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Te Rūnanga o Moeraki
Te Rūnanga o Moeraki Office
Please note our new office opening hours 10am to 3pm
He Mamae Aroha
Acknowledging the recent passing of Karen Waterreus and William ‘Bill’ Pile.
Haereka to Te Kohurau
Around 40 whānau had planned to visit Takiroa Rock Art site and the Waitaki Orchards, however the weather had other plans for us all. We all skipped the first stop and headed to the Kurow Memorial Hall where we were could enjoy a nice warm place to have some whānau time and listen to presentations from Kaiwhakahaere
New Role in the office –Projects and Asset Manager Gareth Boyt
Gareth has been around for the past year as projects coordinator and moving forward will be leading in this space in the newly created role. “I have been privileged to work for the whānau for the last year and a half, prior to this role as project coordinator for Moeraki Ltd. Charlotte and I moved to the takiwā in 2019 from Murupara in Te Ikawhenua and have enjoyed connecting with Moeraki and having the opportunity to raise our son Rākaihautū with the support of our Moeraki whānau. I have prior experience in the ecological and environmental field as both a practitioner and kaiako, and have a passion for food sovereignty and environmental sustainability. Kia ora!”
Justin Tipa, Victoria Campbell (General Manager TRoM) and Gareth Boyt (Projects and Assets Manager). It was a great opportunity for everyone to learn about what is going on up the Waitaki Valley, and some exciting potential business opportunities. We were delivered some yummy Waitaki orchard fruits to taste and enjoy before we arrived at the orchard. Greeted by the family who has owned the Waitaki Orchard for the past 20 years, we were given a tour of the property. It was a great moment for whānau to ask questions and see the potential of the space which can support many future aspirations.
New Role Te Hā o Maru – Stop smoking coach and whānau ora –introducing Jac Te Maiharoa
We are so happy to have Jac undertaking this important mahi within the community, if you would like to stop smoking, please get in touch with her.
Email: Jacinta.TeMaiharoa@stopsmoking.nz
Introducing Marie Dunn
Marie is our new archaeology intern who is assisting in some mahi over the next few months with our Tikoraki excavations materials.
Ko Tuatāpere te mauka
Ko Waipātiki te awa
Ko Hotu Māmoe te tipuna
Ko Ururaokapuaraki, ko Takitimu, ko Tokomaru, ko Arawa kā waka
Ko Kāti Māmoe me Kāi Tahu kā iwi
Ko Kāti Rakiwhakaputa te hapū
Ko Makāti ki Te Ākau Tai Toka te ūkaipō
Ko Marie te ikoa
Tēnā koutou katoa. Nōku te hōnore ki te mahi hei kaihura mō te Rūnaka o Moeraki.
I am very excited and honoured to be working with Te Rūnaka o Moeraki as an archaeology intern over the coming months. I met some of you when I first arrived to participate in the Tikoraki excavations, and I look forward to sharing kōrero and meeting new faces over the course of my work.
My previous research has focused on cultural landscapes, which was the subject on my Master’s dissertation looking at my tāua Marna Dunn’s writings on our whānau kāika in Te Ākau Tai Toka.
However, my previous work with the Tikoraki project has been more hands on in processing the midden material to understand the lifeways of tīpuna. Going forward with this mahi I’m excited to engage more with whānau, learning about the kōrero of this beautiful rohe, and seeing how this guides the process. Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Education Grants are now OPEN
10 tertiary grants are available to support whānau who are undertaking study. Closing date for applications close is 14 April.
Grants & Scholarships (terunangaomoeraki.org)
Moeraki Rūnanga Hui
Lock it into your calendar whānau, send your RSVPs into the office and if are attending in person. Online link is available through the rūnanga website: Whats New (terunangaomoeraki.org)
New Role in the office –People and Environment Manager
Tēnā kōutou katoa e te whānau. Ko Charlotte Boyt ahau, I am so happy to be here in this exciting new role in the office.
The last four years I have been reconnecting with my natural grandmother’s whakapapa being Kāi Tahu, Kāti Ruahikihiki, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha.
We found out through our Moeraki whānau that the place we decided to settle and raise our son was where my taua Teitei once lived in her later years.
Prior to our move my husband and I owned, and I operated a local business in Murupara which was a radical change from my previous work/study life where I have always been in environmental advisory and planning roles since I finished high school. My fields of expertise are in conservation (biodiversity monitoring), indigenous cultural heritage facilitation and engagement, mining (monitoring and compliance), Post Treaty Settlement, social change and sustainability auditing/ quality assurance in both a government and corporate workplaces in New Zealand and Australia.
This is a wonderful opportunity – I hope to contribute, share knowledge and experience being a part of life at the pā and help where I can in the hope to achieve our collective aspirations.
Mauri Ora.
Cyclone Relief
If you have been affected or are in contact with Moeraki whānau affected by either of the recent cyclones, please have a look below.
TRONT Pūtea Manaaki Emergency Relief Fund
If you have been affected or are in contact with Moeraki whānau affected by either of the recent cyclones.
Pūtea Manaaki - Hardship - Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (ngaitahu.iwi.nz)
Moeraki Kaumātua and Whānau Support Grants
For members affected by recent North Island cyclones. Please fill in one of our grant applications. Grants & Scholarships (terunangaomoeraki.org)
Coast to Coast
On the morning of 10 February Shannon Goldsmith, Moeraki Limited Director, stood on Serpentine Beach, Te Tai Poutini staring down the barrel of a two-day slog to make his way back home to New Brighton Beach, Christchurch. The Coast to Coast is a 243km race which involves competitors cycling, mountain running and kayaking from one side of Te Waipounamu to the other.
Shannon is one of those ‘type 2 fun’ masochists who enjoys challenging himself in the outdoors in the endless pursuit of self-growth and testing his limits. “I enjoy the respite from working in the city,” he says. “Getting into the outdoors gives me my nature fix. It takes me back to basics and makes me realise what is important. And it is so important for my mental health.”
Shannon’s taste for the outdoors was kick-started when he took part in the Aoraki Bound pilot programme in 2004. Since then, his adventures have taken him on some unique experiences; from mountain biking through the Homer Tunnel, to running up Hikurangi, to paddling down the Whanganui River. He was even silly enough to compete in GODZone last year –an eight-day multi-sport race which took him from Milford Sound to Brighton Beach, Dunedin.
Shannon loves the physical and mental challenges that come with outdoor adventures. “These experiences are pretty special as they provide an opportunity to explore new places that not a lot of Kiwi’s get to access. And they allow you to compete in some iconic races, like the Coast to Coast.”
Not one to sit still for too long his next challenge is the Volcanic Epic, a four-day mountain bike stage race around the Central Plateau.
What a magnificent personal achievement for Kara Jane Roderick Wandless who recently completed the Coast to Coast, within her expected time.
What’s been happening with our Whiria te Waitaki Whānau?
During the past month they have been busy out on the Waitaki awa undertaking weed and pest control mainly, but there has been a recent visit to the whanauka of Te Nukuroa o Matamata who are undertaking similar project work at Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau. There has also been support given to whānau in need of some assistance around their homes, and preparation of the wood here at the pā for distribution.
Save the Dates
31 May 2023 – Waitaki Whitestone Geopark
UNESCO designation ceremony.
1-2 July – Moeraki Whānau Matariki.
14-15 July – MacKenzie Matariki Festival.
Have your personal details, address, email and/or phone changed?
Please update your details with us contact: Moeraki.Runanga@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Te Pānui Rūnaka
Moeraki whānau members – we welcome your whānau and personal pānui to include in our TPR and Fortnightly E-Pānui. Please send your pēpi hou, he mamae aroha or memorials, achievements in sports, education or anything else of interest you would like to share including photos to: Moeraki.Runanga@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Fantastic, father of our only mokopuna
Kace Katerama
Palmer Kean, Arohanui Mum and Dad