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Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae
Rā Whānau
A big mihi to everyone that has celebrated birthdays in the months below, if you celebrated your birthday but it isn’t on the list below, aroha mai and happy birthday to you all! Please contact the office and we will add your birthday to the list.
Mowena Mason, Javana Watts, Ian Kearns, Zion MeihanaWhittle, Hemi Mason, Danielle Tainui, Selina
Tainui, Lisa Tumahai, Jah-vana Lilley, Selina
Tainui, Jack Delamare, Toby Tainui, Mahara
Tainui, Sylvia Corcoran, Amanda Downs, Tonga
Mason, Dwayne Mason, Ricky Popham, Tamati
Mason, Martini Miller, Tania Wallace, Arahia Small.
Lucy Tonihi, Kori
Hutana, Fayne Robinson, James
Panapa, Rawiti Weepu, Jonlee Weepu, Kerra
Weepu, Tailor Weepu, Bill Weepu, Bailey
Weepu, Aston Weepu, Shanice Meihana, Shanita Meihana, Danielle Tainui, Sefton
Mason, Maria Huhu, Che Weepu, Brooke
Parker, Adrienne Tainui, Anaru Tainui Simon, Tamara Liu, Maria Huhu, Melody Huhu, Crystal
Mason, Demelza Stuart, Marley Mason, Tamara
Dickson, Grace Downs, Te Whetu Marama
Fusion rangatahi wānanga
We held another successful fusion wānanga in Arahura during the April school holidays with 40 of our tamariki joining us for the week. Our week included mau rākau, kapa haka, weaving, kēmu, movies, swimming at the Māwhera pool and waka ama at Lake Kaniere. It was a great week, and we can’t wait to do it all again in July!
Hikoi to Ōtākou
At the end of May, Elly, Aroha & Catherine travelled down to Ōtākou Marae to be a part of the “Taurite Tū” Kaupapa – a strength and balance wellness programme designed by Māori for Māori aged 50+ and their whānau. We are very grateful to the Taurite Tū whānau for the opportunity to bring this program to Te Tai o Poutini and share it with our pakeke & kaumātua.
Komiti Mātauranga
Kia ora, e te whānau!
We have some news to share from our Komiti Mātauranga (Education Committee). Please check out the pānui – we hope to see you at one, some or all of our upcoming hui and wānanga.
To register for any of the wānanga, or if you have any questions etc, please send an email to: matauranga@ngatiwaewae.org.nz
Wānanga / Workshops
April – Easter Reunion: It was awesome to have so many whānau return to Arahura over the Easter weekend to connect, to play, to hunt for chocolate eggs, to be at home. Thanks for those who made the time to be part of the reunion.
May 12-14: We had Victoria Campbell join us for kōrero on whakapapa, narratives, Matariki, Puanga and other constellations of importance. We also remembered our loved ones who have passed, and how we might celebrate the rise of Matariki in July this year. It was great to have whānau from the hapū of Te Pātaka a
Rākaihautū join us for wānanga and whakawhanaungatanga.
June 10: Join us for a kōrero on how we can protect and engage with the kōrero held in our wharenui, Tūhuru. We’ll have support from a lawyer skilled in supporting Māori to understand the rules around IP (intellectual property). We’ll also have support from Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, including the whakapapa team - this will be a great chance to check if all your whānau are registered with our iwi and with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae.
July 9-12: Kura Reo ki Arahurawe’re coming back with another opportunity to learn te reo on our marae, with your whānau. Check our whānau login area on the website or the Poutini Ngāi Tahu Facebook group for more details.
Aug 13: Whānau wānanga at Arahura, kaupapa TBC. Keep an eye on the Poutini Ngāi Tahu Facebook group for more details.
Te reo
We’re working on updating our Te Reo Māori Strategy based on whānau input at Kura Reo last year. There will be opportunities coming up for whānau to learn, to engage, to help us create resources to support on the journey of learning te reo. Watch this space, e te whānau.
Website www.ngatiwaewae.org.nz is live now! Please check it out and register so you can access our whānau only content including videos, downloadable resources and more. Make sure you sign up for the newsletter so you get the pānui/notices when we have kaupapa coming up.
Pukapuka – Books
Through our te reo Māori strategy we have developed a set of pukapuka for whānau. The three kaupapa covered are:
- our pepeha as Ngāti Waewae, - some of the pou from our wharenui and the places they connect to, and - pounamu – including some of the different varieties and the Poutini and Waitaki kōrero.
Whānau can buy these at a discounted rate through the website – you need to register to get access to the shop, let Ariana know if you need any support: matauranga@ngatiwaewae.org.nz
We organise a day out for our kaumātua based on Te Tai Poutini on the last Tuesday of each month. If you, or your kaumātua, haven’t been getting texts or calls from Catherine, we probably don’t have your contact details. Please send these through to matauranga@ ngatiwaewae.org.nz or 027 360 5915
Elly sends out regular emails and texts to whānau for a range of different kaupapa, please send her an email if you’re not receiving these so she can check if you’re on the list.
We also share notices through our two Facebook pages: Ngāti Waewae Rūnanga, and Poutini Ngāi Tahu. Make sure you are following us in both of those spaces, so you don’t miss out!
We’ll also be using the list of whānau registered through the website and posting updates directly to the website.
We have quite a few kaupapa on the go this year, so making sure you’re on mailing lists will mean you’ve got the best chance of being in the loop.
Ngā mihi nui!
Rūnanga Business
If you have any Rūnanga Business queries, please contact our office administrator Elly at Arahura Marae. Email: Elly.Mulholland@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or phone 037556451.
Any Marae bookings or queries please contact Miriama at Arahura Marae.
Email: events@ngatiwaewae.org.nz or phone: 037556451.
Ngāti Waewae Rūnanga hui are held bi-monthly on the second Sunday.
We welcome contributions from Ngāti Waewae Whānau for Te Pānui Rūnaka, so please tell us your stories by sending any news and photos to Elly.
Whakapapa Registration forms can be collected from Arahura Marae, if you are unsure which Papatipu Rūnaka you belong to the Ngāi Tahu Whakapapa Unit are always very helpful, for this please call 0800 KAITAHU(524824).