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Strong and Supple Joints How to Keep Hips and Knees Happy
health briefs
Eat Mushrooms to Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer Researchers followed more than 36,000 Japanese men older than 40 for an average of 13.2 years. They found that those that consumed culinary mushrooms three times a week had a 17 percent lower chance of developing prostate cancer compared to those that ate mushrooms less than once a week. Participants that ate mushrooms once or twice a week had an 8 percent lower risk. The trend was even greater for those men over the age of 50 and was unrelated to other dietary habits.
Maintain a Healthy Diet and Weight to Lower Cataract Risk A recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition used adherence to dietary guidelines and total diet scores to assess the effects of diet on cataract risk.
The researchers followed 2,173 older Australians for five and 10 years in two phases. They found that maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) of less than 25, combined with a healthy diet, reduced the risk of developing cataracts.
Eat a Better Diet to Improve Gut Bacteria Researchers at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center tested stool samples of 858 men and 877 women in Los Angeles and Hawaii with a mean age of 69—regarded as an ethnically diverse study population with varied food intakes. The study found that those with higher quality diets also had significantly better gut bacteria diversity, a factor linked to reduced risk for a variety of diseases. Diet quality and a reduced risk of developing chronic disease is strongly associated with fecal microbial diversity.
8 Jacksonville / St. Augustine NAJax.com Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Attacks With Better Gut Bacteria New research offers potential paths for treatment for the nearly 20 percent of patients with high blood pressure that don’t respond well to medications. University of Florida College of Medicine researchers, testing 105 volunteers, found that the populations of gut bacteria differed between hypertensive individuals with depression and those without depression. A second study by Italian researchers found that patients with heart attacks had different bacteria in their guts than patients with stable angina.
Hong Vo/Shutterstock.com
SK Design/Shutterstock.com
Train Students in Mindfulness to Reduce Stress and Improve Grades
Sixth-graders that received mindfulness training each day for eight weeks experienced lower stress levels, less depression and improved academic performance compared to their peers in a control group that studied computer coding, report Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers. In addition to that 100-student study, researchers surveyed 2,000 students in grades five through eight and found those that showed more mindfulness tended to have better grades and test scores. They also had fewer absences and suspensions.
Daxiao Productions/Shutterstock.com
community spotlight
A. Schaeffer-Pautz, MD Combining Traditional, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine for Well-Being and Balance
On the east coast of Florida, just a few blocks from the ocean, sits one of the South’s few anthroposophically oriented medical practices. The Persephone Healing Arts Center, in Jacksonville Beach, has a wonderful, natural atmosphere enhanced by the spirit and focus of A. Schaeffer-Pautz, MD. Brought up in a Waldorf school environment, Dr. Pautz is double board certified in both integrative and internal medicine and combines the best of both worlds in her treatment of patients. Her goal is to help her patients achieve their highest level of well-being and balance, using natural approaches whenever possible.
This philosophy is evident from the first view of the center: a cozy waiting room looks out onto a lovely garden area where patients can relax in the sun or rest in a spot of shade beneath the trees. Care here is particularly unique—first visits can be two or more hours of one-on-one time with the physician. Dr. Pautz takes time to learn all she can about a patient’s physical, mental and emotional well-being and then fuses her knowledge of traditional, integrative and anthroposophic medicine (a philosophy that embraces physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human being) to provide individual recommendations designed to work on the root of the problem. Her treatments are focused on lifestyle changes, counseling and nutrition, and this focus helps her patients not only deal with their health issues, but also maintain their higher level of wellness once the immediate problem is dealt with.
Dr. Pautz’s technique has particularly helped those with chronic disorders and diseases such as depression, autism, cancer and any other internal medical disease. Her conviction that all facets of the person must be in balance for ultimate well-being leads to personalized treatments that examine and help each individual to achieve their level of optimum health. This insightful approach often offers relief to patients who have exhausted their traditional western medical options and are seeking help in alternate methods.
Patients may also undergo extensive counseling to facilitate profound lifestyle changes and new ways of looking at things. They receive individualized nutritional guidelines in the hopes of facilitating improved health and releasing what needs to be transitioned.
The philosophy “you are what you eat” has never been as true as in today’s quick meal society, and few know the effects of dietary choices better than Dr. Pautz. Providing your body with the fuel and tools necessary for its well-being is the first building block toward total health and healing. Combining her knowledge of medicine and nutrition, she targets habits that contribute to particular disorders and advises her patients in their diets to strengthen their immune systems and help their bodies stay strong.
In treating her patients, Dr. Pautz has noticed that their nutritional habits have stemmed from a lack of knowledge about how to prepare healthful dishes. After encountering this need for education, she developed classes in the past that were focused on nutritional cooking, emphasizing the use of whole grains, tons of herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables. With a healthy diet as a base to grow from, therapies then perform better as the body becomes more receptive, receiving the aid the therapies provide. Dr. Pautz can easily suggest recipes in-session with wholesome foods that might be a first step in implementation. A. Schaeffer-Pautz, MD
Another unique remedy at Dr. Pautz’s disposal is therapeutic eurythmy, an expressive form of movement therapy. Based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, eurythmy uses movements to express sounds and music. One of the few medical doctors to be certified in eurythmy, Dr. Pautz uses this approach to supplement the treatment of a variety of physical, medical and emotional ailments. Somewhat like its Asian counterparts, tai chi and yoga, eurythmy helps a person connect to and experience the nontangible realities of spirit and energy that are essential for all souls.
Dr. Pautz’s varied background and extensive training provide her with myriad treatment choices to draw from in her practice. Whether addressing cancer, diabetes, asthma, common cold, multiples sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS or any other illness, her treatments are personalized, insightful and far-reaching. By balancing Western and integrative medicine and avoiding chemical drugs whenever possible, Dr. Pautz provides each patient with the opportunity for a road map to longlasting, deep-seated health changes through nutritional and lifestyle advice, naturopathy, homeopathy, counseling, anthroposophic medicine, and art and movement therapy.
Persephone Healing Arts Center is located at 485 6th Ave. N., in Jacksonville Beach. To learn more, call 904-246-3583, visit DrPautz.com or join them for one of their monthly open houses. Join them on Facebook. See ad on the back cover.
December 2019 9
Jacksonville / St. Augustine NAJax.com strongly associated with fecal microbial diversity. reduced risk of developing chronic disease is risk for a variety of diseases. Diet quality and a diversity, a factor linked to reduced had significantly better gut bacteria those with higher quality diets also food intakes. The study found that diverse study population with varied age of 69—regarded as an ethnically in Los Angeles and Hawaii with a mean samples of 858 men and 877 women Hawaii Cancer Center tested stool Researchers at the University of Gut BacteriaDiet to Improve Eat a Better
developing cataracts. healthy diet, reduced the risk of (BMI) of less than 25, combined with a maintaining a healthy body mass index for five and 10 years in two phases. They found that The researchers followed 2,173 older Australians assess the effects of diet on cataract risk. adherence to dietary guidelines and total diet scores to A recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition used Weight to Lower Cataract RiskMaintain a Healthy Diet and
the age of 50 and was unrelated to other dietary habits. lower risk. The trend was even greater for those men over that ate mushrooms once or twice a week had an 8 percent that ate mushrooms less than once a week. Participants chance of developing prostate cancer compared to those week had a 17 percent lower mushrooms three times a that consumed culinary They found that those average of 13.2 years. men older than 40 for an than 36,000 Japanese Researchers followed more Risk of Prostate Cancer Eat Mushrooms to Lower
health briefs
absences and suspensions. scores. They also had fewer have better grades and test mindfulness tended to those that showed more through eight and found dents in grades five surveyed 2,000 stu - study, researchers 100-student addition to that researchers. In Technology Institute of Massachusetts coding, report that studied computer peers in a control group performance compared to their depression and improved academic experienced lower stress levels, less ness training each day for eight weeks Sixth-graders that received mindful -
Daxiao Productions/Shutterstock.com Improve Grades Reduce Stress and Mindfulness to Train Students in
with stable angina. attacks had different bacteria in their guts than patients study by Italian researchers found that patients with heart with depression and those without depression. A second hypertensive individuals bacteria differed between that the populations of gut ing 105 volunteers, found Medicine researchers, test - versity of Florida College of well to medications. Uni - pressure that don’t respond of patients with high blood for the nearly 20 percent tential paths for treatment New research offers po - Gut Bacteria Heart Attacks With Better Reduce Blood Pressure and
SK Design/Shutterstock.com Hong Vo/Shutterstock.com
December 2019
9 conviction that all facets of the person must and any other internal medical disease. Her diseases such as depression, autism, cancer helped those with chronic disorders and Dr. Pautz’s technique has particularly problem is dealt with. higher level of wellness once the immediate their health issues, but also maintain their focus helps her patients not only deal with changes, counseling and nutrition, and this lem. Her treatments are focused on lifestyle designed to work on the root of the prob - to provide individual recommendations and spiritual aspects of the human being) phy that embraces physical, emotional and anthroposophic medicine (a philoso - her knowledge of traditional, integrative and emotional well-being and then fuses she can about a patient’s physical, mental physician. Dr. Pautz takes time to learn all or more hours of one-on-one time with the particularly unique—first visits can be two spot of shade beneath the trees. Care here is patients can relax in the sun or rest in a looks out onto a lovely garden area where first view of the center: a cozy waiting room This philosophy is evident from the natural approaches whenever possible. highest level of well-being and balance, using Her goal is to help her patients achieve their of both worlds in her treatment of patients. and internal medicine and combines the best double board certified in both integrative Waldorf school environment, Dr. Pautz is of A. Schaeffer-Pautz, MD. Brought up in a atmosphere enhanced by the spirit and focus Jacksonville Beach, has a wonderful, natural The Persephone Healing Arts Center, in posophically oriented medical practices. O n the east coast of Florida, just a few blocks from the ocean, sits one of the South’s few anthro-
might be a first step in implementation. pes in-session with wholesome foods that provide. Dr. Pautz can easily suggest reci - receptive, receiving the aid the therapies perform better as the body becomes more diet as a base to grow from, therapies then fresh fruits and vegetables. With a healthy ing the use of whole grains, tons of herbs, focused on nutritional cooking, emphasiz - developed classes in the past that were encountering this need for education, she how to prepare healthful dishes. After stemmed from a lack of knowledge about noticed that their nutritional habits have In treating her patients, Dr. Pautz has and help their bodies stay strong. diets to strengthen their immune systems disorders and advises her patients in their targets habits that contribute to particular her knowledge of medicine and nutrition, she toward total health and healing. Combining for its well-being is the first building block your body with the fuel and tools necessary etary choices better than Dr. Pautz. Providing meal society, and few know the effects of di - has never been as true as in today’s quick The philosophy “you are what you eat” to be transitioned. improved health and releasing what needs guidelines in the hopes of facilitating They receive individualized nutritional changes and new ways of looking at things. counseling to facilitate profound lifestyle Patients may also undergo extensive alternate methods. medical options and are seeking help in have exhausted their traditional western approach often offers relief to patients who level of optimum health. This insightful and help each individual to achieve their to personalized treatments that examine be in balance for ultimate well-being leads
See ad on the back cover. monthly open houses. Join them on Facebook. DrPautz.com or join them for one of their To learn more, call 904-246-3583, visit at 485 6th Ave. N., in Jacksonville Beach. Persephone Healing Arts Center is located medicine, and art and movement therapy. homeopathy, counseling, anthroposophic nutritional and lifestyle advice, naturopathy, lasting, deep-seated health changes through the opportunity for a road map to long- sible, Dr. Pautz provides each patient with avoiding chemical drugs whenever pos - Western and integrative medicine and insightful and far-reaching. By balancing illness, her treatments are personalized, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS or any other asthma, common cold, multiples sclerosis, tice. Whether addressing cancer, diabetes, treatment choices to draw from in her prac - extensive training provide her with myriad Dr. Pautz’s varied background and are essential for all souls. tangible realities of spirit and energy that person connect to and experience the non- parts, tai chi and yoga, eurythmy helps a ailments. Somewhat like its Asian counter - variety of physical, medical and emotional approach to supplement the treatment of a be certified in eurythmy, Dr. Pautz uses this music. One of the few medical doctors to uses movements to express sounds and the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, eurythmy sive form of movement therapy. Based on disposal is therapeutic eurythmy, an expres - Another unique remedy at Dr. Pautz’s A. Schaeffer-Pautz, MD Well-Being and Balance Anthroposophic Medicine for Combining Traditional, Integrative and A. Schaeffer-Pautz, MD
community spotlight
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by Ronica O’Hara
Occasional knee or hip pain affects tendons and ligaments include fatty fish, almost everyone, keeping us from lentils, nuts, vegetables like spinach and daily tasks, making sitting painful broccoli, and colorful fruit like strawberand walking difficult. Causes can range ries and oranges. from over-exercise to injuries, obesity and arthritis as we age. By the time we reach Practice tai chi, qigong or hatha yoga. 65 years or older, 69 percent of women The gentle, low-impact movements and and 56 percent of men have arthritic stretches associated with these approaches symptoms, according to Boston University get synovial fluid flowing in the larger researchers. Costly joint replacement surjoints, effecting smoother mobility and gery which carries a high risk of adverse increased flexibility; numerous studies effects is often recommended for advanced document that they reduce joint pain and cases, but by taking simple, natural prestiffness. “The key is not just to stretch, ventive and remedial measures proactively, but to balance strength and stretching in we can strengthen our knee and hip joints, a safe, mindful way,” says Andrea Trank, handle related problems if they arise and a health coach and yoga teacher in Fort remain physically strong and active. Myers, Florida. Although personal or class Ways to Strengthen found on YouTube.
Hips and Knees
instruction is best, how-to videos can be
Consume foods that nourish bones and Walk every day. In a four-year Northwestconnective tissues. For strong bones, eat ern University study, people at risk of knee foods rich in calcium, magnesium and osteoarthritis that walked at a moderate or potassium, such as dark leafy greens (bok brisk pace for at least 10 minutes a day, one choy, Chinese cabbage, kale and collard hour a week, had one-eighth the disabled greens), figs, nuts, tofu, avocados and bone mobility of those that walked less. Posbroth. Six prunes a day boosted bone denture helps: Walking straight and tall while sity in women over 70 with osteoporosis, extending each leg back as far as it’ll go will research shows. Foods that support flexible “really let your glute muscles work,” advises
Ways to Lower Pain Levels
Consider the right supplements. Obtaining 1,000 milligrams daily of calcium and 600 international units of vitamin D is essential for bone health, according to the National Institutes of Health; consider taking a supplement if the diet is not adequate. In addition, study-proven options that reduce joint pain in the knees and hips include glucosamine and chondroitin, S-adenosylL-methionine (SAMe) and avocado soybean unsaponifiable.
The benefits of bodywork. A massage can loosen up tight muscles and realign structural issues in the knees and hips while also lowering stress-producing cortisol and raising levels of pain-reducing serotonin. A study at Canada’s McMaster University found that massage works on the cellular level to reduce inflammation and promote the growth of new mitochondria in muscles. Useful styles are Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial release and shiatsu. Ask for references from friends, medical practitioners, fitness centers and natural health stores or find online a certified practitioner with at least 500 hours of training.
Try acupuncture. A new meta-study of 39 studies with 20,827 patients concluded that acupuncture effectively reduces pain for as long as 12 months, and the National Institutes of Health endorses it for knee pain. “It is believed to stimulate the nervous system and in turn, the way the brain registers pain signals,” says acupuncturist Daryl Thuroff, at the Yinova Center, in New York City. Find an acupuncturist at nccaom.org/find-a-practitioner-directory.

jopanuwatd/AdobeStock.com Supplements for Suppleness Glucosamine and chondroitin. Research suggests this combo relieves pain, improves joint mobility and slows arthritic damage to the joints. One study found it benefits up to 70 percent of people with knee arthritis, and a large multinational trial found the mixture to be as effective at reducing pain, stiffness and swelling in knee osteoarthritis as the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) celecoxib. It appears most suited for treating moderate to severe pain and takes two months to take effect.

SAMe. This naturally occurring S-adenosyl-L-methionine molecule builds strong joints by delivering sulfur to cartilage, and research shows it may be as effective as aspirin and ibuprofen at improving joint function. It takes a month to take effect, but doesn’t have the side effects of NSAIDs. It’s also been shown to lower depression.
Avocado soybean unsaponifiable (ASU). Routinely used to treat osteoarthritis in Europe, ASU improves symptoms of hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) and reduces or eliminates the use of NSAIDs, a meta-analylsis concluded; it also appears to reduce OA’s progression.
Consult a chiropractor. People with osteoarthritic knees that underwent two weeks of chiropractic knee adjustments had substantially less pain, better mobility and fewer grinding and clicking sensations in the knees, reported a study in The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. In a small study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, four out of five patients with hip arthritis noticed improved symptoms after nine or fewer chiropractic treatments. Many chiropractors offer not only spinal adjustments, but also a range of treatments from exercises to prolotherapy.
Explore injection therapies. Known as regenerative medicine, these therapies use injections in the knee or hip to naturally stimulate the body to produce collagen and rejuvenate tissue. In a British Medical Bulletin meta-study, 82 percent of patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee were satisfied with prolotherapy, which uses dextrose injections. Platelet-rich plasma injections use centrifuged platelets from the patient’s body, and have been used by athletes like Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal to treat sports injuries.
Ronica O’Hara is a Denver-based health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.
National Chiropractic Health Month The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has designated October as National Chiropractic Health Month to raise public awareness of the importance of musculoskeletal health and the benefits of chiropractic care and its natural, whole-person, patient-centered and drug-free approach to health and wellness.
This year’s theme is Active and Adaptive, focusing on helping people adapt to the new normal of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ACA states, “Many people are moving less, and some are experiencing pain as a result.” This year’s focus encourages people to adjust to the challenges of staying fit and pain-free with a smaller lifestyle footprint by becoming more mindful of movement and posture, and by highlighting tips and strategies to help them adapt in healthy ways.
Find a searchable directory of chiropractors at HandsDownBetter. org/find-a-doctor.

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Pain Relief with Chiropractic

In addition to the traditional chiropractic focus on adjusting the spine to ease joint pain, many doctors today are using a wide array of approaches to ameliorate hip and knee pain, whether the cause is an injury, inflammation, arthritis or another chronic condition.
Determining the cause is the first step, says chiropractor Derrell Blackburn, senior manager of chiropractic relations and training for The Joint Chiropractic, a nationwide chain of 500 clinics. If both hips or knees go bad, he says, it’s probably due to aging. If the problem involves a hip or knee on one side, “the underlying truth is overuse or compensation,” which can be helped by realigning the sacroiliac joint or pelvic girdle.
Chiropractor Gil Kentof, of the Dr. Gil Center for Back, Neck, and Chronic Pain Relief, in Franklin, Tennessee, first recommends that patients with hip pain join a basic yoga class, find a good video or search “hip stretches” online and exercise according to what they research five times a week. “If there is no improvement in three weeks, or if there is more pain while doing the exercises, an examination is in order to determine the origin of the pain and the best treatment option,” he says.
The exam often includes X-rays and sometimes an MRI. Treatment options can include specific chiropractic adjustments, deep tissue laser therapy, stem cell injections into the hip joint and in severe cases, a referral for surgery, but, “Surgery is always a last resort,” he says. For knees, “Good success has been obtained with stem cell treatment and platelet-rich plasma injected into the knee,” he advises. “This procedure is performed by our medical team and is minimally invasive with very little downtime.” He also suggests that knee-pain patients stretch their hamstrings, quadriceps and calves on a regular basis and use a pull-on brace or ice packs for temporary relief.
The Big ‘C’ and Why So Many Pets Are Affected

by Erin Holder
An estimated 6 million cats and 6 Veterinary medicine has followed the million dogs will be diagnosed path of Western human medicine in schools, with cancer this year alone. It is teaching to cut the tumor out, poison the undeniable that we see more cancer and see cancer and hope the body can survive. There it in younger patients. Experts agree the exare certainly sometimes that this method is posure to chemicals via food, medications, appropriate, but the vast majority of cookievaccinations, air and water play a huge part cutter treatment plans will fail. in the staggering rates we see today. Life is Cancer arises because the body’s fast paced in America, and with that comes immune system neglects to recognize an the need for prepackaged meals; drive-up abnormal cell and remove it from populavaccinations; and the rise of quick-fix, tion. The cell can then divide unchecked and symptom-suppressing medicine. Who has create this devastating disease. Although time to be sick? this is an oversimplification of what actu
Drug companies have infiltrated ally occurs, it is certain that the failure of television commercials explaining to the immune system is an integral part of pet owners all the new handy drugs to the development of cancer. Therefore, the help alleviate symptoms in pets. Pet food prevention of cancer is the most aggressive companies have picked up on the idea and successful plan against it. that people want better for their beloved Keeping the immune system healthy animals and they market directly, stretching requires minimizing chemical exposure, the limits of what natural means. Veteriprotecting the gut by feeding whole foods narians are indoctrinated in vet school and finding a veterinarian that treats holistithat there is no way that pet owners could cally. For example, lymphoma is linked balance a home-cooked diet correctly; closely with lawn chemicals. Animals have however, no one questions their ability a smaller body surface and their noses are with their human children. closer to the ground, so the impact of poison on the grass is far greater to our little, furry friends. This is just one example of the devastation of chronic chemical exposure. But, unfortunately, chemicals extend to what is prescribed on a daily basis to pets in veterinary medicine. The overuse of drugs and vaccinations in medicine is disastrous.
Because the gut is responsible for 80 percent of the immune system, correcting the diet and reinfusing the gastrointestinal tract with healthy bacteria is a must. Fecal transfers from healthy patients to sick patients have been used for decades in veterinary medicine, and new scientific studies show the resounding effects in humans. Protecting that bacteria can be accomplished by feeding whole foods and, when appropriate, nourishing probiotics and digestive enzymes. In addition, maintaining an adequate vitamin D level is crucial.
Treating cancer from a holistic approach is the emerging and necessary strategy to succeed. Each pet must be treated as an individual and not treated as the diagnosis. Underlying deficiencies should be corrected; gut healing needs to take place; and modalities such as ozone, radiofrequency, intravenous vitamin C, homeopathy, acupuncture and herbal medicine must be utilized. The goal is to empower the pet’s own body to eliminate the cancer, to help the patient feel better, to reduce or end pain associated with the cancer, and ultimately to help each pet live its best and longest life.
Dr. Erin Holder is owner of FloridaWild Veterinary Hospital, located at 115 E. Euclid Ave., in DeLand. She is a member of the Association of Avian Veterinarians, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Florida Veterinary Medical Association and the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in the Zoo and Wildlife Department. FloridaWild offers an integrative approach to veterinary medicine, combining both Eastern and Western Medicine. For more information, call 386-734-9899 or visit FloridaWildVetHospital.com.