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by Linda Sechrist


Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network, is committed to creating a healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous world, as are the 200,000 members of his worldwide organization. Interested in personal growth and spirituality since his early 20s, Dinan’s core passion has been to shift society, not just the individual. In his book Sacred America, Sacred World: Fulfilling Our Mission in Service to All, Dinan harvests the world’s wisdom and his own experiences to show how humans can grow, evolve and mature psychologically and spiritually, laying out an envisioning process for what’s possible when America achieves its full potential.

Positing that envisioning is not only the work of leaders but of all of America’s citizens, Dinan sheds light on a new sacred conversation and overriding vision that can guide us to finding the will and the way to midwife a new chapter in American history.

What is a sacred worldview?

We have a lot of forces pulling us into our separate identities, whether this is as Americans, Democrats, Republicans or identifying as counterculture or mainstream culture. Bifurcations, which happen when we identify with a part of reality and make the rest wrong, bad or problematic, keep us in a state of suffering.

A sacred worldview means living in reverence for all humanity and all life; seeing divinity in all people and things, not just in a few people, a group or political party; seeing the higher, nobler and deeper dimension to all manifest reality that is expressed in humanity’s spiritual and religious impulses. A different way of engaging each other and designing how life works flows out of seeing life as the great mystics do; from a higher vantage point of interconnectedness.

At its heart, what is Sacred America about?

Sacred America, Sacred World is about recognizing our role within the larger whole. It’s about our unity as one human family. When we can redesign our society from this standpoint, we’re fulfilling the deepest principles upon which this country was based. Part of the fulfillment of a sacred vision for our country is building upon our most ancient principles. For example, “E pluribus unum” is a deep metaphysical concept meaning out of many, one. It’s not that all is oneness. This principle tells us that we evolve out of our “manyness” into our oneness, with each of us having a different role. Our manyness, our individuality, the unique flavors of life, different cultures and languages, is not something we want to erase. We do want to remember that we share this unitive ground and vision, as well as the powerful founding code of liberty, equality and justice for all.

Our country is coded with a mission to lean toward unity, to lean toward oneness. As the melting pot for the world, we integrate more cultures than any other country, creating unity from a great diversity of traditions, cultures, philosophies and religions. This is our shared inheritance.

Ultimately, Sacred America, Sacred World is about building a movement of awake, conscious and caring citizens who are powerfully committed to building a new era for America.

How do we do this?

America can fulfill its higher potential and promise in the way that parallels how an individual matures to his or her next level of development. I believe that America’s next level of expression is within each of us, but it requires that we do some internal housecleaning, clearing out the past, letting go of our different political polarizations, being more solutions-focused and more focused on fulfilling our larger mission in service to the globe, rather than just in service to ourselves.

We have to go beyond partisan warfare to embrace those with other political views as our deepest allies. They are also part of the team that is here to help America shine; yes, even the people you can’t stand. In short, we need to open to a vision of possibility for our country, one in which we successfully navigate the crises, polarizations and political warfare of today to create a country that reflects our highest ideals and that truly serves the birth of a new, global era for humanity, one that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy and prosperous.

Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at Linda Sechrist.com. To listen to the full interview, Tinyurl.com/SDinanInterview.

calendar of events

Dearest Readers, while many events have been postponed, many others will proceed online. Please visit the location’s website or Facebook page for up-to-date information.


Yoga Den Studio Classes – July 1-31. Join for a variety of class styles and traditions at one of eight locations. Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, prefer non-heated classes or love the heat, there is something for everybody. Schedule: Yoga-Den.com. Chasing Cupcakes Kick-Off – 6:30pm. Join live for the Health by Design Read Along to learn why we picked this book and how it ties into your health journey. Free. RSVP required. 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville. RSVP: HealthByDesignflEvents. Eventbrite.com.

Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. Unity InJax.com.


Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7pm. Led by UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.


Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Service

– 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live as we travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or link to YouTube channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.

Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach

– 10:30am. Join UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonville Beach.com.

Full Moon Drum Circle – 6-8pm. Get your groove on and drum to the energy of the full moon! Share in the joy of expressing yourself through music and dance. There will be a few extra instruments to share, but recommend participants bring their own percussion instrument. Co-partnered with Cosmic Church of Truth. Instructor: Julianne Battaglia. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: SeventhWonder.com/events.


Monday Mantra – With Megan. Start the week with a positive thought to use in meditation or in the moment stress relief. Follow First Coast Integrative Medicine and @fcintegrativemedicine on Facebook and Instagram. Virtual Death Café of NE Florida – Community gathering hosted by Nada Frazier, Founder of The Sacred Servant. Join people from across the nation and talk about life/death. See Death Café of NE Florida’s Facebook page, Deathcafe.com, MeetUP, and TheSacredServant.com for more info. To attend, email Nada@TheSacredServant.com for Zoom meeting link.


10-Day Blood Sugar Challenge Kick-Off – Maintaining a healthy normal blood sugar metabolism is key for good energy, quality sleep, an even mood, and healthful appetite. The 10-Day Blood Sugar Challenge gives you a valuable way to start a journey towards better wellness. Free. RSVP required. 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville. RSVP: Health ByDesignflEvents.Eventbrite.com. Kundalini Yoga – 6-7pm. With Ashley Ireland. Build physical vitality and increase consciousness. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.


Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. Unity InJax.com.


Transcendental Meditation – Noon. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information needed to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7pm. Led by UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.


Unity of Jacksonville Beach Women of the Circle

Virtual Gathering – 2nd & 4th Fri. All are welcome to virtually attend this community gathering held twice a month. To attend, email: NadaUJB@ gmail.com for Zoom meeting link/info or call 904-246-1300.


Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. Build physical vitality and increase consciousness. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events. Career Workshop – 10am-4pm. With Mara Walker. Are you seeking a change in your career? Looking for a job, need a job change, or simply want to update your resume and LinkedIn profile should new opportunities arise? The tools now used in finding a job have dramatically changed in the last few years. Mind Body and Beyond, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. 904-992-9930.


Pranayama and Yoga Nidra Meditation – 10- 11am & 11:15am-12:15pm. With Elizabeth Henrichson. Pranayama is the conscious awareness of breath. Through guided breathing you will increase the oxygen to your brain and all your internal organs which facilitates physical healing. Next, achieve a state of samadhi (intense concentration) and enlightenment through a guided meditation. Classes may be taken together or separately. Bring your own mat, blanket and accessories. Outside class if weather permits. $20/class. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904-381-8686. Register: seventh-wonder.com/events. How to Grow Advance Class – 10am-4pm. The 101 class will covers Seed to Harvest and Advance Class is Week-to-Week Seed-to-Harvest. Great class for Medical Card holders or caregivers when the laws change. $75 includes light lunch. RSVP: 904-829-4847 or register: JaxHugs.com.

Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Service

– 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live as we travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or link to YouTube channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.

Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach

– 10:30am. Join UJB Spiritual Leader Nada Frazier for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonville Beach.com.


Monday Mantra – With Megan. Start the week with a positive thought to use in meditation or in the moment stress relief. Follow First Coast Integrative Medicine and @fcintegrativemedicine on Facebook and Instagram. Bug Spray, Ketchup & Sunscreen – 6:30pm. Summer time is often the time we layer chemicals on our bodies, cook in the sun, and eat extra chemicals too. Learn the tips, tricks and hacks to avoid poisoning your body while enjoying the summer. Free. RSVP required. 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville. RSVP: HealthByDesignflEvents.eventbrite.com.

Group Past-Life Regression Meditation – 6:30- 7:45pm. 2nd Tue. With Irene Schrank. Access information about your distant past that may enlighten and astound you. In a safe and supportive atmosphere, Irene will place you into a deeply relaxed but conscious state, while guiding you through by asking questions about what you see and feel. $25/person. Mind Body and Beyond Center, 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300, Jacksonville. Register: 904-992-9930 or Info@mbandbcenter.com.


Remembering Our Divine Perfection – 7pm. July 15-Sept 16. Join Rev. Yvonne McAndrew for a 10- week intensive study using Marianne Williamson’s book A Course in Weight Loss via ZOOM. $200. Early Bird: $150/by 7/9. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287- 1505. Register: UnityInJax.com. Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.


Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7pm. Led by UJB guest speaker Rev. Janice Ryalls on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.


Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. Build physical vitality and increase consciousness. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events. Truth Beyond Your Imagination – 1-3pm. Within IONS we are inspired by the power of science to explain phenomena not previously understood, harnessing the best of the rational mind to make advances that further our knowledge and enhance our human experience. The information and personal guidance provided by the Lemurian’s and other Universal Light Beings will stretch your understanding of what is, for a greater personal consciousness understanding and expansion of your soul. Free. Ormond Beach IONS Meeting, 30 S Beach St, Ormond Bch. Info: 386-503-4930. SpiritualServices. online or Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com.


Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Service

– 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live as we travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or link to YouTube channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach – 10:30am. Join UJB guest speaker culture-builder, teacher, author, and disaster chaplain, Rev. Kelly Isola. Plus spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonville Beach.com. Monday Mantra – With Megan. Start the week with a positive thought to use in meditation or in the moment stress relief. Follow First Coast Integrative Medicine and @fcintegrativemedicine on Facebook and Instagram. New Moon Mindset for Manifestation – 6-8pm. Everything is made of energy and we will adjust and align your vibrational energies with those of the cosmos, explore your dreams and allow for hidden desires to become your reality. Preregister: $20. Mystical Expressions of Paradise: 1014 Reed Canal Rd, S Daytona. Info: 386-503-4930. Spiritual Services.online or Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com.


Twin Hearts Meditation – With Falli Shah. An advanced meditation technique developed by Master Choa Kok Sui aimed at achieving illumination of universal consciousness. Meditation phases include physical exercise, invoking divine blessings, relaxation/cleansing and energizing, self-introspection and inner reflection, activating the heart chakra, activating the crown chakra, achieving illumination, releasing excess energy and expression of gratitude and thanks. BYO mask. Free. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com.

Kundalini Yoga – 6-7pm. With Ashley Ireland. Build physical vitality and increase consciousness. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.


Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. Unity InJax.com.


Transcendental Meditation – 6:30pm. Introductory talk by video teleconference. The TM technique is a uniquely simple, natural, effortless procedure that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, maximize mental clarity and improve health. This video conference gives all the information you need to make an informed decision about learning the TM technique. Register: 904-375-9517 or Jacksonville@TM.org. Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7pm. Led by UJB guest speaker Rev. Janice Ryalls on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.

Unity of Jacksonville Beach Women of the

Circle Virtual Gathering – 2nd & 4th Fri. All are welcome to virtually attend this community gathering held twice a month. To attend, email: NadaUJB@gmail.com for Zoom meeting link/info or call 904-246-1300.


Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. With Ashley Ireland. Build physical vitality and increase consciousness. This session will include tuning in, warm ups, pranayama (breathing techniques), kriya (set of exercises), deep relaxation and meditation. Suitable for all ages and stages. $15. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.


Unity Church for Creative Living Sunday Service

– 10:30am. Join on Facebook Live as we travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. Or link to YouTube channel. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com. Virtual Services: Unity of Jacksonville Beach – 10:30am. Join UJB guest speaker Rev. Lisa Solwold for spiritual lessons, prayer, and meditation via Facebook Live every Sunday on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com. Virtual Heart4Souls Spiritual Guidance – 2pm. Rev. Judy Weaver will provide an overall message that has been laid on her heart, followed by a live channeling session where universal light beings will provide guidance and answer your questions for spiritual wisdom and support you with the expansion of your soul. Questions or requests to hear from specific entities (God Source, Arch Angels, Masters, Spirit Guides, Lemurian’s, etc.) for session consideration. Preregister: Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com. Info: SpiritualServices.online or 386-503-4930. Indian Cooking Class – 4-6pm. Join spa owner Falli Shah and her husband Sunny Shah for a vegan Indian cooking class. This delicious event includes the meal that is freshly prepared in front of you. The class will be held in their lovely outdoor deck overlooking the garden. $45. Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa, 4236 St Johns Ave, Jacksonville. 904- 381-8686. Register: Seventh-Wonder.com/events.


Monday Mantra – With Megan. Start the week with a positive thought to use in meditation or in the moment stress relief. Follow First Coast Integrative Medicine and @fcintegrativemedicine on Facebook and Instagram.


Spiritual Enrichment Classes – 7pm. Visit website for class information. All classes are conducted via ZOOM. Unity Church for Creative Living, 2777 Race Track Rd, St. Johns. 904-287-1505. UnityInJax.com.


Virtual Prayer/Meditation Gathering – 7pm. Led by UJB guest speaker Rev. Janice Ryalls on the Unity of Jacksonville Beach Facebook page. Love offerings welcome. Info: 904-246-1300. UnityOf JacksonvilleBeach.com.

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Ads@NAJax.com to request our media kit.


A WAY OF LIFE ACUPUNCTURE 4337 Pablo Oaks Ct, Bldg 200, Jacksonville • 904-373-8415 Dr Christine Yastrzemski, NCCAOM, AP Dr Jen Hart, DACM, AP AP2255 AP4076 Our Acupuncturist Physicians are NCCAOM Board Certified specializing in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We offer the highest quality of care while customizing treatments that best suit your needs. See ad, page 10.


HYDROPONIC UNIQUE GOODS 8622 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville 904-829-4847 • JaxHugs.com H e m p i s a l l relaxation without i n t o x i c a t i o n , research shows numerous health benefits. Garden and hydroponic supplies: Leading brands of soil, nutrients, grow tents and LED lights.

ROOTSCBD 904-420-7550 JaxRootsCBD.com RootsCBD is a family business providing high quality CBD products supplied by farms they know. They will soon sell products grown on their own farm. See ad, page 9.


THE SACRED SERVANT Nada Frazier, End of Life Doula 904-402-7061 • TheSacredServant.com Certified end-of-life doula (nonmedical, holistic) services, training EOL doulas, and supporting people, family and caregivers around illness and end of life issues. Planning and guidance through times of transformative change. FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE

JACKSONVILLE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Dr Jon Repole, DC, CFMP 9957 Moorings Dr, Ste 403 Jacksonville (Mandarin) 904-268-6568 • DrRepole.com Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Find the cause of your health challenge. Our office will create a doctor supervised custom-tailored health program that will include the following: meal planning, supplemental prescriptions, detoxification guidance, food/lifestyle coaching, exercise prescriptions, accountability, on-line patient portal, and more. We utilize the most advanced diagnostics testing available to aid both our diagnoses and treatment. See ad, page 6.


NATIVE SUN 1585 3rd St North, Jacksonville Beach 904-853-5497 NativeSunJax.com J a x B e a c h ’s c o m m u n i t y organic grocer, local food and essential items. Order online for curbside p/u.


MIND BODY & BEYOND CENTER 14215 Spartina Ct, Ste 300 Jacksonville • 904-992-9930 MindBodyAndBeyondCenter.com Comprehensive. Integrative. Transformative. Strategies for developing awareness and understanding. Harmonize the mind and the body and spirit will f o l l o w. We l l n e s s t i p s , customized meal plans, healthy recipes that are adaptable for the entire family, cooking classes & fitness professionals to help you meet your goals. Find greater intuitive and creative ability, have a fuller expression of love, enhance your sense of self-worth and bring spiritual qualities into your life. #MM35640 See ad, page 21. LAURENCE LAYNE, LMT, HERBALIST Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop St Augustine 904-826-1965 • HealingWatersClinic.com MA0010746 MM005595 A holistic center specializing in pain relief and chronic healthissues. Certified in neuromuscular and deep tissue bodywork, myofascial therapy, craniosacral balancing, east-west herbalism. Offering attunement energy healing since 1978. See ad, page 14.


SEVENTH WONDER HOLISTIC SPA 4236 St John’s Ave, Jacksonville 904-381-8686 • Seventh-Wonder.com A true sanctuary away from the stresses of the world since 2002. Offering: Ayurveda consultation and services, natural alternatives to facelift, massages, facials, eyebrow threading/tinting, reiki, pranic healing, ear coning, sauna, and a Himalayan salt room.


A. SCHAEFFER-PAUTZ, MD Board Certified in Internal and Integrative Medicine Persephone Healing Arts Center 485 6th Ave N, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-3583 • DrPautz.com Medical practice emphasizing highest quality personalized care, integrating spiritual, emotional and physical. Practicing naturopathy, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine. Monthly open house and lecture. See ad on back cover.

FIRST COAST INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Megan Weigel, DNP 14215 Spartina Ct, Jacksonville 904-543-3510 FirstCoastIntegrativeMedicine.com A holistic, heart-centered and evidence-based approach to care for people living with neurological conditions and symptoms. Dr Weigel has nearly 20 years experience in neurology and neurological care. See ad, page 13.

When in doubt, don’t. ~Benjamin Franklin

TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION CENTERS • Karen & Herb Bandy, Certified Teachers 904-375-9517 • Jacksonville@TM.org • Regine de Toledo & Richard Pinto, Certified Teachers 904-826-3838 • StAugustine@TM.org The TM technique is an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based practice for eliminating stress, increasing well-being and expanding consciousness. Certified Teachers give individual instruction and ongoing support. See ad, page 9.


CERTIFIED MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS 10695 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville 904-299-5300 2085 A1A S, St. Augustine 904-299-7373 CMMDR.com Patients with a qualifying medical condition can become a Florida medical marijuana patient in two easy steps and gain access to Florida Medical Marijuana Dispensary discounts, deals and special savings. License number OS8874. See ad, page 26.


THE KARMA CASTLE 1437 N US Hwy 1, Ste C8, Ormond Beach TheKarmaCastle.com Psychic & Mediumship Development classes and workshops, Kundalini Yoga classes for all levels. Mediumship Demonstrations, Group Meditations, and Spiritually oriented events. Private Psychic and Mediumship Readings with International Psychic & Medium, Carl Seaver. Healing Sessions and Meditation Instruction with Spiritual Healer, Shannon MacDonald. Hours by appointment. See website to schedule appointments, and view the Calendar for events. SPIRITUAL UPLIFTS 2186 Park Ave, Ste 102, Orange Park 904-292-4555 SpiritualUplifts.com Metaphysical services, including life coaching, spiritual readings, energy work, crystal healings, biomat, aura photography, chakra and astrology reports and more. World-renowned speakers and demonstrations to further your spiritual journey. See ad, page 23.


HEALTH BY DESIGN Dr Kristy A Harvell 2002 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville 904-363-3374 • HealthByDesignFL.com Nutrition Response Testing™ gets to the underlying cause of your condition by testing for food sensitivities, heavy metals, and chemical toxins. A Clinical Nutrition Program will be designed for your individual needs. See ad, page 6.


REV JUDI WEAVER Heart 4 Souls Inc, Ormond Beach Rev.Judi.Weaver@gmail.com 386-503-4930 • Heart4Souls.com Channeled spirit messages, crystal light healer, divine personal guidance, shamanic practitioner, spiritual counseling, guided meditations, home/property blessings, vision quest journeys. For individuals or groups—in person, virtual/on-line, phone or energy distance. UNITY CHURCH FOR CREATIVE LIVING IN ST JOHNS 2777 Race Track Rd, St Johns 904-287-1505 • UnityInJax.com Unity offers positive, practical teachings that s u p p o r t s p i r i t u a l evolution and abundant living. They take an e x t r e m e l y p o s i t i v e approach to life, emphasizing our Oneness in God and the goodness in people and all life. Join to travel the journey of spiritual unfoldment together. See ad, page 12.

UNITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH 106 6th St N, Jacksonville Beach (at Players by the Sea Theatre) 904-246-1300 UnityOfJacksonvilleBeach.com Unity of Jacksonville Beach honors all paths to God. Unity welcomes those who might call themselves spiritual but n o t r e l i g i o u s . We welcome seekers and people of all faith traditions. Sunday services at 10:30 am, silent meditation at 10:10 am. Unity explores spiritual teachings through metaphysical study, prayer, meditation and more… Join us! See ad, page 13.


YOGA DEN Mandarin | Fleming Island | Southside | Avondale | Golf Village | San Pablo | Bayard | Yoga-Den.com Founded in 2002, all Yoga Den teachers are graduates of YogaDen’s nationally accredited 200- hour TT Program. Members may use their key tags at all locations with Passport Membership. Hundreds of weekly classes. Our philosophy is No Judgement, and all levels will feel welcome. See ad, page 16.


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