Preface to the First Edition
From: The Law of Assignment(3rd Edition)
Marcus Smith, Nico Leslie
Content type:Book content Published in print:08 March 2018
Product:International Commercial Law [ICML]
The law of assignmenthas fascinated me ever since I encountered, and pondered over, the decisions of the Courtof Appeal and House of Lords in Pan Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Creditcorp Ltd, a case thatcontinues to perplex Itwas then thatI came to appreciate the absence of a detailed and systematic textanalysing choses in action, and their transfer.
This book is an attemptto fill thatgap I had intended, in this preface, to say thatthis was the first major attemptto grapple with assignmentsince Marshall’s monograph, The Assignment of Choses in Action, was published in 1950. Butbooks on assignmentseemto be rather like buses: none for more than fifty years, and then two come along atonce for 2006 saw the publication of Tolhurst’s The Assignment of Contractual Rights. Fortunately for me, this book and Tolhurst’s have different agendas As he states in his preface, Tolhurst’s book is very much a thesis-based work, confined to one class of chose in action, contractual rights. My approach has been altogether more broadly based, and I have attempted to deal with all choses, including contractual rights, froma practitioner’s perspective
Thatsaid, although I have written this book froma practitioner’s pointof view, the historical developmentof the law of assignmenthas created a number of analytical problems thatnotonly regularly occupy practitioners, butare also of interestto students of the law of assignmentand to those who find fascination in the (regrettably, still difficult) relationship between law and equity. The factthatthe common law was largely disinclined to recognize assignments led to the dominance of equity and, thereafter, statute law. As a result, the law of assignmentis one area of English law where the interplay between differentclasses of rightremains a frustratingly real and important one, the theoretical and practical implications of which are considered in Chapter 6.
In writing this book, I have incurred many debts and have many people to thank. Mr Justice Andrew Smith read each chapter in advanced draft, and provided me with many penetrating and helpful insights. I amalso very grateful to Andrew for having found the time to write the Foreword. On specific areas of assignment, I have a trinity of Trinity fellows to thank: Professor Kevin Gray, who read and commented on the sections on leases of land; Louise Merrett, whose astute comments on Chapter 22 (the conflictof laws) were extremely helpful; and Jo Miles, who provided a swift response to my cry for help when I ventured (very briefly) into divorce and separation The intellectual property sections were kindly read by Melonie Atraghji and Matthew Harris. Together, they saved me froma number of errors I have also discussed assignmentquestions generally with a number of people, whose insights have proved valuable: in particular Simon Pulleyn, Stephen Moriarty QC, and Richard Handyside I amgrateful to my editors atOUP, Rachel Mullaly, Faye
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Judges, and Darcy Ahl, for their assistance in bringing the book to publication The final textowes much to the careful reading of Catherine Minahan, Sushma Ananda, and Hanne Smith, who identified and corrected many stylistic errors, infelicities, and inconsistencies, and checked the references Needless to say, all remaining errors and omissions are my own (p xiv) Finally, thanks are due to Fountain Court’s ever-efficientlibrarian, Christine Child, who unfailingly tracked down the more obscure references thatlitter the text. She saved me enormous amounts of time
Although I hope thatI have paid due regard to Commonwealth authority and academic writing, I am very conscious of only having touched upon aspects of comparative law; I have no doubtthat there is much to learn fromEuropean and American law That, I hope, will change in future editions I have endeavoured to state the law as at12 December 2006, although I have been able to incorporate a number of later developments The book is dedicated to my family
MAS Temple
12 December 2006
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Summary Contents
From: The Law of Assignment(3rd Edition) Marcus Smith, Nico Leslie
Content type:Book content Published in print:08 March 2018
Product:International Commercial Law [ICML]
Table of Cases xliii
Table of Legislation lxxiii
Listof References lxxxvii
Listof Authority Abbreviations cxi
1 Introduction 1
PartI The Nature of Intangible Property Overview of PartI
2. Nature and Characteristics of Intangibles 13
3 Rights or Causes of Action 55
4 Debts 65
5 Rights Under a Contract74
6. Equity and DebtSecurities 108
7. Intellectual Property 156
8 Leases 184
9 Documentary Intangibles and Negotiable Instruments 196
PartII The Transfer of Intangible Property Overview of PartII
10. Transfer of Choses in Action: Historical Overview 213
11 Conceptual Underpinnings 223
12 Negotiation and the Transfer of Money 290
13. Equitable Assignmentof Choses in Action 301
14. Transfer of Choses in Action on Trust332
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15 Promises to Assign or Create a Trust346
16 Assignments Under Section 136 of the Law of Property Act1925373
PartIII Transfers in Particular Contexts Overview of PartIII
17. Transfer of Insurance Contracts 397
18 Transfer of Leases 433
19 The Transfer of Equity and DebtSecurities 450
20 Transfer of Intellectual Property 494 (p xvi)
PartIV Intangible Property Thatis Incapable Of Transfer Overview of PartIV
21 Assignmentof Burdens 521
22 Intangibles NotTransferable by Reason of Public Policy 540
23 The Assignmentof Bare Rights to Litigate: Champerty and Maintenance 544
24. Personal Obligations 569
25. Prohibitions on Assignment574
PartV The Effects of Assignment, The Persistence of Property Rights, and The Vindication of An Owner’s Rights Overview of PartV
26. Consequences and Effects of an Assignment597
27 Priorities and the Loss of Title 634
28 Extinction of Intangible Property 671
29. Vindication of an Owner’s Rights 725
PartVI Special Regimes for Transfer Overview of PartVI
30 Insolvency and Assignment781
31 Involuntary Transfers 800
PartVII Security
32. Security over Intangibles 809
PartVIII Conflictof Laws
33 Assignmentand the Conflictof Laws 835 Index 879
List of References
From: The Law of Assignment (3rd Edition)
Marcus Smith, Nico Leslie
Content type:Book content
Published in print:08 March 2018
Ali 2002
Allcock 1983
Allison 1996
Ames 1913
Andrews 2001
Armour & Payne 2009
Arnould 2013
Austen-Peters 2000
Austin 1974
Product:International Commercial Law [ICML]
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Allcock, B. Restrictions on the Assignment of Contractual Rights. [1983] CLJ 328
Allison, JWF. A Continental Distinction in the Common Law. Clarendon Press, 1st edn (1996)
25.01, 25.02, 25.07, 25.15, 25.21, 25.22, 25.23
Ames, JB. Lectures on Legal History and Miscellaneous Legal Essays. Harvard University Press (1913) 10.06, 10.13
Andrews, N. Strangers to Justice No Longer: The Reversal of the Privity Rule under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 [2001] CLJ 353
Armour, J and Payne, J (ed). Rationality in Company Law: Essays in Honour of DD Prentice. Hart Publishing, 1st edn (2009)
Gilman, J, Merkin, R, Templeman, MJ, Blanchard, C, Cooke, J and Hopkins, P. Arnould’s Law of Marine Insurance and Average. Stevens & Sons/Sweet & Maxwell, 18th edn (2013); as subsequently updated by the supplement of 2016
6.39, 32.48
17.13, 17.17, 17.26, 17.83, 17.86, 17.87, 17.89
Austen-Peters, AO. Custody of Investments: Law and Practice. Oxford University Press, 1st edn (2000) 6.167
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From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
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Baker 2002
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Beale, Bridge, Gullifer & Lomnicka 2012
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Bailey, SJ. Assignment of Debts in England from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century (1932) 48 LQR 547
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11.106, 11.109, 11.110
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Barton, JL. Trusts and Covenants. (1975) 91 LQR 236 15.76, 15.82
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2.82, 6.04, 6.07, 9.36, 9.34
2.68, 9.06, 29.34
Birks, PBH and McLeod, G. Justinian’s Institutes: Translated with an Introduction by Peter Birks and Grant McLeod. Duckworth, 1st edn (1987) 2.49
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2.52, 10.11, 10.14, 28.57, 28.87, 28.109, 28.134, 28.136
23.03, 23.04
6.128, 6.150 19.13, 19.14, 19.16, 19.18, 19.24, 19.29, 19.30, 19.37, 19.38, 19.40, 19.50, 19.54, 19.55, 19.56, 19.57, 19.64, 19.68, 19.70, 19.147
From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
BLG 1993
Bosanquet 1899
Bowstead & Reynolds 2014
Brearley & Bloch 2009
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Bridge, Gullifer, McMeel, & Worthington 2013
Briggs 2003
Briggs 2014
Briggs 2015
Brindle & Cox 2010
Brodhurst 1895
Burrows 1996
Burrows 2002
Byles 2013
Calnan 2013
Calnan 2016
Cane 1996
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Bosanquet, FA. The Law Merchant and Transferable Debentures. (1899) 15 LQR 130
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Bridge, M. The Proprietary Aspects of Assignment and Choice of Law. (2009) LQR 671
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6.61, 6.62, 9.13, 9.15
7.113, 7.114
2.92, 6.04, 6.33, 6.167, 15.44, 19.01, 19.87, 19.88, 19.90, 19.91, 19.115, 19.148, 19.149, 19.151, 19.173, 19.174, 25.01
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Brodhurst, S. Is Copyright a Chose in Action? (1895) 11 LQR 64
Burrows, A. Reforming Privity of Contract: Law Commission Report No 242. [1996] LMCLQ 467
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Elliott, N, Odgers, J and Phillips, JM. Byles on Bills of Exchange and Cheques. Sweet & Maxwell, 29th edn (2013)
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33.01, 33.06
33.06, 33.08, 33.11, 33.21, 33.22
2.82, 4.19, 12.06, 12.20, 12.29, 13.32, 29.139
2.82, 9.06, 9.40, 12.06, 12.20
28.165, 28.174, 29.72, 29.96
29.50, 29.123
Cane, P. Tort Law and Economic Interests Clarendon Press Oxford. 2nd edn (1996). 29.19
From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
Carruthers 2005
Carter 1901
Cartwright 2017
Carver 2017
Castagnino 2009
Chalmers & Guest 2016
Chambers 1997
Cheshire, North & Fawcett 2017
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Chitty 2004
Chitty 2015
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33.01, 33.41, 33.50
9.41, 12.34
19.17, 32.54
9.44, 9.45
33.87, 33.88, 33.97, 33.115, 33.116, 33.118
23.03, 23.04
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Clarke 2009
Clerk & Lindsell 2014
Coke 1809
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3.16, 4.03, 4.10, 4.14, 4.15, 5.13, 5.14, 5.23, 5.38, 5.84, 5.105, 5.112, 12.20, 12.37, 13.28, 15.06, 15.11, 15.12, 15.15, 15.31, 17.33, 17.48, 17.49, 17.50, 17.66, 17.67, 21.28, 23.03, 23.04, 23.06, 24.09, 25.14, 26.100, 27.50, 28.13, 28.15, 28.18, 28.19, 28.33, 28.34, 28.36, 28.37, 28.42, 30.28, 30.36, 32.30, 33.41, 33.74
7.109, 7.110
17.26, 17.28, 17.42, 17.68
3.16, 5.83, 7.15, 7.30, 7.33, 7.34, 7.80, 23.57, 29.21, 29.25, 29.26, 29.27, 29.28, 29.29, 29.30, 29.38, 29.39, 29.42, 29.43
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Conaglen 2011
Cook 1915
Cook 1916
Cook on Costs 2013
Cook on Costs 2017
Copinger & Skone James 2016
Corbin 1930
Cornish & Llewelyn 2013
Cox, Merrett & Smith 2006
CREST Guidance Note 2006
CREST White Book 2002
Conaglen, M. Difficulties with Tracing Backwards. (2011) 127 LQR 432
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Aplin, T, Cornish, W and Llewelyn, D. Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights. Sweet & Maxwell, 8th edn (2013)
Cox, R, Merrett, LA and Smith, MA. Private International Law in Reinsurance and Insurance. Informa, 1st edn (2006)
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7.24, 7.25, 7.29, 7.31, 7.33, 7.34, 7.38, 7.39, 7.40, 7.43, 20.33, 20.36, 20.37, 20.38, 20.39, 20.40, 20.42, 20.44, 20.45, 20.46, 20.48, 20.49, 20.54, 20.55, 20.56
5.08, 15.51
7.12, 7.24, 7.97, 7.99, 7.100, 7.108 , 7.110, 7.112, 20.34
33.30, 33.55, 33.127
6.75, 6.76, 6.84, 19.150
From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
Crossley Vaines 1967
De Lacy 1999
De Soto 2001
Degeling, Edelman and Goudkamp 2016
Derham 2010
Dicey, Morris & Collins 2012
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Collins, L and others (eds). Dicey Morris & Collins: The Conflict of Laws. Sweet & Maxwell, 15th edn (2012); as subsequently updated by the supplements of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017
2.122, 2.123, 7.12, 7.29, 28.87
Dickinson & Lein 2015
Dictionary of Etymology
Dixon 2016
Edelman 2005
Edelman & Elliott 2015
Elliott 1960
Elphinstone 1893
Emery 1982
English Private Law 2013
Enright 2007
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11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.13, 11.15, 11.16, 11.17, 11.68
26.55, 26.56, 26.61, 26.62, 26.63, 26.64, 26.66, 26.68, 26.79, 26.80, 26.81, 26.82, 26.93, 30.66, 30.67, 30.68
33.01, 33.03, 33.06, 33.26, 33.29, 33.35, 33.38, 33.41, 33.44, 33.50, 33.51, 33.54, 33.58, 33.59, 33.61, 33.63, 33.66, 33.67, 33.74, 33.87, 33.88, 33.89, 33.90, 33.92, 33.95, 33.96, 33.98, 33.107, 33.113, 33.115, 33.125, 33.127
33.01, 33.06, 33.08, 33.21
8.33, 18.18, 18.35, 18.39
Edelman, C, Burns, A, Craig, D and Nawbatt, A. The Law of Reinsurance. Oxford University Press, 1st edn (2005) 17.87
Edelman, J and Elliott, S. Two Conceptions of Equitable Assignment. (2015) 131 LQR 228
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Elphinstone, HW. What is a Chose in Action? (1893) 9 LQR 311
Emery, CT. The Most Hallowed Principle— Certainty of Beneficiaries of Trusts and Powers of Appointment. (1982) 98 LQR 551
Burrows, A (ed). English Private Law. Oxford University Press, 3rd edn (2013)
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10.14, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.13, 11.16, 11.51, 11.60, 1164, 11.66, 11.67, 11.68, 11.71, 11.72, 11.73, 11.74, 11.77, 11.129, 33.54
15.63, 15.76, 15.82
2.62, 2.76
2.51, 2.52, 2.85, 2.115, 5.12, 7.05, 7.06, 7.23, 7.90, 7.112, 28.08, 29.04, 29.05, 31.20
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From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
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Fentiman 2015
Financial Markets Law Committee 2004
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Fletcher 2017
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Fogel et al 1997
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18.32, 18.35, 18.37
Fordham 2012
Foskett 2015
Fox 1996
Fox 2008
Fry 1921
Fuller 2012
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2.116, 3.26
12.40, 12.41, 12.42, 12.45, 29.65, 29.66, 29.67, 29.68, 29.69, 29.70, 29.71, 29.76, 29.80, 29.84, 29.139
15.10, 15.17
6.04, 6.07, 6.14, 6.16, 6.17, 6.20, 6.33, 6.39, 6.40, 6.58, 6.65, 6.64, 6.112, 9.36, 9.37, 9.38, 19.98, 19.99, 32.49, 33.44, 33.110
From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
Fysh 2010
G30 1989
Gardner 1987
Garton 2003
Gee 2016
Getzler 2003
Getzler & Payne 2006
Giovannini Group 2001
Giovannini Group 2003
GiulianoLagarde Report 1980
Gleeson 1997
Goddard 1988
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Goode 1979
Goode 1983
Goode 1987
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11.40, 13.73, 13.86, 15.09, 15.22, 15.76, 15.84
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2.56, 2.57, 2.58, 2.59, 2.61, 2.62, 2.71 2.82, 10.07, 10.08, 10.11, 10.12, 10.14
15.63, 15.76, 15.82
17.11, 17.56, 17.57, 17.61
19.16, 19.43, 19.45, 19.46, 19.47, 19.60, 19.62, 19.63, 19.66
6.04, 6.07
19.30, 19.42
29.66, 29.67, 29.69, 29.70
9.45, 12.20
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Lasok & Stone 1987
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Law Comm Further Updated Advice to HM Treasury (May 2008)
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Lee 1956
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Kloss, M. Notice of the Equitable Assignment of a Chose in Action. (1975) 39 Conv (NS) 261
Lalive, PA. The Transfer of Chattels in the Conflict of Laws. Oxford University Press, 1st edn (1955) 2.08, 2.49, 2.51
Lasok, D and Stone PA. Conflict of Laws in the European Community. Professional Books Ltd, 1st edn (1987)
The Law Commission. Final Report No 242. Privity of Contract: Contracts for the Benefit of Third Parties. HMSO (1996) 5.29, 5.35
The Law Commission and The Scottish Law Commission. Third Parties – Rights Against Insurers. Cm 5217 (2001)
17.144, 17.148
The Law Commission. Final Report No 296. Company Security Interests. Cm 6654 (2005)
The Law Commission. Electronic Commerce: Formal Requirements in Commercial Transactions. December 2001
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9.40, 9.41
6.136, 19.141, 19.143
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Lawson, FH and Rudden, B. The Law of Property. Oxford University Press, 3rd edn (2002)
Lee, RW. The Elements of Roman Law. Sweet & Maxwell, 4th edn (1956)
2.08, 2.11, 2.13, 2.39, 2.44, 2.52, 2.76, 2.78, 2.79, 9.03
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Lee 1969
Lewin 2015
Lewison 2015
Logan 1945
Lowe & Douglas 2015
MacGillivray 2015
MacMillan 2000
Macnair 1988
Maitland 1936
Mance 1995
Mann 1992
Mann 2012
Marshall 1950
Marshall 1950a
Martin 1992
Masson, Bailey-Harris & Probert 2008
Matheson 1966
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Birds, J, Lynch, B and Paul, S (eds). MacGillivray on Insurance Law. Sweet & Maxwell, 13th edn (2015); as subsequently updated by the supplement of 2017
15.76, 15.82
13.06, 14.59, 15.84, 29.13, 29.148, 29.151
14.59, 14.60, 24.06, 32.29, 32.30
22.01, 22.03
17.08, 17.10, 17.28, 17.34, 17.42, 17.102, 17.105, 17.117, 17.129, 17.130, 21.28, 31.11, 31.12, 31.13
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Proctor, C. Mann on the Legal Aspect of Money. Oxford University Press, 7th edn (2012)
Marshall, OR. The Assignment of Choses in Action. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, 1st edn (1950)
2.69, 2.70, 10.22, 10.26, 11.71, 11.78, 11.124, 15.75
12.36, 12.37, 12.40
2.48, 2.76, 2.99, 7.86, 10.06, 10.07, 11.04, 13.80, 13.82, 13.85, 13.90, 14.35, 16.07, 16.11, 23.19, 26.49
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Martin, J. Casenotes Editor’s Notes. [1992] Conv 268 18.09
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22.08, 33.19
15.63, 15.59, 15.65
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Matthews 1981
McGee 2014
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McLaughlan 1980
McKnight 2017
McMeel 2003
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Paterson, S and Zakrzewski, R (eds). The Law of International Finance. Oxford University Press, 2nd edn (2017)
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McMeel 2004
McMeel 2017
Meagher & Lehane 1976
Meagher, Gummow & Lehane 2002
Megarry 1943
Megarry & Wade 2012
Merkin 2000
Micheler 2007
Milnes Holden 1955
Milnes Holden 1993
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Meagher, RP, Heydon, JD and Leeming MJ. Equity: Doctrines and Remedies. Butterworths LexisNexis, 4th edn (2002)
6.39, 6.61, 6.112
15.76, 15.82
11.40, 11.54, 13.65, 13.87
Megarry, RE. Consideration and Equitable Assignments of Legal Choses in Action (1943) 59 LQR 58 13.90
Harpum, C, Bridge, S and Dixon, M. Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property. Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters. 8th edn (2012)
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8.05, 8.07, 8.20, 8.45, 18.05, 18.25, 18.41, 18.42, 18.43, 21.07, 21.08, 21.09, 21.10, 29.64
5.23, 5.35
6.39, 6.41, 19.115, 32.48
9.07, 9.13, 9.15, 10.07, 10.15, 12.46
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Mitchell 1994
Mitchell 2010
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Mitchell & Watterson 2007
Moles & Terry 1999
Mollman 2011
Morcom, Roughton & St Quintin 2016
Moshinsky 1992
Mugasha 2007
Myners 2004
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Moles, P and Terry, N. The Handbook of International Financial Terms. Oxford University Press, 1st (paperback) edn (1999)
Mollman, A. Security Assignment of Debts and the Conflict of Laws. (2011) LMCLQ 262
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Moshinsky, M. The Assignment of Debts in the Conflict of Laws. (1992) 109 LQR 591
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Myners, P. Review of the Impediments to Voting UK Shares: Report by Paul Myners to the Shareholder Voting Working Group. January 2004
31.04, 31.05, 31.10, 31.11, 31.12, 31.13, 31.14, 31.17
6.04, 6.06, 6.10, 6.13, 6.33
Neyers 2009
Nicholas 1962
Nolan 2003
Nolan 2004
Nolan 2006
O’Neill & Woloniecki 2015
O’Sullivan, Elliott & Zakrzewski 2015
Bronaugh, R, Neyers, JW and Pitel, S (eds). Exploring Contract Law. Hart Publishing, 1st edn 2009
Nicholas, B. An Introduction to Roman Law. Oxford University Press, 1st edn (1962)
Nolan, RC. Indirect Investors: A Greater Say in the Company? (2003) 3 J Corp L Stud 73
Nolan, RC. Property in a Fund. (2004) 120 LQR 108
Nolan, RC. The Continuing Evolution of Shareholder Governance. (2006) 65 CLJ 92
O’Neill, PT and Woloniecki, JW. The Law of Reinsurance in England and Bermuda. Sweet Maxwell, 4th edn (2015); as subsequently updated by the supplement of 2017
O’Sullivan, D, Elliott, S and Zakrzewski, R. The Law of Rescission. Oxford University Press, 2nd edn (2015)
7.102, 20.85, 20.87, 20.98
17.95, 17.96, 17.97, 17.98, 17.103, 17.104, 17.108
28.13, 28.14, 28.17, 28.18
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Oakley 1997
Oditah 1989
Oditah 1991
Ooi 2003
Palk 1974
Paget 2014
Palmer 1991
Palmer 2009
Palmer & McKendrick 1998
Penner 1997
Pennington 1989
Pennington 2001
Pettit 2012
Plender 2015
Pope & Puxty 1991
Proctor 2016
Pulleyn 2012
Oakley, AJ. Constructive Trusts. Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edn (1997)
11.26, 11.138, 11.163
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Oditah, F. Legal Aspects of Receivables Financing. Sweet & Maxwell, 1st edn (1991)
2.110, 2.115, 4.21, 11.35
Ooi, M. Shares and Other Securities in the Conflict of Laws. Oxford University Press, 1st edn (2003) 6.25, 11.166
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6.162, 6.163, 6.167, 6.170, 32.05
2.44, 6.27, 6.167, 28.55, 28.73, 28.84, 28.109
2.35, 2.36, 2.37, 2.38
Pennington RR. Can Shares in Companies be Defined? (1989) 10 Co Lawyer 140 6.27
Pennington RR. Pennington’s Company Law Butterworths, 8th edn (2001)
6.23, 6.24, 6.25, 6.50, 6.51, 6.52, 6.108, 10.16, 19.87, 19.90, 19.91, 19.154, 19.157, 19.172
Pettit, PH. Equity and the Law of Trusts. Butterworths, 12th edn (2012) 11.75
Plender, R and Wilderspin, M. European Private International Law of Obligations. Sweet & Maxwell, 4th edn (2014)
Pope, PF and Puxty, AG. What is Equity? New Financial Instruments in the Interstices between the Law, Accounting and Economics (1991) 54 MLR 889
Proctor, C. Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions. Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edn (2016)
33.01, 33.06, 33.26, 33.29, 33.30, 33.35, 33.41, 33.43, 33.44, 33.50, 33.54, 33.55, 33.81, 33.84
6.09, 6.10, 6.16, 6.17
4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.20
Pulleyn, S. Equitable Easements Revisited. (2012) Conv 387 18.10
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Richardson 1991
Rickett 1979
Rickett 1981
Rogers 1995
Rose 2012
RussellClarke & Howe 2016
Schlosser Report 1979
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Rickett, CEF. The Constitution of Trusts: Contracts to Create Trusts. (1979) 32 CLP 1 15.65
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Rogers, JS. The Early History of the Law of Bills and Notes. Cambridge University Press, 1st edn (1995)
Rose, FD. Marine Insurance: Law and Practice Informa Law, 2nd edn (2012)
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9.07, 9.13, 12.07, 12.09, 12.10
17.86, 17.89, 17.94
7.52, 7.66, 7.67, 7.68, 7.71, 7.78, 20.63, 20.66, 20.70, 20.72, 20.77, 20.80, 20.81, 20.82
Sherrin 2004
Sloan 2017
Smith 1837
Smith 1978
Smith 1997
Sherrin, CH. The Law and Practice of Intestate Succession. Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edn (2004)
Sloan, B. Borkowski’s Law of Succession. Oxford University Press, 3rd edn (2017)
Smith, JW. A Selection of Leading Cases on Various Branches of the Law. A Maxwell, 1st edn (1837)
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Smith 2007
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Smith, MA. Rectification of Contracts for Common Mistake, Joscelyne v Nissen, and Subjective States of Mind. (2007) 122 LQR 115
27.105, 28.57, 28.58, 28.62, 28.65, 28.98, 28.99, 28.102, 28.111, 28.127, 28.152, 28.157, 28.172, 28.182, 29.57, 29.96, 29.104, 29.114, 29.118, 29.123, 29.130, 29.131, 29.155, 29.159
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From: Oxford Legal Research Library ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master Gratis Access; date: 21 March 2018
Another random document with no related content on Scribd:
It was to the beauty of Louis XIV.’s hair when he was a little boy, that the huge, hideous periwigs seem to owe their invention. Nature’s ruling has its exceptions in the bestowal of naturally curling head-covering, and desiring to offer the sincerest flattery of imitation, the French courtiers and the ingenuity of the coiffeurs combined to invent the huge periwigs, which in some sort of fashion even contrived to live through the French Revolution and the Terror itself; for did not Robespierre preside at the great Feast of the Supreme Being in about the ugliest, primmest bobtail wig ever fashioned on barber’s block?
As to the women’s dress in France, it varied somewhat according to their rank. Middle-class bourgeoises wore the scantiest covering out-of-doors on their necks and shoulders; not even in church was their attire more modest. To so scandalous a length was this carried, that it brought on them more than one remonstrance from the pulpit; and Englishwomen, taking as always, their fashions from Paris, followed suit. A Nonconformist English divine published a translation of a French work by “A grave and learned Papist”—possibly the Curé of St Étienne—who reprehended in no measured terms the “shameful enormity,” as he phrased it, of this style of dress. The ladies of the great world ordinarily went with more circumspection in the streets, and nearly always, also, they wore a mask. It was generally made of black velvet, lined with white satin. It fixed itself on the face with a spring, and was fastened with a thin wire, which was terminated by a glass button that could be dropped between the lips, and so disguise the voice. The female style of dressing the hair was to gather it up in a bunch at the crown of the head, leaving some curls to hang on each side of the face; over this was placed a sort of little linen hood, the points of which usually reached to the shoulders. The gowns were wide-sleeved and long-waisted, with a skirt embroidered or trimmed with lace. A small dog was almost indispensable to a lady of fashion. The little creatures were very pretty, generally having pointed muzzles and ears. Women took snuff and smoked, and the traces of these habits were apt to leave their ugly reminders about their persons and dress.
A great many new streets and houses were added to the city. The increase in the number of public vehicles rendered the streets very noisy, while the filth of the ways was indescribable; but this did not hinder women from walking in velvet slippers, or pages and lackeys from wearing bright, gold-laced scarlet livery.
The state of morals, from highest to lowest, was at a low ebb. Vice permeated every class, from the clergy and nobility to the dregs of the populace. Murder and barefaced robbery took place constantly in the streets; the rage for gambling was boundless, and the cardinalminister made no attempt to check the shameful licence of the green tables.
Yet Paris was fair and brilliant to the eye when Maria Théresa made her entry in the most magnificent carriage of the cortège which occupied three hours in passing. The princess was not beautiful; but her expression was amiable, and her complexion very fair for a Spanish woman. She wore a mantle of violet velvet embroidered with golden fleur-de-lis over a robe of white brocade covered all down the front with a splendid rivière of emeralds, and she wore her crown with infinite grace and dignity
The fierce light that beats upon the lives of kings and queens was at its fiercest when cast upon the life of the Sun-King. His marriage with the Spanish princess was one of policy and convenience, and as such there have been unions more disastrous. If love played no great part in it, at least the king was true to the dignity and a certain gentle courtesy and good-nature underlying the pomp and extravagant display with which he was pleased to surround himself; and Maria Théresa’s record of a queen’s life bears no startling evidence of unhappiness or discontent—something indeed to the contrary.