A New Chapter
The redevelopment of the old Māori Trades Training hostel at Rehua Marae into the new Te Koti Te Rato apartments marks a new beginning.
Officially opened by the Minister of Māori Development, Willie Jackson (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou), on May 12, the apartments are the realisation of a 10-year dream for Rehua whānau, and for Willie Jackson they act as an exemplar of what the government is trying to achieve in terms of new papakāinga housing developments. Kaituhi ADRIENNE REWI reports.
Above, from left: David Ormsby, Te Whatu Manawa Māoritanga o Rehua Marae Trust Board Chair, Willie Jackson, Minister of Māori Development and Bill Bush, Rehua board member and ex-All Black. PHOTOGRAPH: PHIL TUMATAROA 42 TE KARAKA MAKARIRI 2021