Te Panui Runaka A monthly newsletter of Ka–i Tahu news, views and events – ura ru – nanga | te ru – nanga o nga–ti waewae | te ru – nanga o makaawhio | te nga–i tu – a–huriri ru – nanga Kaiko – – – – – – te hapu o ngati wheke | te taumutu runanga | te runanga o koukourarata | wairewa runanga – nuku ru – nanga | te Ru – nanga o arowhenua | te ru – nanga o waihao | te ru – nanga o moeraki | ka–ti huirapa ru – naka ki puketeraki o – – – – – – – – – nanga te Runanga o otakou | Hokonui runanga | waihopai runaka | oraka aparima runaka | awarua ru
Wha – August
I tukuna mai tēnei whakaahua e Leighton Browne o Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata.
Tēnei marama • Celebrating a champion pg 6
• Mammal stranding hui pg 22
• New office manager at Wairewa pg 9
• Ngāi Tahu Archives digitises records pg 34
• Swapping Christchurch for India pg 15 and 16
• Hui-ā-Tau in Arowhenua pg 31
Nā te Kaiwhakahaere Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed catching up with many of you at the Ngāi Tahu Roadshows. The purpose of roadshows is to discuss, share, and receive feedback on the current direction of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and how this fits with Ngāi Tahu 2025 and Papatipu Rūnanga aspirations. To date we have visited whānau in Waitaha, Tāmaki Makaurau, Te Tairāwhiti, Te Whanganui-a-Tara and Ōtepoti. There has been a good turnout at each hui and whānau have been asking some really good questions and providing useful feedback, particularly on how and where we focus our efforts to lift wellbeing and enhance the connections between all of us. We look forward to the last two hui in Hokitika and Invercargill.
Another enjoyable in hui in recent weeks was a special breakfast that Te Rūnanga attended with our He Toki ki te Rika partners, Hawkins and CPIT. He Toki is the iwi-led Māori trades training programme in Christchurch, which aims to upskill our people and position them to take on leadership roles in the rebuild. The breakfast was an opportunity to talk to potential employers about the programme and our aspirations for graduates. Recently we hosted a hui with Te Tau Ihu iwi chairs to discuss the idea of forming a forum for Te Waipounamu iwi. The hui was well received and it was agreed to name the forum, Te Waka a Māui Iwi Chairs Forum. The purpose of the forum is to promote whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga and manaakitanga; to share information and expertise; to have a collective political voice to influence the Crown on matters of common concern; and to seek common
ground and consensus but not to undermine the mana of each iwi to determine their own respective position or strategy on any matter. The forum will meet quarterly and where possible, meetings will be held leading up to the National Iwi Chairs Forum. I look forward to working closely with Te Tau Ihu iwi and advancing and progressing our relationships. Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua will be hosting Hui-ā-Tau this year. The date is Saturday 23 November, please lock this in your diaries and calendars. A friendly reminder that Hui-ā-Tau is a one-day event held every two years and Hui-ā-Iwi is a three-day festival held every other year. More information about this year’s Hui-ā-Tau can be found on page 31. Ngā mihi, Mark
Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura Kia ora whānau, ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa.
Rā whānau
Parinui o Whiti kapa haka
Congratulations to the “Magnificent 7 plus 1” from the Manawatu whānau, who all celebrated birthdays during July – Shanae, Pania, Victor, Te Rina, Hana, Kieren, Melanie. And just who is the plus 1? Well it’s Ned, who just snuck in on 31 July. Also during July, the angels could be heard singing atop of Tapuae-o-Uenuku as Koha Hawke, Te Hiria Manawatu and Nakutira Kahu also celebrated. Kicking off August is Adan Te Huia followed by Matai and Jahdia McDonald, Grace Manawatu and Kim Kahu.
Practice is underway for our kapa haka group, which will be performing at this year’s Te Atakura Festival in October. Future practices will be on Sunday afternoons in Christchurch (for times and venue, or to join the group, contact Maani Stirling at maanistirling@gmail. com). Practices in Kaikōura will be held at Takahanga Marae on the second Saturday of each month, from 10am. The practices in Kaikōura coincide with our rūnanga meetings, which are held on Sundays. All whānau and friends are encouraged to join in for what is a fantastic time together, learning waiata with a special emphasis on all things Ngāti Kurī. Maani’s cooking is not too bad either.
Waiata from Ngāti Kurī
A CD/DVD is to be produced featuring waiata written by Ngāti Kurī, and for Ngāti Kurī, so for those of you out there who have material you would like included, could you please contact either Adan Te Huia at the office of Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura (phone 03 3196523) or Henare Manawatu (phone 021 905724).
Marae development
On the sporting front
Construction will begin soon on our new wharekai. See our photo below for a sneak preview. Regular updates on building progress will follow.
Congratulations to Tuhawaiki McDonald and Hemi Williams, who have been selected for the Marlborough Under 13 representative rugby team. Prospective Tasman Makos for sure – sorry Mr Blackadder. Also a big shout out to Tapiha Allen, who came second in the shot put at last month’s South Island Secondary Schools Athletics championship in Nelson. He is now able to compete at the national event in Dunedin in December. A fantastic achievement Tapiha. We look forward to bigger things in the future – if not in 2016, then maybe the 2020 Olympics.
The plan for the new wharekai.
Whānau contributions
We welcome contributions for Te Pānui Rūnaka from all whānau, so please send us any stories, whānau news or photos you wish to share. Champion shotput winner, Tapiha Allen.
Marae bookings
Although bookings have been fairly quiet, we had visits from two educational groups, the Kaikōura Play Centre and Kaikōura Suburban School. Their visits coincided with Matariki and it was a privilege to have them base their mahi around our marae. We look forward to the continuing use of our marae by all kura in the Ngāti Kurī rohe.
Keeping kids in school
Our local high school has appointed Rosie Clemett as attendance officer. The most important aspect of Rosie’s job will be whānau liaison and her main aim is to keep our tamariki at school. We congratulate the high school for adopting this new initiative and wish Rosie all the best in this role. We are confident that whānau will give her all the support they can.
“Who’s Who” at Takahanga Marae
Watch this space for featured articles in future issues of Te Pānui Rūnaka, as to “Who’s Who” at our marae. Read about who keeps our marae grounds in such a pristine state; and find out about those who work tirelessly on the various committees that we have formed. Plus those involved with health, education, the environment and much more.
Ngāi Tahu reo awards
Congratulations to Victor Manawatu, a recipient of this year’s Te Pā Whakawairua – Kāi Tahu Papatipu Marae Reo Champion Award. This is a recognition of his reo initiatives and development for Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura and Takahanga Marae.
Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura Society Incorporated - Appointment Committee nominations person nominated contacts the rūnanga and withdraws their nomination. Nominations for the Appointment Committee must be received by the office of Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura by 5pm, Monday 16 September.
Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura Society Incorporated wishes to inform current and potential members of the rūnanga of its intention to conduct a vote for members to the Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura Appointment Committee. Once elected, the appointment committee will be responsible for appointing the Representative and Alternate Representative of the rūnanga to represent the interests of the rūnanga at meetings of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
If a postal ballot is needed, those people who have established their entitlement to vote under the Rūnanga constitution by 5pm on Monday 16 September will be able to vote. Members of the rūnanga who have previously been registered are encouraged to ensure that their contact details as held by Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura are correct.
Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura have received five nominations to date, and the rūnanga rules state that it must have seven members. If you would like to be a member of the Appointment Committee, and meet all the relevant criteria, please submit your nomination.
For all nomination forms please contact the Kaikōura office, PO Box 39, Kaikōura or Takahanga Marae, Takahanga Terrace, Kaikōura. Call: 03 319 6523 or email: Adan.tehuia@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Existing valid nominations for the Appointment Committee are deemed to remain valid unless the 3
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae Rā whānau
Hector Tainui (Uncle Spud), Tyrone Tainui, Pippa Tainui, Adam Tainui, Amber Blacktopp, Jake MeihanaBeckett, Danealla Mason, Jamie Ferguson, Barbara Vaea, Andre Mehrtens, Tamati Tainui, Andrea Reed, Kathleen Scott, George Campbell and Ani Mason.
American students visit Arahura
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae welcomed a rōpū of American students to Arahura on 29 June. The group visited with Kea Tours. We all enjoyed time together and the visiting students enjoyed trying new foods – especially the pumpkin soup. Afterwards they were taken on a hīkoi to Arahura River to learn about our legends of Poutini and Waitaiki.
American students enjoy learning about the Arahura.
Fusion hip hop and kapa haka wānanga
At the end of a fantastic week we had a presentation day to showcase what the Fusion tamariki had learned. A big mihi to kaiako Miriama and Te Rua for all the hard mahi they put into the wānanga and waiata ātaahua; and to Chantal for wicked hip hop moves; to Nelly for all the yummy kai cooked each day; and as usual a big mihi to our meke Fusion tamariki for just being you and bringing your great attitude each day.
We introduced kapa haka kaiako, Te Rua Mason, into our fusion wānanga during the July school holidays. At our monthly rūnanga hui he asked our kaumātua and whānau what they would like to see their tamariki learn more about. The answer that came back was – whakawhanaungatanga, manaakitanga and whakapapa. Each morning the wānanga began with karakia, hīmene and pepeha and finished with games, karakia and hīmene. On the first day they went on a hīkoi to the Arahura awa, where they learned about the Poutini and Waitaiki legend. Kaiako Miriama and Te Rua then split the tamariki into groups team leaders to build their own pā. All four teams built their pā according to early traditions.
Looking forward to the next wānanga – and we may even introduce a bit of waka ama too. Ngā mihi to all our kaumātua and whānau who attended the presentation day.
The following day our tamariki got down to business and worked hard learning new waiata and kanikani; and on the fourth day, they went on a hīkoi to Māwhera to see X Factor finalist Jackie Thomas. Our tamariki had painted banners, showing their tautoko for Jackie. They were all so well behaved our kaiako treated them to kai afterwards. Right; Our tamariki show their support for Jackie Thomas.
Kaiako Te Rua Mason takes the tamariki for waiata practice.
Our tamariki painting river stones and learning their pepeha.
Biosecurity NZ conference
Institute members, Land Care Research, Animal Pest Control Agencies and many others who made this conference a success.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae had the pleasure of opening the 63rd annual NZBI National Education and Training Seminar at Shantytown, Māwhera. Over 200 manuhiri were welcomed, including the Minister of Primary Industries, the Honourable Nathan Guy, NZ Game Animal Council and NZ Biosecurity
A special mihi to our kaumātua and Ben Hutana. It was such a privilege to see him on the pae again and making the manuhiri laugh with his sharp sense of humour. Ngā mihi ki a koutou.
Ben Hutana showing his taonga to a conference journalist.
Kaumātua Violet Bradley and Papakura Tainui.
Marae development
Our wharekai is complete and the building of our whare tipuna will begin soon.
Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio Kāi Tahu whānui, tēnā koutou. Nei rā te mihi matakuikui o Kāti Māhaki ki Makaawhio ki a koutou.
Unfortunately, our hīkoi whakapapa planned for later this month has had to be postponed until next year. We didn’t quite get enough registrations and will now be looking at 17-19 January 2014. Mark your diaries now and please register your interest so that we can get enough members to go ahead with what will be an excellent opportunity to reconnect with our whenua, while hearing, learning and discussing our history, tīpuna and pūrākau associated.
Nei rā hoki te mihi poroporoaki ki a rātou, kā mate huhua kua hika mai, kua hika atu. E heke ana kā roimata takiwai o te hapū nei mō rātou kua hika mai, kua hika atu. E auē! Haere atu rā koutou, haere atu ki te taha o kā mātua tīpuna e tatari ana ki tua o te ārai. Haere, haere, haere atu rā. Moe mai koutou i te rakimārie. Rātou ki a rātou, tātou anō ki a tātou. Tēnā anō tātou katoa.
The hīkoi will take us from Hokitika south to Arawhata, taking in the cultural hotspots of South Westland, with an overnight stay at Ōkārito and our marae. Nau mai, haere mai koutou.
Te Tai o Poutini has had a mixed bag of weather, with more than a few unseasonably warm days. That’s not to say there haven’t been some fairly good frosts, with news of frozen pipes from one of our whānau further south.
Ka Tangi te Kōkō
Our most recent edition of Ka Tangi te Kōkō was posted out last month. If you are registered with Makaawhio and didn’t receive a copy, it means we do not have an up-to-date address for you. Please phone the office on 0800 955 007 to update your details.
On the wharemahi front, we have just transferred onto the Ngāi Tahu IT system. This means new email addresses for both Rachael and I and of course a new system to become familiar with. However, by the time you receive this edition, any major disruptions should have been dealt with.
Rūnanga Hui-ā-Tau (AGM)
www.makaawhio.maori.nz before 20 August, in line with the requirements of our constitution.
This is a further reminder that our rūnanga Hui-ā-Tau is to be held on Saturday 21 September, starting at 9.45am with a mihi whakatau in our Whare Tipuna, Kaipō, Te Tauraka, Waka a Māui Marae, Maitahi (Bruce Bay).
Accommodation will be available at our marae from Friday evening through until Sunday. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
Hui-ā-Tau (AGM) business will start at 10am. A further update about our AGM will be posted on our web site
Celebrating a champion
Dad’s hands were to become his tools in healing people with massage. His desire to help people feel better, to share his knowledge and to get them on the right track, proved to be a skill that would provide him with so many rewards and friendships. The Northland Rugby Union employed him as the team masseur for over 15 years and he travelled the country with them. Our loyal Dad felt in awe of such wonderful talent and was honoured to be a part of a movement that he thoroughly enjoyed.
William (Bill) George Kini, 9 July 1937 – 30 August 2012. It’s a year ago this month since we said goodbye to our much loved dad, William (Bill) George Kini (Ngāti Māhaki – Makaawhio). The sadness comes in waves and envelopes us. We who were left behind to continue his legacy miss him so very much. Our hero, our adored, hardworking father who was once the darling of a nation and a beloved son of the people of Southland, now rests with his tīpuna. Dad was a gold medal boxer who proved to be one of the great amateur boxers in New Zealand. His love for a sport and its fitness and training methods provided him with the knowledge that he continued to share with others through one-on-one boxing training in the home gyms he established on all properties that he and our mum lived in.
Our Dad passed on with all of his beloved family surrounding him including his much-adored wife Jan, his sister Alberta and brother-in-law, Cyril McKay from Bluff, as well as his first- born mokopuna, Shanice, who travelled from Tom Price, Western Australia to be by his side. A part of our heart died with him that day a year ago but our pride will continue, generation after generation. Our dad was more than a father – he was a legend!
His other great love was rugby. He played beside Waka Nathan, Mackie Herewini, Pat Walsh and others while living in Auckland. This gave Dad many wonderful memories and friendships that lasted decades. He was lucky enough to stand beside these men and be inducted into the Māori Hall of Fame (Living Legends).
He is survived by his wife Janice Kini, his three sons, Brad, Jason and André Kini and his daughter Ferne, his adored seven moko and wonderful daughter-in-law and sons-in-law who he loved and appreciated. Nā Ferne Reimanis (née Kini).
A young Bill Kini.
Bill Kini on his retirement as masseuse of the Northland rugby team.
NZ Māori Sports Awards. Bill Kini third from right.
Our Great Southern Man
The Final Round
Membership register will be closed new members
A man from the deep south Rugged as a windblown ridge in Colac Bay A man as calm as Lake Wānaka on a summer’s day Strength and courage was his forte Caring and respect was his mantra Sports was his calling – bat, ball, and gloves Commitment, dedication was the name of his game Take it to the pinnacle he did, with silver and gold hanging from his neck After sports came a loving wife, that was his way Three boys and a girl were born and they were away Instilling all the necessities – respect, love and courtesy, and all life’s tools you need along the way Became grandfather, pōua he was called by his mokopuna Loved them dearly, they always made him smile Massage and sports medicine was a tangent taken with new vigor “Go the taniwha” was the chant you heard Life can deal you some crappy hands And it’s how you deal with them that make you a true champion Battle he will, round after round, taking the shots and coming back for more We want you to rest my father, our pōua, our friend, go to the place where your tīpuna are, back down in the south where the mutton birds call and the waves crash against the pāua covered boulders of Bluff Point. “Be at peace my father” Nā Jason Kini (written while dad was in hospital August 2012).
The ring announcer has cleared the ring, the trainers and their assistants stand on the mat’s edge, and the timekeeper calls “seconds out!” The crowd cheers with admiration for their life-long champion and he in turn acknowledges them with a knowing smile, a gentle nod and a confident raising of his glove. He turns to the crowd and for a moment his raised glove shades his eyes from the glare of the light. He can see all their faces looking up at him and they each feel special and important to him... and they are. That was his way... so caring, so inclusive, so humble. His feet scuff the canvas as he steps one last time out into the fray, knowing this round is to be his last... What an incredible fighter, such spirit and mana. He has fought so hard and endured so much, but now it’s his time to finally rest. For those watching, they feel privileged to have been witness to his herculean effort, but now the final bell rings... We are in awe of him... And our love for him is complete and everlasting. Nā André Kini.
In addition to our quarterly newsletter, there are now a few ways for you to keep in touch, catch up on news or keep abreast of what’s happening. Try our website: www.makaawhio.maori.nz, “friend” our facebook page, read our blog: makaawhio.blogspot.co.nz or twitter @ makaawhio.
Members are further reminded that our membership register will be closed to new members from 19 August 2013 up to and including 22 September 2013. Any registration applications received during that time will be held and processed on 23 September 2013 when the register will reopen for new members.
We welcome contributions from whānau, so please send any news and photos to makawhio1@xtra.co.nz or post a hard copy to PO Box 225, Hokitika 7842.
Hui rūnanganui-executive meetings Following our Hui-ā-Tau in September, our rūanganui is not due to meet again until 12 October at 9.30am, at our wharemahi in Hokitika. Members are welcome to attend, but please RSVP for catering purposes.
Membership database
We have an increasing list of returned mail and rejecting email addresses. Members are encouraged to contact us on 0800 955 007 to check your address, email address and contact details are up to date. If you prefer to email, send through your name, the name of any other members in your household, along with your address and contact phone number to makawhio1@xtra.co.nz
We are about to recommence our weekly waiata after a break for school holidays. Waiata will be held every Wednesday from 3.30pm to 5pm, at the Rata Te Āwhina Trust Rooms in Hokitika. Nau mai, haere mai.
Contact can be made by email: makawhio1@xtra.co.nz or phone 03 755 7885 or 0800 955 007. Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki. Mauri ora.
Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke Tēnā koutou e te whānau whānui, ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou.
He pēpi hou
Rā whānau
Navarah Sapphire Mihi Taukiri, born at home in Brisbane on 14 May 2013 to Ramari Turei and Riki Taukiri. A cherished daughter, treasured moko, niece and cousin, Navarah will grow up under the watchful eyes of her two big brothers, Te Aoturoa and Trayvahn. Congratulations, kā mihi aroha ki a koutou.
Edward Phillips, son of Tania Piripi, turned 21 on 25 August. The following are also celebrating birthdays: Kahu Phillips, Mariata Laffey, Herewini Banks, Henry Couch, Linda Gennell, Catherine Stuart, Evette Lee, Wayne Rhodes and Paula Hutana.
In the bridal party were maid of honor, Maria Duncan, best mate of the groom, Augie Moate, flower girl, Kaylani Duncan, and page boy and ring bearer, Te Aoturoa Taukiri. Attended by friends and whānau from Te Ika a Māui, Te Waipounamu and Australia. Kellee and Ian will continue to live in Auckland and their Rāpaki whānau wish them all the best, as they continue their journey through life together as husband and wife.
Rāpaki trustees
Rehu, Te Whe Ariki Hutana, Tutehoununku Korako, Henry Tamatea Couch and Philip Patrick Hutana with Mariata (Ata) Couch, Te Whe Phillips, Douglas Fallon Herewini Couch, Rewi Couch, Rima Nani Riria Tikao Subritzky, David Tikao and Herena Stone as trustees.
In May this year, Ramari’s sister, Kellee, exchanged marriage vows with her sweetheart Ian Aldridge, at the historical St Stephen’s Chapel, Parnell. It was a small, intimate ceremony officiated by Kellee’s grandpa, Reverend Brown Turei. A dinner reception followed at the Mecca Stonehouse, Mission Bay.
At the Christchurch Māori Land Court on Thursday, 4 July, the Rāpaki Marae Trust (Rāpaki Māori Reservations) replaced Donald Couch, Mata Hana Toko
Whānau notices – free certificate in tikanga course Would you like to develop a better understanding and appreciation of the Māori world view, values and beliefs? Would you like to be more confident in your interaction with others, like Māori patients, families or those who are working in a kaupapa Māori way?
Course contents: • Hapū/iwi development and basic te reo Māori • Whakawhanaungatanga • Te reo Māori me ngā tikanga – introduction to language and protocols • Values and beliefs systems • Whakaaro Māori- (thoughts) as expressed in nga korero o nehera and whakataukī (stories, proverbs and songs past and present) • Aotearoa New Zealand – world views, the influence of the media, and the role of te o Māori • Pōwhiri and whakatau • Contextual studies – tikanga Māori within a selected environment
If you answered yes, then the Certificate in Tikanga could be what you are looking for. The level 3 course is offered by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and is free for Canterbury District Health Board employees. Study activities will be a combination of face-to-face learning, group work, tutorials, self-directed and/or directed learning and marae stays. It is an 18-week course with classes held on Tuesdays, 3pm-6pm at Community and Public Health, 310 Manchester Street. The first class starts on 6 August. There are also four marae stays (6pm Friday night until 1pm Sunday afternoon).
For more information, and to express your interest, contact Annie Davey (email annie.davey@cdhb.health. nz or phone 03-3786769) or contact Brenda Heke at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (phone 353 6550; email: brenda. heke@twoa.ac.nz).
Te Rūnanga o Wairewa Ki a Donna, e te manu tīoriori, haere atu rā e te whaea, e te anahera, moe mai, okioki mai, e kore rawa koe e warewaretia. Nō reira, waiho rātou ki a rātou, ko tātou ki a tātou, tēnā anō tātou katoa.
Tēnā tātou katoa, He tika hoki kia mihi atu ki a rātou kua wehe atu ki te pō, rātou katoa kua kapo i te rika kaha o aituā, ā, rātou hoki i mate i kā pakaka nui o te ao, te tini me te mano o Kāi Tātou te iwi Māori i hikahika rā i kā motu kē o te ao, e pōua mā, e tāua mā, haere atu rā, haere atu rā, moe mai rā i te manaakitaka o ō koutou atua.
Ka roa haere kā rā, ka huri kā whakaaro ki te māra kai. Ka mōhiotia he raumati kai te haere mai. Ka huri ki kā kō, ka haere ki te rapu i kā kirikiri, kia pai ai te oneone. Kua tere hoki te inaka, kua haoa mai i kā kutu awa. Mauri ora ki a tātou.
New office manager
It is with great pleasure that we introduce our new office manager, Mihi Sinclair, on a fixed term contract. Mihi will be with us for the rest of the year, managing the office, keeping the rūnanga executive in line, helping out with the new strategies we are putting in place for our portfolios and supporting all the entities under Wairewa Rūnanga. Mihi’s background is as an executive assistant to directors and the general manager at Lexmark International, Lexington, Kentucky; as administration manager with Aon New Zealand, in Wellington. She was also a small business owner. We are looking forward to her bringing her skills to the rūnanga and she will be operating out of the rūnanga office, level two at Rehua Marae. The office hours are Monday to Friday 9.15am to 3pm.
Mihi Sinclair, the new office manager for Wairewa Rūnanga.
Mihi has recently moved to Christchurch for family reasons and is looking forward to meeting her whānau. She descends from Wairewa, Ngāti Huirapa, Ngāi Tūāhuriri, Ngāti Wheke, Ngāti Waewae and Ngāi Te Rakiāmoa on her father’s side and Rākaipaaka
(Nuhaka), Ngāti Konohi (Whangarā) and Te Whānaua-Apanui on her mother’s side. To contact Mihi at the Wairewa office, you can call 03 377 1513 or email wairewa@ngaitahu.iwi.nz.
Rūnanga planning hui
Hui rūnaka – general meeting and annual general meeting
On 25 August and 15 September, we will be holding planning hui. The purpose of these hui is for whānau to have the opportunity to help us decide the critical areas for development over the next three years; and to give feedback on the priorities set down by the Rūnanga Executive 2013-2016. Participants can also give feedback on the recommendations to the 2013-2015 budget. The hui will be held at Rehua Marae, 9am-1pm with shared lunch.
Notice of the next rūnanga general meeting is 6 October, 10am-1pm. This will then be followed by the Wairewa Hui-ā-Tau, annual general meeting (AGM) at 2pm. The AGM will be second due to our intentions to involve whānau in more of the planning, policy and strategic decisions in the rūnanga. We need to take into account the feedback of the proposed planning hui and steer the initiatives with more whānau on board and engaged in decisions of the rūnanga, even the plans for our annual budget.
New directors on Pūtahi Farm Development Ltd
They join James Daniels (chair) and Maatakiwi Wakefield. Congratulations to you all.
Maire Kipa, Rei Simon and John Boyles have been appointed to PFDL for another three years. Rei was reelected; Maire and John will be new directors.
New director on Te Kaio Trust
Paul Skipper has been reappointed to the Te Kaio Trust for another three years. He joins Iaean Cranwell (chair), Theo Bunker and John Boyles on the trust. Congratulations Paul.
Environment Canterbury staff noho
Last month Environment Canterbury staff held a staff Tuia induction at Wairewa for two days. This was run by David O’Connell and Rachel Puentener. This is another Tuia project where Environment Canterbury staff go on hui to Kāi Tahu marae, so they can understand more about Kāi Tahu culture, tikaka, kawa, pūrākau, hītori, and the Kāi Tahu Claim. This was a successful hui, with the participants enjoying their stay, except for the power outage, but after a little manipulation, the generator was started and the hui continued. Nā Maire Kipa, Wairewa chair.
Environment Canterbury staff on marae noho at Wairewa.
Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata Nei te rau tāwhiri o Koukourārata
whanauka who have lost loved ones over the past month. Our thoughts go out to all of you.
Another year is whizzing by and there are a few changes in the bay, as we start preparing for spring… busy times for all. Hoping everyone is safe and well wherever they may be.
Nō reira koutou o te huka wairua haere atu rā, moe mai rā i kā peka o tō tātou nei ūkaipō. Mā te Atua koutou katoa e manaaki e tiaki. Āpiti hono tātai hono rātou ki a rātou ka moe, āpiti hono tātai hono tātou te huka ora ka noho, pai mārire.
Before moving on Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata would also like to extend our heartfelt aroha to all of our
Pātuki ana te manawa
June saw whānau and friends travel to Rarotonga to celebrate the wedding of Mihiata Ramsden (Tūhaitara, Irakehu, Huikai) to Peter Albury. Respect for the couple was obvious as there was a large representation of Peter’s family and friends who had travelled from England.
Mihiata and Peter will honeymoon in England taking the opportunity to attend a whānau wedding. All returned home to Te Waipounamu with memories of very special wedding and a reconnection with Rarotonga. Nā Peter Te Rangihiroa Ramsden (father of the bride).
The charms of Rarotonga combined to make the most special of weddings. The warmth of the tangata whenua, the climate, fresh island fruit and the fish…auē te aroha, auē te pai. The young ones partied hard and soon became well known (and popular) around the island. For those of slightly more advanced years there were other pleasures. Using Peter Buck’s “Vikings of the Sunrise” as a guide, there was a visit to Taputapu–ātea Marae that led to a most enjoyable afternoon, as we shared our combined histories. To be able to mihi at the grave of the mother of Riki Te Mairaki Ellison was indeed a privilege. By chance (perhaps meant to happen), we also found the site of Arai-Te-Tonga Marae, whose name proudly resides in the takiwā of Ngāti Porou. Again to mihi at the launching site of the famed Takitimu and Tainui waka. For me the most special of all was to sit and enjoy the bond of our shared language.
Koukourārata whānau and friends.
Marae bookings
Now that word is out the marae is back up and operating, and bookings are taking off again. So to save disappointment please book early. To book the marae, please contact the rūnanga office on 365 3281 or email koukourarata@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Pānui Rūnaka submissions
Many thanks to our roving reporter Peter Ramsden for his story contributions. If you have stories for Te Pānui Rūnaka, then please send items and stories to the rūnaka office (contact details can be found at the back of this edition. Without your stories, we can’t submit a column; so we look forward to hearing from you). Mananui Ramsden, Mihiata and Peter Albury, Anne and Peter Ramsden.
Ōnuku Rūnanga Introducing our chairperson – Donna Tainui
principal at Akaroa Area School, where she was once a student – as are her children today. We know Donna will be an excellent chairperson for us and we wish her well.
Ōnuku Rūnanga recently held elections for our chairperson, following the retirement of George Tikao. Donna Tainui has been elected as our executive chairperson for our incorporated society. Donna is the eldest daughter of Wi and Kyra Tainui, and the mother of Finn, Josh and Maddie.
Important dates
• 7 September, portfolio leader meeting • 8 September, wahinetoa/whaikōrero wānanga; executive and director elections
Donna is a strong leader at our marae and also within our local community. She is employed as deputy
• 13 October, rūnanga general meeting.
Puaka celebrations
Again another successful Puaka event was held over the recent school holidays. The four-day event was enjoyed by many families from Ōnuku, Akaroa and our wider community.
Tamariki enjoying the Wednesday night event.
He mihi ki a koe Wayne Robinson for your leadership in preparation for tikanga hāngī, ka mau te wehi.
Resting on our walk to Ōnawe.
Te Rūnanga o Waihao Congratulations
Janelle Wilson (Ngāi Tahu - Ngāti Tūrākatahi, Ngāti Tūteahuka; Te Whakatōhea) recently graduated from Massey University in Palmerston North with a graduate diploma in primary teaching. Janelle, who affiliates to Waihao Marae through Jane Harpur and Arthur Gibbs to Pakinui and William Harpur, also gained a degree in Māori Visual Arts in 2012. She plans to do her masters at Palmerston North next year. In the meantime she is relief teaching at an early childhood centre and continuing with her own art practice. In July she took part in an exhibition of paintings by New Zealand artists at the City Library in Melbourne, which was curated by her whanaunga, Brent Harpur (Ngāi Tahu), who has lived in Australia for the last five years. Janelle hopes to become a fulltime artist in the future and would also like to teach and facilitate art with rangatahi and those with mental illness.
Right; Janelle Wilson with one of her university tutors, Israel Birch.
One of Janelle’s paintings in the Melboune exhibition.
Congratulations also to Rebecca Crotty Jones, who graduated from Auckland University with a Bachelor of Engineering (honours). Rebecca’s specialty was chemical and material engineering. She is now working for Lion in Dunedin, as a member of the project team rebuilding Speights Brewery. Rebecca is grateful for the Ngāi Tahu funding she received during her studies. Right; Rebecca Crotty Jones at her graduation.
Matariki at Waihao
Our lunchtime kai was donated by local businesses, community groups, both local freezing works and local farmers. Everyone in the community who was approached generously donated food for the occasion – everyone offered something to this kaupapa within our rohe.
Waimate District educational organisations, from early childcare centres to the local high school, all took part in this year’s Matariki celebrations in June. Last year, when we organised this festival, we were overwhelmed by the response. Over 500 people turned up to support our tamariki and rangatahi and watch them perform kapa haka. So this year, we moved to a bigger venue, and were hosted by Waimate High School.
The food was prepared and cooked by a team from Waihao Marae, led by Graeme Lane and Lynn Davis. The event went along way to help foster and enhance community relationships. It just goes to show what can be achieved with a multi-kai cooker. The food was delicious.
On 28 June, the Waimate community was welcomed to the venue by Upoko Rūnanga Tewera King, in a mihi whakatau. He then took up the microphone and introduced the youngest kapa haka performers. All the rōpū performed with passion and it was heart-warming to see the excellent performances by our tamariki.
The event was made more enjoyable with the attendance of Anne Te Maiharoa-Dodds (Aunty Cis) and Suzy Waaka, who can always can be relied upon to support kaupapa Māori in our rohe. Ka nui aku mihi ki a kōrua.
We were also inspired by some truly incredible static art displays made by our tamariki on a Matariki theme.
It was a wonderful day and a great display of community effort. Funding has already been sourced for next year’s festival, and the community has pledged to work together again for a third time. Congratulations to all involved.
The afternoon finished with the singing of two communal waiata that all the groups performing had been taught. The first, Kāi Tahu written by Hone Kairimu on his first visit to Waihao Marae, and Mahinga Kai written by Kelly Davis.
Matariki kai time!
From left, Peter Hamilton, Steve Boyd, Graeme Lane.
Te Rūnanga o Moeraki Ngā mate
Whānau, close kin and friends of the late Richard Katerama Whitau, respected his wishes for a quiet tangi on July 1. The Davis Jordan whānau recently spent a very special time together, to farewell a respected and adored mother, nanny and aunty. The places visited were important to Karen during her childhood. It was a final gesture and koha by her whānau. Thank you to all for your wonderful tautoko. The Davis Jordan whānau gathered in Moeraki recently to farewell a beloved relative.
Jennifer Gale graduated with her Bachelor of Commerce from Otago University in May. She is continuing her studies this year and is enrolled in a post-graduate diploma course in tourism. Jennifer descends from Hakiri and her whānau whakapapa to Te Rūnanga o Moeraki through the Waterreus and Price families. Her parents, Leonie and Larry, and extended family are very proud of her achievements, and all travelled from Hawkes Bay to attend her graduation. Jennifer with her grandfather, John Southerwood MNZM.
A celebration
Several whānau from Moeraki travelled to Takahanga Marae in Kaikōura to celebrate Tā Mark Solomon’s knighthood. Everyone had a wonderful time.
Judy Tipa, Tā Mark Solomon, Reita Mathews.
Reita Mathews, left, and her daughter Robyn Maguigan at Takahanga.
Mary Whitau with her hearing dog, Daisy.
The Ngāi Tahu paepae at Takahanga Marae.
Changing direction
incredible adventures that have made their lives richer. But one thing is certain, every day is different and trying to predict ahead is futile.
When the Christchurch earthquakes created major disruption to the settled lives of Tony and Jan Smith, they began looking for new opportunities. Tony had been executive chef at Crowne Plaza Christchurch before the quakes but after the hotel was damaged, he worked as a tutor at CPIT. Jan (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou), was working for the Cancer Society.
It’s all a long way from the New Zealand they grew up in. For Jan, who has whakapapa connections to Moeraki through her great-grandparents, Teone and Paranihia Paina, and their daughter, Hinekerangi (Ani), New Delhi is about as far removed from Temuka as it could be. She lived there with her parents, Ngareta (Letty) and Allan Faith and spent a lot of her childhood at both Arowhenua Marae and on holiday with family in Moeraki.
“We had to make some major decisions after the quakes, so we began casting about for a position Tony could get excited about,” says Jan. “He was offered a position by the Intercontinental Hotel Group as Executive Chef tasked with opening a new Crowne Plaza in Greater Noida, in New Delhi, India; and while India had never figured as somewhere we wanted to live, the time seemed right for a change.
Tony and Jan have two sons, Greg (Wellington) and Teone (New Plymouth) and five mokopuna. Being so far from their family has been a challenge but Jan says Skype has made staying in touch with their whānau easy. And it’s been a great way for them to share their own Indian adventures.
“If the earthquake did anything, it made us realize that life’s roads can have unexpected curves and sometimes you just need to ride it out to see what happens.” Sixteen months on, Tony and Jan are gradually coming to terms with the huge culture shock that India presents. They’ve endured the bad times – “we’ll never laugh at the term ‘Delhi belly’ ever again” – and they’ve had
Due to visa restrictions, Jan is unable to work in India but she has enjoyed volunteering at Mother Teresa’s Mission for Disabled Children. She is also the community liaison for Delhi Network, which supports expatriate residents in New Delhi.
Tony and Jan at the Ganges.
A New Delhi market scene.
Jan at the Taj Mahal.
Fabric street stall in New Delhi.
In addition, she co-ordinates a book club.
“Tony wanted a spade the other day and found the local iron man under a piece of canvas on the street, heating iron over an open flame before beating it into the shape required. The endeavor of people trying to earn a living here – in a country with little social welfare activity - is very humbling,” says Jan.
When Tony has time off, they like to discover what India has to offer – and so far, they’ve enjoyed whitewater rafting on the Ganges, at the foot of the Himalayas; a trip to an inland tiger reserve in rural India; and of course a trip to the beautiful Taj Mahal and the Red Fort in Agra. They are keen to visit the southern state of Kerala and the beaches of Goa and they also aim to visit Nepal.
The couple still has their home in Westmorland, in Christchurch – repaired now since the earthquakes – and they do intend returning to New Zealand. In the meantime, the new hotel Tony has been working on is due to open in October and they’ve renewed their visas, so they can stay on and see the project come to fruition.
“Every day is an adventure in Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi,” says Jan. “From the chaotic roads that often include elephants, cows, goats, camels, monkeys and bullock carts, to finding cobras on your driveway and enduring temperatures in the high forties. I’ve seen a family of five riding on a single motorbike and it’s not uncommon to see a goat-herder going by with his flock, being passed by an Audi.
“It’s been a challenging but very positive experience for us here in India – one we didn’t see coming – but whatever happens after this, the road will always take us back to New Zealand, to our whānau and our special places like Moeraki, Temuka and Karitāne. And of course, living in a predominantly vegetarian country, we still dream of beef, lamb, fresh fish, shellfish and whitebait.”
“And coming from ‘clean, green’ New Zealand, it’s challenging to observe the scale of real poverty around us. It does make you think about how much Western children expect and how little so many children in countries like India have. The Delhi Network I belong to supports five charities and the majority of these are for the education of street children, or their mothers. It’s important aid for feeding, clothing and educating these children, who would otherwise be out begging in the streets; and it’s a chance for their mothers to give their children a better future by encouraging them to learn a trade or skill so they can earn a wage.” Tony and Jan now live in an established complex close to where Tony works. The local markets are busy and colourful and Jan especially enjoys the vegetable and spice markets and the colourful fabric stalls.
Tony and Jan at the Taj Mahal.
Purana Quila.
Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki Ngā mate
Julie, son-in-law Bruce and their grandchildren. Sadly Bunny passed away on 23 September 1993.
Andrew (Andy) George Vincent - 11 March 1914 – 27 July 2012 07531; Merchant Seaman, Merchant Navy. Andy was born at Mabel Bush, Southland. When he was three months old, the whānau shifted to Ruatapu on the West Coast. Four years later the whānau moved to Greymouth, where Andy was educated.
In 2006, the Year of the Veteran, Andy received recognition for his service during the war. He received a framed certificate along with a medal at the ceremony in New Plymouth. It was a time of immense pride for Andy, who was also the oldest veteran present on the day.
After leaving school he worked as a bushman; and in 1936, he married Velma Armstrong in Greymouth. They had one child, their daughter Helen. This marriage lasted two years. Andy left the West Coast in 1938 and went to Wellington, where he joined the Seamen’s Union. He met his second wife Julia (Bunny) Ward-Holmes and they married in Wellington in 1942. After the war Andy obtained a rehabilitation home in Naenae, Lower Hutt. He remained with the Union Company for 38 years and retired in 1977.
Andrew George Vincent.
Uncle Andy passed away at New Plymouth on 27 July 2012 aged 98 years. Nō reira, e te tupuna, pāpā, karanga maha. Haere, hoki atu koe ki ō mātua, ki ō tīpuna o te pō. Moe āio mai i roto i te hirikapo o tō whānau kua mahue mai ki muri.
In 1990 when Bunny became ill, they shifted to a flat at Bell Block so that they could be near their daughter
2013 Matariki at the Marae
We celebrated Matariki in style on 5-6 July by staging the third Wearable Arts Show at the marae. Powerful music, wonderful garments, eclectic entertainment and adoring audiences are what defined this year’s show.
The supreme prize went to Katherine Greer (supreme winner in 2011) with her entry, ‘You think I’m a log but I’m really a taniwha!’ while the People’s Choice was won by Rea Stout with ‘Ka haere a Hine Moana ki te Whakahirahira o Matariki’.
Kararnina Parker modelling the butterfly, in ‘The Cycle of Life – The Butterfly.’
Wairāmia Taratoa-Bannister modelling ‘Rahera’, by Kelly Tikao and whānau.
How wonderful that we had a number of whānau who entered, including Kelly Tikao and her whānau, with Rahera (equal runner up in the Papatūānuku section). This truly beautiful entry was modelled by Kelly’s daughter, Wairāmia Taratoa-Bannister. Also, Nick Price-Ellison modelled for Rowan Holt, with ‘Māui – A Modern Man’ (second in the Rakinui section). Check out ‘Matariki at the Marae’ on our website www. puketeraki.co.nz for results and the photo gallery for some great photos.
Nick Price-Ellison modelling ‘Māui – A Modern Man’, by Rowan Holt.
General meeting
New website
The Roiti Whānau Trust general meeting will be held on Sunday 13 October 2013 at 2pm, at 2 Harbour Tce, Careys Bay, Port Chalmers. The agenda will include discussion on the future of the homestead, the financial report and general business.
Watch this space as we go through the planning and design stages of redeveloping our website. The launch is pencilled in for the last week of October so if you have any great ideas or additions, (after all the website is about and for you), get in touch with the office with your suggestions.
If you have any additions to the agenda please send to the above address. If the response to the meeting of owners and potential owners is more than can be accommodated at Careys Bay, we will find another venue.
Motoitoi reunion
A reunion is being held for descendants of Motoitoi and her three daughters, Maria, Emma and Mere, at Easter 2014 at Puketeraki Marae from Friday 18 April. To register your interest in attending, please contact Nicola Taylor at niccytaylor@gmail.com or Anne Robertson at anne.robertson@corrections.govt.nz
RSVP to Phyllis Smith on (03) 472 8909 by 8 September.
Māori freehold land for sale in Puketeraki
Waikouaiti Block XII Section 58 has come up for sale. The area is 17.1991 hectares – big enough to build a house. This land is at Brinns Point between Puketeraki and Seacliff. It is in two parts divided by the Coast Road. Also for sale is Block III Section 75. Area is 9460 square meters. This land has woolshed, sheep yards and cattle yards. It will only be sold with Section 58. Please contact Vicki Offen on (03) 465 7124 or (021) 212 7842 or at voffen@edinburghrealty.co.nz for further information. Emma and Maria.
Te Rūnanga o Hokonui Rōpū tamariki – a new youth group
Lawton) and other volunteers facilitated the day and tamariki enjoyed a wide range of activities; harakeke crafts, kapa haka, arts and crafts, outdoor and fitness activities.
Hokonui Rūnanga staff and volunteers have started a new youth group in Gore for tamariki aged five to 12. Around 30 tamariki attended our first meeting at O Te Ika Rama Marae on 25 July, during the school holidays.
If you have any tamariki who you think who would like to join us, please contact the office on 03 208 7954 to arrange this. Transport is provided.
Mere Fowler, Krystal Fowler, Terry Stott, Nanny K (Kay
Mataura holiday programme
However, it was hoped to have more places available for the next holiday programme, she said.
Mataura’s holiday programme at The Bunker proved to be a boredom-buster for school pupils on holiday recently. Tamariki aged five to 16 enjoyed a variety of activities from basketball to flax weaving, cooking, games and crafts.
“We can see the demand; we just have to make sure we have enough helpers.’’ Helper Kay Lawton, of Gore, who taught traditional Māori flax weaving, said she loved being involved in the programme.
Hokonui rūnanga youth worker, Terry Stott said the programme was a combined effort by Our Way Mataura, Te Iho Rito Social Services, the Gore and District Community Youth Worker Trust, Hokonui Rūnanga and the Gore Social Sector Trial.
“I want to pass on our traditions because if we don’t teach them, we will lose them,’’ Mrs Lawton said. Nā Russell Fredic, The Ensign.
Children who took part in the programme had to be invited on the recommendation of their school, Mr Stott said. He added that the programme was designed to benefit children who had working parents, or those who did not have the opportunity to go away for the holidays. There was no cost for the programme, however a gold coin donation was taken for the use of The Bunker, which was provided free. Mataura community development co-ordinator, Jo Brand, said the number of places available for the programme was limited to 40 to provide for a one-infour ratio of adults to children. Right, Ashantaye Power enjoying the Mataura Holiday Programme.
Krystal Fowler and tamariki making poi.
Shelby-Jay Phillipson enjoying the crafts session.
Teony Pennicott, left and Ace Kawenga take time out to celebrate their birthdays.
Nanny K (Kay Lawton) working with tamariki.
Show at the marae
The rūnanga covered in snow during the June storm. Photos by Rewi Anglem.
June snowfall at Hokonui Marae.
The Hokonui Marae pond covered in snow.
Waihōpai Rūnaka Ngā mate o ngā rūnanga haere, haere, haere atu rā. To the whānau who have lost a loved one, Waihōpai sends its condolences and deepest sympathies to you all. Aroha nui.
To the team that does this mahi, thank you for your dedication and commitment over the last 19 years, and for upholding the mana of the tikanga programme on the marae and later in the prisons.
To all the people who have, or are having birthdays, have a great day - or, we hope you had a great day; and to all the new mums and dads congratulations on bringing new joy into your lives. Aroha nui to you all.
We couldn’t have done it without the great support from the prison and staff, probation, Department of Corrections staff and the many helpers over the years. Thanks to the current tikanga team of kaumātua Mhari Baty and Cyril Gilroy (both Ngāi Tahu), kaumātua and facilitator Peter Biddle and Philomena Shelford, facilitator and the team’s project manager, organiser. And thank you to all the rūnaka and people who have emailed, sent cards and congratulated us. Awesome.
There’s been lots happening down here in the south. We have been busy on and off the marae. One thing that has captured the imagination is Joanne Pera’s Thursday roast meals. With the help of the marae cooks and whānau, they have become a roaring success. Well done team. Watch this space because there’s more to come from Joanne.
Kia ora whānau, make someone’s day by giving them a hug, a smile, a kiss - and very importantly, laugh a lot. Ka kite anō. Squirrel on the Hill.
One major thing that happened for us was winning the Arts Access Aotearoa Award for our work in the prison. These annual awards celebrate the achievements of individuals, community groups, and organisations, providing opportunities for people with limited access to engage with the arts, as artists and audience members. They also recognise the outstanding achievements and contributions of a disabled artist. So a huge thank you to Arts Access Aotearoa and the Department of Corrections.
From left; Mhari Baty, Cyril Gilroy, Peter Biddle and Philomena Shelford.
Waihōpai Rūnaka Incorporated
Notice of Appointment Committee Nominations Waihōpai Rūnaka Incorporated wishes to inform current and potential members of the Rūnaka of its intention to conduct a vote for members to the Waihōpai Rūnaka Appointment Committee. Once elected, the Appointment Committee will be responsible for appointing the Representative and Alternate Representative of the rūnaka to represent the interests of the rūnaka at meetings of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Existing valid nominations for the Appointment Committee are deemed to remain valid unless the person nominated contacts the rūnaka and withdraws their nomination. Those people who have established their entitlement to vote under the rūnaka constitution by 5pm on Monday 16 September 2013 will be able to vote. Nominations for the Appointment Committee must be received by the office of Waihōpai Rūnaka Inc by 5pm, Monday 16 September 2013, PO Box 7017, Invercargill, 9812 or 408 Tramway Road, Invercargill 9812.
The rūnaka has received five nominations to date, and rūnaka rules state that it must have six or more nominations, to enable an election postal vote. If you would like to be a member of the Appointment Committee, you must meet all the relevant criteria, including at the time of acting to appoint a Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Representative or Alternate, not be seeking appointment to either of those positions.
Members of the rūnaka who have previously been registered are encouraged to ensure that their contact details, as held by Waihōpai Rūnaka, are correct. For nomination forms please contact the Waihōpai Rūnaka Office, telephone: 03 216 9074, or email info@waihopai.org.nz
Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka Kia ora whānau, We hope that you are keeping warm and looking after yourselves as the chilly weather continues to bite. If you have celebrated a birthday recently we trust that you had a great day and celebrated in style.
over the past month. These included the Department of Conservation marine mammal hui, a Corrections hui and a karanga wānanga. The Cultural Mapping hui also took place over this period, as did a Rarotoka working trip; so as you can see, it has been a fairly hectic month.
A number of hui have taken place at Takutai o Te Tītī
Well done Sakura Marama Kahutaiki Stirling (Ngāi Tahu - Ngāi Tūāhuriri), who recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, from Auckland University of Technology. A group of four kaumātua – Jane Davis, Muriel Johnstone, Betty Rickus and Shona Fordyce - recently travelled to Te Anau, as part of a group of researchers. The trip was to take in Anita Bay but inclement weather prevented this from happening. This hīkoi was part of the Ki Uta Te Tai (Stories from our Mountains to the Coasts) project.
Sakura Marama Kahutaiki Stirling at her Auckland graduation.
Marine mammal stranding hui
Many a whale passes through Te Ara a Kiwa (Foveaux Strait) and with this comes the inevitable whale strandings. Plans to hold a hui in Southland around this
subject began a couple of years ago, and finally came to fruition during the last weekend of June. The hui was held at Takutai o te Tītī Marae at Colac Bay (where a southern right whale calf was born last winter), on June
Jane Davis, Shona Fordyce with Russell and Anne Beck.
Shona Fordyce with Russell and Anne Beck.
28-30. During the planning of the hui, there was a clear consensus to update the local stranding plan and include opportunities for learning.
presented a scenario for the future for Southern right whales. She identified some issues that we all need to think about including shipstrike, tourism and coastal development. DOC staff Jim Fyfe and Ros Cole talked about the critically endangered NZ sea lion in Otago and Southland, and discussed opportunities to increase awareness about the species.
Consequently, a range of people were invited to talk and share their knowledge including tohunga tohorā, Ramari Stewart and kaimahi tohorā, Zelda McIntyre. Dr Stuart Hunter from Massey University demonstrated a necropsy on a dead fur seal – although the seal was still a little frozen (-3o frost overnight) and explained how they could often determine cause of death by looking inside the animal.
A final fun activity included training in refloating of whales, using the pontoons and Wally, the inflatable whale, who was a hit with some of the younger participants The hui was made a success due to the willingness of everybody to listen, share and participate. David Higgins did a fantastic job facilitating and the kai was spectacular – tītī, crayfish and mussels. A big highfive to Ōraka Aparima rūnaka, Muriel Johnston and the waka ama crew for an outstanding job.
Discussions were held around euthanasia and when it might be considered an option, and what methods might be used. Jim Campbell from the Department of Conservation (DOC) Whanganui showed the participants the sperm whale euthanasia device and Grame Miller (DOC) talked about the newly-developed method of pericranial implosion for large baleen whales. Sophie White and colleagues from the University of Otago added their observations and experiences from strandings, and reinforced their offer of assistance if it’s ever needed. Emma Burns from Otago Museum, along with Jim Fyfe and Hinerangi from Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki talked about their successful collaboration with the leopard seal Autahi, now on display at Otago Museum. Dr Emma Carroll from Auckland University Dr Stuart Hunter demonstrating a necropsy on a fur seal.
Awarua Rūnanga Kā mihi aroha
To all our whānau suffering the loss of loved ones at this time, Awarua Rūnanga extends all our love and sympathy.
Our congratulations go to Aaron Leith, an active member of Awarua Rūnanga, who has been successful in securing a scholarship to attend the First Nations’ Futures Programme at Stanford University in California between 19 October and 2 November 2013.
Rā whānau
Happy birthday to all those celebrating their birthdays this month.
Educational success
cultural identity, linking youth to their heritage and traditional knowledge. She also identified the fact that programmes need targeted activities and plans and mentors should be well-trained and supported.
Ko Takitimu te waka Ko Hananui te maunga Ko Te Ara o Kewa te moana Ko Te Āti Awa me Ngā Puhi me Ngāi Tahu ōku iwi Ko Muru Raupatu me Te Rau Aroha ōku marae Ko Awarua te papa kāinga Ko Murihiku te whenua Ko Ana Beaton tōku ingoa.
Tahuri Atu is a Māori mentoring programme run by Awarua Social and Health Services. The data captured the uniqueness of a Kaupapa Māori-delivered mentoring programme that aims to educate rangatahi in Māori customs and practices. It aims to turn out young people who are not only crime-free, good, healthy citizens but have a sense of belonging - knowing who they are.
Ana has been involved with Awarua Rūnanga for over 20 years and during this time has held the position of treasurer, and more recently, secretary. For the last 17 years, Ana has been employed by Child, Youth and Family in a variety of roles, but since 2004 as a youth justice co-ordinator.
Ana would like to acknowledge the tautoko and manaaki she received from Te Rūnanga o Awarua Trustees: Hana Morgan, Louise Fowler, Gail Thompson and Stephanie Blair and Upoko, Tā Tipene O’Reagan; Trish Young CEO Awarua Social and Health Services; local police personnel; local YMCA personnel; Margaret Bragg; Tiny Metzger; John Wixon; Val and George Goffe (Ana’s parents); Anaru Eketone (Ana’s supervisor); plus all professional respondents, colleagues, mentors, parents, caregivers and rangatahi who contributed to her research.
Ana has obtained a Master’s in Social Welfare with distinction from Otago University, at the same time working in paid employment and carrying out volunteer work for the rūnanga. The title of Ana’s thesis is ‘Tahuri Atu Mentoring Programme’. Ana’s research identified the skills and attributes that are essential for a suitable mentor; and that programmes should strengthen
Te Rourou Whakatipuranga o Awarua
planning a beach hīkoi to collect shells and driftwood to make their own wind chimes. The tamariki are currently practising their waiata: Tahu Pōtiki Ruru; E Hoka Manu Tītī and Tūtira Mai for the 2013 Polyfest, which takes place in Invercargill 20 - 23 August. The tamariki and kaiako will require some support, so if you can tautoko and manaaki please contact Te Rourou on (03) 212 6026.
The past month has been a busy one for the tamariki at Te Rourou. They participated in pōwhiri at Te Rau Aroha Marae, walked to Bluff School to use their playground and challenged themselves on the play equipment. These were good opportunities for making connections with the community and gave the tamariki valuable learning experiences in building self-esteem, confidence and teamwork. Bluff Kindergarten tamariki were privileged to attend a musical session with Jerome Kavanagh at Te Rau Aroha Marae. Jerome has travelled the world showcasing traditional Māori musical instruments, taonga puoro. Jerome introduced tamariki to various instruments including pūtātara and kōauau. Tamariki were fascinated by their eerie wails and whistles within the walls of the whare tupuna. The little ones loved the sounds made by blowing into shells, sticks and stones, the gourds and the twirling instruments on lengths of string. It was a valuable cultural experience for tamariki and kaiako alike. Later in the term, Te Rourou are building on this learning by
Jerome Kavanagh introduces Mahlee Kapene to traditional instruments.
Rangatahi tumeke outdoor camp
Tēnei te mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa. On the 19 July Rangatahi Tumeke held their second outdoor camp in Te Ākau Tai Toka (the Catlins).
Ō koutou āhua rangatahi mā. Kia kaha kia manawanui ki a koutou – and we would like to thank the Ngāi Tahu fund for their contribution. And thanks too, to Awarua Rūnaka, The Ngāi Tahu Fund and whānau for their ongoing support for this project. Nō reira, tēnā koukou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa. Tīhei Mauri ora Steph Blair and whānau.
Ten Ngāi Tahu rangatahi, aged 10–16 , attended and many of their whānau came to tautoko and manaaki us with different activities. Without their support and encouragement none of this would have taken place. He mihi atu ki ngā whānau me ngā kaimahi i tērā wiki. The hīkoi started at Te Rau Aroha Marae with a mihi whakatau before we travelled to Tautuku Youth Adventure Camp, where we were based for four days. We had exceptional weather, which allowed us to make great use of our time. Rangatahi enjoyed a range of activities including waka ama, gathering wai kōura, eeling, trout fishing, camping in tents and organising camp fires, flying fox, confidence courses and a climbing wall. We also completed some plant pest control at the local nohoanga site at Waikawa. Great weather for a hīkoi.
Rangatahi taking time out on the water.
Annual general meeting
Membership database
A reminder that the annual general meeting for Te Rūnanga o Awarua Charitable Trust will be held on Saturday, 28 September at 10.30 am, at Te Rau Aroha Marae. It would be great to see whānau come and tautoko the kaupapa. Accommodation is always available at the marae for whānau who wish to stay for the weekend. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.
We are currently updating our membership database and have found that many members’ children have had children of their own that require registering. If you are one of these people we encourage you to contact us on (03) 212 6029 or email tinamm@awarua.org.nz to request registration forms. We also encourage members who have changed residential or email addresses, to update their details by contacting the rūnanga on the above number or email address.
Rūnanga monthly hui
Monthly hui for hapū members will be held at Te Rau Aroha Marae at 6pm on 14 August and 11 September respectively. If the marae is not available, then the hui will be held at the Awarua Rūnanga office, 12 Bradshaw Street, Bluff.
Rūnanga business
We welcome contributions from whānau for Te Pānui Rūnaka, so please tell us your stories by sending any news and photos to tinamm@awarua.org.nz or
telephone (03) 2126029. Alternatively, visit our office at 12 Bradshaw Street, Bluff anytime.
Te Rūnanga o Awarua Charitable Trust - Notice of intention to hold a special meeting 8 September 2013 Please note only those persons who have established their entitlement to be members of the rūnanga by 8 September 2013 will receive voting papers for this postal ballot. All persons eligible to become a member of the rūnanga are encouraged to apply to be registered as a member with Te Rūnanga o Awarua. Members of the rūnanga who have previously been registered are encouraged to ensure that their contact details as held by Te Rūnanga o Awarua are correct by 8 September 2013.
Te Rūnanga o Awarua wishes to inform all members and potential members of the rūnanga, of its intention to hold a special meeting to call for nominations for members of the Rūnanga Appointment Committee. The appointment committee will be responsible for appointing the Representative and Alternate Representative of the rūnanga to represent the interests of the rūnanga at meetings of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. All nominees must be in attendance at the special meeting to accept or decline nomination. The Rūnanga Appointment Committee is comprised of five members. If the rūnanga receives more than five valid nominations, then the rūnanga is obliged to hold a postal ballot.
Please contact the office for further information if you have any questions. Te Rūnanga o Awarua, email: info@ awarua.org.nz or phone 03 212 6029.
Taurahere Groups Ngāi Tahu Ki Te Matau a Māui
palisades, and relate the stories of these sites. With our kaumātua beside us, we only went half way up but they were really surprised at how far they climbed.
Ngāi Tahu migration and waiata wānanga We kicked off our first wānanga on 29-30 June at Te Ara o Tawhaki Marae, EIT, Napier. We were blessed to have among us Maani Stirling, Teone Sciascia and Arapata Reuben from Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Our tamariki thoroughly enjoyed the run up and sliding down parts of the hillside. We spent an hour or so up the maunga and returned for lunch. It was here that we had to say goodbye to our guests, so we had our poroporoaki to thank Maani, Teone and Arapata for their awhi and tautoko of our taurahere. We hope to see them again soon. Thank you to our ringawera for the beautiful kai we had over the two days.
Our mihimihi introduced our Ngāi Tahu guests and Maani was then put to work teaching us Manu Tiria and Ka Haea Te Ata. What a wonderful way to learn these waiata hou - from a Ngāi Tahu kapa haka legend like Maani, backed up by the lovely Teone. Teone gave us an overview of Whai Rawa and all the benefits those of us who are not signed up yet, are missing out on. And Arapata answered any questions we had about whakapapa. We couldn’t have asked for much better and we are so grateful for this opportunity. On the second day of our wānanga, we revisited our waiata with Maani, until we were ready to go on our hīkoi ki Ōtatara Scenic Reserve. Before our hīkoi up the historic Ōtatara maunga, Nigel Hadfield, one of the kaitiaki of the area, gave a brief mihi and kōrero about the history and stories of Ngāti Kahungunu invasion and the Ngāti Māmoe tīpuna who once lived here. We proceeded up the maunga stopping along the way, so Nigel could show us old pā sites, kūmara pits and Kaumātua enjoying the hīkoi up the historic Ōtatara maunga.
Kト( Tahu ki Whakatト]e
On July 27 we combined our annual general meeting with our first birthday. The evening started with Hori Kawau and Grenville Ham keeping us entertained with their awesome voices. We then held our annual general meeting and chairperson, Oriwia Rehu- Murchie, secretary, Pauline Cottrell and treasurer, Sandra Maaka Ham gave their yearly reports.
and Joslyn Cameron. We voted in and welcomed our new chairman, Philip Kemp, and Sandra and Pauline remained as treasurer and secretary for another year.
New nominations for the committee included Tui and Horomona Tau, Philip Kemp and Sarah Walker; and committee members standing down were Marie Hannah
Our light meal turned into a banquet in true Kト( Tahu fashion. We ended the evening with Horomona and Don cutting the cake while the rest of us sang happy birthday. It was a very successful evening with a good turnout. Our committee is now planning our next major hui on 24-25 August, to be held at Pukeko Marae, Poroporo. The kaupapa will be pounamu.
Hori Kawau and Grenville Ham our musical entertainment for the evening.
From left, Kay King, Tui Tau, Oriwia Rehu-Murchie and Dawn Potter.
Kai time after our annual general meeting.
From left, Don Parkinson, Louis Mei, Philip Kemp and Buck Mei.
Don Parkinson and Horomona Tau cutting our 1st birthday cake while celebrating their own birthdays.
Our efficient young helpers Ben, Annelise and Leilani Cottrell.
Kāi Tahu Ki Waikato
Kingitanga Day 2013 Kāi Tahu Ki Waikato are thrilled that Tā Mark Solomon is coming to the Waikato as a keynote speaker for the Waikato University Kingitanga Day celebrations for 2013. We encourage as many of our whānau to attend as possible.
and join us for a night to remember - a night of whānau, friends, food, whakapapa and film. We have Tā Mark Solomon and Whakapapa Unit kaumātua Terry Ryan, as our guest speakers and we are showing the documentary, “Pounamu the Stone in our Bones.”
The event will be staged at the University of Waikato on Thursday 12 September, 8am-6pm. Further details about the activities that will run on campus as part of the day will be available closer to the date on http://www. waikato.ac.nz/events/kingitanga
We are also encouraging Kāi Tahu artists to showcase their work on the night, so if you are interested in this contact Jane on 0212220191. This event is being held 11 September at 6.30pm –10pm, at the Creative Waikato Exhibition room, Alexandra Street, Hamilton. And we need you to book as numbers are limited. You can do this by emailing us at kaitahu.waikato@gmail.com or by ringing Wendy on 07 8248340. Bookings need to be done by 6 September.
A night with Ngāi Tahu The night before the Kingitanga celebrations, we are having our own celebration of Ngāitahutanga, so come
Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga Moana
Next meeting The next bimonthly Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga Moana hui will be held at Tauranga Boys’ College wharenui on Sunday, 20 October at 1pm. A venue for our 1 December hui has yet to be finalised.
At our June hui we honoured and celebrated Tā Mark Solomon’s knighthood with a specially-iced cake. Congratulations Tā Mark, ka mau te wehi. At the June hui, committee member, Anna Were, spoke about the te reo classes she has been attending, and how she and her husband Alec incorporate their lessons in everyday situations.
Fred Newton, Midge Hanrahan and Laurie Loper cutting a very special cake at our June hui.
Committee member Anna Were spoke at our June hui.
Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau
Our programme will be available next month and we’re looking forward to another wonderful weekend of whanaungatanga and new experiences.
Reminder Please mark 25 - 28 October into your diaries. As well as being Labour Weekend, it is also when we will hold Huiā-Tau ki Tāmaki Makaurau Taurahere. The pōwhiri will begin at 5pm.
Earthquake Support Rū Whenua Whānau Workers/Earthquake Support Workers
Call 0800 KAI TAHU or 0800 524 8248.
Kaitoko Whānau workers work alongside whānau to help access services that enable whānau to make well-informed decisions about their recovery and future.
Here’s how Kaitoko Whānau can help: Face-to face, on-going support • A check will be done on your property and contact made within 48 hours • Meetings are kanohi ki te kanohi/face to face • Kōrero about your unique circumstances over a cuppa • Time is taken to properly understand your situation and where to go from here.
Jobs and training Links to relevant employment training providers such as He Toki ki te Rika, the Māori Trades Training course. Help in working towards your dream job or career Support in getting the boxes ticked: • Driver licensing • WINZ opportunities • Health/addiction networks • Warm and healthy whare Access to information, services and grants - making sure householders are warm and healthy.
Working through information A kaitoko can help sort through and understand what’s important information and if a solution needs to be found. Examples are: • Insurance policies • Technical Category TC/zones • Assessments/scope reports/repairs/the ‘opt out’ processes • Geotechnical requirements/links • Specialist help or relevant information/grants • Accommodation/tenancy leases • Understanding consent and confidentiality processes.
Contacts: Alexandra Cope phone 027 944 3470 or Sharon Hillier phone 021 851 325 or 0800 KAI TAHU, 0800 524 8248. Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui. Kaitoko Whānau Meet the kaitoko team affiliated to He Oranga Pounamu and contracted under Te Puni Kōkiri to deliver the 2013 Earthquake Support Service. Five kaitoko deliver specifically for Māori, and five navigators cater specifically to Tauiwi and Māori.
Kaitoko can advocate on your behalf, for example: organise meetings and help with: • EQC/EQR and other organisations • Conflict resolution • Planning pathways. Planning for a better future • Talking through how whānau daily life is affected and how this can be improved • Help in recognising stress and what to do about it • Matching needs with the right services • Help in working through your recovery, making decisions and planning a pathway forward which is best for your whānau • Making sure the whānau leads the way forward • Help with how to track and monitor progress toward a positive future! Tamariki Early childhood education and immunization Links to networks and services that provide expert knowledge in Māori ECE centres Links to services that offer childcare facilities.
The Office Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu staff celebrated Māori language week in style with numerous events, including a Māori language quiz, a few short videos identifying significant landmarks and the correct pronunciation of their Māori names. To top it off, we got to listen to Tā Tipene O’Regan, who spoke to us about Māori place names in Te Waipounamu.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2013
Māori language week was once again celebrated throughout the country in July. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is an opportunity for New Zealanders to learn, speak and celebrate te reo Māori. This year’s theme was Ngā Ingoa Māori − Māori Names. We were encouraged to think about people’s names, place names, the whakapapa behind them and the correct pronunciation.
Regardless of how you celebrated Māori language week, we would like to say a big congratulations to everyone who participated and gave it a go. Ko tōku reo, ko tōku ohooho. Ko tōku reo, ko tōku māpihi maurea.
Kotahi Mano Kāika funding
Application forms and more information about all KMK funding can be found on our website www.kmk.maori.nz
There are currently three funds available for registered iwi members to develop their proficiency in te reo Māori. The next funding round closes on 25 October.
Kā Manukura - what is Kā Manukura o te reo? Kā Manukura o te Reo is a fund established by Kotahi Mano Kāika (KMK). This fund can provide targeted financial assistance for intermediate to advanced Kāi Tahu learners and speakers of te reo Māori to further develop their Māori language proficiency.
Whānau Reo - what is the Whānau Reo Fund?
All applicants need to complete a te reo plan, as per the application process, which demonstrates short and long term commitment towards achieving their personal language goals. Funding for one-off wānaka reo will not be supported. Participants can apply for up to $5,000. Preference will be given to participants who are committed to the kaupapa of Kotahi Mano Kāika.
Whānau Reo is a fund established by Kotahi Mano Kāika to provide financial assistance for Kāi Tahu families to attend Kāi Tahu Papatipu Rūnaka whānaubased te reo wānanga and events and KMK whānaubased te reo wānanga and events within the Ngāi Tahu takiwā.
whānau language goals.
All applicants need to complete a whānau te reo plan, as per the application process, which demonstrates short and long-term commitment towards achieving
Applicants can apply for up to $2,000 per whānau per year. Less may be awarded, subject to the number of suitable applicants for each funding round.
Applicants must be registered with Ngāi Tahu and priority will be given to those whānau who are committed to and practicing intergenerational language use within the home.
Kāika Reo - what is Kāika Reo?
Kāika Reo is a fund established by Kotahi Mano Kāika to support Kāi Tahu whānau groups to strengthen the use of te reo as an everyday language of communication within the home.
Applicants must be registered with Ngāi Tahu, and will be applying on behalf of a KMK whānau cluster group. A KMK whānau cluster group will consist of no less than four registered Ngāi Tahu households. The fund will give preference to whānau clusters residing in Te Waipounamu; and to initiatives focusing on everyday language within the home; and clusters of whānau that are practicing intergenerational transmission.
The fund will consider funding initiatives focused on learning and using te reo as an everyday informal language within the home and community. Participants can apply for up to $3500 although less may be awarded subject to the number of suitable applicants for each deadline. 30
Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-Tau 2013
Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua, in conjunction with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, invite you to attend Hui-āTau 2013, which will be held at Te Hapa o Niu Tireni, Arowhenua Marae, on Saturday, 23 November.
To allow whānau from across the motu to participate, the hui will be filmed and streamed live. There will be no stalls or additional activities. More information about this year’s Hui-ā-Tau will be provided over the next few weeks.
This year, Hui-ā-Tau will take on a new format. It will be a one-day hui, which focuses solely on report back and open forum.
Calling for project applications now
The following areas are key priority areas of the Ngāi Tahu Fund, as identified in the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy and all projects must be aligned with at least one of these.
The Ngāi Tahu Fund is available to Ngāi Tahu whānau, rūnanga and hapū to help vitalise, strengthen and grow Ngāi Tahutanga.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Whakapapa – kinship Tikanga – protocols and customs Te Reo – language Mahi Toi – creative expression Whenua – landscape, place and locality Mahinga Kai – food gathering practices Ngā Uara – values and beliefs Ā kāinga, ā Hapū, ā Iwi – community engagement and participation 9. Mana Tangata – self-determination, selfconfidence, self-purpose, self-transcendence.
Do you have a cultural project that you, your whānau or marae wish to run? Get in touch with us to see how the Ngāi Tahu Fund may be able to help. Applications close Friday 27 September 2013. Any applications received after 27 September 2013 will not be accepted. Please contact us urgently if this is going to be an issue for you.
All applications must show how they aim to increase cultural knowledge and participation of Ngāi Tahu whānui. Applications must also clearly identify what cultural knowledge is involved in the project and demonstrate how the proposed project contributes to building cultural knowledge and participation.
Call 0800 942 472 today and find out how to apply. email funds@ngaitahu.iwi.nz. Or visit www.ngaitahufund.com PLEASE NOTE - Changes to the Ngāi Tahu Fund Application In June 2012 the Ngāi Tahu Fund Committee adopted the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy as its guiding document and changed our application requirements to align with this strategy. Changes you need to be aware of if you are considering making an application to the Ngāi Tahu Fund. All applications must demonstrate how projects meet the following objectives. • • • • •
To have strong sustainable Ngāi Tahu Cultural leadership across all pillars. Ensuring intergenerational ownership, sustainability, and growth of cultural practices across all pillars. To have the resources available to engage the strategy to be successful (human, fiscal, natural archival etc.) All generations of Ngāi Tahu engage, value, celebrate and protect the integrity and uniqueness of Ngāi Tahu culture. Promote new forms of Ngāi Tahu cultural expression.
Ngāi Tahu artists on a rock art hīkoi 2013
Successful applicants – Round 15 March 2013 Successful Applicants – Round 15 March 2013 There were 49 applications received which sought a total of $1,145,535.50. Of those applications 27 were approved fund $395,331.40. Theretotaling were 49 applications received which sought a total of $1,145,535.50. Of those applications 27 were approved fund totaling $395,331.40. applicant name
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae Jade Associates and Tu Toka Tu Ariki Te Runanga o Koukourarata Ngai Tahu ki Tauranga Moana McDonald, Anahera Naiomi Pirini, Mateka Dawn Pounamu Ngai Tahu Incorporated Society Te Runanga o Makaawhio Kururangi, Kari Moana Kai Tahu ki Whakatane Davis, Tane Craig Wakefield, Bruce Rangiwawahia Arai te Uru Whare Hauora Pauling, Craig Aaron Wakefield, Maatakiwi Te Runanga o Koukourarata Tikao, Ariana Rahera Te Runanga o Koukourarata Herewini, Aloma Lynette Paemanu Waihopai Runaka Limited Oraka Aparima Rūnaka Te Runanga o Onuku Thomas, Jennifer Ellen Pacey, Huia Ann Williams, Clare Marie Kai Tahu ki Tamaki Makaurau Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou
approved amount
Tankersley, Mairehe Louise Crofts, Charles Stuart Te Manemoeroa Rahiri, Kim Manawatu, Maurice Gilroy, Cyril Raymond
Tū Toka Tū Ariki
Tūpuna Pou Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga Moana hui-general running costs Kareao Murihiku Māori Kaumātua whānau rōpū
$50,000.00 $1,500.00 $3,507.90 $5,000.00
Hutana, Paula Ann Wallace, Richard Rangi Hopkinson, Richard Paul Hannah, Marie Louise Wright, Tracey Lee
Raranga Wānanga Hīkoi Whakapapa-Te Tai o Poutini ki te toka He Manu Hou, (He pī ka rere) Whakapapa/History of interrelationship iwi with pounamu Haki Te Kura-Waka Ama Ngāi Tahu migration stories within the Te Matau o Maui takiwā Fanny Cross/Bain Reunion Te Waka Taiohi o Tahu
$4,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Te Aitaka a Wekepiri-Wakefield Whānau Hui Tikanga and Kawa-Koukourarata Tikao Waiata CD Kaawatea Cultural Support and Development Whānau Reunion Kaupapa Auaha Ake Te Hau Mutunga Waharoa Whenua Hou-Growing cultural capacity and capability Pūaka 2013 - Coming of the New Year, New Beginnings Paiki Descendants Hui Pacey Whānau Reunion Kapa Kaumātua o Ngāi Tahu Hui a Tau 2013 Opening of Hākuiao
$5,000.00 $3,035.00 $3,000.00 $3,985.00 $4,960.00 $40,000.00 $18,336.00 $20,000.00 $3,820.00 $4,950.00 $4,987.50 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00
Francois Tumahai
Te Whaiti, Ngapuoterangi Hohepa Bain, John Francis Cranwell, Iaean John Crofts, Charles Stuart Te Manemoeroa Wakefield, Maatakiwi Cunningham, Elizabeth Hera Wakefield, Maatakiwi Herewini, Aloma Lynette Cowie, Priscilla Ann Gilroy, Cyril Raymond Suddaby, Freda Rangimaria Dallas-Katoa, Wendy Maude Thomas, Jennifer Ellen Ruri, Harawera Ernest Reriti-Crofts, Aroha Hohipera Rissetto, Ronald Kerle Christine Moana Wesley
Tuhuru Te Wharenui o Arahura Marae
Whai Rawa on the road
$4,950.00 $5,000.00 $4,900.00
Kā Pūtea scholarships
Congratulations to all of the Kā Pūtea Scholarship recipients – if you weren’t successful, your application has been forwarded to your rūnanga and you still have a chance of getting a scholarship. Full details of all recipients are published on our website (www.whairawa. com) – go to the ‘grants’ tab.
Tēnā koutou whānau, Thanks to everyone who came to our recent Whai Rawa hui. Coming up, we’ll be in Ōāmaru, Arowhenua, Timaru and Kaikōura. Any potential members who haven’t managed to sign up yet will have the opportunity to go through the forms with us, and discuss the benefits of joining. Emails and letters to non-members living in those areas will go out to confirm the dates, and we’ll post information about these on our website as well. We’ll also have application forms for the grants and scholarships that we administer for anyone studying at university or polytech, and for Out-of-School Tuition.
Don’t leave Matched Saving until December Anyone who needs an AP form can get one on our website – go to the ‘publications’ tab at the top of the page and then ‘forms & documents’. Don’t forget to put the Whai Rawa account number into Section 3 (separate AP form required for each Whai Rawa account). Child members need to save $50 and adult members $200 to get their maximum matched savings of $200*
Moneyweek 2013 is fast approaching (1-7 September) and like last year, the Whai Rawa team will conduct a school programme for tamariki within the takiwā. Details of who will be participating this year can be found at www.moneyweek.org.nz. There you will also find events in the community that you or your whānau can be involved in. Alternatively, if you are conducting your own event, we’d love to inform others. Call Teone Sciascia on 03 3721112.
Win a money game
Thanks to all those who entered the competition for members – and well done to the Wood whānau, the Woodford whānau and the Papuni whānau, who all have the money game ‘Gumption’ heading their way.
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Whai Rawa want to remind whānau that a sports achievement Pūtea Manaaki grant can help with a koha of $200 for national and $100 for regional representative selection. Call us for an application form on 0800 942 472.
Whai Rawa members, Eliza and Emma Sim (Kāti Huirapa) recently competed at the NZ Squash Championships held in Auckland. Representing Otago and Canterbury respectively, it could have been a tough decision for their whānau loyalties had they been drawn against one another in the opening round matches, as the two provinces clashed. In the end Eliza’s Otago team were beaten in the Plate vs Wellington, despite her individual victory, and Emma’s Canterbury team lost to Auckland in the semi-final round.
(*Te Rūnanga matched savings and distributions are available to all members under 65 years of age (see pages 5-6 of the investment statement) and are subject to RSCT (retirement scheme contribution tax) deducted at your personal RSCT rate (see page 13 of the investment statement)
Emma Sim.
Eliza Sim.
The Ngāi Tahu archives
In 2012, Te Taumatua became the unit within Te Rūnanga responsible for managing the Ngāi Tahu Archives. Over the last 18 months, there has been a renewed focus on the Ngāi Tahu Archives with two key positions recently established.
the Macmillan Brown Library. Tania Nutira continues in her current role as senior archives advisor with a particular emphasis on the digitisation and provenance gathering of at-risk material held in the Ngāi Tahu Archives. Liz Maaka has joined Te Taumatua on a parttime basis, and is systematically working through Tā Tipene O’Regan’s personal tribal archives collection.
Takerei Norton was recently appointed archives manager, and Jill Durney accepted the position of senior archivist, coming from her previous role as manager of
Te Pae Kōrako
The Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy provides the framework for the formation of an advisory committee – Te Pae Kōrako – to oversee development and implementation of the Ngāi Tahu Archives Strategy. Te Pae Kōrako will also have a function of advising Te Rūnanga on the future management of the Ngāi Tahu Archives, to ensure it is well-managed with systems in place to ensure its integrity, validity and its accessibility for Ngāi Tahu whānui.
Following a contestable nomination process, the inaugural members of Te Pae Kōrako for a three-year term are: Tā Tipene O’Regan, Jane Davis, Hana Morgan, Trevor Howse, James Russell, Dean Whaanga, Tahu Pōtiki and Te Maire Tau. Tā Tipene was appointed as chair of Te Pae Kōrako.
Digitisation of photographs
Over the past six months a considerable amount of work has been progressed on the digitisation of print photographs held within the Ngāi Tahu Archives at the Macmillan Brown Library. As of the end of July, 536 photographs have been digitised from the photograph albums stored in the Ngāi Tahu Archives, and are now saved on the Ngāi Tahu server with back-up photographs held on external hard-drives. A major part of this work has involved the identification of people, places and events associated with those photographs. Recently the Ngāi Tahu Archives team joined the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Mapping Team at a four-day hui at Awarua and Ōraka-Aparima to gather information for photographs of a number of tribal and regional significant events. These included the 1990 Tūhawaiki Memorial Plaque unveiling on Ruapuke Island, the 2002 Rakiura National Park Opening, the 1993 Charter Signing at Riverton, 1999 Reo Rumaki hui at Ōraka-Aparima, 1999 Mōkihi Wānanga at ŌrakaAparima, and the WAI-27 Claim Hearings at Tuahiwi Marae and Te Rau Aroha Marae.
From left; Gerard O’Regan, Trevor Howse and James Mason Russell working with Karen Hubbard (nee Meihana) on the WAI-27 photograph albums.
We would like to thank all the kaumātua and pakeke who have supported us in providing information on these significant photographs.
At the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Mapping hui. From left to right; Annie O’Brien, Anne Wakefield, Jane Davis, Stewart Bull, Breeze Gover, Trevor Howse, Joe Wakefield, Muriel Johnstone, David Higgins.
Whakaahua Tīpuna/Whānau Last month Te Pānui Rūnaka published this image on the back page and requested names or information be provided about the photograph, which was titled ‘Māori Kāika, Akaroa’.
This is the Puhirere whānau in front of and beside their whānau pātaka. The people are named as follows: 1. Wiremu Te Ao (holding child), known as Little William. 2. Amiria Puhirere Karaweko, known as Amiria Puhirere. She is the daughter of Wi Karaweko and Mere Whariu. Her name Puhirere was from Te Puhirere, who was the father of Wi Karaweko.
6 1
3. Wi Karaweko, also known as Wiremu Harihona Puhirere Karaweko, also known as Big William.
5 7.
2 3
4. Wiremu’s wife, known as Mere Whariu or Mere Whariu Reka, also known as Big Mere. Wi Karaweko and Mere Whariu are sitting on the waka that Wi Karaweko built.
5. Hoani Papita Karaweko, the son of Wi Karaweko and Mere Whariu. 6. Believed to be from the Hokianga whānau. 7. Also believed to be from the Hokianga whānau.
The Akaroa Kāika, possible between 1880-1881.
8. Hira Karaweko. Whānau members made contact with us to advise names, which are listed below. Our thanks and appreciation for this information go to Aroha Reid, Raymond Te Aho Barry and Pere Tainui.
9. Kokone Karaweko. 10. Hera Karaweko. Hira, Kokene and Hera are the daughters of Wi Karaweko and Mere Whariu.
Pānui Attention all owners of West Rowallan Block 13 Section 4 Special Meeting to amend Trust Order The West Rowallan Block 13 Section 4 - Trust is seeking the owners’ final decision on the following new clause to the Trust Order that is required to execute the pending Conservation Settlement with the Crown: “To enter at the discretion of the Trustees into a Conservation Covenant with the Minister of Conservation in respect of the land”.
The details for the Special Meeting to discuss this new clause are as follows: 10.30am, Sunday 15 September 2013 at the ‘Megacom’ building, 71 Corsair Drive, Wigram, Christchurch. Contact: Nigel Scott 021 223 2736 with any queries about this pānui.
Ngāi Tahu tribal wānanga on mining, oil and gas Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu invites Ngāi Tahu whānau to attend and participate at a tribal wānanga on mining, oil and gas activities in the takiwā on 4 - 5 October at Puketeraki Marae, Puketeraki.
Ngāi Tahu about mining, oil and gas activities in the takiwā. This is in order to prepare for increased activity in new areas of the takiwā, and new activity that is untested in the takiwā.
The tribal wānanga will give an overview of the situation and is aimed at facilitating discussion, sharing current knowledge and identifying gaps in knowledge among
For further information, contact Linda Kirk, linda.kirk@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or phone (03) 974 0191.
Out-of-school tuition pays off
Angelo Manttan, now fourteen, has been attending out-of-school tuition with Jarratt, Create and Educate in Gisborne since 2008 and his mother, Jenny says “ the out-of-school tuition has provided a meaningful learning experience which has complemented his school work.” Angelo’s Ngāi Tahu whakapapa is through two of his great-grandparents, Whitiora Materau Crofts and George Reuben. “Angelo was fortunate enough to meet Whitiora before she passed, and this was a very memorable occasion for him,” says his mother. “Angelo stayed at Tuahiwi with her and her husband Allan Topia, and they both made him extremely welcome.” Along with fishing, Angelo’s interests include rugby, surfing, snowboarding and motorcross. With his school results improving with the help of out-of-school tuition funding from Te Rūnanga, he’s looking at even bigger ‘catches’ in the future.
Angelo with a Kingfish he caught last summer on Tairawhiti Harbour.
contact Janine Karetai to express your interest before Friday 13 September 2013. Janine’s contact details are as follows: jkaretai@xtra.co.nz, cell: 021 244-5410 or phone (03) 4780 167.
Pānui to owners of Waikouaiti Blk XII Sec 80
A meeting will be held for the owners of the Māori land known as Waikouaiti Blk XII Section No 80. Most of the owners in this section descend from Te Oti Kerei and Maggie Taiaroa.
The meeting will be held in the Ngāi Tahu Māori Law Centre Board Room, Level 1, 258 Stuart Street, Dunedin on Friday, 18 October at 3pm. If you are unable to attend the meeting, proxy votes will be accepted. Please contact Janine for a proxy form. Any other questions about this meeting should be directed to Janine.
The purpose of the meeting is to establish an Ahu Whenua Trust to manage this land and nominate trustees. If you are interested in being a trustee, please
Whakawhanaungatanga hui-ā-rohe
Wellington District Ross Hemera’s home, 42 Molyneux Close, Whitby, Porirua, on Saturday 26 October at 2pm. The meeting will be hosted by Ross Hemera and Neil Pardington. Contact: Ross Hemera, J.R.Hemera@massey.ac.nz , 012 423 437
He hui mā ngā kaimahi toi. He hui, kanohi ki te kanohi. Nau mai, Haere mai We would like to extend an open invitation to all Ngāi Tahu artists and creatives who are interested in connecting with each other. Hui are being hosted across the country between September and October. Nau mai, haere mai. If you can’t get to them, please contact us anyway.
Christchurch Weather dependant: If fine, meet by the fountain outside Canterbury Museum in Hagley Park, If wet, the Museum Café, on Sunday 22 September at 2pm. The meeting will be hosted by Priscilla Cowie and Nathan Pohio. Contact: Priscilla Cowie, priscillacowie@gmail.com, 022 163 0902
Paemanu is a recently formed rōpū established by a group of Ngāi Tahu contemporary visual art professionals, with assistance from the Ngāi Tahu Fund.
Dunedin Mojo Café, 329 Princes Street, Dunedin, on Sunday 20 October, 10:30-11:30am. The meeting will be hosted by Simon Kaan. Contact Simon Kaan, kaihaukai@gmail. com, 021 885 296.
The vision of the rōpū is to cultivate a vibrant Ngāi Tahu visual culture for future generations by exploring Ngāi Tahutanga through contemporary visual art. We will be holding the following meetings: Manawatu Tomato Cafe, cnr of George and Main St, Palmerston North on Sunday 29 September at 10-11:30am. The meeting will be hosted by Rachael Rakena. Contact: Rachael Rakena, rachael.rakena@gmail.com, 027 486 3224
Poems brighten inner city
to develop their creative potential and they encourage employees to submit work to their annual academic and literary journals,” says Dora.
Dora Roimata Langsbury (Ngāi Tahu) has wanted to be a writer since she was a child, so being asked to contribute one of her poems to the Victoria Street Poetry Project was a special honour.
“My manager, Robyn Morete, knew I craved becoming a creative writer so she set me the task of contributing to both journals. It wasn’t an easy journey but some of the wonderful writing facilitators at the ‘Wā’ – Dr Alastair McLaughlan, Shelley Hoani and Shelly Davis – have been very patient and encouraging with me.”
“My Father’s Footsteps,” a poem wrap, did not win the competition but Dora was delighted when organisers asked if they could add her work to Colombo Street, to add colour and creativity to the central city. “As an inner city dweller, I was most excited by the opportunity to help brighten up the central area. I live and work amongst the deconstruction and it has been a constant part of my life for the last two-and-a-half years. To be a part of brightening the area up is very special to me.”
Dora says writing poems for the wānanga’s literary journal, “Waiatata”, is what started her creative writing journey. “My father, Kuao Edmond Langsbury, used to write beautiful poetry and I was envious of his gift. He was my inspiration to start writing and I wrote this poem for him, for his 75th birthday in 2009, to acknowledge the commitment he has made to his whānau, hapū and iwi, and to reassure him we will continue to awhi his legacy in the future.”
Despite a long-held desire to “get creative words down on paper”, Dora always had difficulty and it wasn’t until she was at Teachers’ College that she was diagnosed with dyslexia. As she moved from teaching to marketing, she constructed methods to help her write business proposals and policies but she was no closer to becoming a creative writer. It wasn’t until she joined Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2005 and became a student support advisor for the Ngāi Tahu rohe, that she had a breakthrough.
Dora has since attended creative writing workshops. She believes there is a creative writer within each of us and says the challenge is just finding the tools and techniques to unlock the stories and share them with others. She shares her poem “My Father’s Footsteps” here in the hope that her determination might be an inspiration to others.
“Te Wānanga o Aotearoa encourages its employees
My Father’s Footsteps I can see you up ahead of me I am following in your footsteps no matter how fast I walk I cannot catch up your footsteps are bigger than mine but they were warm and safe to step in Dora Langsbury holding the concept plan for the poetry project.
you turn around and smile encouragingly then return to your journey thank you for your footsteps when I can no longer see you they will always be here pointing me in the right direction Dora Roimata Langsbury 27 June 2009.
Dora Langsbury is proud to be showing one of her poems on Victoria Street.
Schools prepare for Cultural Festival 2013
It is a showcase for cultural talent, diversity, pageantry and performance and will be held at CBS Canterbury Arena from 27-30 August.
Students throughout the Canterbury region are preparing for the annual Christchurch Primary Schools Cultural Festival, which will be held over four days in August. The South Island’s largest cultural festival involves 72 groups from 63 schools, representing 10 nationalities.
This is the 31st year the festival has been staged and this year the theme is ‘Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu’ – Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly.’ Hundreds of primary and intermediate students, aged from 5 to 13 years, gather for the festival every year to present an extravaganza of on-stage cultural talent, along with visual and wearable arts exhibitions. Cultural performances include kapa haka, poi and waiata, as well as groups representing the Pacific Islands, Korea, Ireland, Scotland, India and Japan. Organisers are looking to build on the 2012 event, which was staged after a one year stand-down in 2011, when the festival was cancelled because of the 2011 earthquakes. Last year, more than 9,000 children were involved in the festival, with 4,000 students performing and an additional 5,000 making up the enthusiastic audience.
Chisnalwood Intermediate at Cultural Festival 2012
“Cultural Festival gives children the opportunity to have a go,” says event manager, Ayliss Ripley.“They can experience their own culture, as well as others, both traditional and contemporary; and they can experience a large scale production with sound, lights and staging. The festival places our children in the spotlight and showcases the cultural diversity that is alive and well in Christchurch schools.” The festival will feature a series of matinees and evening shows daily from 27-30 August. Tickets are available from Tickitek. Left, Woolston School kapa haka at Cultural Festival 2012. Photo courtesy of The Press.
The survey pegs of the past
The content and meaning of place names enrich our lives and bring meaning and identity to our geography.
that history, they brought the myths and the stories with them and they endure today. Those stories have always fascinated me,” said Tā Tipene.
For Tā Tipene O’Regan, place names are a rich and fascinating resource – the survey pegs of the past that say much about where Ngāi Tahu has come from. He believes we will all pronounce Māori names better if we know what they mean, where they have come from and something of the stories behind them. To that end, he visited Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu during Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori to talk to staff about the linguistic links to our past.
“We have all sorts of knowledge in our own Ngāi Tahu records that we don’t even know we have. They’re the clues to our history.” Māori place names, said Tā Tipene, are a characteristic of identity. They give us the links to who we are and where we come from. They are a part of the vehicle, the hooks, that velcro to which our history and tradition sticks. And he is excited that we now have the capacity to restore some of our old names and reintroduce our history into unnamed features of the land.
He began by referencing the Pacific. “The bulk of our Māori names are Hawaiiki names. They were brought to New Zealand by the first settlers and even today, they remind us of our origins.”
“That’s an important capacity to have,” he concluded.
“Traditionally our people tend to forget where our names come from and over time, they start creating new versions of the old names; but we have a lot of ancient place names in New Zealand that have connections throughout the Pacific. That provides us with a fascinating insight into our past,” he said. Many Māori place names are also descriptive of the terrain, of the food resources available for harvest. Others speak of the early journeys that Māori embarked upon throughout New Zealand. A lot of our southern tīpuna names for instance are named after places that were passed through on the iwi migratory journeys south - “a lot of our taua for instance, are named after places in the Wairarapa – why?” asks Tā Tipene. “That’s one of the lovely mysteries about names.” Much of the richness of names lies in the fact that they harbor traditions and history. They link us to our past. “The names travelled with the first settlers and with our tīpuna as they relocated to new places. They carried
Tā Tipene O’Regan speaking to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu staff during Te Wiki o Te Reo in July.
Many of our names are Hawaiiki names. Tā Tipene O’Regan.
Transitional artworks enliven Cathedral Square Christchurch’s earthquake-battered Cathedral Square is alive with colour thanks to the vibrant artworks of two of New Zealand’s leading contemporary artists. Chris Heaphy (Ngāi Tahu) and Sara Hughes were invited to create artworks that would enliven the space for members of the public, who have been shut out of the Square for over two years. The result is a dynamic selection of works that can adapt and move as the city moves forward with its transitional improvements.
“We are confident these thought-provoking works will help people reconnect with Cathedral Square as it moves into the future,” says Tā Mark. The artworks have been designed so that can be reconfigured within the Square, throughout its transitional phase and while more permanent plans are established.
According to Mayor Bob Parker, re-opening Cathedral Square to the public is an important milestone that signals another significant step forward in the city’s recovery. Heaphy and Hughes were both keen to embrace that sense of optimism in their work. The Transitional Cathedral Square Project is a Christchurch City Council initiative in collaboration with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and Christchurch Art Gallery; and the artists have focused on engaging the public while referencing the historical importance of the area for Ngāi Tahu. Heaphy’s work – attached to the wire cordons surrounding the Cathedral - features signs, symbols and geometric architectural elements on a black background, which provide a backdrop for his ‘living, planted whare.’ Hughes’ contribution of a towering flag wall and fences filled with inserted plastic cups that recall embroidery designs, tukutuku panels and slate patterns on the Cathedral roof.
Heaphy’s hoardings circling the cathedral.
The Christchurch Cathedral and Cathedral Square are iconic symbols of Ōtautahi / Christchurch and important reminders of the city’s Church of England roots. For Ngāi Tahu the area also serves as a reminder that the first Anglican Church in greater Christchurch was a Ngāi Tahu whare karakia (church) in Pūari at Koukourārata/ Port Levy. “Ngāi Tahu would like to congratulate both Sara Hughes and Chris Heaphy (Ngāi Tahu) for incorporating both church and Māori symbols into their contemporary art,” says Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Kaiwhakahaere Tā Mark Solomon.
Colourful hoardings by Sara Hughes.
Heaphy has created a ‘contemporary whare’ that forms a visual link to the physical, cultural and spiritual life of Ngāi Tahu and to the Anglican Church. Through his plant-covered ‘whare,’ we are also reminded of the early kāinga nohoanga, Pūari, a major mahinga kai (customary food gathering place), which occupied the nearby banks of the Ōtākaro (Avon) River. His vibrant hoardings draw inspiration from the Cathedral’s famous Rose Window and follow his practice of addressing questions about culture and identity. Sarah Hughes has created colourful hoardings formed by inserting thousands of painted cups into the wire mesh of security fencing. This ‘pixellated’ effect forms floral imagery that is inspired by the Johnstone Collection of the University of Canterbury.
Heaphy’s ‘planted whare’ in front of the cathdral.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu sponsors Christchurch Arts Festival events Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu is proud to be part of the 2013 Christchurch Arts Festival. For the past 14 years Te Rūnanga has been supporting Ngāi Tahu arts and artists and building relationships through the festival. This year the festival runs from 22 August to 22 September, offering a rich and diverse programme with something for everyone every weekend.
The performance will be staged at the Christchurch Football Club, 250 Westminster Street from Thursday 12 September to Saturday 14 September at 6.30pm and Sunday 15 September at 3pm. Tickets can be booked online at www.artsfestival.co.nz
Te Rūnanga has sponsored three events in this year’s programme including Hone Kouka’s award-winning play “I, George Nepia,” which celebrates the life of talented East Coast rugby great, George Nepia. This will be staged at the Rudolf Steiner School Hall, from Thursday 12 September to Saturday 14 September, at 6.30pm. “On the Upside Down of the World,” is the second play sponsored by Te Rūnanga. Written by Arthur Meek, it is based on the journals of Lady Ann Martin, the young wife of our first Chief Justice, who arrived in New Zealand in 1841 and set up home in Auckland. Ann Martin learned te reo Māori and established a makeshift hospital, tutoring Māori school students. Her acute observations of Māori and Pākehā settlers alike, have uncanny resonances for us today. The play will run at Rudolf Steiner School Hall, from Thursday 19 September to Saturday 21 September at 6.30pm. Te Rūnanga is also sponsoring the light-hearted “Party with the Aunties,” which has been billed as a laughout-loud funny performance that includes music and drama. Three performers take on multiple roles, as they celebrate Uncle Angus’ 50th birthday party. The whole whānau is reunited and Te Manawa introduces his girlfriend Sia to the family for the first time.
Rebuilding the heart of Christchurch.
Te Atakura 2013
Whānau, it’s Te Atakura time again. Time to fix those poi, polish those rākau and warm up those korokoro. Practices have already begun in Kaikōura, Taumutu, Ōraka Aparima and with our kaimahi in the office. Kai ruka noa atu. Te Atakura will be held at the Aurora Centre, Burnside High School on Saturday, 12 October starting at 9.30am. Te Atakura is about participation, about growing our hapū and rūnanga pride and connection. It is a non-competitive environment for our rūnanga to learn and perform waiata tira, whakaeke, mōteatea, waiata-ā- ringa, haka, poi and whakawātea. Rūnanga can choose to do all disciplines, or to just get up and sing one or two songs. It’s completely up to you. Have some fun. Please let us know at admin@ teatakura.co.nz if you want to book a rūnanga spot on stage.
Ngā manu tīoriori o Ngāti Wheke.
Taiaha wānanga changing lives
Ngāti Hauiti ki Rāta, Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha), is a strong advocate for bettering the lives of rangatahi and Māori men generally. He says a lot of Māori men face problems today and need help to achieve wellbeing, especially in a wider whānau context. “Men need a better understanding of their role, their responsibility and their accountability as fathers, uncles, sons and brothers. A lot of our men have moved away from traditional practices and many have been caught up in smoking, drugs, alcohol or violence. Many are dying far too young. “We promote a return to traditional practices and that includes ensuring the body and the mind are free of toxins. We foster a drug-free, smoke-free, alcoholfree, violence-free environment and we encourage our participants to follow our motto: “Ko koe ko au, ko au ko koe – I am you and you are me.” Adrian Boardman says his sons, Nicholas, 12 and James, 8 have also benefitted greatly from the wānanga. “They thrive on it and it’s given them a great sense of belonging,” he says. “They’re the first step in a long journey for me and I’d thoroughly recommend them. They’re about much more than learning taiaha; it’s about learning tikanga and being driven to improve your life in every way – physically, mentally and spiritually. I come away from the wānanga feeling very focused and inspired.”
Over 70 young men gathered at Tuahiwi Marae recently for a taiaha wānanga run by Tū Toka Tū Ariki Trust. A regular participant, Adrian Boardman (Ngāi Tahu – Irakehu), says the wānanga are the best thing youth and fathers can do. “Being a good father is the most important job you can have. I’m a role model and I want to be the best I can be for my sons,” says Adrian. He first attended the taiaha wānanga in October 2012 and the weekend at Tuahiwi was his fourth. “They’ve completely changed my life. I was pretty much brought up the Pākehā way and I’ve been trying to find my Māori roots for some time. I saw my sons picking up Māori culture at school and that motivated me to begin my own journey.” Adrian, 39, returned to his whenua – Okain’s Bay on Banks Peninsula – with his family after the earthquakes. He had been studying classical guitar in Wellington for five years and he was keen to return home to make connections with his whakapapa. The wānanga have been uplifting and inspiring and have given him new life skills to apply to his everyday life. The programme is coordinated by Te Mairiki Williams and has been delivering mau rākau wānanga for a number of years. It aims to make a difference to men’s lives by introducing them to traditional practices that build pride and self-confidence in a cultural setting. Te Mairiki (Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Te Āti Haunui a Pāpārangi,
Adrian was awarded the Hori Brennan Scholarship at the Tuahiwi wānanga, to attend a 10-day wānanga on Mokoia Island, near Rotorua in the new year. The next Canterbury taiaha wānanga will be held at Taumutu Marae on Labour Weekend in late October. Another will be held during the annual Show Day weekend. Please contact Te Mairiki Williams (021) 117 6223 or Hone Stevens (027) 487 2118 if you are interested. Te Mairiki Williams says the aim now is working towards participating in the Te Matatini welcome pōwhiri in 2015. “We’ve been approached about taking a lead role in the Te Matatini pōwhiri and we embrace that. It’s a great goal to have.”
These wananga are the best thing a father can attend.
Promoting the return of traditional practices.
Youth thrive at the taiaha wananga.
For contributions to Te Pānui Rūnaka, email:
tpr@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or phone: Adrienne Rewi 0800 524 8248 For photographs and graphics please send to: Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu P O Box 13-046, CHRISTCHURCH ISSN 1175-2483 Opinions expressed in Te Pānui Rūnaka are those of the writers and not necessarily endorsed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Graphic Design by Ariki Creative.
Rūnaka Directory
Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) Ph: 03 328 9415 Em: rapaki@xtra.co.nz
Kaikōura Rūnanga Ph: 03 319 6523 Em: sara.watson@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata Ph: 03 365 3281 Em: koukourarata@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Taumutu Rūnanga Ph: 03 371 2660 Em: taumutu@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Wairewa Rūnanga Ph: 03 377 1513 Em: wairewa@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Ōnuku Rūnanga Ph: 03 366 4379 Em: onuku@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Ngāti Waewae Rūnanga Ph/fax : 03 755 6451 Em: panui@ngatiwaewae.org.nz
Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga Ph: 03 313 5543 Em: tuahiwi.marae@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio Ph: 03 755 7885 Em: makawhio1@xtra.co.nz
Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua Ph: 03 615 9646 Em: arowhenua@xtra.co.nz
Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki Ph: 03 465 7300 Em: admin@puketeraki.co.nz
Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka Ph/fax: 03 974 0215 Em: office@orakaaparima.org.nz
Te Rūnanga o Moeraki Ph: 03 439 4816 Em: moeraki.runanga@xtra.co.nz
Hokonui Rūnanga Ph: 03 208 7954 Em: hokonui@xtra.co.nz
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou Ph: 03 478 0352 Em: glenys.russell@tro.org.nz Waihōpai Rūnaka Ph: 03 216 9074 Em: info@waihopai.org.nz
Awarua Rūnanga Ph: 03 212 8652 Em: awarua@xtra.co.nz
Taurahere Rōpū
Te Rūnanga o Waihao Ph: 03 689 4726 Em: waihaomanager@gmail.com
Ngāi Tahu ki te Tai Tokerau Janet Hetaraka Ph: 09 438 6203 Em: wakataua@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Kahungunu Bruce Wakefield Ph: 027 223 5199 Em: wekepiri@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Whanganui-ā-Tara Angela Wallace Ph: 04 2322423 or 0272453619 Em: walla@tpk.govt.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Whakatāne Pauline Cottrell Ph: 07 307 1469 Em: paulinecottrell@maxnet.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Tāmaki Makaurau Sue Nicoll Ph: (09) 5702405 Em: lady.susie@yahoo.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Whanganui Corinne Te Au Watson Ph: 06 3484809 Em: lakiula@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Wairau Paula Jowers Ph: 03 5785083 Em: peajay@xtra.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Waikato Jane Stevens Ph: 07 8245992 Em: kaitahu.waikato@gmail.com
Ngāi Tahu ki Rotorua Anita Smith Ph: 07 345 8375 or 021 0365107 Em: masmith@slingshot.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Horowhenua – Kāpiti Amiria Whiterod Ph: 06 364 5992 Em: amiriaw@raukawa.iwi.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Te Tairāwhiti Vernice Waata-Amai Ph: 06 868 7195 Em: waatv@tpk.govt.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Tauranga Moana Joe Briggs Ph: 07 578 5997 Kim Rahiri - kimmie@kinect.co.nz
Ngāi Tahu ki Taranaki Virginia Hina Ph: 0211353493 taranaki.ngāitahu07@hotmail.com
Ngāi Tahu ki Piripane (Brisbane) Vicky Va’a Ph: 0061455026633 Em: vicky@nncinc.com.au
Ngāi Tahu ki Wairarapa Karen Bast Ph: 06 378 8737 Em: maungateitei_hikurangi_ aorangi@yahoo.co.nz
Whakaahua Tトォpuna/Whト]au
If you are able to provide names or information about this photo, please contact Tania Nutira or Robyn Walsh, Ngト( Tahu Archives Unit on 0800 KAI TAHU.