NFMC Summer Interlude 2015

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interlude SUMMER





Message from the President

Michael R. Edwards NFMC’s 33rd President

FEDERATION NOTES: The President’s Theme – Keeping the Music Alive for the Future! The President’s Song – "Star Spangled Banner"

SUMMER is a time for vacations and staying cool. The kids are out of school and so excited about their three month vacation. Now that it is August they are starting to look forward to the new school year. It’s the same for Federation. After a long summer, music clubs are starting to prepare for a new club season. Take time to read the NFMC Summer Interlude. Your new President, Officers, and Chairmen have important information to help you plan your new club year. Have a Great Year!

Summer 2015

NFMC Young Artists N AT









– Piano –


– Ellis Duo –

April O’Hare Photography




– Voice –

– Viola –


SOME IMPORTANT CHANGES: A newly revised re-formatted NFMC Directory (July 2015) is available electronically from Headquarters. Please use this version as there are several new chairmen.

Young Artist Presentation Chair, Melanie Perez 645 Hesper Avenue, Metairie, LA 70005-2660 // (504) 669-3361 //

YA 2015 mini poster.indd 1

7/21/15 4:26 PM

NFMC 2015-2017 Ellis Duo and Young Artists Poster

The new NFMC Manual will be available in September. State Presidents will receive a complimentary copy via CD. This is a very useful tool for state presidents and state chairmen. Additional copies can be ordered from Headquarters for $1 for CD or $15 for printed version.

2016 National Music Week Theme – Music... Notes to the Future 2017 National Music Week Theme – Music... An Adventure For Life The 2016 NFMC Conference will be held June 21-June 25, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency in Tulsa, OK. The theme will be “Music... Lights the Heart of Our Nation.” The 2017 NFMC 59th Biennial Convention will be held in Dayton Ohio, June 2017. Dates TBA.

Young Artist Performers left to right; Nicholas Susi, Christie Conover and Matthew Lipman.


June 21-June 25, 2016

Hyatt Regency Tulsa, OK The conference theme will be "Music... Lights the Heart of Our Nation"

NFMC’s 33rd President Michael R. Edwards taking the oath.

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT frances nelson,

NFMC First Vice President

FROM THE FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, FRANCES NELSON What a wonderful time we had at the Convention in Fargo, ND! Congratulations to all who had a hand in this successful event. Being elected as NFMC First Vice President is such an honor, and I will work hard to do a good job for our organization. This is a very busy time of the year! Information and Request Forms regarding liability insurance have been sent to all state contacts. Last year there were over 1300 policies. Remember to purchase liability insurance – protect your assets!! Now, I’m diligently working on allocations for Officers and Chairmen. You will receive an email very soon with your information. Please be reminded to stay within your budget! I’ve had to consult Michael a great deal, and he has been very patient in guiding me through this new territory. We have very capable and willing Past Presidents, too, and I’m sure they will be helpful in sharing their experiences. Invitations have come in from several states, and it will be a pleasure to visit with them and attend their events. Thank you all for your vote of confidence, and please contact me if I can assist you in any way.

TREASURER Barbara Hildebrand, NFMC Treasurer

All About the Money There are no changes dealing with Festivals for this fiscal year BUT #3 is very important: FESTIVAL CHAIRMAN: 1. Please note that NFMC festival fees for 2015-2016 will remain the same $2.00 per entrant per event entered $1.50 of the fee will go toward the Online Festival Management System. 2. A teacher may not charge festival fees in excess of the amount established by area festival chairman/committee. State Boards may set a financial penalty for failure to comply. 3. Begin Now: For each festival entrant please request birth date and full birth name as this information will be necessary for online festival registration. STATE TREASURERS AND STATE PRESIDENTS: (refer to minutes of Fargo, ND meeting) 1. National dues for 2015-2016 fiscal year will remain the same. 2. National dues will INCREASE fiscal year 2016-2017. 3. SENIOR DUES: $6.00 per member. 4. JUNIOR DUES: $1.00 per member.

Harriet H. Coker,

Coordinator of Divisional Activities

MANUAL MANIA! “Manual Mania” has begun! NFMC officers, division chairmen, and our executive director are in the process of producing the 2015-2017 NFMC Manual. The new edition will be available in September. Each state president will receive a copy, and it is recommended that state federations purchase a CD for every senior club. Copies may be purchased from headquarters at the cost of $15.00 for a hard copy or $1.00 for a CD plus shipping and handling. The manual is a valuable resource for every Federation member and club.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BY STATE TREASURERS AND CHAIRMAN: 1. Where do I send dues and contributions? Send FI 8-10 form along with FI 8-1 Sr. Club; FI 8-2 Student Club; FI 8-3 Junior Club; FI 8-4 Individual Membership forms to NFMC Headquarters. Dues will remain the same. 2. Where do I send State Liability Insurance payment? Send to Frances Nelson, NFMC Vice-President 3. Where do I send Festival report and fees? Send Festival Report (JR-3-7) along with check payable to NFMC to Barbara Hildebrand, NFMC treasurer. Remember festival fees are $2.00 per entrant. 4. Where do I send request for payment of Scholarships and/or Awards? Send to Barbara Hildebrand, NFMC treasurer. 5. Where can I find current forms? The NFMC website: Let this be the best year yet for NFMC!

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.


Michael R. Edwards, Division Chairman

Deborah T. Freeman, Division Chairman

The American Music Division seeks to stimulate the appreciation, creation, performance, and study of American Music in all its historical and contemporary styles and contexts, including art, popular music, the music of ethnic groups, minorities, and the full range of activities associated with American Music. It’s time to plan programs for your upcoming fall meetings, so be sure to include American Music! Forms have been revised and deadlines have changed, so please download current forms. Interesting articles and information will be shared throughout the year in the following manner: Division Chairman to Regional Chairmen → Regional Chairmen to State Presidents within their region → State Presidents to Local Club Presidents → Local Club Presidents to Club Members → Club Members to students, churches, friends, and community centers. I’ve already sent several articles, so if you’re a club president and didn’t receive them – contact me at Please don’t ignore the information and become the weakest link! NFMC American Music Division awards annual monetary awards or certificates for participation in:

The Administrative Division consists of Bylaws and Rules, Arts Advocacy, Policy Resolution, Headquarters, Protocol, Sergeantsat-arms, Chaplain, Historian, Archives, VIP, Office, Parliamentarian and Coordinator of Division/Departmental Activities. Many of these committees and chairmen are Presidential Appointments while some are elected. Newly appointed chairmen include Lana Bailey – Bylaws and Rules Chairman, Carolyn Nelson – Office Chairman, Connie Randall - Chaplain and Richard Lind – Sergeants-at-arms Chairman. Some of these committees serve at our national meetings to make sure we have a well run event. The building and office committee ensure that headquarters is well maintained and work to maintain an efficient office staff. In the approved 2015-2016 budget, the office is purchasing a new computer system that is long overdue. There were several Bylaw and Standing Rules revisions that were adopted at the Biennial Convention in Fargo. You can download these revised pages or you may download the entire publication. With the help of NFMC Officers, Division Chairmen and Regional Vice Presidents, Harriet Coker is busy working on the 2015-2017 NFMC Manual. The manual will be available Sept 1 for purchase: CD - $1/ Hard copy - $15. Every state and club president should have a copy of the NFMC Manual. On behalf of the Administrative Division I wish everyone a great year. Keeping the Music Alive for the Future!

• NFMC/ASCAP – Yearlong celebration of American Music (AM2) • Summer Festivals – Open to summer music festivals, centers and camps in the United States for performance and promotion of American Music (AM4) • Junior Clubs Award – To encourage the interest of Junior Club members in performing, promoting, and studying American Music (AM5) • American Women Composer –presenting programs featuring music written by American Women composers (AM6) • Educational Institutions – Privately or state supported college, university or school of music, for the performance and promotion of American Music (AM3) • Folk Music – To encourage local club performance and promotion of our heritage and history through music (AM7-2) • Professor Rudolf R.A. Schramm Parade of American Music – Celebration during the month of November, American Music Month (AM1-1) Sharing American Music from sea to shining sea…


Planning for the next series of programs and events is always a busy time for most Senior Clubs. The great part about that is the fact that there are still so many exciting ideas and projects awaiting you. Brief book reports about music can be added to a meeting and be quite interesting and provide many interest ideas for teachers and other musicians. One of my favorites is Music Matters by David Elliot. This book is divided into three sections; part 1 discusses the past and present philosophy and music education, part 2 discusses the exploration of new ways of thinking about the value of music education and part 3 deals with thoughts about new concepts in music curriculum for the teaching and learning of music. This book could well fit under the Arts Division in the category of Music in Schools and Colleges. To boost your Public Relations status you could invite some of the local school and college educators to the meeting when this book report is discuss.

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.



Finance Division Chairman

Ruth Ann McChesney,

Division Chairman

MEmbership still starts with “ME”! Do you realize you are part of an organization with nearly 135,000 members? NFMC is still the world's largest philanthropic music organization with a focus on American music and musicians! Our Membership and Education Division meeting in Fargo was stimulating and most worthwhile as we discussed everything from our total NFMC membership of 134,855 in 5,938 clubs to federating other arts departments in colleges and universities besides just the music department, such as poetry, drama, dance, etc. (Thanks Bill Draper of Michigan State University!) It's been discovered that many local Senior clubs do not use an NFMC “Course of Study” book for at least 3 programs in the club year. Having a study theme and emphasis has proven to be not only an education but most enjoyable for many clubs, and there is a resource for every topic you can think of; (well, almost every topic). Check out Publication ME 5-1 for the long list of approved books. Then on the Senior Club Reporting Form ME 7-1 you can check that line for more credit! Membership in NFMC is SO worthwhile but too many teachers, music lovers and musicians do not know us YET! They will only learn of the advantages of membership if YOU tell them and invite them to a meeting, workshop, recital or refer them to Make it your personal goal to get one new member this next year. It starts with YOU and ME!

Getting Your Finances in Order I am happy to be the new finance Division Chairman. This Division is responsible for the fiscal operation of the Federation, distribution of grants through The Fund for the Advancement of Musical Arts (FAMA), investments of our many award endowments and funds, and our tax exemption program. In addition, the division includes the Rose Fay Thomas Fellows program, memorials, past presidents’ fund and the fund for the outgoing national president. Check the new directory for names and contact information of our chairmen and committee members.

MAY I SUGGEST SOME IDEAS TO CONSIDER BEFORE THE CLUB YEAR BEGINS THIS FALL? 1. Check that your club has 501c3 status with the Internal Revenue Service. If it doesn’t, contact Duane Langley for information. You want contributors to your club to be able to claim a charitable contribution. 2. Make sure you have liability insurance for all your club events. Contact Frances Nelson for more information. You don’t want your club’s assets to be subject to litigation should you be sued. 3. State and club presidents and treasurers should check into bonding anyone who handles money. We like to think everyone is trustworthy but that’s not always true. 4. Build at least $5 into your club budget each year for the Outgoing National President’s fund. An annual amount of $5 builds to $20 over the 4 year period and if all 610 senior clubs would do that, $12,200 would be raised for The Edwards PNP award by 2019; that would be a great start for the fundraising. If the 5325 junior and student clubs would do the same, they would add $106,500 for a total of $118.700. That would give Michael the largest Past National President’s fund ever! 5. Encourage applications to FAMA by groups in need. We do not cover salaries but we encourage adventures in creative programming. Contact Lana Bailey for more information. 6. Keep of list of all deceased members and submit the list to the NFMC Chaplain Connie Randall by May 15. This is not the list sent to the Memorials chairman Susan Tury with memorial contributions. The list to the chaplain involves no money; the memorial list asks for $25 or more per memorialized person. Those funds go to FAMA. 7. Build Founders’ Day pennies into your club dues; $1 per member. These contributions increase the fund for Young Artists. 8. If your local club has been in operation long enough to have 3 past presidents, you should have a Past Presidents charter. If you don’t, check online and get a number. Contributions beyond the minimal dues go into the Young Artist fund. 9. NFMC has merchandise that promotes NFMC. I would suggest that all members have a membership pin, they only cost $3. Also custom name tags are available, they simply show the NFMC emblem, National Federation of Music Club and your name. They cost $10 plus shipping and handling. Remember, our NFMC website is There is a lot of information there. Direct any questions about our financial structure to me.

REMEMBER: Each of us can be enthusiastic about NFMC and share that with other music lovers!

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.


Division Chairman

Cheers from the Student/ Collegiate Division! I have long felt that the future of our organization – and good music in our country, for that matter! – rests in the hands of our talented young musicians between the ages of 19 and 26. If the purpose of our Federation is to promote and encourage American music and musicians, then our purpose, I believe, is to promote and encourage these particular young musicians. Toward that end, I look forward to working with all of you to build and strengthen our Student/Collegiate Division! Our Student/Collegiate “Team” consists of sixteen chairmen…plus YOU! Thanks to the generosity of our members, both past and present, we have over fifty thousand dollars in scholarships and awards available for talented and deserving young musicians in a variety of categories! Consistent with our mission to encourage all musicians we are pleased to be able to offer special awards to young musicians and composers who are sight-impaired. We are also pleased to announce an increase in the amount of those awards! Added to our list just this year is a generous award made available by YOU, our valued members, and designated by our immediate Past-President. Please keep an eye out for talented young oboists, English Hornists, etc. (between the ages of 19 and 26, of course) and tell them of this exciting, brand new PNP Carolyn Nelson Double Reed Award! It will definitely be worth their while to audition! More good news: When the 2017 Student/Collegiate Auditions are held, the national judges will be given the opportunity to award not only the $3000 First Place prizes in thirteen different categories, but Second Place prizes as well! Special thanks to the Finance Committee who found the funds to make these thirteen awards of $500 each available!

“What else can I do?” did I hear you ask? “That’s easy!” I reply!

✔ Recruit! Membership in our NFMC is mutually beneficial! For the low, low price of either $45 or $75, depending upon the size of the department, (see Membership Chart on our website) your local college or university can become members of our Federation. Then all of their students may apply for our Awards without paying the $16 Individual Membership fee.

✔ Educate yourself! Check out the website for the Student/Collegiate Awards available. You’ll be amazed!

✔ Raise awareness within your musical network! When you hear an outstanding young musician in your studio, your club meeting, your church, etc. send them to our website! You have a network…use it to encourage promising young talent!

✔ Raise awareness within your musical community! Community orchestras, choruses, bands, etc. may contain young musicians who could really use some extra help, right?!? Besides giving them a “Bravo!” give them our web address!

Finally, will you be a “Talent Scout” for our Student/Collegiate “Team”? Use your own very important connections to help spread the word: Being a part of NFMC is a Win-Win!

Linda Lind,

Junior Division Chairman

LATEST JUNIOR DIVISION NEWS The Junior Division is ready to roll and looking forward to making this coming year the best for NFMC Juniors and Junior Counselors. The meeting in Fargo was well attended and much was accomplished. • The report of the Federation Cup Task Force was unanimously approved. If local clubs or state clubs give out a non-NFMC cup, it is a local or state recognition, not NFMC recognition. The Junior would not be publicized in our national magazines. It should not be called the Federation Cup, not represented as such. The complete report will in the next Junior Keynotes and the NFMC Manual. • With Festival registration online, the entrant will automatically be enrolled in the Federation Cup plan unless the teacher makes the selection to “opt out”. • Superior and State Certificates used in Federation Festivals must be NFMC Certificates to be official. • The Club Ratings and Junior Achievement Records event has been renamed to read “Junior Club Achievement”. • An ad hoc committee was formed to study the combining of events. Watch for results in the next Federation Festivals Bulletin. • Take a close look at the Competition and Awards Chart, newly revised and available on the NFMC website, for exciting news about increases in awards in the Junior Division. • A listing of all Junior Division Chairmen will be in the next issue of Junior Keynotes. We are here to assist YOU. For any questions contact me at lindalindva@gmail. com. We are “Promoting and Preserving American Music Through Our NFMC Juniors.” Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.


Carole Langley, Chairman

Natlynn Hayes,

Council of State Presidents

What a thrill to meet so many talented, new and returning State Presidents! With the skills of these outstanding leaders working together, NFMC should have a “Very Good Year”! Actually though, we’re preparing for a “Very Good Decade”, so let’s get ready. We’re excited and we want you to join us on the ride! The State President’s Council in Fargo, ND was amazing. State Presidents or their representatives were there from most of our active NFMC States. These outstanding leaders were anxious to learn as much about our “Federation” as they could and how to make their state the best state it could possibly be! Everyone wanted to learn from each other and share information. That’s what you do in a Federation, which is a union of societies or organizations that forms a larger union with similar goals. It was exciting to hear about the various activities in which our states are involved – some with monthly programs and meetings; others have only programs; many have one or two meetings each year to plan their Festivals; some are singing or orchestral groups; many are organized for university music students and there are probably other kinds of groups that belong to our Federation - all supporting American Musicians and American Music in many different ways. As a State President, you are looking forward to getting all of the information from NFMC that’s needed for the year, but please remember that you must share it with all clubs in your state through your state directory, website and occasional notes that you send. Please remind your clubs that reporting is soooo easy – but to help them, give State Chairmen the NFMC chairman to whom they should reports and give Local Clubs, the State Chairmen to whom they should report. It’s fun to be a part of something really big so let’s all try to celebrate those two big NFMC events November’s Parade of American Music and May’s National Music Week. Wouldn’t it be fun to hear that hundreds of clubs across our nation had joined in the celebration of those events!

There was a lot of discussion on the reporting process in the Arts Division meeting at the Fargo National Convention. I plan to encourage my local club to use one of the ideas of picking areas of interest and assigning a person at the first of the club year to do the reporting. I believe this goes along with the same reasoning of why we use goals of contests, festivals, recitals, or concerts for students. Having a goal helps us to formulate a plan of action that will make the goal possible.


• Music in Poetry

• Sacred Music

• Crusade for Strings

• Choral Music

• National Music Week

• International Music Relations

• Together We Sing – New this year!

• National Music Week Essay Contest

• Music Outreach

• Opera Department

• Music in Schools and Colleges

Pick an area or several areas and pull your membership together by working toward a common goal. Working in any of these areas will bring satisfaction to the membership and will let the communities know that the National Federation of Music Clubs is alive and still active today! It was great to see so many at the Fargo Convention and make new friends. I plan to be available through this year as your Arts Division Chairman and I hope to see old and new friends in my home state of Oklahoma in June 2016.


National Music Week Chairman

“Music…Notes to the Future,” National Music Week theme for 2016, emphasizes our National President’s theme, “Keeping the Music Alive for the Future.” State chairmen are asked to contact their clubs and urge participation in the activities and programs offered during the week of May 1-8. One of the highlights of National Music Week is the Essay Contest. Information should be made available to schools and private students, along with encouragement to enter this contest. In 2015, 22 states had declared winners, 114 essays were submitted and $1,100.00 was awarded to winners.

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Finally, I really hope you’re making plans to attend the 2016 NFMC Conference next June 21-25 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. You’ll explore wonderful places in Tulsa on your own, but the Conference events are really exciting! First of all, there’s going to be a day devoted especially to YOU! The State President’s Day, June 21st, will be for information, sharing, fun and food – what could be better! And, I think you’re even going to receive a stipend to encourage you to attend! So please, put it on your calendar and schedule your flight now. This is an event not to miss. There are lots of surprises in store that you’ll be hearing about later so invite your friends to join you in O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A, Oklahoma! Yeow!

I’m excited to be back as your Arts Division Chairman! There are so many wonderful areas of music for your clubs, schools, and communities to explore in the Arts Division. We have chairmen that are looking forward to answering your questions and receiving your end of year reports.



Arts Division Chairman

National Music We ek May 1-8

Music... No tes , 2016 to the Future May 7-14,

2017 Music... An Adv enture for Life

Celebrated Annually & Sponso red by THE



I am pleased and honored to serve as your new National Music Week Chairman. Mary Ellen Ulmer has held this position for many years in an outstanding manner, and her expertise will continue to be a part of this endeavor. Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.



Music Clubs Magazine Editor

Periodicals Committee Mary Thomason,

It is indeed an honor to be specialized to continue my work as editor of Music Clubs Magazine for NFMC. Our organization is so important and exciting that it deserves the best possible magazine to tell its story in a professional, informative, and interesting manner.

Junior Keynotes Editor

What an exciting adventure for me! I’m honored to be taking the reins as Editor of Junior Keynotes Magazine following in the Texas-sized boot-prints of Pat Grantier and Mary Angela Strasser. I will work diligently to ensure that my boots are up to the task! I will need your help! My goals are to:

Three times a year, our publishing team and I pledge our best efforts to produce an attractive, news-packed publication that brings our news to our membership and to the reading public. With ever-increasing publishing and postage costs, we must always be aware of the bottom line and be good stewards of NFMC’s money. We must make the best use of the pages we have to tell our story. One way we plan to economize is in using the website for all but the most important obituaries. We will keep “filler” at a minimum and try to give equal coverage to departments, regions, states, clubs and individuals. We cannot cover everything, so we will strive to adequately cover and spotlight winners, significant anniversaries, and coming events.

junior members, and various activities. SPRING 2015

Vol. 94, No.






6 – 11 FOR CON VEN

• Interest readers in and educate them about various aspects of music.


• Provide a forum for advertisers to reach the widest possible audience.



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• Demonstrate juniors’ creativity in writing,

20 15

poetry, and art, as well as in music. Our magazine is designed to serve you – the Junior Counselor – and your Junior Club members. Read it! Please give me your feedback so that we can work together to make Junior Keynotes a valuable tool in your teacher’s toolkit. Tell me what you’d like to see in this publication – what will make you rush to the mailbox in anticipation of receiving it! What more would you like your students to see? How about their parents? Do your student families subscribe? Do you gift a copy of magazines in which your students are featured? I have so many questions that only you readers can answer!

Music... Heartbeat of the

Music Club

November 1 for winter, and February 1 for spring.

its Junior Division.

• Spotlight award winners, outstanding

We will work closely with Mary Thomason, editor of Junior Keynotes, to be sure we do not duplicate unnecessary information while still making sure that important milestones are observed. Our thanks go to her for her devotion to telling the juniors’ story, to Connie Randall as state news editor and publications chairman for helping us gather information, and to the efficient support from Jennifer Griffin at headquarters for advertising and circulation help. We would certainly not want to overlook The Westcott Group in Indianapolis for being the best publishing team we could hope for. Their insistence on excellence makes all of us look good. Thanks also to Michael Edwards for his presidential leadership and confidence in our abilities.

• Remember our deadlines of August 1 for autumn,

• Inform readers about NFMC, particularly


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11:14 AM

No. 3 Vol. 87, 2015 • Spring

• Be sure your club and state treasurers maintain your updated mailing address at headquarters.

• Subscribe for your public library, schools, music leaders in your community, parents of music students, and any other interested readers.

• Send us your news and trust us to share your story in the best possible way.

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JRK - Spring



11:30 AM

Award and contest winner photos and articles will fill the Fall 2015 issue of Junior Keynotes Magazine! Make sure your subscription is active so you’ll be able to share all the good news! Submit articles, drawings for cover art, creative ideas, and more to: Thank you for this unique opportunity to engage my passion for serving our junior members!

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.

2015 New Rose Fay Thomas Fellows


Competitions & Awards Chariman

Competitions & Awards News C & A CHART The revised 2015-16 Competitions Chart is now on the NFMC website. It is in a slightly different format, for it has a category index in the back. Many of you have expressed an interest in being able to find specific awards all in one place, such as piano awards for ages 19-26, composition awards for adults, dance awards for those Jrs. under the age of 19, etc. Hopefully this index and its references to specific awards on the chart will make it easier to find the information you need. AWARD ELIGIBILITY The opening page of the Chart has information about eligibility for all awards. Please read this carefully, for this information was taken from the NFMC Standing Rules.


COMPETIT AWARDS IONS & CHART 2015 – 20 16 RATION of MUSIC Smith Valle y CLUB email: nfmc Road // Greenwoo

1646 West

@nfmc-m d, IN 4614 // www.nfm 2 // 317-882-4003 c-music.o rg


AWARD INCREASES Good News!! At the 2015 Biennial Convention no award amounts were lowered and several were increased effective immediately unless stated otherwise. They are: • Marilyn Caldwell Jr. Piano Award 1st place award from $600 to $800

• Lana M. Bailey Piano Concerto Award for Jrs. 1st place award from $750 to $800

• Music for the Blind Jr. Performance Awards from 2 @ $195 in each region to 2 @ $200 in each region

• Beyer Piano Composition 1st place award from $2000 to $2500

• Meadowmount Award from $225 to $500

• Beyer Piano/Voice Composition 1st place award from $2000 to $2500

• Lucile Ward Brevard Award from $600 to $700, effective in 2016

• Beyer Chamber Music Composition 2nd place award from $700 to $2000

• Mary Prudie Brown IPFAC Award from $1000 to $1100, effective in 2016 • Anne Gannett Award from $1500 to $2000

• Martha Marcks Mack Chautauqua Vocal Awards from 2 @ $2232.50 to 2 @ $2250, effective in 2016

• Alpha Corinne Mayfield Award from $1000 to $1100

• Angie Greer Jr. Music in Poetry from 4@ $50 to 4 @ $100 effective in 2016-17

• Thelma A. Robinson Conducting Award from $1250 to $1300

• Jr. Regional Composers awards from $50 to $75 each in all 4 classifications

NEW AWARDS INCLUDE: Carolyn Nelson Double Reed Award – Honoring a Past National President in the amount of $1100. 2nd place awards in all 13 categories of the Student/Collegiate Auditions. Please notice some entry fee increases and additions on the revised Competitions Chart. Spread the Word!! Again in the 2014-15 fiscal year, some of our awards were not funded or the number of entrants were extremely low. We need your help in spreading the word about the many endowed awards we have available for all ages. Try setting a goal for yourself to recruit one or more entrants for our NFMC competitions this coming year as part of your mission to support American music and American musicians!!

Ruth Morrow (L); Connie Randall (R)


We need your help in finding entrants for our many competitions! We love giving away money to deserving and talented musicians. Your source for all the latest NFMC news!

NATIONAL FEDERATION of MUSIC CLUBS 1646 West Smith Valley Road Greenwood, IN 46142 317-882-4003 email:

The National Federation of Music Clubs is a tax-exempt, non-profit philanthropic and educational organization dedicated to music education and promotion of the creative and performing arts in America since 1898. The Federation was chartered by the U.S. Congress on August 9, 1982. The mission of the Federation is to support and develop American music and musicians.

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. National Federation of Music Clubs.

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