North Fort My
ers High Scho
Center for Arts & Media • Home of the Red Knights
nightLine Phone.....................995-2117
Vision: To prepare every student for success
Mission: To guide students in a purposeful and challenging direction and to inspire mastery of skills for lifelong success
Motto: Where pride and tradition become success
Matthew Mederios
Assistant Principals Joy Marks John Drake
Greetings Red Knights:
The School Board of Lee County, Florida Steven K. Teuber, District 4, Chairman Mary Fischer, District 1, Vice Chairman Jeanne S. Dozier, District 2 Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, District 3 Pamela H. LaRiviere , District 5
It’s hard to believe we are entering the final quarter of the school year! Although there are just over two Matthew Mederios months remaining for this school year, this is the Principal busiest quarter by far. Between spring sports, arts performances, prom, graduation ceremonies and testing, it will be a busy time and there will be lots of excitement at North High. Our teachers and school counselors have been very focused on preparing students for success on all of the tests that will be administered during the last six weeks of the semester, as well as postsecondary pursuits. The reading portion of the FSA ELA test will be administered the second week of April for 10th grade students and the third week of April third week for 9th grade students. Performance on the FSA reading test will be combined with performance on the FSA writing test to determine the overall FSA score. It is imperative that students do as well as they can on this test and be mentally fresh on the day of the exams. Students may prepare for the exam by visiting . This site offers practice questions that help students focus on the test. Advanced Placement, Cambridge AICE, and FSA End of Course (EOC) assessments for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Biology, and U.S. History will take place during the last week of April and on into the month of May. This tends to be the time of year when spring fever hits. It is crucial that students continue to apply themselves academically and make their education a priority. It is also extremely important that students continue to make good choices and not get caught up in any situations that could potentially jeopardize their future. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation or charitable contribution to North High, please contact our book keeper, Nancy Antkowiak, for more information. Also, be sure to visit our new website at for more information about all the opportunities that NFMHS has to offer. Kind Regards, Matthew Mederios Principal If you would like a translation of this newsletter, please contact the school at 239-995-2117.
Doug McKeever Marti Iovine
Superintendent Dr. Gregory K. Adkins The School Board of Lee County, Florida, prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, marital status, religion, or sexual orientation. North Fort Myers High School • KnightLine April 1, 2016 • Issue 1 • Published Four Times Per Year The School District of Lee County • 2855 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers FL 33966
(L to R) standing – John Drake, Assistant Principal, Matthew Mederios, Principal, Doug McKeever, Assistant Principal, sitting – Marti Iovine, Assistant Principal, Joy Marks, Assistant Principal
VOLUME 17 • ISSUE 1 • APRIL 1, 2016
2015 – 2016 Semester Two
CHECK OUT THE RED KNIGHTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Follow Us… @NFMHSAthletics @NorthFtMyersHS @NFMSOCCERNME (girls varsity soccer)
Like Us… • NFMHS Varsity Girls Soccer • Digital Knight • North Red Knights (official school FB page)
Follow Us… North Red Knights
7:05 -8:37 8:42 – 10:06 10:11 – 12:06 12:11 – 1:35
4/5.............................. School Board Meeting
Lunch Schedules
4/29............................ Senior Grad Bash Trip to Universal Studios 5/7.............................. Prom, JC River Cruise (7-11 pm)
Lunch A 10:06 – 10:36 S204 – S246, E101 – E128 M Building
5/12............................ Senior Awards Ceremony (6:30 pm – Auditorium)
Lunch B 10:55 -11:25
5/23-27....................... Senior Final Exams
E201 – E254
5/30............................ Memorial Day – NO School
Lunch C 11:36 – 12:06
6/2.............................. MANDATORY Graduation Practice (9 am to 12 noon)
C108 – C131, G Building, S101, S103, S201, A Building E132, E139. E140. E219
................................... Grace Church (Hancock Bridge Parkway) 6/2.............................. Baccalaureate Practice (6:30 pm) ................................... First Christian Church in Fort Myers 6/5.............................. Graduation (7 pm) ................................... Germain Arena
Periods 1/2 Periods 3/4 Periods 5/6 Periods 7/8
First Day of School 2016-17:
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Looking for information to log on to Parentlink? No worries, follow this link for instructions. http:// The Knight Life – school literary newspaper • Sponsor – English Teacher, Mrs. Elschlager • Fundraiser Event
Smoothie King is having a fundraiser to help our Red Knights. Please visit Smoothie King at 1806 Del Prado Blvd. South (just north of Veterans Memorial Pkwy.) anytime, and mention this ad, or that you are a Red Knight, and for every smoothie sold, they will donate $1 toward the Red Knight Foundation, our non-profit organization that wants to help our students by: giving away scholarships, building an Amphitheatre, extending our sports Field House, and many other projects that will help your school. Please go to Smoothie King at 1806 Del Prado Blvd. South and help our Red Knights. Purchase a Smoothie… and Create a Smile… Thank You !!!
To download a pdf version of this newsletter, go to schools/northfortmyers/ northfortmyers.php
Hello Red Knight Family,
I want to take just a few moments of your time to discuss the reprehensible and cowardly act of vandalism that occurred during the early morning hours of 2/26/16 targeting Coach Gary at our baseball field. This was a direct insult and in all reality, it was an attack on humanity. Coach Gary is a committed and dedicated educator that strives to ensure his students receive a high quality education in the classroom and his baseball players learn the values of teamwork and hard work in order to maximize their potential. Coach Gary has more character and integrity than most of us! As a fellow Red Knight (Class of 2000), Coach Gary chose to come home to his Red Knight family to make a difference in the lives of his students and ball players, just as others had done while he was a student at North High. The type of oppressive behavior exhibited in this act of vandalism with the overt threats, intimidation and denigration has absolutely no place in society and is unacceptable and intolerable. Furthermore, these acts represent the kind of hatred and racism we must root out if we are to advance as a society. The number one rule at North High is RESPECT, and as Red Knights, we firmly believe that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of sexual orientation, gender identification, religion, or race. We are a family, and we take care of one another. We accept each other for who we are regardless of our differences. That’s what makes North High such a special school. We embrace our culture of tolerance and diversity. If you have any information about who may be responsible for this cowardly act, I strongly encourage you to be part of the solution and speak with a teacher, administrator, or the school resource officer at North High. Sincerely, Matthew Mederios Principal
Introducing your new Red Knight Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to helping your Red Knights. Federal, State, and Local budget cuts have placed your great North Fort Myers High School in a position of doing more… with less. The Red Knight Foundation wants to drive change by helping our students, by giving away Scholarships, building an Amphitheatre, extending our sports Field House, and many other projects that will help your school. You may help your school by donating to your Red Knight Foundation, by making your check payable to: Red Knight Foundation, and mailing to: North Fort Myers High School, 5000 Orange Grove Blvd. North Fort Myers, FL 33903, Attn: Red Knight Foundation. Thank you for helping in our collaborative effort. Red Knight Foundation… Striving for a Better Tomorrow Teacher and Staff grant award recipients On behalf of The Red Knight Foundation Board, we would like to thank all those who have been a part of our mission to “enhance the educational environment” for students at North High School. From volunteers to our teachers, your endless hours of preparation and passion for the advancement of our students are what make North Fort Myers High School a special place. Recently we had twenty grant applications demonstrating the level of desire by our teachers to provide students with experiences beyond the traditional classroom. The Allocation Committee, comprised of students, parents, community leaders, and other educators, reviewed each grant based upon a specific set of criteria. Those results made it very clear that each grant application had great merit. That said, the Allocation Committee asked the Foundation Board for additional funds which were approved and allowed us to fund a total of $3,213! While we were not able to fully fund all grants, we hope that the partial funding will encourage teachers to keep up the vision they have and be proud to be part of this process. Congratulations to all of our teachers and a BIG THANK you to those who participated in the grant process.
Sports Knight is Tuesday May 10th 2016 At 6:00pm in the main gym. All sports will have a table set up for info and signups for future info. A doctor will be available to do sports physicals for a $20 charge. A notary will also be available for athletic paperwork.
4 SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT (L to R) Matthew Mederios, Principal, Marti Iovine, Assistant Principal, Kassidy Kaye, Teacher, Matthew Kaye, Teacher Hey Everyone!
Honor: Soaring Eagles Award
I just wanted to give you a special thank you for bringing your kids down last week for the Leadership Assembly. It afforded me an awesome opportunity to not only speak to our kids about life, leadership and success, but also to work out some kinks in a new talk. I delivered it a couple days later at a HS in NJ and knocked ‘em dead! So again, thank you. The feedback around campus and on social media seemed really positive thus far.
Recipients will be individuals who dedicate time and resources to their communities and excel in their professions. The criteria for this award is listed: Nominees must be a graduate of FGCU who have received at least their undergraduate degree from FGCU within the past 10 years • Demonstrated outstanding contributions and services to the community in which they reside • Excelling in their professional career
Finally, in the name of following a dream, I’d be so grateful if you could provide me any friends or family that work in schools, or with kids, that might be interested in having me come to their school/ organization/camp/event- locally or nationally- middle school aged or high school aged. I appreciate it so much. Attached are some pictures that our awesome digital department took! Jeff Becker
Mr. Becker and audience members
Greetings Teachers of 11th and 12th Grade Students: Thanks so much for helping us to bring the Voter Registration Trophy back to North High! You sent your students to the auditorium for the Voter Registration Assembly, and as a result, we registered the most students of any high school in the District. The Supervisor of Elections will present the trophy to Principal Mederios at the School Board Meeting on February 23, so you will soon see the trophy in our front entrance lobby. It’s a tall trophy with an American eagle on top and will have North High’s name on the nameplate. Now we have to keep registering the most students each year so that we can keep the trophy at North High. Way to go Red Knights! Sincerely, Sally Kilic, Government Teacher and Voter Registration Challenge Organizer
On February 20th, 2016 fifteen North Fort Myers High students competed at the Lee County History Fair. Our Red Knights dominated the competition and defeated traditional rivals Fort Myers and Canterbury in every category they entered. Their topics were as diverse as their talents, with exceptional papers on Machiavelli and Napoleon, and amazing exhibits on Gorbachev, rap icons NWA, and the Stonewall Riots. The results demonstrate what we already know, our history students are the best and the brightest. We are planning on competing at the state history fair in May with our largest group in school history. The past is the present at North Fort Myers High! 1st place historical paper: Jack Barotta 2nd place historical paper: Manny Ruiz 1st place group exhibit: Chelsea Kopp, Kayla Palmer, Emily Saidi 2nd place group exhibit: Madison Metellus, Anna Proia, Marrisa Wright 1st place group documentary: Emma Berckman, Shelby Dahl, Morgan Peltier 1st place group performance: Sam Marchitto, Anthony Marchitto, Hannah Reppert
Mr. Becker, Guidance Department
3rd place individual exhibit: Zach Boyd Adam Molloy Rho Kappa Sponsor
The School Counselors have begun meeting with current students and accepting student course requests for the 2016-17 school year. Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 received 2016-17 Course Selection Forms during a recent Advisory Period. They took that form to their current teachers for class recommendations and then met with their counselors from February 24 through March 21. After that meeting, each student received a copy of their selections on their Course Selection Form. We encourage you to review those choices with your student and notify the counselor of any requested changes to those selections. Students will be choosing eight periods of courses and at least three alternate courses in case their first choices are unavailable or do not fit the schedule. At this time, only course requests are taken; not requests for a specific class period or a specific teacher, as that information has not yet been determined. Students who request On Job Training periods (OJT; leaving school early for a job) and/or Dual Enrollment courses will have an information form to bring home for parent approval. This form contains information about the program and requires the signature of a parent or guardian, approving the student’s participation in that program during the 2016-17 school year. If that form is not returned with the parent/guardian signature by the deadline, then the student will not be placed in courses for that program and the alternate courses that the student selected will be assigned. Summer School 2016 High School Credit Recovery June 20 - July 14 (Mon - Thu) 8:00am - 12:30pm Enrollment is limited to one, ½ credit failed course required for graduation. Priority will be given to seniors who need a course in order to graduate with the Class of 2016. Then, space available, current juniors will be registered who need to repeat a failed, required course in order to graduate. All instruction will be computer based. Algebra Camp June 27 - July 14 (Mon - Thu) 8:00am - 12:30pm Algebra Boot Camp for students who have taken and not yet passed the EOC Algebra. It will be from June 27 to July 14 (no class July 4), with the Algebra 1 EOC retake on July 13 and July 14. Prior registration is requested. ELL Algebra Camp June 27 - July 14 (Mon - Thu) 8:00am - 12:30pm Students receiving services from the ESOL Program, grades 9-12. (Total of 11 days) (EOC retakes - July 13 & 14) (Transportation to be provided.) ELL Language Camp June 20 - July 14 (Mon - Thu) 8:00am - 12:30pm Students receiving services from the ESOL Program, grades 9-12. (Total of 15 days) (Transportation to be provided.) Driver Education will also be offered this summer. Dates have not yet been announced but usually it is from the rest of June through the first full week in July. A student must be available for driving times that entire block of dates and must have their restricted license the first day of class. Interested students need to listen very closely to the announcements in May, as prior sign-up will be necessary during the last few weeks of the regular school year. Limited bus transportation will be available. A student will be allowed only one absence for any reason. Any additional absences for any reason will result in withdrawal from the class and a grade of “F.”
SENIOR & SUMMER GUIDANCE NEWS Any Senior who plans to attend any university, college, or vocational program after graduation needs to send a transcript showing graduation to their new school. Students may now submit that request using the standard, pink transcript request form. Copies of all requested final transcripts will be sent as soon as the transcripts are received. Final Transcript Requests are $1.00 each, payable at the time the request is submitted. Please note that ALL TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS MUST BE IN WRITING WITH THE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE; no phone or email requests can be accepted. Any Senior who took or is taking a Dual Enrollment course through Florida Southwestern State College or Florida Gulf Coast University also needs to request that a final high school transcript be sent to FSWSC or FGCU. In addition, the student needs to request that a Florida Southwestern State College or Florida Gulf Coast University transcript be sent to the college or university they plan to attend. The college or university they plan to attend will NOT award college transfer credit based on the Dual Enrollment class being listed on the high school transcript. They must send the FSWSC or FGCU transcript in order to transfer the college credit to their 2016-17 college or university. At this time, it is probable that the Guidance Office will be closed most dates from June 20-July 22, so it is essential that Seniors make these requests before the end of school to ensure that they are processed and sent on time. Requests submitted after June 19 may not be processed until the School Counseling Office reopens on July 25.
Ca ll & To Ap da pl y! y
The AICE Travel and Tourism 2nd block class takes an airboat tour of the Everglades. This event was created and organized by ten students in the class. The activity builds upon a curriculum that teaches students to experience management skills by keeping track of a budget, locating sponsors and organizing finances. The AICE class is instructed by Mrs. Snyder
LAST CALL FOR THE YEARBOOK! You can still purchase a yearbook for $80.00 dollars on Jostens’ website or Cash or Check ( payable to NFMHS) send to Mrs. Mirro room C108. The staff has been working hard designing layouts and taking pictures. Yearbooks are something you keep and look at over and over. The yearbooks should be arriving at the beginning of May. The price will go up after March 18th to 85.00 . So get your yearbook ASAP. Freshmen if you are interested in being on the Yearbook staff please go to the North Ft. Myers Website and print out the application and send it to Mrs. Mirro. You also need a teacher recommendation. Being on the yearbook staff is a privilege in that you are working with teachers and have access to campus activities behind the scenes. Yearbook is a class. The students design layouts, take pictures and interview students. Fill out an application and be a member of a special group of students on campus.
This past weekend North was one of only 3 schools in the state to qualify a team in each category to compete at the Florida State Raider Championship. All 3 teams did exceptionally well. The mixed Raider team repeated as State Champions! Along the way they took 1st place trophies for Rope Bridge and Cross Country Rescue, 2nd place for Team Run and Fitness Challenge and 4th place for Tire Flip. They were the only team to place in the top 5 in each event. The State Champions are Captain Jamison Jzyk, Joshua Cross, Kaitlyn Karkota, Genesis Rapalo, Delanie Zohler, Hannah Zinn, Kara Reed, Philip Lee, Frankie Roque, Timothy Brett, Max Zischkau, and Ben Pogue. The female Raider team placed 3rd in the State. They were 3rd in Rope Bridge and Tire Flip and 5th in the Fitness Challenge. Team Captain was Emily Saidi. The male Raider team placed 7th in the State. They were 5th for Tire Flip and 4th for Rope Bridge. Team Captain was Jordan Masiero. Please join me in congratulating all of the Raiders who worked hard for 7 months to put the Red Knights on top! Command Sergeant Major Lansberry
Senior Portraits will be taken at the end of JULY this year on campus in the GYM. LOOK for information in the mail.
Saturday night was an amazing night in Fort Myers with the Edison Festival of Light parade. The band was outstanding and the float was lit up for the event. We received “Best Of Show” award and Mike Gill, Parade President, said it was the Best of Parade! We are the only public high school in the area that enters a float in the parade. I have attached photos of the float and our trophy! The crowds at the parades yell and cheer for the Red Knights. Proud to be part of the Red Knight family!!
North High parade float
Edison Parade trophy
THANK YOU for your support Mrs. Mirro and the Yearbook staff.
The dance department is busy working on dances for the spring show. Our spring concert is our last show for this school year and we want to invite everyone out to see it! We are excited to present to you “The Storyteller”, Thursday May 19th, 6:30 pm. Tickets are $5.00. We hope to see you there!
On Saturday, April 16, 2016 hundreds of teens will take to Lovers Key State Park on a youth-led initiative designed to better their community. The young people join millions of others around the globe who are celebrating Global Youth Service Day during the weekend of April 15, 16, and 17. Editor’s note: Media are invited to attend Keep Lee County Beautiful Inc.’s Global Youth Service Day activities. Interviews and photos are available upon request. Local high school students are invited to apply to become a youth leader for the project. Ten youth leaders will be selected to plan, organize and implement a specific project within the park. Projects will include building benches accessible to all, removing exotic plants, trimming trials and cleaning the mangroves. Prospective youth can email to request an application or may visit and apply. Applications are due February 10th with leaders being announced February 17th. Global Youth Service Day recognizes the positive impact that young people have on their communities 365 days a year. GYSD is celebrated in more than 135 countries with youth-led service projects and community events. “We know that young people are uniquely suited to help solve problems - if given the opportunity,” said Steven A. Culbertson, president of YSA (Youth Service America), the leader of GYSD. “Today’s social and environmental problems are immense; we need youth in Lee County to be leaders and problem solvers today, not just the leaders of a distant tomorrow.”
Amy Valerius Dance Teacher
The North High Chorus has had a busy year. We had 10 students perform in the All-County Honor Choir, 4 perform in All-State Honor Choirs, 17 students attend Solo/Ensemble Festival (5 Superiors and 8 Excellents), 2 Choirs attend Music Performance Assessment – Cavalieri Rossi Mixed Choir received and Excellent rating and the Les Belles Filles Women’s Choir received a Superior rating. The Cavalieri Rossi Chorus performed the National Anthem at various events and football games. We are looking forward to our final concert “A Knight of Inspiration” on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the school auditorium. Admission is $5.00. There will be performances by 3 Choirs, a selection from all the women and one from all the men. We will end our concert with our traditional “Old Irish Blessing” where the alumni chorus students get to join us on stage. On Monday, May 16th, the Choral Department will be having a vocal talent show in the style of “The Voice”. It will begin at 6:30 pm and admission is $5.00. We are trying to give more students an opportunity to sing solos in front of an audience and to help support the students going to the festival in May. On May 20-21, the students will be going to Orlando to perform in the Music USA Festival. They hope to bring back a trophy from that event. Three students will be selected to sing solos at this festival with a chance for a trophy. We appreciate the support of local businesses and patrons. We also appreciate the support of parents, relatives and friends. Your attendance at our events helps our program grow and keeps us going. Hope to see you at our last concert and talent show.
JROTC Varsity Raider Team
Gwen Gregg
Don’t miss the spring musical, Legally Blonde!! This high-energy story of Elle Woods will make you laugh, tap your feet, and think PINK! The shows are April 21, 22, 23 at 7PM, and April 24 at 2PM. Admission is $10 Adults and $5 for students and staff. And YES, Elle’s dog, Bruiser, will be and bark on stage. Mrs. Whitener
All AICE students enrolled in an examination this spring will receive three items in mid-March: 1. Testing Calendar (AP and AICE) – this will include specific times and locations of all college credit examinations offered at North Fort Myers High School this spring 2. Candidate Statement of Entry – this will show every test the candidate is registered for this spring 3. Candidate Results Login – this is the information every candidate needs to access results when they are released in mid-August Please pay careful attention to dates and times because AICE and AP examinations cannot be rescheduled as they are referenced globally. Jeremy J. Ridgeo | NFMHS Cambridge AICE Coordinator DATE Tuesday, April 26 Wednesday, April 27 Monday, May 2 Tuesday, May 3 Tuesday, May 3 Tuesday, May 3 Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 4 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Thursday, May 5 Monday, May 9 Monday, May 9 Monday, May 9 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 13 Friday, May 13 Monday, May 16 Monday, May 16 Monday, May 16 Monday, May 16 Tuesday, May 17 Tuesday, May 17 Wednesday, May 18 Wednesday, May 18 Thursday, May 19 Tuesday, May 24 Tuesday, May 24 Wednesday, May 25 Thursday, May 26 Friday, May 27 Tuesday, May, 31 Tuesday, May 31 Friday, June 3 Tuesday, June 7 Tuesday, June 7 Wednesday, June 8 Thursday, June 9
COURSE Marine Science Marine Science AP Chemistry General Paper Biology French Language English Language Chemistry French Language Mathematics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Physics History Thinking Skills AP Physics C Mechanics AP Physics C Electricity Spanish Language Psychology Chemistry (A Level) AP Spanish Literature Thinking Skills Mathematics Literature in English Physics (A Level) AP Macroeconomics Spanish Language History English Language AP Statistics Global Perspectives Business AP Microeconomics AP Human Geography Physics (A Level) Business Sociology Thinking Skills (A Level) Psychology Biology (Practical) Chemistry (A Level) Thinking Skills (A Level) Media Studies Chemistry (Practical) Environmental Management Psychology (A Level) Environmental Management Literature in English Physics (Practical) Sociology Sociology (A Level) Biology (MC) Travel and Tourism Chemistry (MC) Physics (MC)
COMPONENT DURATION TIME 9693/01 1H 30M PM 9693/02 1H 15M PM ALL 4 H 7:30AM 8004/13 2H AM 9700/23 1H 15M AM 8682/21 1H 30M PM 9093/11 2H 15M AM 9701/23 1H 15M AM 8682/31 1H 30M PM 9709/11 1H 45M PM ALL 4H 7:30AM ALL 4H 7:30AM 9702/23 1H 15M AM 9389/11 1H PM 9694/11 1H 45M PM ALL 2H 30M 11:30AM ALL 2H 30M 2:00PM 8685/21 1H 45M PM 9698/13 1H 30M AM 9701/43 2H AM ALL 4H 11:30AM 9694/21 1H 45M PM 9709/21 1H 15M PM 9695/33 2H AM 9702/53 1H 15M AM ALL 4H 11:30AM 8685/31 1H 30M PM 9389/21 1H 30M PM 9093/23 2H AM ALL 4H 11:30AM 9239/11 1H 30M PM 9609/11 1H 15M PM ALL 4H 7:30AM ALL 4H 7:30AM 9704/43 2H AM 9609/21 1H 30M PM 9699/11 1H 30M PM 9694/31 2H PM 9698/23 1H 30M AM 9700/35 2H AM 9701/53 1H 15M AM 9694/41 1H 30M PM 9607/02 2H PM 9701/31 2H AM 8291/11 1H 30M PM 9698/33 3H AM 8291/21 1H 30M PM 9695/43 2H AM 9702/32 2H AM 9699/21 1H 30M PM 9699/31 3H PM 9700/13 1H AM 9395/11 2H 30M PM 9701/13 1H AM 9702/13 1H AM
START/END 12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 8:00-10:00 8:30-10:00 12:30-2:00 7:45-10:00 8:30-10:00 12:30-2:00 12:15-2:00 8:30-10:00 TBD 12:15-2:00 12:15-2:00 8:30-10:00 8:00-10:00 12:15-2:00 12:30-2:00 8:00-10:00 8:30-10:00 12:30-2:00 TBD 8:00-10:00 12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 8:00-10:00 12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 12:00-2:00 8:30-10:00 TBD 8:30-10:00 12:30-2:00 12:00-2:00 TBD 12:30-2:00 7:15-10:15 12:30-2:00 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 12:30-2:00 11:00-2:00 9:00-10:00 11:30-2:00 9:00-10:00 9:00-10:00
North Fort Myers High School Cheerleading 5000 Orange Grove Boulevard North Fort Myers, FL 33903 The North Fort Myers High School Cheerleading Squad is compiling the football program for the 2016 Red Knight Football Season. Your advertisement will be seen by THOUSANDS of spectators at the North Fort Myers High School home football games. Advertising Contact Danielle Thompson 677-6097 or AD READY layout is due July 15, 2016. •
Please note the placements of the ads in the program are according to the size of the ad as well as the order in which they are received.
Inside front and back cover and all calendar ads are first come first serve.
Checks should be payable to North Ft Myers High School Cheerleading. Cash is also acceptable.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, exemption number 46-07-111199-85(c).
Ad format: Electronic (preferred) pdf, jpeg, gif, png, doc (Hard copy also accepted)
We will not be responsible for image quality, if the ad is not sent in the purchased ad size.
Business Ads:
Approx. Dimensions:
Ad Pricing:
Business Card Ad – B & W
2 ½ x 3 ¾ (Black & White)
$ 40.00
Quarter Page – B & W
5 x 3 ¾ (Black & White)
$ 60.00
Half Page – B & W
5 x 8 (Black & White)
$ 90.00
Full Page – B & W
8 ½ x 11 (Black & White)
$ 150.00
Full Page – Color
8 ½ x 11 (Color)
$ 200.00
Calendar Ads (Aug – Nov)
8 ½ x 11 (Color)
$ 250.00
Inside Full Page (Front)
8 ½ x 11 (Color)
$ 300.00
Inside Full Page (Back)
8 ½ x 11 (Color)
$ 300.00
Back of Program Full Page
8 ½ x 11 (Color)
$ 300.00
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ad Name: _________________________________________________ Contact Name: ____________________________________________ Ad Purchased By: __________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Ad Size:___________________________________________________ SOLD BY: _________________________________________________ Thank you for supporting the Red Knight Cheerleaders!
North Fort Myers High School The School District of Lee County 2855 Colonial Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33966
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Fort Myers, FL Permit #321
Poetry Out Loud Recitation Competition In early February over a dozen students competed in North’s 8th annual Poetry Out Loud recitation competition. After careful deliberation, the judges, Deneen Kozielski, Linda Fowler, and Carol Pim, selected David Luciemable, 1st place, Claudia Perez Freeman, 2nd place, and Makayla Makar, 3rd place. David has won this competition for the last four years. He will now go on to represent North at the state competition in Tampa on March 12th where he will complete with over 50 other competitors. Congratulations to all the distinguished contestants for their remarkable presentations.
The 4th annual Digital Knight is coming! Digital Knight is a technology + design event for the Digital Media students. The students compete in Photography, Graphic Design, Gaming, 3d Model, Animation, Website, Microsoft, Commercial and Music Video categories. The prizes range from laptops, smart watches to gaming headsets and selfie sticks. Best Senior Project will be awarded $400 from the NFM Rotary. If you or your business would like to make a donation, please contact Jennifer Curls at Digital Knight is Wednesday, May 18th at 6pm in the Media Center.
Mrs. Teitelzweig, teacher and Poetry Out Load award winners
The Interact Club member celebrates Bus Driver Appreciation Day with our Drivers
Bus Driver appreciation ‘goody-bag’
Interact Members prep carnations for Valentines Day!
The 2016 Digital Knight Logo winner is Kiana Veopraseuth. Kiana is a sophomore in Mrs. Amos’s Digital Design class. 2nd place is Pamela Manning and 3rd place is Meilyn Llerna, both in Ms. Monastra’s Digital Media Foundations class. Kiana’s logo will represent the 2016 Digital Knight competition. Congratulations!