21 minute read
SING TO HEAL Using the Voice to Uplift Mind and Body
essica delp/Uns plash.com
by Marlaina Donato
According to growing research, singing along to a favorite musical or joining a local choir can be good for our health. From college students to patients with Parkinson’s disease, everyone can benefit, regardless of talent. Singing naturally fosters endorphins, amps up immunity levels and lowers the stress hormone cortisol. A study by the UK University of East Anglia published in 2017 in The BMJ’s Medical Humanities shows that group singing—along with the positivity of social interaction— supports and improves mental health in people with depression and anxiety. Singing for the Brain, a program created by The Alzheimer’s Society, has been shown to improve memory, mood and the ability to socialize for people with dementia.
“I feel singing can be significant to mental well-being and healing from an injury or cancer, while in recovery from substance abuse, or to help cope with trauma. Additional benefits may include pain management,” says Tamera Anderson-Hanna, a licensed mental health counselor and the owner of Wellness, Therapy & Yoga, in Miami.
Breathing into Self-Expression
“When we sing, we dive straight into a conscious bodily experience that brings us into immediate connection with our bodies. Singing, especially repetitive singing where we can start to regulate a breath cycle and elongate it, gets us deeply oxygenated,” says Daisy Press, a professional singer and vocal teacher in New York City.
There’s no right or wrong way to reap the benefits of music. A few years into her professional career, Press took a group lesson with a North Indian raga teacher and experienced a deep inner shift. “I was allowed to enjoy the feeling of singing that one note and my mind turned off. I felt the intonation itself in my body—in waves, shapes and colors. Intonation itself became a real living energy that felt essentially good, restorative and healing.”
Lea Longo, a Montreal-based meditation mindfulness coach and musician, concurs. “Singing has been my way to relax, not only my mind, but my body, as well. It uses the breath, a vital tool for health. It’s my go-to place to feel better. I just sing when I need a boost, and it works for me.”
Resonance, Mantra and Humming
“The voice can be considered a healing tool for the fact that it is directly related to resonance in the body,” explains Longo. “We can think of our voice as a tuning fork to ‘tune’ ourselves and use it as a way to heal internally through the vibrations and sounds we produce.” Using sound is a subtle energy therapy that can help heal emotional or physical distress, he says.
Mantra, the recitation of specific words or traditionally sacred chants, is not a religion, but simply a method to quell mental chatter. “Mantras are vibrational tools that can be practiced by any faith or spiritual practice.”
In her work, Anderson-Hanna makes the mantra personal. “I often teach individuals how to create their own mantra and how to challenge their thinking using positive affirmations. The mantra I teach is most often a personal reflection of ‘I am’ statements they can aspire to, versus negative or defeating thoughts.”
Humming, another way to open the voice for healing, is the least intimidating for many people, but packs a powerful punch. “Out of all the many healing sounds I’ve worked with, I find that humming is the most effective because it is so inclusive—everyone can hum. Physiologically, humming reduces heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. Many different beneficial hormones and chemicals are
released, including endorphins, oxytocin, melatonin and nitric oxide,” says Jonathan Goldman, co-author of The Humming Effect and director of the Sound Healers Association, in Boulder, Colorado. “The importance of nitric oxide is coming more into light since it is a vasodilator and has anti-viral qualities.” In addition, humming stimulates the vagus nerve, which reduces inflammation and enhances immunity.
Whether we sing children to sleep at night or learn to sing jazz, using our voices can be good medicine. Goldman reminds us, “There are so many different ways that sound can positively shift and change us.”
Marlaina Donato is a recording artist and author. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.
Starting Off Singing Humming and Singing Tips to Try
From Tamera Anderson-Hanna, an Uplifting Playlist:
“I encourage my clients if they need to boost their mood to create a happy and uplifting playlist to sing or listen to—the same advice I used for myself when healing from breast cancer and experiencing setbacks.”
From Jonathan Goldman, Conscious Humming:
“Find a place where you will not be disturbed. Begin by taking some nice deep breaths in and out. Choose a purpose or intention. Do you want to assist with a headache? Do you want to reduce your stress? Do you want to send this sound to a specific part of your body? Hum a tone on one note that is comfortable. Do this at least five times so that you can become aware of how the hum is resonating in your head or body, and then hum for five minutes, if possible. Be in a place of silence for at least a minute or more after you have created the hum and be aware of what you experience. Note: Because the hum has so many powerful effects, people often become lightheaded (and very relaxed) when they practice conscious humming.”
From Lea Longo, Mantra Tips:
“If you have never used or chanted a mantra before, I would recommend starting with the universal mantra Aum or Om. It is simple and easy to pronounce. Start with five minutes a day for 30 days and increase the time as you feel fit. As you get more comfortable with the sound of your voice, you will develop a practice and habit. The shower is a great place to start to overcome self-consciousness.”

calendar of events
Dearest Readers, while many events have been postponed, many others will proceed online. Please visit the location’s website or Facebook page for up-to-date information.
Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. Developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, this advanced meditation technique is aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. This is a free service by instructor Falli Shah, to bring more positive awareness and harmony to the community. Bring a mask. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: SeventhWonder.com/events.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Mediumship Sessions – Dec 3-5. Connect with loved ones, receive insightful messages through Karen Whisperer. Mind Body & Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. Individual and small group sessions. Info/register: 904-9929930 or Info@mbandbcenter. Transcendental Meditation – 6:30pm. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org.
Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. Also 12/12, 12/19, 12/26. With Ashley Ireland. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. All ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com. Meditation: The Creative Pathway – 10am-1pm. Host Steve Smith of Delphi University. Learn about making choices, using breathwork to create a harmonious and loving life experience. Open yourself to a deeper and more loving relationship with spirit. $125. Mind Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. Register: 904-992-9930 or Info@mbandbcenter.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser-
vice – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or visit the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Healing Event – Noon-3pm. This healing event will provide a chance to meet the practitioners and experience different healing techniques. $15 love offering. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904-292-4555. SpiritualUplifts.com. Individual Trans Channel – With Arthur Ford – Steve Smith of Delphi University offers trance channeling, blood cleanses, energy healing and spiritual counseling sessions. Individual Trance/$155; Blood Cleanse/$170. Mind Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. Talking Stick Circle – 5pm. Join for a Native American gathering to share ancient teachings as channeled from our elders. Follow the tradition of cleansing and synchronize our souls through the sacred practice of drumming. Bring your instruments, family, friends; children welcome. Handmade gift exchange (bring two). Andrew Jackson Davis Bld, 1112 Stevens St, Cassadaga. Info: 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com.
Indian Cooking Class – 4-6pm. Join spa owner Falli Shah and her husband Sunny Shah for a vegan, Indian cooking class. This delicious event includes Pulao, Raita Sauce, Rotti, and Papadum, freshly prepared in front of you on an outdoor deck overlooking the garden. $45. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Ornament Decorating – Decorate your own Christmas ornament for kids and adults. Come have fun and celebrate the holidays with spiritual uplifts. Snacks provided. Kids/$5, adults/$10. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904-292-4555. SpiritualUplifts.com.
Virtual Death Café of NE Florida – Community gathering hosted by Nada Frazier, Founder of The Sacred Servant. Join people from across the nation and talk about life/death. See Death Café of NE Florida’s Facebook page, Deathcafe.com, MeetUP, and TheSacredServant.com for more info. Register: Nada@TheSacredServant.com for Zoom meeting.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Transcendental Meditation – Noon. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Persephone Healing Arts Center Open House – 5:30pm & 7:30pm. Must RSVP in advance to schedule your 20-minute individual slot with Dr. Pautz to tour the center due to the pandemic. Or schedule a Zoom Open House for a designated time slot. 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Bch. 904-246-3583. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Ser-
vice – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or visit the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Transcendental Meditation – 1pm. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Jewelry Show – Dec 12-13. Sparkle and shine rare crystal gem jewelry. There will be gemstones, vintage-inspired, sterling silver, symbols, and more. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904292-4555. SpiritualUplifts.com.
Opening Your Spiritual Gifts – 9am. Explore the various types of spiritual gifts to get a better understanding of what you may be experiencing. Then utilize specific practice techniques as a group and individuals to focus your energy and exercise your natural gifts and talents. This workshop will offer you a deeper discovery of yourself and allows for personal psychic development for your highest intent. $25. Holistic House of Holly Hill, 1126 Riverside Dr. Info: 386-503-4930. SpiritualServices. online. Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com. Pranayama and Meditation – 10-11am. With Elizabeth Henrichson. Pranayama is the conscious awareness of breath. Through guided breathing, increase the oxygen to your brain and all your internal organs which facilitates physical healing. Class limited to eight people. Held outside if weather permits. Bring your own mat and accessories. $20. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. Register: 904-381-8686 or SeventhWonder.com.
Yoga Nidra – 11:15am-12:15pm. With Elizabeth Henrichson. Sanskrit term meaning “sleep”, Yoga Nidra is a meditation practice that induces a state of deep, but conscious relaxation. The goal is to achieve a state of samadhi (intense concentration), enlightenment or bliss. Held outside if weather permits. Bring your own mat and accessories. $20. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: SeventhWonder.com.
Ignite the Spark: Full Moon Meditation and
Sound Bath and Deep Stretch – 5pm. Cohosted by Diana Manzano, Sound Energy Practitioner and Sarah Wilde. $35. Mind Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. Info/ register: 904-992-9930 or Info@mbandbcenter.
Group Past Life Regression Meditation Event – 6:30pm. Join Host Irene Shank, spiritual intuitive, international healer, reiki master and instructor. Mind Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. Info/register: 904-992-9930 or Info@mbandbcenter.
Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. Developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, this advanced meditation technique is aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. This is a free service by instructor Falli Shah, to bring more positive awareness and harmony to the community. Bring a mask. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Persephone Healing Arts Center Open House – 5:30pm & 7:30pm. Must RSVP in advance to schedule your 20-minute individual slot with Dr. Pautz to tour the center due to the pandemic. Or schedule a Zoom open house for a designated time slot. 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Bch. 904-246-3583.
Three-Day Healing Retreat Part I: Release and
Recharge – Dec 18-20. Take this workshop to pay attention to your deepest needs. Recharge mentally, physically, and spiritually. The focus is to provide a safe place to release blockages, karma debt, cordcutting and more. Limited seating; call for pricing. Spiritual Uplifts, 2186 Park Ave, Orange Park. 904-292-4555. SpiritualUplifts.com. Drum Circle – 6-8pm. With Julianne Battaglia. Get your groove and drum to the energy of the moon! Share in the joy of expressing yourself through music and dance. This class contains instructions on different drumming styles that you will practice. There will be time to group jam at the end. There will be a few extra instruments to share. BYO percussion instrument encouraged. $15. In partnership with Cosmic Church of Truth. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Service – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or visit the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via Zoom. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service – 7pm. All are welcome to join us on Facebook Live. Find the peace, calm and oneness you desire as we celebrate the light of Christ on Christmas Eve with the Unity Candle Lighting Service. Love Offering. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Service – 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or visit the YouTube Channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit the website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
New Year, New You – 9am. Join to identify what is transpiring, how it is affecting you, learn tips and tools to understand the messages along with techniques and guidance to integrate the energies, thereby offering you a deeper discovery of self. $25. Holistic House of Holly Hill, 1126 Riverside Dr, Holly Hill. 386-503-4930. Info: SpiritualServices. online. Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com.
New Year’s Eve Burning Bowl Service – 7pm. Join us on Facebook Live for a time of release and renewal. All are welcome. Love Offering. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Road, St Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2
Lemurian and Light Beings – 1:30-3:30pm. Rev. Judi Weaver will lead a Living Channeling with a focus on Lemurians and Light Beings for participants to receive group messages and ask questions. $30. Andrew Davis Jackson Bld, 1112 Stevens St, Cassadaga. Info: or 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi. Weaver@gmail.com. Talking Stick Circle – 5pm. Join for a Native American gathering to share ancient teachings as channeled from our Elders. Follow the tradition of cleansing and synchronize our souls through the sacred practice of drumming. Bring your instruments, family, friends; children welcome. Handmade gift exchange (bring two). Andrew Jackson Davis Bld, 1112 Stevens St, Cassadaga. Info: 386-503-4930. Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com.
White Stone Ceremony – 10:30am, All are welcome. Join us on Facebook Live as we celebrate a New Year, a new you, and a new spiritual name that will support you on your ‘dreams come true’ journey. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns.904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.
Transcendental Meditation – Noon. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org
Ask Your Angels – 9am. An angelic workshop opportunity to meet one of your many angels. Rev. Judi Weaver, an intuitive channel, will alter her state of consciousness to a higher vibration so each participant can receive an inspirational message of guidance and have an opportunity to ask a question of their angel, thereby expanding self-knowledge. Individuals are encouraged to audio record their guidance messages. $35. Holistic House of Holly Hill, 1126 Riverside Dr. Info: 386-503-4930. Rev. Judi.Weaver@gmail.com.
Wishing you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year!
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Ads@NAJax.com to request our media kit.
A WAY OF LIFE ACUPUNCTURE 4337 Pablo Oaks Ct, Bldg 200, Jacksonville • 904-373-8415 Dr Christine Yastrzemski, NCCAOM, AP AP2255 AP4076 NCCAOM Board Certified Acupuncture Physician specializing in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We offer the highest quality of care while customizing treatments that best suit your needs. See ad, page 11.
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NATIVE SUN 1585 3rd St North, Jacksonville Beach 904-853-5497 NativeSunJax.com Jax Beach’s community organic grocer, local food and essential items. Order online for curbside p/u.
MIND BODY & BEYOND CENTER 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300 Jacksonville • 904-992-9930 MindBodyAndBeyondCenter.com Comprehensive. Integrative. Transformative. Strategies for developing awareness and understanding. Harmonize the mind and the body and spirit will follow. Find greater intuitive and creative ability, have a fuller expression of love, enhance your sense of self-worth and bring spiritual qualities into your life. #MM35640 See ad, page 8.
LAURENCE LAYNE, LMT, HERBALIST Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop 26 Clark St, St. Augustine 904-826-1965 • HealingWatersClinic.com MA0010746 MM005595 A holistic center specializing in pain relief and chronic health issues. Certified in neuromuscular and deep tissue bodywork, myofascial therapy, craniosacral balancing, east-west herbalism. Offering attunement energy healing since 1978. See ad, page 15.
SEVENTH WONDER HOLISTIC SPA 4236 St John’s Ave, Jacksonville 904-381-8686 • Seventh-Wonder.com A true sanctuary away from the stresses of the world since 2002. Offering: Ayurveda consultation and services, natural alternatives to facelift, massages, facials, eyebrow threading/tinting, reiki, pranic healing, ear coning, sauna, and a Himalayan salt room. A. SCHAEFFER-PAUTZ, MD Board Certified in Internal and Integrative Medicine Fellowship in Herbal Medicine Persephone Healing Arts Center 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-3583 • DrPautz.com Medical practice emphasizing highest quality personalized care, integrating spiritual, emotional and physical. Practicing naturopathy, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine. Monthly open house and lecture.
FIRST COAST INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Megan Weigel, DNP 14215 Spartina Ct, Jacksonville 904-543-3510 FirstCoastIntegrativeMedicine.com A holistic, heart-centered and evidence-based approach to care for people living with neurological conditions and symptoms. Dr Weigel has nearly 20 years experience in neurology and neurological care. See ad, page 13.
CARING PALMS MASSAGE AND REIKI Brian Dean, LMT MM40693, MA36835 476 Osceola Ave, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-2206 • CaringPalms.com Professional massage and energy work. Many styles of massage, Reiki, meditation, mediumship, massage & Reiki classes. Continuing education for Florida LMTs. See ad, page 15.
TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION CENTERS • Karen & Herb Bandy, Certified Teachers 904-375-9517 • Jacksonville@TM.org • Regine de Toledo & Richard Pinto, Certified Teachers 904-826-3838 • StAugustine@TM.org The TM technique is an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based practice for eliminating stress, increasing well-being and expanding consciousness. Certified Teachers give individual instruction and ongoing support. See ad, page 13.
CERTIFIED MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS 10695 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville 904-299-5300 2085 A1A S, St. Augustine 904-299-7373 CMMDR.com Patients with a qualifying medical condition can become a Florida medical marijuana patient in two easy steps and gain access to Florida Medical Marijuana Dispensary discounts, deals and special savings. License number OS8874. See ad, page 27.
MIND BODY & BEYOND CENTER Melissa Fenton, PhD, LMHC 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300 Jacksonville • 904-992-9930 MindBodyAndBeyondCenter.com Dr. Fenton, licensed psychotherapist, offers traditional individual and family therapy to adults. Individual and couples, EMDR/EFT, mindfulness, meditation, loss/trauma, stress management, women’s health, sexuality. Tele-health sessions available. See ad, page 8.
THE KARMA CASTLE 1437 N US Hwy 1, Ste C8, Ormond Beach TheKarmaCastle.com Psychic & Mediumship Development classes and workshops, Kundalini Yoga classes for all levels. Mediumship Demonstrations, Group Meditations, and Spiritually oriented events. Private Psychic and Mediumship Readings with International Psychic & Medium, Carl Seaver. Healing Sessions and Meditation Instruction with Spiritual Healer, Shannon MacDonald. Hours by appointment. See website to schedule appointments, and view the Calendar for events.
SPIRITUAL UPLIFTS 2186 Park Ave, Ste 102, Orange Park 904-292-4555 SpiritualUplifts.com Metaphysical services, including life coaching, spiritual readings, energy work, crystal healings, biomat, aura photography, chakra and astrology reports and more. World-renowned speakers and demonstrations to further your spiritual journey. See ad, page 24. HEALTH BY DESIGN Dr Kristy A Harvell 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville 904-363-3374 • HealthByDesignFL.com Nutrition Response Testing™ gets to the underlying cause of your condition by testing for food sensitivities, heavy metals, and chemical toxins. A Clinical Nutrition Program will be designed for your individual needs. See ad, page 32.
PSYCHIC CHANNEL REV JUDI WEAVER Heart 4 Souls Inc, Ormond Beach Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com 386-503-4930 • Heart4Souls.com Channeled spirit messages, crystal light healer, divine personal guidance, shamanic practitioner, spiritual counseling, guided meditations, home/property blessings, vision quest journeys. For individuals or groups—in person, virtual/on-line, phone or energy distance.
SPIRITUAL CENTERS UNITY CHURCH FOR CREATIVE LIVING IN ST JOHNS 2777 Race Track Rd, St Johns 904-287-1505 • UnityInJax.com Unity offers positive, practical teachings that support spiritual evolution and abundant living. They take an extremely positive approach to life, emphasizing our Oneness in God and the goodness in people and all life. Join to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. See ad, SPIRITUAL MENTOR/COACH/ END-OF-LIFE DOULA Nada Frazier, End of Life Doula 904-402-7061 • TheSacredServant.com Spiritual mentorship and coaching; Illuminating new perspectives on life and death. Non-medical, holistic certified end-of-life doula services. Support, planning, and guidance through times of
transformative change. page 6.
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What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? ~George Eliot