. Get your groove on and drum to the energy of the moon! Share in the joy of expressing yourself through music and dance. Receive instructions on different drumming styles to practice. There will be time for group jam at the end. Bring your own percussion instrument recommended; extra instruments available share. $15. This event is in partnership with the Cosmic Church of Truth. Register: Seventh-Wonder. com/events/.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser-
vice – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Heart 4 Souls Spiritual Guidance – 2pm. A virtual monthly event on the 4th Sunday. Guests receive an overall group message from the heart, followed by a live channeling session where Universal Light Beings provide guidance and answer questions for spiritual wisdom and support you with the expansion of your soul. Universal Light Beings may be messages from the God Source, Great Spirit, Arch Angels, Masters, Spirit Guides, Lemurian’s, etc. Free on Facebook Live virtual gathering on Heart4Souls. Info: 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi.Weaver@ gmail.com or SpiritualServices.online.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
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Transcendental Meditation Introductory Talk by
Videoconference – 6:30pm. All the information you need to make an informed decision about learning this highly effective technique for reducing stress and improving health. Free. Register/info: 904-3759517 or Jacksonville@TM.org.
Spirit Fest: Metaphysical and Holistic Fair – July 10-11. 10am-6pm. Enjoy more than 60 booths with vendors, practitioners, intuitive readers, artists, and demonstrations. Something for everyone. Speakers throughout both days on a variety of topics. Entrance fee: $10. Children 12 & under free. Vendor opportunities still available. The Schultz Center, 4019 Boulevard Center Dr., Jacksonville. SanctuaryFL.com. The Foundations of Unity – 7pm. Join Rev. Yvonne McAndrew for an eight-week class exploring foundational Unity principles from Lessons In Truth and Discover The Power Within and learn how to integrate the principles into daily life. $160. Registration required. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.