interlude SUMMER
o f
Summer 2018
Jeanne Hryniewicki
2018 NFMC Conference Chair June NFMC Conference •
19-23, 2018
Michael R. Edwards NFMC’s 33rd President
Message from the President “The object of this organization is to bring into working relations with one another, music clubs and other music organizations and individuals directly or indirectly associated with music activity for the purpose of developing and maintaining high musical standards; and aiding and encouraging music education; and the promotion of American music and musicians throughout America and other countries.” Please take time to read the 2018 Summer Interlude and see how your officers, division chairs, CODA and magazine editors are working to fulfill the goals of our organization. They depend on the help of every single committee chair. This is teamwork. This is how we will succeed together in furthering the purpose of NFMC.
The 2018 NFMC Conference was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel from June 19-23. There were many highlights during the week as long as everyone could ignore the cold rainy weather! The kick-off concert on Tuesday evening was a spectacular performance by the Trinity Irish Dancers. They dazzled us with their sparkling costumes and precision dance. The Rose Fay Thomas luncheon saw five new Rose Fay Thomas fellows announced bringing the total RFT fellows to 300. Wednesday evening, we were delighted by a piano concert performed by Dr. Jeffrey Hollander followed by a reception sponsored by the Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs. The five regional luncheons were held on Thursday, with table decorations representing five of the outdoor Milwaukee Music Festivals. President Edwards welcomed everyone by visiting each luncheon accompanied by Golden Eagle, the Marquette University basketball mascot. The tour of the Milwaukee River and Lake Michigan shoreline was cold and rainy but very informative and interesting. Following the tour, we traveled to the Bavarian Bierhaus for a German dinner with music by Alpine Blast. Upon return to the hotel, the NFMC 2017 Young Artist winner in man’s voice, Andre Chiang, delighted us with his performance.
Friday morning began with the annual business meeting, followed in the afternoon by the joyous concert of the NFMC Festival Chorus directed by Dr. James Norden. The banquet honoring the state presidents followed later in the evening. An amazing and delightful performance by Stas Venglevski on the bayan and Tatiana Krasnobayeva on the dulcimer was the finale to the week’s activities. The final reception was a sponsored memorial to Frank Cascio, a business and music legend in Milwaukee. Saturday began with a memorial service followed by Junior Day with Randall Davidson presenting a Composition Masterclass. There were many interesting presentations throughout the week as well as performances by four national junior winners from Wisconsin and Illinois. I would like to thank my chairs for all of their time and talent in helping to prepare for the 2018 conference: Richard HryniewickiProgram Coordinator/Sponsorships, Heidi Hong-Hospitality/Decorations, Cathy PaquetteRegistration, Peter Olson-Transportation, Susan Daniels-Decorations and Susan McTaggartAdvertising. The Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs was delighted to host the 2018 NFMC Conference and to welcome Federation Members from around the country to Milwaukee.
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
frances nelson
Helena S. Meetze
NFMC First Vice President
FROM THE FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, FRANCES NELSON Didn’t we have a great time at the Milwaukee Conference? Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make this a successful event! Right now, everyone is busy getting their jobs together for the 2018-2019 club year. I know that I stay busy with liability insurance and allocations. If you are involved in either of these areas, please read your information carefully. There are some changes and you need to be very observant! One reminder – please remember where you put your info so you will have it when you need it! One of my favorite duties is visiting various states and regions. I enjoy each and every trip I take, and it’s such a pleasure to see old friends and meet new ones! I usually have to give some type of speech, and after everyone comments about my Southern accent, I do hope they listen to a little bit of what I’m saying! Our wonderful Federation has so many opportunities for those who choose to take part and participate. We have a chance to be advocates of music and arts legislation and high music standards through our Arts Advocacy. Our extraordinary Young Artist and Ellis Duo Piano winners present recitals anywhere – you just need to ask them! Our Competitions and Awards touch many, many musicians and we are connected with many prestigious Summer Music Centers across the country. We are a congressionally chartered organization and an NGO with the United Nations. Both of these are uncommon and very impressive. I hope all of our members will stop and think about how lucky we are to be a part of this rich heritage of promoting American music, musicians, and music education.
Sandra Banks Anderson Public Relations Division
National Music Week Chair
Music… the Universal Language proved to be a perfect theme for the 2018 essays. Students entering the contest wrote about many personal experiences and opinions relating to the topic. We heard the winner from Wisconsin, Adah Van Eeckhout, read her essay at the recent conference in Milwaukee.
National Music Week May 6-13, 2018
Music...The Universal Language
May 5-12, 2019
Music... A Magic Key
Our chosen theme for 2019 is Music…A Magic Key, and we are looking forward to receiving many inspiring papers from our 7th-12th graders. It is our responsibility to encourage the students now to plan on entering their thoughts on this theme and submitting the entries by the deadline, January 10, 2019. Also, the monetary award has been increased from $50 to $75 for each state winner. CEL
poster 2018-19.i
ndd 1
7/20/17 9:44 PM
National Music Week is May 5-12, 2019. State presidents should urge their club presidents to order materials from headquarters. The booklet offers many suggestions for ways to celebrate this special week. Posters are available for display in multiple locations, and coloring pages for students can be downloaded from the website. Each club should be able to take part in at least one activity. National Music Week is just one way in which we can show our communities how proud we are of the National Federation of Music Clubs.
Use Public Relations to Jump Start Your New Club Year! Planning a successful year of great music activities involves a lot of creative ideas, enthusiastic members, and appealing programs and projects. As an NFMC club, your main product to sell is MUSIC. If you think of your club as a business, you will understand the need to advertise. You must always be looking for new members to help with the important projects that you set forth for the year.
Getting Started You first must define what it is you are trying to achieve. Review your marketing and membership goals. Is your club’s priority to build membership or to enhance image and visibility in the community? Or both? Do you want to target a specific demographic? Are you trying to target younger members? Defining your desired outcome will help you determine your strategies.
To assist you with your PR expertise, I found the perfect article for you to read. I suggest that all senior club presidents read this brief article and share it with their clubs. I am sharing with you the first paragraph, and then I want you to run to your computer and read the rest!
The Message
This paragraph is a part of “Tips to Get Public Relations Started for Your Club” from the Club Runner newsletter:
Create Inter-Club Partnerships
Evaluation Inventory Be Involved Be Contemporary Be Relevant Go Online! Climb the Corporate Ladder Make Your Meetings Memorable
Adapted from the Marketing and PR Manual, Courtesy of Kiwanis International
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
REMEMBER: Membership starts with “ME.” Each of us can be
enthusiastic about NFMC and share that with other music lovers!
Carolyn M. Nelson Finance Division Chair
Division Chair
The Administrative Division consists of Bylaws and Rules, Arts Advocacy, Policy Resolutions, Headquarters, Protocol, Sergeants-at-arms, Chaplain, Historian, Archives Project, Office Committee, Parliamentarian, Coordinator of Divisional Activities and United Nations Representative. Many of these committees and chairs are presidential appointments, while some are elected. Several of these committees serve at our national meetings to make sure we have a successful event. The building and office committee ensures that headquarters is well maintained and an efficient office staff is retained. Dr. George Keck gave an update on the Archives Project at the 2018 NFMC Conference. This project has come a long way from mildewed boxes to an organized archive library that will preserve our history for future generations. There were several bylaw and standing rules revisions that were adopted at the 2018 conference. You may download these revised pages or you may download the entire document. We will be electing new officers, board of directors and chairs at the 2019 NFMC Convention in Jacksonville. Please consider serving your Federation for the 2019-2021 biennial.
Barbara Hildebrand
Just a reminder: All monies are to be sent to National Headquarters; this will simplify procedures for new state chairs. Local chairs are to send all monies to their state treasurer. In Milwaukee the new job description for the NFMC treasurer was approved. 2018 By-Laws Article IX: Following Changes to NFMC Treasurer Responsibilities 1. Serves as liaison between headquarters, CPA and auditor, and NFMC Board. 2. Has responsibility for all NFMC funds and securities being deposited in federally recognized and approved institutions. 5. NFMC treasurer serves as liaison between Investment Fund and
Operating Funds. Transactions from Investments Fund can be authorized by the NFMC treasurer and/or the President. 6. Shall present recommendations to the NFMC Board for approval of CPA and auditor engagement letters. 7. Monthly and Quarterly Reports will be duty performed by Executive Director.
A new tab on the website will give you an ongoing look at the financial wellbeing of NFMC. Entitled “Federation Finance Facts,” it will feature the PowerPoint program from the most recent national meeting, quarterly reports of the status of general fund budget, news of any recent contribution to the investments of NFMC and notification of any updates in award amounts that have occurred since the online forms were updated. Ideas of other items you might want to see will be considered. I can’t read your mind, so send me an email, During the Milwaukee conference state presidents meeting, the Finance Division PowerPoint program was distributed in pdf format along with the text to accompany the slides. The slides are related to the 2017-18 general fund budget and the June 1 numbers. If you want a pdf copy, notify the office or contact your state president. The financial books for the 2017-18 budget year closed on June 30 with the last day for filing for any expenses being July 5. Thank you, there was almost 100% compliance. I’m hoping to have the year-end report in the fall issue of Music Clubs Magazine (and on the website). The 2018-19 General Fund Approved Budget is shown here.
2018-19 GENERAL FUND APPROVED BUDGET Revenues Dues $221,000 Activities $53,250 Merchandise $1,250 Liability Insurance $22,000 Publications $58,150 HQ Operations $12,800 TOTAL REVENUE $368,450 Expenses Board Expense $51,335 Annual Meetings $12,000 Activities $11,000 Federation Operations $46,900 Merchandise $1,000 Publications $104,600 HQ Operations $127,038
I am pleased to report that the Fund for the Advancement of Musical Arts (FAMA) received 8 applications this year. After much discussion as to the TOTAL EXPENSES $353,873 request was appropriate to NFMC mission, six applications were approved. They are International Music Camp (ND), Junior Composers Summer Programs (MN), Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra (WA), Crescendo Fine Arts Academy (CO), Anna Kiefer (TX), and Dr. Phyllis Lewis-Hale (MS). We expect to hear of the success of these grants during the coming year.
Standing rule approval: B-6 Reports
A motion was passed at the final NFMC board meeting that ALL competition applications are to be submitted online. You can also pay online your dues, memorials and recognitions contributions, national meeting registrations, almost everything. It’s easy and secure. I just purchased a life membership online. You will get an immediate receipt. This saves office staff a lot of clerking time. Please help them.
The treasurer will give state of NFMC Finances to the NFMC Board at national board and business meetings. The treasurer will reconcile the award account.
Membership drives the finances of our organization; please recruit a new member or convince an old member to rejoin. Today’s generation needs the support of our mission – to support American music and musicians.
8. Requests audit reports be sent annually to required governmental or organizational agencies and has oversight of tax filings.
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
The American Music Division encourages the appreciation, creation, performance, celebration and study of American Music in all its historical and contemporary styles and contexts.
AMERICAN MUSIC DIVISION Deborah T. Freeman Division Chair
A new NFMC Just Jazz category for junior clubs: 10 awards @ $25 Awards for senior clubs Just Jazz: 10 @ $100 Just Jazz may be celebrated throughout the year, not only in April. NFMC American Women Composer awards: 10 awards @ $100 NFMC Folk Music awards: 10 @ $100 Senior clubs will send all contest entries for Professor R.A. Rudolf
Please don’t ignore the information and become the weakest link! Information is also included on the C & A chart. NFMC American Music Division presents annual monetary awards and certificates for participation in:
NFMC/ASCAP American Music Award - Yearlong celebration of American music (AM2)
Summer Festivals – Open to summer music festivals, centers and camps in the United States for performance and promotion of American music (AM4)
Junior Clubs Award – To encourage the interest of junior club members in performing, promoting, and studying American music (AM5)
American Women Composers – Presenting programs featuring music written by American women composers (AM6)
Educational Institutions – Privately or state-supported college, university or school of music, for the performance and promotion of American music (AM3)
Interesting articles and information will be shared throughout the year in the following manner:
Folk Music – To encourage local club performance and promotion of our heritage and history through music (AM7)
Division chair to regional chairs – regional chairs to state presidents within their region – state presidents to local club presidents – local club presidents to club members – club members to students, churches, friends, and community centers.
Just Jazz! – To show appreciation for and share knowledge of the works of American jazz music and American jazz composers (AM 8) Junior and Senior club awards
Professor Rudolf R.A. Schramm Parade of American Music – Celebration during the month of November, American Music Month (AM 1)
Schramm Parade of American Music and NFMC/ASCAP American Music entries directly to the National Chair, Deborah Freeman. Reports (reporting only) will continue to be sent to the regional chairs.
Regional chairs will promote American music, send
congratulatory letters and certificates to all participants, and communicate with state presidents and state American music chairs.
It’s time to plan programs for your upcoming fall meetings, so be sure to include American music!
If you’re a club president and haven’t received any American music news, contact me at
Sharing American Music from sea to shining sea…
FESTIVALS BULLETIN DIVISION Things are getting underway as we are continuing on the timeline to publication for the next Bulletin. It was very exciting in Milwaukee when several new events were added: Tuba Solo, Saxophone Quartet, Alto Saxophone Duet, Baritone Saxophone Solo, Clarinet Trio, Trumpet Duet, Sacred Music Piano Solo. That means we’ll need advisers for those, so if you (or someone you know) would be interested, please contact me.
Lori Jessen
Festivals Bulletin Editor
Be sure to check the next issues of the magazines for some revised rules regarding adult festival participants and the latest updates to the current Bulletin. There will also be an announcement on how to submit artwork for consideration for the new Bulletin cover and an opportunity for input as to past repertoire from previous Bulletins that you’d like to see again. Thank you for this marvelous opportunity to be your editor!
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Competitions & Awards Chair
We need your help in finding entrants for our many competitions! We love giving away money to deserving and talented musicians.
Competitions and Awards News IMPORTANT NEWS!! This past year award chairs were given the option of accepting award applications online or as previously done--by postal mail. At the C & A Board meeting in Milwaukee a motion was approved to adopt the concept of requiring all NFMC award applications, beginning now, to be submitted online. All award applications, entry fees, supporting materials (Recordings, Manuscripts, Letters of Recommendation, etc.) must be submitted online and membership dues may be paid online. Recordings by entrants may be uploaded as a MP3 or MP4 file or as a link to a YouTube recording. If you as a chair have problems with this process, please contact Jennifer Griffin at headquarters. She will work through it with you. There was positive feedback from those using this process this past year, and young applicants are preferring this method of application. In addition, it is easier to send judges materials and will save money on postage, travel, etc. THE 2018-19 COMPETITIONS AND AWARDS CHART IS REVISED AND AVAILABLE WITH AWARD INCREASES!! NO award amounts were decreased this year. Below is a list of INCREASES in
AMERICAN MUSIC DIVISION Sr. American Women Comp. ASCAP HS Awara Sr. Folk Music Sr. Just Jazz Jr. Just Jazz
10 @ $100 $500 10 @ $100 10 @ $100* 10 @ $25*
ARTS DIVISION Jr. Crusade for Strings Sr. Crusade for Strings Nat. Mus. Week Essay Sr. Choral Activity
10 @ $25 10 @ $100 50 @ $75 10 @ $100*
COMPETITIONS AND AWARDS DIVISION American Music in Armed Forces Virginia Allison Hinda Honigman Mayfield Opera Ouida Keck Robinson Conducting VM Nelson Youse Composition
1st-$1000 2nd-$500 $1500* $1500 $1250 $1750 $1000* $800 $750
SUMMER MUSIC CENTERS Aspen $1000 Brevard/Ward $1250 Chautauqua-both Mack Awards $3000 each Foster 4 @ $275
award amounts for the 2018-19 year. The Competitions Chart is now revised and is available on the website. Check it also for changes in deadlines, entry fees and award chairs. AWARD ELIGIBILITY Clarifications were made in the Standing Rules about award eligibility for 1st place award winners. First place winners are not eligible to compete again for the same award. (Exception-Veterans Award winners are eligible to win again but not in consecutive years, and first place junior composers winners may compete in a different category, but not the same category.) First place winners of Arts and American Music Division monetary awards may win first place multiple times, but not consecutively. (Exception: National Music Week Essay Contest) AWARD AND DIVISION CHAIRS All award chairs are being sent updated award and judging information along with their allotment allocation letters from the Budget Chair, Frances Nelson. New and important information is included, so please note these changes.
IPFAC-both Mack Awards $3000 IPFAC/Brown $1850 Rocky Ridge $750 Santa Fe $600 Walden $750 JUNIOR DIVISION Greer Poetry 5@$100 Cox 1st-$2000 2nd-$1500 3rd-$1000 Dance-Jr. II 1st-$400 2nd-$200 Fowler Blind Comp. $1000 Jr. Composers Class I 1st-$150 2nd-$125 2 @ $100 Jr. Composers Class 2 1st-$175 2nd-$125 2 @ $100 Jr. Composers Class 3 1st-$225 2nd-$175 3 @ $125 Pierson $150 Jr. Composers Class 4 1st-$300 2nd-$200 4 @ $150 String Comp. $250 Olga Nelson $150 Laura Wilson $150
Jr. Composers Reg. 1 & 2 2 reg. @ $100 Jr. Composers Reg. 3 & 4 3 reg. @ $100 Lana Bailey 1st-$1000 2nd-$500 Mack Jr. Vocal 2nd-$1000 3rd-$500* Stillman Kelley 1st-$1500 Thelma Byrum $500 Walsh 5 reg. @ $1000 Wendell Irish 1st-$1750 5 reg. @ $300 STUDENT/COLLEGIATE DIVISION
Bluhm Flute $800 Bullock Mus. Therapy $1500 Wilson Mus. Therapy $750 Robertson Mus. Therapy $650 Carolyn Nelson 1st-$1250 2nd-$750 Elizabeth Paris $1750 Mehan/Morgan $800 NFMC Beyer S/C Comp. 1st-$1500** 2nd-$1000 Nadworney/Valentin S/C Comp. $1000** Richter S/C Comp. $1250 Valentin Violin $1500 Van Roy 2nd-$300*
* New Award ** Name Change of Award
Copyright Š 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
As you know, the Young Artist Awards are NFMC’s most prestigious awards, for artists ready to begin their concert career! NFMC awards the winners $20,000, plus two years of booking engagements at our federated states and clubs throughout the United States. Next year, the biennial NFMC Young Artist auditions in Piano, Man’s Voice, Woman’s Voice and Strings will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville at the NFMC Convention June 19 and 20, 2019. Those attending the convention will be able to observe the auditions! Eligibility: All applicants must be United States citizens. Instrumentalists must have reached their 18th birthday, but not their 30th by June 1, 2019. Vocalists must have reached their 25th birthday, but not their 37th, by June 1, 2019. Entrants must not be, and must not ever have been, under professional management.
Melanie Perez
Young Artists Chair
We hope that all NFMC members will be on the lookout for potential NFMC Young Artists! Wouldn’t it be awesome for a Young Artist to be from your state? 2018 $300 Bonus: In the meantime, per Michael Edward’s July newsletter, an anonymous donor will donate $300 to any NFMC affiliate that signs a contract with an NFMC Young Artist. The contact MUST be signed by both the young artist and the NFMC affiliate between September 1 and December 31 and filed with NFMC headquarters. The concert must take place by June 15, 2018. Complete details of the conference will be published in the 2018 autumn issue of Music Clubs Magazine.
Natalie Conte – Woman’s Voice –
André Chiang – Man’s Voice –
Kevin Ahfat – Piano –
Sujin Lee – Strings –
THANK YOU! Harriet H. Coker Coordinator of Divisional Activities
A great big “thank you” to Jeanne Hryniewicki and her committee for making the 2018 NFMC Conference in Milwaukee such a success. Also, “hats off ” to President Michael Edwards and Executive Director Jennifer Griffin (and family!) for their hard work. It was a busy week filled with fun, fellowship, music and NFMC business. Presidents Day was once again a huge success. Carole Langley and the presenters provided valuable information and discussion that will be of great benefit to state presidents. The division chairs, as usual, were extremely creative. Dr. Ouida Keck and “Vanna George,” Deborah Freeman and the dancing American musicians, Jan Hill and her “gold mine” provided some of the innovative presentations. The following standing rule proposals were approved by the board of directors:
ADDENDUM E A-4 Each member of the board is required to obtain a copy of the NFMC Manual, bylaws and standing rules. These materials are available for digital download from the NFMC website. E-1 Distribution of NFMC Manual. Board members are required to obtain a copy of the NFMC Manual. It is also recommended that division, department and committee chairs obtain a copy of the manual. The NFMC Manual is available online for digital download. State presidents may download a digital copy of the NFMC Manual, bylaws and standing rules from the NFMC website. For those who may not have the capability to download the manual, bylaws and standing rules, these may be ordered from headquarters for a fee plus shipping and handling. That information is on the website.
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Music Clubs Magazine Editor
The June NFMC Conference in Milwaukee was wonderful. If you missed it or want to relive its highlights, be watching for the autumn edition of Music Clubs Magazine. It will include pictures and information from the conference, as well as coverage of Missouri’s 100th anniversary celebration. Many annual award winners will also be spotlighted.
If you send us items that are more appropriate for Junior Keynotes, we will forward those to Jeanne Hyrniewicki for inclusion there. Some items will overlap and may need to be covered in both magazines, but we strive not to duplicate. Magazine space is so precious that we reserve those pages for the most important news.
We have more news coming in and will do our best to cover everything we receive. We know each region and state has happenings we can include. We are glad to get outstanding club news, but it’s really called state news, so we ask regional vice presidents and state presidents to send in general notices of what is happening. Particularly we are glad to get news of club and state anniversaries and of special awards earned or presented. Obituaries in the magazine are reserved for past NFMC board members and past state presidents; otherwise, they can be found on the NFMC website.
Jennifer Griffin, NFMC’s executive director, handles advertising and circulation from headquarters. Be sure you send updated mailing addresses so your members will receive their magazine. We look forward to continue telling the NFMC story in the best possible way. Deadlines for both magazines remain August 1 for autumn, November 1 for winter, and February 1 for spring. Send pictures of high quality to illustrate your stories. Thank you for trusting us to share the NFMC story with the world.
JUNIOR KEYNOTES MAGAZINE Jeanne Hyrniewicki Junior Keynotes Editor
Congratulations to all our juniors who were so successful in the 2018 contests and competitions. The 2018 fall issue of Junior Keynotes will be filled with articles and pictures highlighting all of their accomplishments. Many articles have already been received in anticipation of the August 1 deadline. We will try our best to cover as many items as possible. The deadline for submissions for subsequent issues remains the same as in the past: the deadline for the winter issue is November 1 and for the spring issue, February 1. Just a reminder of the guidelines for submission: submit all articles as WORD documents, as they may need to be edited for space constraints. Please provide only original highresolution JPG images 1MB or greater. When sending images via a mobile device, please choose “original” or “large.”
Arts Division Chair
There is exciting news in the Arts Division! We have a new money award and increases in three existing money awards! The new award is in Choral Music with Chair Dr. Victor Klimash. This award will be for senior clubs who participate and promote choral music. There will be ten $100 awards available. The new reporting form is being developed and should be available online in August. The reporting form will list requirements to qualify for the award. There has been an increase in the Music Week Essay Contest amount from $50 to $75. All of the requirements for this award will remain the same with just the amount being changed. The new reporting form should reflect this increase. The Crusade for Strings will see an increase in money awards for junior clubs from $5 to $25 and senior clubs from $25 to $100. There will still be 10 awards for both junior and senior clubs but they will not be limited by region. The new reporting form will reflect these changes. The Arts Division has other awards that are being maintained in the Music Outreach area and International Music Relations. A new Together We Sing is slated to be available at the 2019 Convention in Jacksonville, Florida.
We always welcome student submissions, including artwork, poetry, musical ideas or anything that will be of interest to our readers. We hope that all states will be represented with their junior accomplishments! The state news editor, along with the regional news editors, will gladly pass on all state news to us. We look forward to receiving even more articles as the August 1 deadline approaches. Be sure to highlight your juniors’ success with an article in Junior Keynotes. If you send us items that are more appropriate for Music Clubs Magazine, we will forward them to Jean Moffatt, editor, for inclusion there. As I begin my second year as Junior Keynotes editor I look forward to providing even more informative and interesting issues for 20182019!
Check out all of our 11 interesting areas of music in the Arts Division. We have 33 chairs ready to help you incorporate Chamber Music, Strings, International Music, Poetry, Choral Music, Together We Sing, Music Outreach, Opera, and Sacred Music in your club meetings. National Music Week and the Essay Contest connect you in the community, and Music in Schools and Colleges puts you in touch with the students on the college campus and the many awards at the student/collegiate level. Take a look at the awards and competition chart on the website and publications for the reporting forms in the Arts Davison section. There will be more updates in the fall issue of NFMC Music Clubs Magazine. Have a great musical year!
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Linda Lind
Carol Langley
Making Waves with NFMC Juniors The Junior Division did make some mighty big waves at the Milwaukee Conference. We were well represented with 22 national and regional chairs from our division in attendance. We were proud to hear our juniors in performance and treated to hearing some of our outstanding junior composers and their works. We put out heads together and rolled up our sleeves and did a lot of “housework.” All forms for the division will be updated and must have
the date of August 2018 for use this next year. All applications are now to be submitted online. (Ask
the NFMC chair if you need assistance. They are ready to help.) Many awards have been increased. The 2018-2019
Council of State Presidents
State presidents began this year’s NFMC Conference on Tuesday morning with presidents from almost all of our active states. After greetings from NFMC President Michael Edwards and First Vice President Frances Nelson, division chairs brought information about their programs. They found “interesting ways” to bring their important information to our presidents – some were funny, some made us think and all were very helpful. Strategic planning sessions were an important part of this year’s Presidents Day. In these sessions presidents discussed various state problems and wrote the following strategic plans for the council: VISION STATEMENT: The vision for our states’ Federation of Music Clubs is the revitalization, collaboration and music appreciation, through music clubs in every community.
Competitions and Awards Chart will tell all the good news. All information about Federation Festivals will be
consolidated in the NFMC Junior Federation Festivals Procedures Manual (JR 3-18). If you are involved in festival, this is your BFF!!
MISSION STATEMENT: The Mission of State Presidents in the National Federation of Music Clubs is to serve as the liaison between national and state members, in order to communicate and educate our members about the purposes, mission and goals of the NFMC and our own state. ACTION STATEMENT: The Action of the State Presidents is to promote what the NFMC has to offer and to encourage membership growth through music opportunities. A delicious luncheon was provided, and presidents enjoyed pleasant conversations with their new friends and colleagues. All presidents expressed their gratitude to NFMC President Michael Edwards and to all of their excellent presenters for making this helpful day possible. Now they look forward to having a very successful Federation year.
the Date! Convention
The Online Entry Data System Fee is now $1 and 50 cents
continues to go to the festival account for a total of $1.50. The cost of Federation Cups will remain the same
through September 30, 2021. Work is well under way on the next Federation Festivals
Bulletin. The next issue of Junior Keynotes will feature many of our winners from this past season. The details from the Milwaukee meeting will also be included. You will want to share it with juniors and especially their parents and guardians. Use juniors and their counselors as you are making plans for this coming year. Think out of the box. Make some waves!! Our juniors are our future, and they are quite capable of making a tsunami all on their own.
Encore Jacksonville, Florida June 18-22, 2019
NFMC Biennial
Junior Division Chairman
REMEMBER: Each of us can be enthusiastic about NFMC and share that with other music lovers!
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.
Jan Hill
Student/Collegiate Division Chair
Eureka! Folks who attended the 2018 NFMC Conference in Milwaukee discovered GOLD! (Okay, maybe not literally, but we surely had many times to treasure and were presented with some golden opportunities!) Tuesday, June 19, was Presidents Day at the conference. Among other activities, all the state presidents heard presentations from each of our nine divisions. Our Student/Collegiate Division performed a skit with the theme “There’s GOLD to be found in NFMC!” We introduced “Clementine Clydehopper,” a visiting “miner” who was looking for “NFMC GOLD.” The talented and enthusiastic cast included: Connie Randall, NFMC Student/Collegiate Auditions Chair; Karl Morris, Mehan/Morgan Music Education Award Chair; Carol Larkins, Alabama Federation of Music Clubs President; and Jan Hill, NFMC Student/Collegiate Division Chair. Participants in the skit explained in a fun, yet informative, way how to apply for the awards available to qualified applicants who are aged 19 through 25. Information on these awards may be found at the NFMC website: student-collegiate-division/.
Unfortunately, “Clementine” was ineligible for any of our awards. (“Dreadful sorry, Clementine!”) Keeping in the fun spirit of the theme, each state president was given “golden” souvenirs: Hershey’s gold nugget candy and a bookmark made to look like a gold brick. (On the gold-colored cards were printed the names of our awards, the chairs, and their contact information.) We didn’t want the other conference attendees to be left out, so we also provided a miniature “gold mine” for everyone! When you reached in and withdrew a gold-colored business card, you were rewarded with directions to the NFMC website AND a cash prize! All courtesy of your Student/ Collegiate Division! Speaking of “striking gold,” it was my pleasure to report to the conference some information about our 2018 Award winners: Past National President Carolyn Nelson Double Reed Award Tim Baumann, Chair 1st Place ($1200): Russell Hoffman, oboe, The Julliard School of Music 2nd Place ($500): Brianna Rife, bassoon, University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
Gretchen E. Van Roy Music Education Scholarship Cheryl Schmidt, Chair Winner ($1200): Julia Janowski, Michigan State University Myrtle Mehan/Hazel Morgan Music Education Scholarship Karl Morris, Chair Winner ($600): Juliana Patselas, The University of Cincinnati NFMC/Ernest A. Bluhm Award in Flute Ellen Leapaldt, Chair Winner ($700): Maggie Shorter, University of Alabama
Whom do you know who could benefit from one of our generous awards? There are, by my count, fortyfour possible Student/Collegiate Awards! Our twelve NFMC chairs are ready, willing, and able to encourage and assist capable young performers, composers, music educators, music therapists, and church musicians to reach their career goals. Let’s you and I…all of us…help those deserving young people strike NFMC GOLD!
NFMC/Dorothy Dann Bullock Music Therapy Award Margaret Smith, Chair Winner ($1400): Annebel Leigh Roberson, University of Alabama
NFMC/Irma Carey Wilson Music Therapy Award Winner ($500): Maggie Shorter, University of Alabama
THE PRESIDENT’S THEME: Keeping the Music Alive for the Future!
NFMC/Ruth B. Robertson Music Therapy Award Winner ($500): Abigail Leigh Parrish, Converse College
THE PRESIDENT’S SONG: "Star Spangled Banner" 2019 NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK THEME: Music... A Magic Key May 5-12, 2019
These gifted and hard-working young people are only a few examples of the treasure trove of talent that exists out there in our colleges, universities, conservatories, private studios, etc.
NMW ESSAY DUE DATE: January 10, 2019
NATIONAL FEDERATION of MUSIC CLUBS 1646 West Smith Valley Road • Greenwood, IN 46142
317-882-4003 // email: // The National Federation of Music Clubs is a tax-exempt, non-profit philanthropic and educational organization dedicated to music education and promotion of the creative and performing arts in America since 1898. The Federation was chartered by the U.S. Congress on August 9, 1982. The mission of the Federation is to support and develop American music and musicians.
Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.