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Transcriptional Gene Regulation 2nd Edition Erik Dassi (Eds.)

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PostTranscriptional Gene Regulation

Second Edition

Series Editor

John M. Walker

School of Life and Medical Sciences University of Hertfordshire Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK

For further volumes:

Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation

Second Edition

Laboratory of Translational Genomics, Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Mattarello, Trento, Italy

Laboratory of Translational Genomics

Centre for Integrative Biology

University of Trento

Mattarello, Trento, Italy

ISSN 1064-3745

Methods in Molecular Biology

ISBN 978-1-4939-3066-1

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3067-8

ISSN 1940-6029 (electronic)

ISBN 978-1-4939-3067-8 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015945108

Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

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The field of post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression (PTR) has been revolutionized in the last few years by the advent of high-throughput techniques empowered by nextgeneration sequencing, such as ribosome footprinting and protein-RNA interaction determination methods such as CLIP and its variants. This volume is focused on presenting the most recent advances in techniques for studying this important level of gene expression regulation: from bioinformatics approaches, expression profiling, and protein-RNA interactions to noncoding RNAs, RNA modifications, and other aspects, it aims at guiding molecular biologists to harness the power of this new generation of techniques, while also introducing to the data analysis needs these bring along. This book of the Methods in Molecular Biology series is organized in six parts: first of all, Part I presents bioinformatics approaches for studying post-transcriptional regulation (Chapters 1 and 2); readers are then introduced to the various expression profiling approaches in Part II (Chapters 3–7). Parts III and IV present protein-RNA interaction and noncoding RNA study techniques (Chapters 8–14). Eventually, Parts V and VI present emerging methods for profiling RNA modifications and other techniques such as alternative translation initiation or polyadenylation sites determination (Chapters 15–22). Recognizing the increasing contribution of bioinformatics in enabling the use of these techniques, several chapters are sprinkled with hints for data analysis, alongside the much needed tips for bench work: the final aim of this volume is thus to offer a versatile resource to the researchers studying post-transcriptional regulation, both introducing the most recent techniques and providing a comprehensive guide to their implementation.

Part I: Bioinformatics

Given the ever increasing amounts of data generated by high-throughput techniques, and the possibility to more easily drive and select the experimental work to be performed through analyses and predictions, ultimately enabling the reduction of the hypothesis space to be explored, bioinformatics is more and more regarded as an invaluable tool for any laboratory studying post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Recognizing this essential contribution, the first part thus includes two chapters aimed at illustrating the possibilities offered by current bioinformatics approaches for PTR. Chapter 1 introduces tools and databases dealing with aspects ranging from processing PTR omics datasets to current knowledge about regulatory factors and their interactions with the mRNA, interaction prediction and motif search: such an introduction should allow researchers to start tracing pipelines suited to their analysis needs. Chapter 2, by Marchese and colleagues, instead focuses on a crucial problem for PTR, that of accurately predicting binding sites for RNAbinding proteins (RBPs): the authors thus present their suite of algorithms dealing with this problem, called catRAPID. Eventually, a further bioinformatics chapter (Chapter 12), related in particular to data analysis for CLIP approaches, found its natural place alongside the chapters describing these techniques, and is thus included in Part III.

Part II: Expression Studies

Understanding changes in the output (such as protein synthesis levels, alternative splicing isoforms balance, mRNA degradation) produced by post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms due to the impact of a stimuli, a treatment or, more in general, to the difference between two conditions is one of the main avenues of research in PTR: indeed, by means of such studies one can formulate hypotheses on the acting trans-factors and related regulatory networks. This part thus aims at presenting tools and techniques allowing to study this aspect, both on a genome-wide and on a smaller scale. First of all, Chapter 3, by Maehr and colleagues, presents a recently introduced technique to perform transcriptional regulation through the Crispr/Cas9 system, empowering the study of PTR changes induced by the absence of a trans-factor of interest. Chapter 4, by Zuccotti and Modelska, introduces us to the polysomal profiling technique, allowing to identify polysomes-bound mRNAs and study trans-factors mediating this association, while in Chapter 5 Spealman and colleagues describe how ribosome positioning on translating transcripts can be studied by means of ribosome profiling, thus allowing translation mechanics in different systems and under various conditions to be systematically analyzed. In Chapter 6, Martinez-Nunez and Sanford present a high-throughput variation of the polysomal profiling technique, tuned for the study of splicing isoform-specific recruitment to the polyribosomes. Eventually, this part is concluded by Chapter 7, in which Chaudhury and Neilson describe a novel reporter system for the analysis of 3′UTR-mediated post-transcriptional gene regulation, which can be used both in vitro and in vivo.

Part III: RBP Interactomics

RNA-binding proteins are one of the biggest players in controlling the post-transcriptional fate of RNA. However, the lack of a reasonably complete catalog of RBP targets is hampering our ability to reconstruct the PTR networks concurring to shape the cell phenotype. Fortunately, this issue has recently received a great deal of attention, and techniques have been developed to tackle the identification of RBPs binding preferences, mode of action (e.g., controlling mRNA stability rather than its splicing), and processes and functions affected by the regulatory activity they exert. This part therefore presents the most recent techniques approaching this task. Chapter 8, by Castello and colleagues, presents the interactome capture method, allowing to identify the repertoire of active RBPs in cultured cells through protein-RNA complexes purification coupled to quantitative mass spectrometry. Chapter 9, by Wessels and colleagues, describes the RIP-seq technique, allowing to immunoprecipitate ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) and identify targets for the RBP of interest in a simple way. Chapter 10, by Danan and colleagues, presents PAR-CLIP, coupling UV-crosslinking and photoactivatable ribonucleosides to immunoprecipitation to obtain precisely defined binding sites for the RBP of interest on its RNA targets; on the same line, Chapter 11 by Sutandy and colleagues describes the iCLIP method, able to generate information about RBP-RNA interactions at single nucleotide resolution. Eventually, as these techniques require specific data analysis toolkits, Chapter 12 by Marvin Jens introduces the reader to a pipeline for PAR-CLIP data analysis, providing a practical usage example and the open-source software implementing it.

Part IV: Noncoding RNAs Interactomics

As identifying RBP targets is of paramount importance for obtaining a complete understanding of PTR networks and mechanisms, so is the determination of noncoding RNAs interactions with mRNAs and other types of RNAs. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), in particular, have emerged as powerful players in many PTR processes, involved both in normal physiology and diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodevelopmental syndromes; furthermore, regulatory circuits in which these noncoding RNAs compete with RBP for target regulation have also been described, adding to the complexity of PTR networks. This part thus introduces two techniques tackling miRNA target identification from two different points of view: Chapter 13, by Tan and Lieberman, describes a method for the identification of RNAs bound to a specific miRNA by means of a pulldown and RNAseq approach, thus providing a comprehensive overview of its function. Adopting a genomewide perspective, Chapter 14 by Helwak and Tollervey instead presents the CLASH technique, focused on the identification of miRNA-RNA interactions by cross-linking and Argonaute-RNA complexes immunoprecipitation, also recovering the interaction site position through chimeric RNAs formation.

Part V: RNA Modifications

A recently emerging aspect of PTR deals with the many types of post-transcriptional modifications to which an RNA can be subjected. These modifications, ranging from the A-to-I editing to m5C and m6A RNA methylation, have been lately observed to be much more pervasive than previously thought; while many of these affect noncoding RNA species such as tRNAs, mRNAs are now observed to be considerably modified as well. Furthermore, functions and processes affected by these modifications, and their impact on RNA stability, secondary structure, and translation are just beginning to be elucidated. The three chapters composing this part thus aim at presenting techniques to profile the most studied of these modifications: Chapter 15, by Savva and colleagues, thus describes a genome-wide, high signal-to-noise, method tackling the challenging problem of detecting Adenosine (A)-toInosine (I) RNA editing sites with high sensitivity and specificity, exploiting single-molecule sequencing. Chapter 16, by Sibbritt and colleagues, presents a technique for the positional profiling of the 5-methylcytosine RNA modification, based on RNA bisulfite conversion and locus-specific, semi-quantitative PCR-based detection of non-converted sites; eventually, Chapter 17 by Liu and Pan concludes this part by describing SCARLET, a technique for the identification and quantitation of N6-methyladenosine RNA modification sites in mRNAs and long noncoding RNAs at single nucleotide resolution.

Part VI: Other Aspects of PTR

In addition to the PTR facets to which the previous parts have been dedicated, many more processes for which experimental techniques are available take place in the cell and have been at least partially characterized: among these are alternative polyadenylation and translation initiation, splicing, mRNA degradation, and many others; of course, not all of them can be addressed here. This part thus concludes the book by presenting a selection of the Preface

most recent techniques dealing with some of these aspects in PTR. Chapter 18, by Wilkening and colleagues, describes 3′T-fill, a method aimed at the genome-wide identification of alternative polyadenylation sites, thus allowing to profile the impact these have on the posttranscriptional fate of the mRNAs; Chapter 19, by Gao and colleagues, deals instead with the genome-wide identification of alternative translation initiation sites by means of two related approaches, based on ribosome profiling and called GTI-seq and QTI-seq. Chapter 20, by Geisberg and Moqtaderi, presents a technique to profile the half-lives of 3′ mRNA isoforms on a genome-wide level, thus enabling the detailed study of mRNA stability determinants. The last two chapters focus on employing imaging tools to investigate processes related to mRNA metabolism: Chapter 21, by Park and Song, describes a method, based on the MS2-GFP system, for imaging mRNA dynamics, thus allowing to study transport and localization of these molecules in live neurons and brain tissues; eventually, Chapter 22 by Martin and colleagues presents an approach, based on fluorescent tags, to visualize single nascent pre-mRNA molecules and to perform real-time measurement of intron synthesis and excision dynamics.

Finally, I would like to thank all the authors for their invaluable contribution to shaping this book as a passionate and hopefully useful guide to current procedures of this still rising field. Ultimately, it is the fascination for the things we still don’t know that leads us to share our knowledge, building on top of it in a scientific feedback loop nourishing our passion.

Mattarello, Trento, Italy
Erik Dassi

Preface .



1 Introduction to Bioinformatics Resources for Post-transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression. .

Alessandro Quattrone and Erik Dassi

2 A Computational Approach for the Discovery of Protein–RNA Networks 29 Domenica Marchese, Carmen Maria Livi, and Gian Gaetano Tartaglia


3 Transcriptional Regulation with CRISPR/Cas9 Effectors in Mammalian Cells .

Hannah Pham, Nicola A. Kearns, and René Maehr

4 Studying the Translatome with Polysome Profiling

Paola Zuccotti and Angelika Modelska

5 Exploring Ribosome Positioning on Translating Transcripts with Ribosome Profiling.

Pieter Spealman, Hao Wang, Gemma May, Carl Kingsford, and C. Joel McManus

6 Studying Isoform-Specific mRNA Recruitment to Polyribosomes with Frac-seq.

Rocio T. Martinez-Nunez and Jeremy R. Sanford

7 Use of the pBUTR Reporter System for Scalable Analysis of 3′ UTR-Mediated Gene Regulation

Arindam Chaudhury and Joel R. Neilson PART III RBP INTERACTOMICS

8 Comprehensive Identification of RNA-Binding Proteins by RNA Interactome Capture.

Alfredo Castello, Rastislav Horos, Claudia Strein, Bernd Fischer, Katrin Eichelbaum, Lars M. Steinmetz, Jeroen Krijgsveld, and Matthias W. Hentze


Identifying RBP Targets with RIP-seq. .

Hans-Herman Wessels, Antje Hirsekorn, Uwe Ohler, and Neelanjan Mukherjee

10 PAR-CLIP: A Method for Transcriptome-Wide Identification of RNA Binding Protein Interaction Sites

Charles Danan, Sudhir Manickavel, and Markus Hafner

11 Profiling the Binding Sites of RNA-Binding Proteins with Nucleotide Resolution Using iCLIP

FX Reymond Sutandy, Andrea Hildebrandt, and Julian König

12 A Pipeline for PAR-CLIP Data Analysis.

Marvin Jens

13 Capture and Identification of miRNA Targets by Biotin Pulldown and RNA-seq

Shen Mynn Tan and Judy Lieberman

14 Identification of miRNA-Target RNA Interactions Using CLASH.

Aleksandra Helwak and David Tollervey


15 Genome-Wide Analysis of A-to-I RNA Editing.

Yiannis A. Savva, Georges St. Laurent, and Robert A. Reenan

16 Nucleotide-Level Profiling of m5C RNA Methylation

Tennille Sibbritt, Andrew Shafik, Susan J. Clark, and Thomas Preiss

17 Probing N 6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA Modification in Total RNA with SCARLET.

Nian Liu and Tao Pan


18 Genome-Wide Identification of Alternative Polyadenylation Events Using 3′T-Fill

Stefan Wilkening, Vicent Pelechano, and Lars M. Steinmetz

19 Genome-Wide Profiling of Alternative Translation Initiation Sites.

Xiangwei Gao, Ji Wan, and Shu-Bing Qian

20 Genome-Wide Study of mRNA Isoform Half-Lives.

Joseph V. Geisberg and Zarmik Moqtaderi

21 Visualizing mRNA Dynamics in Live Neurons and Brain Tissues.

Hye Yoon Park and Minho Song

22 Single-Molecule Live-Cell Visualization of Pre-mRNA Splicing.

Robert M. Martin, José Rino, Ana C. de Jesus, and Maria Carmo-Fonseca


MARIA CARMO-FONSECA • Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

ALFREDO CASTELLO • Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

ARINDAM CHAUDHURY • Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

SUSAN J. CLARK • Genomics and Epigenetics Department, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst (Sydney), NSW, Australia

CHARLES DANAN • Laboratory of Muscle Stem Cells and Gene Regulation, NIAMS, Bethesda, MD, USA

ERIK DASSI • Laboratory of Translational Genomics, Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Mattarello, Trento, Italy

KATRIN EICHELBAUM • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

BERND FISCHER • German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

XIANGWEI GAO • Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

JOSEPH V. GEISBERG • Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

MARKUS HAFNER • Laboratory of Muscle Stem Cells and Gene Regulation, NIAMS, Bethesda, MD, USA

ALEKSANDRA HELWAK • Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

MATTHIAS W. HENTZE • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

ANDREA HILDEBRANDT • Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH, Mainz, Germany

ANTJE HIRSEKORN • Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany

RASTISLAV HOROS • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

MARVIN JENS • Systems Biology of Gene Regulatory Elements, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin, Germany

ANA C. DE JESUS • Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

NICOLA A. KEARNS • Program in Molecular Medicine, Diabetes Center of Excellence, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA

CARL KINGSFORD • Computational Biology Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

JULIAN KÖNIG • Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH, Mainz, Germany

JEROEN KRIJGSVELD • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

JUDY LIEBERMAN • Department of Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

NIAN LIU • Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

CARMEN MARIA LIVI • Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain; Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain

RENÉ MAEHR • Program in Molecular Medicine, Diabetes Center of Excellence, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA

SUDHIR MANICKAVEL • Laboratory of Muscle Stem Cells and Gene Regulation, NIAMS, Bethesda, MD, USA

DOMENICA MARCHESE • Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain; Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain

ROBERT M. MARTIN • Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

ROCIO T. MARTINEZ-NUNEZ • Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Sir Henry Wellcome Laboratories, University of Southampton School of Medicine, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK

GEMMA MAY • Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

C. JOEL MCMANUS • Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

ANGELIKA MODELSKA • Laboratory of Translational Genomics, Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Trento, Italy

ZARMIK MOQTADERI • Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

NEELANJAN MUKHERJEE • Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany

JOEL R. NEILSON • Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

UWE OHLER • Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany

TAO PAN • Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, Institute of Biophysical DynamicsUniversity of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

HYE YOON PARK • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea; The Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

VICENT PELECHANO • Genome Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

HANNAH PHAM • Program in Molecular Medicine, Diabetes Center of Excellence, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA

THOMAS PREISS • Genome Biology Department, The John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), The Australian National University, Acton (Canberra), ACT, Australia, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Darlinghurst (Sydney), NSW, Australia

SHU-BING QIAN • Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

ALESSANDRO QUATTRONE • Laboratory of Translational Genomics, Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Trento, Italy

ROBERT A. REENAN • Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

JOSÉ RINO • Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

JEREMY R. SANFORD • Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

YIANNIS A. SAVVA • Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

ANDREW SHAFIK • Genome Biology Department, The John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), The Australian National University, Acton (Canberra), ACT, Australia

TENNILLE SIBBRITT • Genome Biology Department, The John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), The Australian National University, Acton (Canberra), ACT, Australia

MINHO SONG • The Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

PIETER SPEALMAN • Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

GEORGES ST. LAURENT • Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

LARS M. STEINMETZ • Genome Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Stanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

CLAUDIA STREIN • German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

FX REYMOND SUTANDY • Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH, Mainz, Germany

SHEN MYNN TAN • Department of Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA USA

GIAN GAETANO TARTAGLIA • Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain; Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain; Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain

DAVID TOLLERVEY • Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

JI WAN • Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

HAO WANG • Computational Biology Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

HANS-HERMAN WESSELS • Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany

STEFAN WILKENING • National Center for Tumor Diseases, Heidelberg, Germany

PAOLA ZUCCOTTI • Laboratory of Translational Genomics, Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Trento, Italy Contributors

Part I


Chapter 1

Introduction to Bioinformatics Resources for Post-transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression

Alessandro Quattrone and Erik Dassi


Untranslated regions (UTRs) and, to a lesser extent, coding sequences of mRNAs are involved in defining the fate of the mature transcripts through the modulation of three primary control processes, mRNA localization, degradation and translation; the action of trans-factors such as RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) combined with the presence of defined sequence and structural ciselements ultimately determines translation levels. Identifying functional regions in UTRs and uncovering post-transcriptional regulators acting upon these regions is thus of paramount importance to understand the spectrum of regulatory possibilities for any given mRNA. This tasks can now be approached computationally, to reduce the space of testable hypotheses and to drive experimental validation.

This chapter focuses on presenting databases and tools allowing to study the various aspects of posttranscriptional regulation, including motif search (sequence and secondary structure), prediction of regulatory networks (e.g., RBP and ncRNA binding sites), profiling of the mRNAs translational state, and other aspects of this level of gene expression regulation. Two analysis pipelines are also presented as practical examples of how the described tools could be integrated and effectively employed.

Key words Bioinformatics, UTR, Database, Prediction, Data analysis, Pipeline, Omics, Polysomal profiling, RBP, ncRNA, Binding site, Secondary structure, Motif

1 Introduction

Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression (PTR) has been object, in recent years, of an ever increasing interest leading to the development, also thanks to the advent of high-throughput techniques such as microarrays and next-generation sequencing, of a whole new set of experimental assays aiming at profiling and unraveling these mechanisms on a genome-wide scale [1–3]. The advent of next-generation sequencing has indeed provided the possibility to address tasks that were previously out of reach, such as determining an RBP binding specificity: however, in order to fully exploit the huge amounts of data produced by such experiments, one needs a well-built toolkit of analysis tools and databases, which

Erik Dassi (ed.), Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1358, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3067-8_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

should ultimately allow to trace the regulatory networks underlying the system and conditions under study, thus deriving meaningful functional insights.

A common example of task one could perform is to profile and quantify PTR under different stimuli or treatments, by genomewide profiling of translating transcripts: this is usually addressed with ribosome or polysome profiling techniques [2, 4]. The resulting datasets need, first of all, specific tools to properly identify differences in translated and untranslated transcripts sets; another class of tools, regulatory elements and binding sites databases/ predictors, are then needed to study the UTRs of the thus identified interesting gene sets, trying to understand which specific trans-factors among RBPs and ncRNAs may be playing a role in producing the observed differences, and thus in uncovering related regulatory mechanisms.

More in general, one may need to study PTR events, as mediated by UTRs (or, more rarely, coding sequences) on a single gene or on a set of interesting ones, even if they have not been prioritized after genome-wide analyses. Sequence and structure features of such UTRs must thus be investigated by exploiting existing knowledge (by means of databases) and prediction algorithms capabilities.

Another example of a frequent task, from an opposite perspective, consists in determining binding specificities for an RBP: this is usually approached by the CLIP family of techniques [5–7], by CRAC/CLASH [8] or by methods such as RNAcompete [9], Bind-n-Seq [10], and SEQRS [11]. Data analysis for such assays is far from trivial, and requires dedicated tools and statistical approaches (as Chapter 12 of this book presents in detail). Results (i.e., identified RNA targets and binding sites) will then be amenable to further analyses, such as sequence and secondary structure motif search, using yet another class of tools in order to eventually entirely describe the RBP specificity.

These two tasks we just briefly described are of course only two representative examples of the many possible data analysis workflows one may need to implement while studying PTR; however, they give a clear indication that, in order to be effective in these data analysis tasks, one should invest time in learning about available tools, what they are best suited for and how to combine them.

This chapter first introduces the reader to analysis tools, databases, prediction algorithms, and other software which are currently available to address such tasks, with a particular emphasis on practical considerations and integration of multiple resources: by means of two example pipelines, we then aim at providing guidance in setting up and performing a complete analysis of typical PTR datasets.

2 Tools for Omics Datasets Analysis

The first class of tools we describe deals with omics datasets: these resources, listed in Table 1, can be divided in three broad groups according to the kind of data they deal with. Expression profiling datasets are derived by polysome and ribosome profiling followed by RNA-seq and allow us to quantify the mRNAs translational efficiency; small RNA profiling datasets are obtained by RNA-seq performed on the short RNAs and permit to identify classes such as miRNAs and piRNAs; eventually, binding datasets aim at identifying targets and target binding sites for an RBP and can be produced by techniques such as RIP, CLIP, and their variants. We now proceed to describe and compare all tools related to these experimental approaches.

2.1 Expression


Polysomal profiling consists in the isolation of polysome-bound, and thus actively translating, transcripts by means of a sucrose gradient separation; this assay is usually complemented with a total mRNA profiling of the same sample, in order to compute translational efficiency (TE) and identify regulatory events affecting this value. anota [12] is an algorithm, available as an R package, stemming from the consideration that polysomal mRNA levels are dependent on the total (cytoplasmic) mRNA amounts in the samples. The method thus performs an analysis of partial variance in combination with a random variance model, to avoid considering false buffering events, produced by the commonly used log-ratio approach, as true differential translation phenomena. tRanslatome [13] is also an R package, but adopting a wider perspective: it allows the user to identify differentially expressed genes with several methods (limma, t-test, TE, RankProd, anota, DEseq, and edgeR), and to perform Gene Ontology and regulatory enrichment analyses; every step is then illustrated through a variety of plot types (scatterplot, MA, SD and identity plot, histogram, heatmap, similarity and radar plot).

Ribosome profiling, a much more recent technique, is instead based on a nuclease protection assay and provides a snapshot of ribosomal ‘footprints’ on the mRNAs, allowing a quantification of their translational levels; to analyze this kind of data, Babel [14] was proposed as a statistical framework to assess the significance of translational control differences between conditions. Available as an R package, it infers an expected ribosome occupancy level (based on mRNA expression) by means of an errors-in-variables regression model; significance of the deviation of the actual ribosome occupancy from this estimate is then assessed by a parametric bootstrap procedure, thus obtaining genes p-values.

Table 1

[ 12 ] bioc/html/anota.html

Analysis of partial variance tuned to avoid “false buffering” associated to cytosolic mRNA levels correction

Expression Polysomal profi ling

[ 14 ] babel/

Based on an errors-invariables regression model to identify translational control changes

[ 13 ] bioc/html/tRanslatome.html

Implements several DEGs identifi cation methods, plot types and functional analyses

[ 15 ]



Web server integrating available analysis tools for small RNA prediction and quantifi cation imir [ 16 ]

Pipeline performing miRNA prediction and quantifi cation by several available tools

[ 17 ]


Polysomal profi ling

tRanslatome expression

Small RNA RNA-seq

Small RNA RNA-seq

Pipeline performing small RNA prediction, quantifi cation and visualization by ad hoc implemented tools



Small RNA RNA-seq

sRNA workbench


[ 18 ]

[ 19 ]

[ 20 ]

[ 24 ]

[ 21 ]

[ 23 ]

[ 25 ]

RIP-seq, HITSCLIP, PAR-CLIP, iCLIP Allows external covariates, such as expression data, to guide binding sites identifi cation


Computes expressionsensitive backgrounds to improve peak calling


ASPeak Binding bioc/html/RIPSeeker.html

RIP-seq, PAR-CLIP Infers signifi cant binding regions by EM and HMM modeling

RIPSeeker Binding PARalyzer

Employs a nonparametric kernel-density estimate classifi er to identify binding sites from T>C conversions and read density

Customizable Galaxy pipeline based on zero-truncated negative binomial likelihoods

Complete pipeline allowing chimeric reads detection and folding bioc/html/wavClusteR.html

Uses a mixture model and a wavelet-based peak calling procedure exploiting coverage function geometry at binding sites regions


PARalyzer Binding




hyb Binding


wavClusteR Binding

The table lists tools available to process PTR omics datasets: listed are the application of each tool (either expression, i.e. , translation levels determination, small RNA, i.e., miRNA and other ncRNAs profi ling, or binding, i.e., RBP targets identifi cation), the type of supported assays, their specifi c approach and where the software can be obtained from (URL and reference)


Identification and quantification of short RNAs such as, for instance, miRNAs and piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), is performed by means of an RNA-seq assay in which the RNAs selected for sequencing are approximately 20–30 nucleotides long. CPSS [15] is a freely available webserver combining existing tools to analyze NGS smallRNA data, including quantification, differential expression, target predictions, functional analysis and novel miRNA identification: the output is presented as a convenient graphic summary in the browser, with detailed results as downloadable files; on the same line, also iMir [16] is a pipeline integrating many preexisting open source tools and providing an easy to use graphical user interface to analyze NGS data for the identification of small ncRNAs (existing and novel), for the analysis of their differential expression and for prediction of their targets. It is however a stand-alone tool and can be installed on Unix systems only. The last of such resources, the UEA sRNA workbench [17], provides instead a set of originally developed tools, able to address various recurrent tasks (novel ncRNA identification, differential expression analysis, target prediction, etc.) in small ncRNA data analysis. Furthermore, it offers several visualization options, such as secondary structure plots and annotation and alignments display tools.

Binding Sites


Identifying the targets of an RBP, and the related binding sites is currently performed by RIP-seq (RNA-immunoprecipitation coupled with NGS), HITS-CLIP, PAR-CLIP, and iCLIP (collectively referred to as CLIPs, i.e., cross-linking and immunoprecipitation) or by CRAC/CLASH. While RIP is used to identify RNA targets, the CLIPs can also provide precise binding sites localization on these, eventually allowing the definition of the studied RBP binding specificity (see Subheading 4). As these techniques have appeared only in the last few years, analysis methods are still evolving and increasing in terms of variety of approaches. The first two tools we describe, PIRANHA [18] and ASPeak [19], share the principle of exploiting a coupled expression dataset to help in true binding sites identification. The former, applicable to RIP-seq and all CLIPs, expands this concept to allow any covariate other than expression data, such as genome mappability information or relevant sites (e.g., splice sites) position; it then applies a zero-truncated negative binomial (NB) regression to extract binding sites from the dataset and statistically score them. The latter instead requires a coupled expression dataset, used to compute an expression-sensitive background for binding data; it then runs a NB test over each nucleotide to produce a precise site definition; furthermore, it can exploits the presence of multiple processors to speed up the computation. A last tool able to deal with RIP-seq data is RIPSeeker [20], which can also handle PAR-CLIP: its approach is based on stratifying the genome in bins of equal size and applying a two-state Hidden

2.2 Small RNA

Markov Model (HMM) with NB emission and a Viterbi algorithm yielding the peak calls, eventually tested for statistical significance. PIPE-clip [21] is a Galaxy-based [22] pipeline (and the only webbased tool for binding data analysis) to analyze CLIP experiments: it exploits a zero-truncated NB likelihoods model to identify enriched clusters, then selecting interesting ones by exploiting the assay properties (e.g., mutations for PAR-CLIP), provides preprocessing tools, many customizable parameters and functional annotation of candidate binding sites. The hyb [23] pipeline is specially intended for the analysis of CRAC/CLASH data, including tools for preprocessing and mapping reads, and offering features for sensitive CLASH chimeric reads detection and folding; furthermore, this pipeline can also be used for the analysis of CLIP datasets. The last two tools we describe, PARalyzer [24] and wavClusteR [25], are specifically designed to deal with PAR-CLIP datasets. The former generates two smoothened kernel density estimates, one for T > C transitions and one for non-transitions. Nucleotides with a minimum read depth and a conversion likelihood higher than nonconversion one are considered interaction sites, which are then extended to define the full binding site according to the RBP crosslinking properties; a motif search can also be performed to define the RBP binding motif. The latter tool is instead based on a mixture model, defined on the observed T>C substitutions and the read coverage of the related nucleotides; a continuous wavelet transform is then applied to the model, thus exploiting the coverage function geometry to detect significant discontinuities in coverage, ideally representing true binding sites boundaries.

3 PTR Databases

We now proceed in our exploration of PTR resources by describing the many databases storing and presenting the current knowledge about this class of processes. These tools, listed in Table 2, can be broadly classified according to the kind of data they hold, namely binding sites for RBP or miRNA, location of cis-elements or ncRNAs identity and features in general; a few of these resources can be termed integrative, in the sense that they present multiple types of information in the same setting, thus allowing for the combination of several PTR facets.

These resources collect and present either binding sites for RBPs on mRNAs, derived both by low- and high-throughput experimental approaches, possibly in multiple organisms, or focus on RBP binding specificities, presenting binding motifs and related information. CLIPZ [26] is a database and analysis environment for CLIP datasets. Aside from visualizing the included datasets (amounting to ~100 CLIPs plus replicates) at the genome level,

3.1 RBP Binding Sites

Ref. No.

Table 2

[ 28 ]

[ 27 ]

[ 26 ]

[ 29 ]

[ 31 ]

[ 37 ]

[ 36 ]

[ 32 ]

[ 34 ]

[ 33 ]

[ 35 ]

Species URL

Databases presenting available PTR data

Name Data types

Human and mouse

AURA 2 RBPs, miRNAs, ciselements

Human, mouse, and 22 more

Human, mouse, and C. elegans

Human, mouse, D. melanogaster , and C. elegans




doRiNa RBPs, miRNAs

Human, mouse, and 77 more

Human, mouse, and 58 more

Human and mouse

Human, mouse, and 7 more

UTRdb/UTRsite RBPs, miRNAs, ciselements

lncRNAdb lncRNAs

miRConnX miRNAs

miRecords miRNAs


Human, mouse, and 12 more

Human and mouse


miRGator miRNAs

miRTarBase miRNAs

miRTCat miRNAs

[ 39 ]

Human and mouse


[ 38 ] NRED ncRNAs

[ 40 ]

[ 41 ]

[ 30 ]

[ 42 ]

[ 43 ]

[ 44 ]

[ 45 ]

[ 46 ]



Rfam ncRNAs, ciselements Any

Human, mouse, and 4 more

Human, mouse, and chicken

Human and mouse

Human and mouse

starBase 2 ncRNAs, RBPs

APADB Alternative polyadenylation sites

ARED AU-rich elements

AREsite AU-rich elements

Bioinformatics Resources for PTR

Human, mouse, and 7 more

Human, mouse, and 6 more

IRESite Internal ribosome entry sites

SelenoDB SECIS elements

[ 48 ]

SIREs Ironresponsive elements Any

[ 47 ] Transterm cis -elements Any

The table lists databases containing data about PTR such as RBP and miRNA binding sites and cis -elements regions. Shown are the data types (i.e., RBP and noncoding RNA binding sites, all cis -elements or a specifi c type of these) provided by each database, the species for which data is available and how these databases can be reached (UR L and reference)

users can upload and analyze their own data down to the identification of enriched binding motifs and binding sites on the mRNAs; furthermore, miRNA-specific tools are provided to handle Argonaute CLIPs used to identify targets for these ncRNAs. CISBP-RNA [27] focuses instead on RBP motifs, collecting many experiments either from the literature or performed by the laboratory of the database maintainers. As multiple techniques and organisms are included, one can obtain a precise picture of the binding specificities for the RBP of interest; furthermore, tools are provided to predict instances of an RBP binding motif in RNA sequences or to compare custom motifs with the ones stored in the database.

The other resources presenting RBP binding sites, namely AURA2 [28], doRiNa [29], starBase2 [30], and UTRdb/ UTRsite [31], also provide other types of data (e.g., miRNA binding sites) and are thus described in the integrative resources section (Subheading 3.4).

Sites and ncRNAs

These databases aim at presenting data about noncoding RNAs such as their identity, role, and molecular targets. The majority of these is focused in particular on collecting miRNA–mRNA interactions, both derived experimentally and computationally through the plethora of available predictors; the functions of individual miRNAs are also often presented, derived by analyzing processes and pathways in which their targets are involved. miRecords [32] and miRTarBase [33] provide a curated collection of several thousand experimentally verified and/or computationally predicted miRNA–mRNA interactions (only in miRecords, compiled by 11 different algorithms); miRTarBase also provides miRNA and targets expression profiles, data about miRNA association to diseases and the possibility to trace miRNA–targets networks. On the same line but heavily focused on NGS data, miRGator [34] also provide a catalog of NGS-derived miRNAs for various tissues and organs, a dedicated browser concurrently displaying miRNA sequencing data and secondary structure and miRNA–target expression correlations, all combined with the goal of identifying true regulatory, functional, and pathology-related associations. miRTCat [35] provides miRNA binding sites derived by AGO HITS-CLIP along with prediction of binding sites in 3′ UTR regions (based on sequence conservation): its peculiarity lies in including a novel type of noncanonical target sites type, the non-nucleation bulge, which was first discovered in AGO HITS-CLIP data. The specificity of miRConnX [36] is instead that it allows users to upload their expression data: these are then matched with precomputed TF–gene and miRNA–gene genome-wide networks (derived by predictions and supplemented with known interactions), to ultimately derive a condition-specific miRNA–mRNA regulatory network, useful for hypothesis generation and further analyses.

3.2 miRNA Binding

Bioinformatics Resources for PTR

Among resources dedicated to ncRNAs features or to a specific class of these, lncRNAdb [37] and NONCODE [38] are dedicated to long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) including annotations such as sequence and structure information, expression profiles, conservation and function for multiple organisms. Both databases also include links to external resources, such as NRED [39], allowing to retrieve further information about the functions and the expression of these RNAs.

RAID [40] focuses on providing a literature-curated catalog of RNA-associated interactions, including both RNA–RNA and RNA–protein interactions. This data potentially help understanding the role, based on their binding properties, of various ncRNA molecules still not fully characterized. The interactions are classified by molecule type of the participants (e.g., lncRNA-associated, or snoRNA-associated), and annotations such as binding site, tissue type, experimental technique, and others are included.

Eventually, Rfam [41] presents a very wide set of RNA families describing the various RNA gene types (including miRNAs, lncRNAs, snoRNAs, and many others) and mRNA cis-elements. Families are defined through covariate models by sequence alignments and primarily having a conserved structure. Entries are extensively described in a Wikipedia-like format with description, figures and references; furthermore, a tool is provided to allow the user to scan RNA sequences, thus identifying matches with Rfam families. The other resources presenting miRNA binding sites or ncRNAs data, namely AURA2 [28], doRiNa [29], starBase2 [30], and UTRdb/UTRsite [31], also provide other types of data (e.g., RBP sites or cis-elements) and thus are described in the integrative resources section (Subheading 3.4).

These resources usually focus on one or multiple types of ciselements and aim at presenting related features such as their instances on mRNAs, factors binding to and mediating the role of the element; several databases also include predictive tools to help in identifying previously undetected instances of these elements.

APADB [42] provides 3′end sequencing-derived information about alternative polyadenylation sites in 3′ UTRs, including both coding and noncoding genes. The data is displayed through a genome browser, organized by tissue/organ and available for human and other two organisms; furthermore, potential losses of miRNA binding sites are also highlighted to help in understanding regulatory changes due to alternative polyadenylation events. ARED [43] and AREsite [44] are two databases focusing on AU-rich Elements (ARE), a well-characterized cis-element commonly found in 3′ UTRs of mRNAs and involved in their stability (through the action of several RBPs termed ARE-binding proteins, or ARE-BPs). Both resources provide a computationally mapped catalog of AREs, obtained by matching one or more sequence

3.3 Cis-Elements

patterns (one for ARED and eight for AREsite). Both databases offer some degree of annotation with AREsite, the most complete, including a graphical representation of found AREs, structural information, phylogenetic conservation and supporting evidence extracted from the literature. IRESite [45] aims instead at producing a curated catalog of all experimentally known internal ribosome entry sites (IRES), both cellular and viral: these elements mediate translation initiation without the need of a 5′cap structure, thus allowing protein synthesis in stress conditions and of viral mRNAs. The database provides detailed information about each IRES (sequences, translation efficiency, conditions, etc.), extracted from the literature, along with tools to search custom sequences against known IRESs to detect potentially novel instances of this element.

As the next two resources underscore, mRNA cis-elements are also considerably involved in the metabolism of several chemical elements. SelenoDB [46] is indeed a resource devoted to the description of selenogenes and selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) elements. This element, found in the 3′ UTRs, recruits proteins involved in selenium metabolism to the mRNA through its characteristic stem-loop structure. Instances of this element were computationally predicted and then manually curated: these are graphically displayed and correlated with several annotations. SIREs [47] is instead a web server for the prediction of ironresponsive elements (IREs), specific cis-elements found in the mRNA of proteins involved in iron metabolism; this element is well characterized in both its sequence and secondary structure. This resource allows users to input their own sequence and, based on patterns derived from this characterization, will predict IRE positions, features, and specificity for one of the iron responsive proteins (IRP1 or IRP2) binding to these elements.

Transterm [48] is a database of regions affecting translation, including both experimentally validated regulatory elements and the ability to scan a user-inputted sequence to identify instances of the many cis-elements classes for which a searchable pattern could be defined (extracted from the literature). A detailed description of the various elements classes is provided, as are several basic annotations on the genomes which can be analyzed on the website (e.g., initiation codon context).

The other resources presenting data about cis-elements, namely AURA2 and UTRdb/UTRsite [31], also provide other types of data (e.g., RBP binding sites) and thus are described in the integrative resources section (Subheading 3.4).

3.4 Integrative

We define a PTR database as integrative if it collects data about multiple aspects of regulation such as for instance RBP- and miRNA-mediated regulation: the principle behind these resources is to more precisely and completely define an mRNA potential for

PTR, through the parallel observation of many factors possibly mediating this potential: such an approach would eventually allow users to make the most of publicly available data. However, collecting such amounts and variety of data is a daunting task, often requiring manual literature searching; indeed, just a few resources following this approach are currently available.

AURA2 [28] is a meta-database focused on the UTRs and providing data regarding the multiple aspects of PTR these regions mediate. It includes experimentally derived RBP and miRNA binding sites, cis-elements, RNA methylation and SNP data, complemented with multiple annotations such as phylogenetic conservation, secondary structures and functional descriptions. A custom UTR browser, along with several additional views and batch tools, allows the users to display all the various datasets at the same time, thus helping in obtaining a complete understanding of the regulation to which a UTR is subjected. Also UTRdb/UTRsite [31] focus on 5′ and 3′ UTRs, providing annotations for these regions in many different organisms. It includes instances of cis-elements (including polyadenylation signals), phylogenetic conservation, SNPs, and experimentally determined miRNA targets; RBP binding sites are however absent from this resource. Furthermore, the UTRsite section works on custom sequences predicting the occurrence of many cis-element types.

doRiNa [29] is a database dedicated to RNA interactions, including both RBP and miRNA binding sites as derived by CLIP approaches; miRNA targets are also provided in a computationally predicted form (by means of several algorithms); searches can be performed by selecting a trans-factor and an mRNA region of interest: detailed results can then be displayed with the help of a genome browser. Furthermore, the combinatorial search tool allows the identification of mRNAs regulated by multiple factors of interest. Also starBase2 [30] is a database exploiting exclusively CLIP data; however it aims at identifying interactions between miRNAs and several other types of RNA, namely mRNA, lncRNA, ceRNA, circRNA, and other noncoding RNAs; it also includes protein–RNA interactions derived from the same sources. Interactions are displayed by category and annotated with expression data; furthermore, miRNA and ceRNA functions can be predicted through dedicated tools leveraging on functional ontologies terms.

4 Prediction Tools

When PTR data about genes of interest are not available, or were produced in too much different systems and conditions to be integrated, prediction tools can come to help in formulating a biological hypothesis. While some problems are relatively easy to address, and thus a lot of tools are available (e.g., miRNA target

identification), others are particularly complicated (e.g., RBP binding sites) and just a few dedicated tools have emerged up to now. We now describe the various methods allowing to predict the presence of regulatory elements and their role in PTR: these tools are listed in Table 3 and can be broadly grouped by the type of prediction they provide, namely identifying RBP targets, miRNA targets or the effects of SNPs on RNA secondary structures

Predicting the targets of an RBP and the location of its binding sites on RNA molecules is known to be a challenging task. Both identifying which residues of a protein may bind RNA and which sequence or structure specificities these residues may confer are complex problems for which no precisely defined rules exist. Indeed, only a few tools have tried addressing this problem so far. catRapid [49] is a webserver offering an algorithm performing de novo prediction of protein–RNA interactions based on physico-chemical properties of polypeptides and nucleotide chains. The interaction propensity of these molecules is thus calculated solely based on their sequence: in particular, secondary structure, hydrogen bonding and van der Waals propensities are computed and combined together to yield an interaction profile; eventually an interaction propensity score and an evaluation of the interaction statistical significance derived by a discriminative power calculation are returned. RBPmap [50] is instead a tool based on a weightedrank approach, accepting any RNA sequence as input and exploiting currently available RBP binding motifs, extracted from the literature. It is optimized for human, mouse and fruit fly, although other organisms are supported too. The algorithm matches the motifs matrices to the user input sequence; it then takes into account the propensity of binding sites for clustering and the overall conservation of the region in order to guide the identification of true binding sites. The last resource belonging to this category, ScanForMotifs [51], is a webserver enabling the prediction of RBP binding sites, miRNA targets and cis-elements by means of a set of 3′ UTR alignments, known RBP binding motifs, miRNA seeds, and Transterm [48] elements. Users can provide a gene symbol or a sequence alignment and tune a few statistical parameters: the tool will then run three parallel jobs to deal with each prediction type; results will eventually graphically show each identified site on the input alignment.

Contrary to predicting an RBP binding sites, identifying targets for a miRNA may seem to be a quite straightforward task: once the miRNA seed sequence is known, the problem consists in finding matching complementary sequences in the mRNAs. However, this intuitive procedure has been proven to produce an high number of false positives and also to miss noncanonical miRNA binding sites. Nevertheless, the accessible nature of this task has led to the

4.1 RBP Targets
4.2 miRNA Targets

Another random document with no related content on Scribd:

chloroform, had the effect of causing the right cavities of the heart to become distended with blood, and its pulsations to become much slower. In two or three minutes, however, the action of the heart was quite reestablished by the artificial respiration, the pulsations being vigorous and frequent, and the ventricles being apparently emptied at each contraction. The bladder charged with ten per cent. of chloroform was again attached, and artificial respiration was made with it. The right ventricle began almost immediately to become distended; and, by the time that eight or ten inflations of the lungs had been made, the contractions of the heart were very slow and feeble. Artificial respiration with air was resumed, but without the effect of restoring the action of the heart. The lungs were observed at the time when the right ventricle was becoming distended, and it was noticed that their colour was unchanged. They afterwards became paler, as the artificial respiration was continued after the ventricle had ceased to empty itself. No contractions of the diaphragm were observed after the first inflation of the lungs with chloroform, and the rabbit did not gasp at any time; whilst the cats were observed to make a few gasping efforts at the time when the heart’s action was ceasing.

The circumstance of the lungs not changing in colour at the moment when the right ventricle was becoming distended, which was observed in the cats as well as in the rabbit, shows that the distension arose from the failure of the contractile power of the heart, and not from impediment to the pulmonary circulation; for, in the latter case, the lungs would have become congested, and of a deeper colour. In one of the cats, it appeared to me that the left, as well as the right ventricle, was distended with blood; but this distension of the left ventricle did not continue.

In the Experiments 24 and 25, related above, the animals were first made insensible by vapour of moderate strength, in order to keep them quiet for the application of the stethoscope whilst the stronger vapour was inhaled, but when animals are made to breathe air containing ten per cent. or so of vapour of chloroform from the first, death takes place in the same manner, i. e. by the direct action of the chloroform on the heart. Under these circumstances the creatures die suddenly, after a brief interval of agitation and excitement, without previous insensibility. This is what has

happened in some of the accidents from chloroform, to be related further on; whilst in many cases death has happened after a longer or shorter period of insensibility.

In many of the fatal cases of inhalation of chloroform the alarming symptoms commenced whilst the patient was still inhaling, but in a considerable number there was no sign of danger until after the inhalation had been left off; and this is a result which may be imitated on animals. The two following experiments, which were made at Dr. Sibson’s on December 27th, 1849, illustrate this point.

Experiment 29. The subject of this experiment was a young guineapig, about half-grown. Ten or twelve drops of chloroform were put into a short bent metal tube, lined with bibulous paper, which formed part of an inhaler, and one end of the tube was applied to the animal’s nose, which closed it. The guineapig consequently breathed backwards and forwards through the tube, which was, moreover, warm from being held in the hand. It struggled at first, endeavouring to get away from Dr. Sibson, who held it; but in twenty or thirty seconds it became quiet; and observing that the conjunctiva was insensible, I withdrew the chloroform, and the guineapig was laid on the table. We remarked that the breathing was very slow; and scarcely had this remark been made, when it ceased altogether, three or four inspirations only having been made since the inhalation was left off. Dr. Sibson proceeded immediately to open the body; but as soon as he had divided the integuments of the chest the animal began to make some convulsive gasping inspirations, during which the mouth was widely opened, and we observed that the diaphragm acted alone, the ribs being pressed inwards by the atmosphere. The heart was not contracting at all when the pericardium was first opened; but in a few moments the auricles began to contract rhythmically. The lungs were of a light red colour.

Experiment 30. Another guineapig of the same age was treated in the same manner, except that I removed the tube from the nose for a short time between every two or three inspirations, in order to see if I could not make it insensible in this way without a fatal result. In half a minute or so the animal no longer required to be held, but lay on the table without making any resistance, the conjunctiva being still sensible, and some motion of the limbs, apparently voluntary, remaining. It only inhaled once after Dr. Sibson ceased to hold it,

and whilst in the state just described, and then only for two or three inspirations. After this it appeared quite insensible, and no more chloroform was given. It breathed at first naturally, except more slowly and gently than before the inhalation; but the breathing became slower, and ceased altogether about a quarter of a minute after the inhalation had been left off. The body was opened immediately. When the pericardium was opened, the auricles were observed to contract slightly, and the contractions increased after their exposure to the air.

The amount of vapour in the air breathed by these two guineapigs is not known, but there is no doubt that it was upwards of eight per cent.


If it were possible for a medical man to mistake or disregard the symptoms of approaching danger, and to go on exhibiting vapour of chloroform, diluted to a proper strength, till the death of the patient, this event would take place slowly and gradually, as in Experiment 23, related above, and every other experiment in which the air did not contain more than five per cent. of vapour. The action of the heart would survive the respiration; there would be a great tendency to spontaneous recovery, and the patient would be easily restored by artificial respiration, if it were performed whilst the heart was still acting; as I have always found it to be successful in animals under these circumstances.

In examining the recorded cases of fatal inhalation of chloroform, we shall find, however, that they have none of them taken place in this gradual manner; but that in all cases the fatal symptoms, if not the actual death, have come on very suddenly. Dr. Sibson was, I believe, the first to point out that, in the fatal cases of inhalation of chloroform, death was caused by its paralysing the heart; but he was not at that time aware of the physical conditions under which this agent may act directly on the heart. In commenting on the first four deaths from chloroform, he says:[61] “In all the four cases it is manifest that the immediate cause of the instantaneous death lay in the heart. The heart, influenced by the poison, ceased to contract, not from the cessation of respiration, for the heart in asphyxia will beat from one to three minutes after respiration has ceased, but from immediate death of the heart. There is no doubt a combination of causes operating to destroy the heart’s contractile power: the mental influence, the congestion in the systemic, and that in the pulmonary capillaries, will all have a material influence.” And further on he says: “We are obliged, then, from the experience of these cases, to conclude, that in man the death is usually instantaneous, and due, as every instantaneous death is, to paralysis of the heart. In animals the death is usually due to paralysis of the muscles of respiration. It is

chiefly owing to the superior control of the mind over the body in man, that in him the poison acts on the heart more than in dogs.”

I had been long aware that chloroform was capable of paralysing the heart in animals; and, indeed, that sulphuric ether would do so when it could reach the heart in sufficient quantity;[62] and soon after Dr. Sibson’s remarks I was able to ascertain and point out the strength of the vapour which will produce this effect, and how one may avoid the risk of it, by having the vapour sufficiently diluted.[63]

The greater number of experimenters who have killed animals with chloroform have found that the action of the heart continued after the breathing ceased; but they did not either control or ascertain the proportion which the vapours of chloroform bore to the inspired air. In Mr. Thomas Wakley’s experiments the action of the heart continued after the breathing had ceased; and this was the case in a great number of experiments performed by a Commission which reported to the Society of Emulation of Paris, in 1855.[64]

This Commission came to the conclusion that, in all instances in which animals are killed by chloroform, the action of the heart survives the respiration; but they might have administered chloroform to an equal number of human patients without any one of them being cut off by sudden paralysis of the heart. If animals were usually to die suddenly of paralysis of the heart, when the chloroform is given in a manner similar to what may be called its ordinary administration to patients, we should be at a loss to know how this agent could be used at all. It is only reasonable to suppose that, in experiments so conducted, that mode of death should usually be met with which would occur to the human subject, if the chloroform were continued, in the disregard of dangerous symptoms, till death should ensue. I have, indeed, been informed of several instances in which animals died in a sudden, and what was thought an unaccountable manner, whilst chloroform was given to prevent the pain and struggles which would be occasioned by physiological experiments. In these cases there is no doubt the heart was paralysed; but the experimenters were often too intent on other matters to observe the circumstance. By a proper arrangement of circumstances, however, one may produce at will the event in animals which occurs, in fact, so very rarely to a patient, although it

may at any time happen if great caution, guided also by right principle, is not used.

Air, when saturated only at 60° Fah., contains 12 per cent. of vapour of chloroform, and at 70° 19 per cent. (p. 33); and 8 or 10 per cent. in the inspired air is capable, as we have seen, of causing sudden death by paralysing the heart; but in practice the air is usually far from being saturated, in passing over a handkerchief or similar material, even at the temperature at which it is inhaled; and this is generally lowered considerably by the absorption of caloric by the chloroform, as it changes its condition from a liquid to a vapour. Moreover, air strongly charged with vapour of chloroform is not easy to breathe, owing to its pungency; and the physiological knowledge and close attention of every medical man who administers this medicine causes him to withdraw it immediately on the least appearance of danger.

Case 1. The first death from chloroform was that of Hannah Greener, which occurred at Winlaton, near Newcastle, on the 28th of January, 1848. The patient was a girl of 15, who required to have the nail of the great toe removed. A similar operation had been performed on the other foot, in the previous November, in the Newcastle Infirmary, when ether was administered with a satisfactory result. The following is the account of the accident by Dr. Meggison, who administered the chloroform: “She appeared to dread the operation, and fretted a good deal: in fact, she commenced sobbing on our entering the house, and continued so until seated in the operating chair, and commencing the inhalation, which was done from a handkerchief on which a teaspoonful of chloroform had been poured. After drawing her breath twice, she pulled my hand from her mouth. I told her to put her hands on her knees, and breathe quietly, which she did. In about half a minute, seeing no change in breathing, or alteration of pulse, I lifted her arm, which I found rigid. I looked at the pupil and pinched her cheek, and, finding her insensible, requested Mr. Lloyd to begin the operation. At the termination of the semilunar incision she gave a kick or twitch, which caused me to think the chloroform had not sufficient effect. I was proceeding to apply more to the handkerchief, when her lips, which had been previously of a good colour, became suddenly blanched, and she

spluttered at the mouth, as if in epilepsy. I threw down the handkerchief, dashed cold water in her face, and gave her some internally, followed by brandy, without, however, the least effect, not the slightest attempt at a rally being made. We laid her on the floor, opened a vein in her arm, and the jugular vein, but no blood flowed. The whole process of inhalation, operation, venesection, and death, could not, I should say, have occupied more than two minutes.”[65]

An examination of the body was made the day after death by Sir John Fife and Dr. Glover, who reported as follows:—“The body was that of a well-grown female of about fifteen years of age.... On opening the chest, the lungs were not collapsed. One or two very slight adhesions were encountered on separating them from the walls of the chest. The external appearance of both lungs, over the whole surface, but especially in the inferior portions, was that of organs in a very high state of congestion. They were mottled with patches of a deep purple, blueish, or scarlet hue. They were everywhere crepitant. Along the outer and interior border of both lungs, particularly of the upper lobe of the left lung, were several emphysematous bubbles of small size.... The pulmonary tissue was filled with bloody froth, which was also found in the interior of the bronchi, mixed with mucus. There was no appearance of hepatization. On examining the larynx and trachea, the epiglottis was found reddened at the summit, of a vermilion hue. The mucous membrane of the larynx was redder than natural—mottled with vascular patches. The sinuses of the larynx contained a good deal of dark mucus. The œsophagus was healthy. The stomach was distended with food. Some of the veins were more distinct than usual. The heart contained dark fluid blood in both its cavities: very little in the left. Its structure, and that of the great vessels near it, quite healthy. The brain, externally and internally, was more congested than usual; and the ventricles contained rather more than the usual quantity of serum.”[66]

Sir John Fife and Dr. Glover expressed the opinion that chloroform caused death by producing congestion of the lungs. After the further experience which has been gained respecting chloroform, this opinion of the mode in which it caused death, in the above case, would probably not now be offered. Indeed, in similar cases which have since occurred, the same opinion has not been advanced; and as

the lungs were crepitant throughout, in the above case, it is probable that the congestion was not greater than is commonly met with in cases of sudden death without hæmorrhage. Dr. Simpson published his opinion, immediately after this case occurred, that it was not caused by the chloroform, but by the brandy which was given when the alarming symptoms came on; but Dr. Meggison replied that only a teaspoonful of brandy was given; that it was swallowed, though with difficulty; that there were no symptoms of choking from it; and that the girl was without pulse when it was given.[67]

From the lips becoming suddenly blanched in the above case, there is every reason to conclude that the heart was suddenly paralysed. The patient breathed for a little time after this, and was able to swallow, though with difficulty. The process of inhalation occupied only a little more than half a minute in Dr. Meggison’s estimation; yet he appeared to think that the fluid drachm of chloroform which he had put on the handkerchief had evaporated; for he was about to apply more when the alarming symptoms appeared. But supposing only one-third of the drachm was actually inhaled into the lungs in the half minute, the vapour would necessarily be in a highly concentrated state—probably twenty cubic inches of vapour in 200 cubic inches of air, which would be adequate to occasion the result which happened. In the short space of about half a minute, the blood could not be uniformly impregnated with the vapour; only a portion of it could pass through the lungs in the time; yet, as the patient was rendered insensible, this portion must necessarily have been highly charged with vapour.

It was often the practice to render the patient insensible in as short a time as half a minute, when chloroform was first introduced, but I believe never without danger; and I had expressed the opinion before any accident happened, that, for reasons such as I have stated above, a patient should on no account be rendered insensible in less than two minutes.[68]

Case 2. The next recorded case in which the inhalation of chloroform was fatal, occurred at Cincinnati, on the 23rd of February, 1848. The subject of it, Mrs. Martha G. Simmons, was thirty-five years of age, and enjoyed good general health; she was the mother of six children, and her last confinement occurred eight

weeks before her death. The patient exhibited no alarm on account of inhaling the chloroform, which was administered by two dentists, who were not members of the medical profession. It was breathed from an inhaler which Dr. Morton of Boston contrived for sulphuric ether. This inhaler consisted of a glass globe four inches and a half in diameter, and contained a sponge about one-third filling the globe, and saturated with chloroform.

Two female friends of the patient reported the following as the events which occurred. “The respiratory movements appeared to be free; chest heaving. While inhaling, the face became pale. At the expiration of about one minute, the instruments were applied, and four roots of teeth extracted. The patient groaned and manifested what they regarded as evidences of pain, while the teeth were being extracted, although she did not speak or exhibit any other sign of consciousness. As the last root came out, which was about two minutes from the beginning of the inhalation, the patient’s head turned to one side, the arms became slightly rigid, and the body drawn somewhat backwards, with a tendency to slide out of the operating chair. At this instant, Mrs. Pearson states that she placed her finger upon the patients pulse; observed that it was feeble, and immediately ceased to beat; respiration also ceased about the same time. The face, which was previously pale, now became livid, as did also the finger nails; and the lower jaw dropped, and the tongue projected a little at one corner of the mouth, and the arms were perfectly relaxed. The females regarded her as being then quite dead.”[69]

The dentists gave nearly the same account, saying that the breathing was at first slow, and that the patient inhaled twelve or fifteen times, occupying from a minute to seventy-five seconds. They committed the great error of not placing the patient at once in the horizontal position, when the alarming symptoms came on, but kept her sitting in the chair, from five to ten minutes, whilst they sent out for restoratives. They thought the patient was living during this time, but her female friends thought not. The patient was placed on a sofa, and sometime afterwards artificial respiration and galvanism were applied without effect.

An examination of the body was made twenty-six hours after death by Drs. Mussey, Lawson, Baker and Mulford. The following are the

chief particulars of the appearances met with. A larger quantity of blood than usual flowed from the sinuses of the dura mater. General aspect, colour, and consistence of the brain, normal. Lungs considerably but not intensely congested; crepitated freely at all points; no extravasation. Lining membrane of bronchia slightly congested, apparently the result of recent catarrh; deeply stained by the blood. Pleura at all points highly injected; six drachms of bloody serum in the right, and two ounces in the left chest. Pericardium contained six drachms of bloody serum. Heart flaccid, and all its cavities entirely empty; inner surface of both ventricles and auricles deeply stained. Abdomen—one ounce and a half of bloody serum in the right hypochondrium. Stomach and intestines distended with gas. Partially digested aliment, amounting to about three gills in the stomach. Blood fluid as water in every part of the body; not a coagulum was seen in any vessel. Lining membrane of all the bloodvessels deeply stained. The colour in every part of the system was that of dark venous blood.

It was estimated, in the inquiry which took place respecting this case, that one-fourth part by measure of what the patient inhaled might be vapour of chloroform; but this is evidently an overcalculation, for there could not be this quantity unless the interior of the glass globe were maintained at the temperature of 80° Fah. and the air were quite saturated with vapour in passing through it; however, less than half the amount of vapour here assumed would have the effect of causing sudden death, in the way it happened. The period of the inhalation, a minute or seventy-five seconds, during which the patient took twelve or fifteen inspirations, did not admit of the blood in the body being regularly and uniformly charged with the chloroform; and the increase of its effects, owing, no doubt, to the absorption and circulation of the vapour contained in the lungs at the moment when the inhalation was discontinued, was well marked. The patient became pale during the inhalation, but the alarming symptoms suddenly came on during the extraction of the fourth stump, probably within half a minute after the inhalation ceased. The patient seemed, in fact, to die with the slight struggle that took place at this moment. In the case of Hannah Greener, related above, the spasm at the moment of dying was even more marked. This is a symptom I have often seen during the death of animals killed suddenly with vapour of chloroform in a concentrated state, before

they were made thoroughly insensible. Although the heart was empty, the stained condition of its cavities showed that they had contained blood at the time of death and afterwards. Owing to its fluid state, it probably escaped from the heart during the moving of the body; especially during the examination of the head, which was made first.

Case 3. The next recorded case of death from chloroform is reported by Dr. John C. Warren, of Boston, U.S., in the London Medical Gazette. [70] His report, apparently extracted from some other report, is as follows.

“Name—Patrick Coyle. [Age—not stated.] Date—March 1848. Disease—fistula. Previous use of chloroform—once. Time of inhalation—about one minute. Quantity consumed—about thirty drops. [Query minims.] Posture—upon the side. Lapse of time till death—about one minute. Symptoms—showed signs of pain, by putting his hand to the part; in a moment his pulse, which was full and natural, sank: death. Morbid appearances—brain, with membranes, natural and healthy. Heart enlarged, pale, and soft; two or three ounces of serum in pericardium; bloodvessels with dark fluid blood. Lungs, studded with tubercles; abscess in each; lower parts congested; pleura extensively adherent; stomach—mucous membrane softened, its veins turgid.”

Nothing is said about the apparatus used in this case, but from the summing-up of Dr. Warren’s paper, it must have been either a towel or a handkerchief. The quantity of chloroform employed appears to have been much less than in the two previous cases. In speaking of drops, the writer probably means minims, or what is the same, a quantity equal to as many drops of water. Thirty drops of chloroform from a small phial are only equal to between six and seven minims, and if they were dropped on a handkerchief, so that they might be counted, they would evaporate entirely during the process. Supposing the quantity used to have been what is probably meant— half a fluid drachm—it would be quite adequate, according to calculations previously made in these pages, to cause the accident which happened. The period of inhalation was again very short—one minute; and the evidence of paralysis of the heart is distinct:—“In a moment his pulse, which was full and natural, sank: death.”

Case 4 was that of Madlle. Stock, aged thirty, and occurred at Boulogne, in May 1848. The operation was that of opening a sinus in the thigh, between two and three inches in length, at the bottom of which a small splinter of wood was found. M. Gorré, the surgeon who attended the patient, says: “I placed over the nostrils of the patient a handkerchief moistened with fifteen to twenty drops of chloroform at most.” It is necessary to remark, however, that a judicial examination of the bottle from which it had been taken, proved that from five to eight grammes had been used, a quantity equal to from 77 to 123 grains, and there are three drops of chloroform to a grain. M. Gorré proceeds to say: “Scarcely had she taken several inspirations, when she put her hand on the handkerchief to withdraw it, and cried with a plaintive voice, ‘I choke.’ Immediately the face became pale; the countenance changed; the breathing embarrassed; and she foamed at the mouth. At the same instant (and certainly less than a minute after the beginning of the inhalation), the handkerchief moistened with chloroform was withdrawn.” M. Gorré performed the operation, but he expressed the opinion afterwards that death had already taken place when he made the incision. Amongst the means used, with a view to resuscitate the patient, was inflation of the lungs, which was performed with such force as to produce permanent dilatation of the air-cells. The lungs, besides being distended from this cause, were found after death to be visibly engorged in their lower lobes. When cut into, a large quantity of black blood escaped. The cavities of the heart were empty, but the internal membrane, especially of the right cavities, was red. The tissue of the heart was pale, and was easily torn. Air was found in the pulmonary veins, and in most of the systemic veins throughout the body. The blood was very darkcoloured and fluid.[71]

M. Gorré reported the above case to the Academy of Medicine of Paris, and a commission was appointed to inquire and report on it, who came to the following conclusions.

“1. In the medico-legal fact submitted to our notice, we found no indication of the poisonous action of chloroform; and consequently we reply to the minister, that the patient of M. Gorré did not die from the effect of inhalation of that agent.

“2. There have occurred a great number of analogous cases of sudden and unforeseen death, during operations, without any

administration of chloroform, in which the most minute examinations have failed in detecting any assignable cause of death.

“3. In the case in question, the most probable cause, under all circumstances, seems to have been the mixture of a considerable quantity of gas with the blood.”[72]

The report on this case gave rise to frequent discussions in the Academy, extending over several months, and the Academy ultimately confirmed the above conclusions, but not without considerable opposition from M. Blandin, M. Jules Guérin, and other members.

M. Malgaigne, the reporter to the commission, and others, who strongly supported the first of the above propositions, founded their argument chiefly on the assertion that chloroform always produces intoxication and insensibility before death; but this is incorrect, as I have explained above; and I took occasion to make the following remarks on this point about the time when the discussion in the Academy of Medicine took place. I said: “I have several times made animals—small birds, mice and rabbits—breathe air saturated with vapour of chloroform at the temperature of the atmosphere, and the consequence has always been that, after attempting for a few seconds to escape from the capacious jar in which they were enclosed, they suddenly exhibited signs of distress, and died without any interval of intoxication or insensibility, in periods varying from less than half a minute to a minute after their first exposure to the vapour.”[73]

The power of chloroform to cause sudden death without previous insensibility is now, I believe, generally admitted. The French call this kind of fatal action sideration.

With regard to the second conclusion of the commission, if it had been really true that the surgeon put only fifteen to twenty drops at the most of chloroform on the handkerchief, one would have been inclined to admit it; but with the quantity actually employed, and the strong sensation of choking it occasioned just before death, one must, in connection with other cases, and with what is known of the action of chloroform, attribute the fatal event to this agent, rather than to the surgical operation, which was not of a serious nature.

With regard to the third of the above conclusions, it is not a little remarkable that most even of those speakers who opposed the

conclusions of the commission, agreed that death was caused by a sudden development of air in the veins; and differed from them only in this, that they considered the chloroform as the cause of the evolution of air or gas, and that it proved fatal in this way. That the air was not caused by putrefaction, and that it did not enter by the wound in the thigh, may be readily admitted, but there remains the artificial respiration, which was performed with such force as to produce permanent dilatation of the air-cells. It was argued in the Academy that, as the air was in the systemic, as well as in the pulmonary veins, it could not have been introduced by the artificial respiration, since the left ventricle had previously ceased to act; but the action of the left ventricle is not necessary for the passage of the contents of the arteries through the capillaries into the veins, since this commonly goes on after death, the arteries being usually found entirely empty of the blood they must have contained at the moment of death. With regard to the passage of the air out of the heart into the arteries, supposing that the pulmonary veins were ruptured during the inflation of the lungs, there is an observation of Dr. Sibson’s which will explain both this circumstance and the fact of the heart itself being found empty of blood. He found that the heart was often emptied of blood by distending the lungs with air after death in preparing the body for his diagrams of the position of the viscera.[74]

With the conclusions above quoted, some additional ones were adopted from the second part of the report of the commissioners; in these it was admitted that chloroform is capable of causing death, if administered too long, or in too large doses. One of these additional conclusions, however, is as erroneous as the previous ones. It is, “there is risk of asphyxia when the anæsthetic vapour is not sufficiently diluted with air.” When the vapour is not sufficiently diluted with air, the risk is one of sudden death, by paralysis of the heart. Chloroform does not yield enough vapour, at the natural temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, to exclude the air to the extent which would cause asphyxia. When chloroform vapour largely diluted with air is long continued, it may cause, not real asphyxia, but a mode of death resembling it, owing to the medulla oblongata and nerves of respiration becoming over narcotised.

Case 5 is that of a young woman at Hyderabad, who inhaled chloroform to undergo amputation of the middle finger. A drachm was sprinkled on a handkerchief and inhaled. The operator described what occurred as follows: “She coughed a little, and then gave a few convulsive movements. When these subsided, I performed the necessary incisions, which of course did not occupy more than a few seconds. Scarcely a drop of blood escaped.” The absence of bleeding seemed to be the circumstance which called the attention of the operator to the state of his patient; and after describing the means which were used without avail to bring about recovery, he continues, “I am inclined to think that death was almost instantaneous; for, after the convulsive movements above described, she never moved or exhibited the smallest sign of life.”[75]

In this case, it is probable that the breathing and the action of the heart were both arrested at the same time, by the action of the chloroform.

Case 6. Charles Desnoyers, aged twenty-two, a patient in the Hôtel-Dieu at Lyons, affected with scrofulous disease of the left wrist, having to undergo transcurrent cauterisation of the joint, inhaled chloroform from an apparatus for five minutes, and died at the beginning of the operation.[76] Further particulars are not given.

Case 7. A young gentleman, who had returned from Australia to visit his relatives in the neighbourhood of Govan, inhaled chloroform for an intended operation on the great toe, in December 1848. It is stated that the patient, after inhaling it, almost instantly expired. This account appeared in the Glasgow Herald, and was copied into the medical journals.[77] I believe that no further account of the case was ever published.

Case 8 occurred on January 19th, 1849. It is related by Dr. John C. Warren.[78] John Griffith, an Irishman, aged thirty-one, a seaman in the American navy, was admitted into the New York Hospital early in December 1848, on his return from Mexico. He was suffering with

diarrhœa, chancres, and hæmorrhoids. The following is the account of this accident.

“Gurdon Buck, jun., attending surgeon to the New York Hospital, being sworn, says, that ‘on or about the 26th of December, I advised that chloroform should be administered to the deceased, for the purpose of examining the condition of the rectum, the parts being in such a state of excessive irritation as scarcely to admit of a separation of the nates. The patient recovered from the effects of the chloroform, and remained in all respects in the same condition, except the local ailments spoken of; and he having never complained of either his head or his chest, and not having suffered from the first administration of chloroform, I directed it to be administered to him for the purpose of performing an operation upon the rectum, and the operation of circumcision to remove a phymosis caused by the chancres: the patient soon became excited by the chloroform, as is usually the case, but not beyond a degree that I have often observed. Shortly after, he became more tranquil: the deceased was placed upon his side, and the operation performed, which consisted in the removal of two external tumours, and the tying of one internal tumour.

“‘At this moment my attention was arrested by my assistant’s calling for a wet cloth: on examining the patient, I found his face and neck of a livid leaden hue or colour, the eyes turned upward, the pulse imperceptible at the wrist, and the whole body relaxed; after two or three gasps, he ceased to breathe. Every means was promptly used to restore the deceased, but without effect. The chloroform was obtained from Kent’s, 91, John Street, and not exceeding three drachms was administered on a napkin. A portion of chloroform from the same phial had been administered the day before to a patient without any unfavourable effects. About ten minutes elapsed from the commencement of its administration before death took place. On making a post-mortem examination, twenty-four hours after death, I found the face less livid than before death; on examining the head, the brain and its membranes presented no other appearances than are seen in persons dying when in full health; the lungs were a good deal congested, and discharged, when cut, a large quantity of bloody serum; the heart was large, its ventricles and auricles were empty, its condition flabby, the substance of the left

ventricle rather softer than natural; about half an ounce of watery fluid was found in the pericardium; the viscera of the abdomen were healthy.’”

This case differs from those previously related in respect to the time at which the fatal occurrence took place. It was not till ten minutes from the commencement of inhalation, and when an operation which probably occupied two or three minutes had been performed, that the patient suddenly expired. The evidence of paralysis of the heart is, however, distinct enough in the absence of pulse at the wrist, and the livid hue of the countenance. In several of the previous cases, there was sudden pallor at the moment when the heart ceased to inject blood into the capillaries, but in a patient well supplied with blood, the sudden arrest of the action of the heart would cause turgescence of the veins and venous capillaries, which would be evident in the face in a few seconds. The syncope occasioned by paralysis of the heart differs from that kind of syncope which is caused by loss of blood, inasmuch as the right cavities of the heart are full in the former instance, and empty in the latter.

The circumstance of the patient having inhaled chloroform to insensibility three weeks previously, without accident or ill effects, is worthy of notice, as showing that the fatal event did not depend on any peculiarity of constitution.

Although the heart was found to be empty, its flabby condition and the watery fluid in the pericardium indicate that it must have contained blood at the time of death.

Case 9 occurred on January 24th, 1849, at the Hôtel-Dieu, Lyons, where case 6 previously happened. The patient was a youth, aged seventeen, named J. Verrier, who had been employed as a miner. He was of good constitution, and was about to undergo amputation of the middle finger for necrosis of the first phalanx. The following is the account of the accident.

“As the patient’s health was good, he was at once, and by his free consent, placed under the influence of chloroform. As usual, a piece of fine gauze was employed; it was spread over the face, leaving a free passage for atmospheric air; the chloroform was dropped from time to time upon that portion of the gauze which was over the nostrils. It

was administered by two assistants who were accustomed to its use, and who at the time attended to the pulse. The operator superintended the assistants. At the end of four or five minutes, the patient still felt and spoke; and at the end of another minute, he still spoke and was somewhat restless. Up to this time, from a drachm to a drachm and a half of chloroform had been employed. The pulse was regular, and of the normal strength. All at once the patient raised his body, and struggled so that the limbs escaped from the hold of the assistants, who however seized them quickly, and replaced the patient in his position. Within a quarter of a minute, one of the assistants stated that the pulse at the wrist had ceased to beat. The handkerchief was removed. The countenance was completely altered. The action of the heart had altogether ceased; the pulse could not be felt anywhere; and the sounds over the region of the heart could no longer be heard. Respiration still continued, but it became irregular, weak, and slow; and at length ceased completely in the space of about half a minute.

“The extreme danger of the patient was manifest, and immediate and energetic means were employed to rouse him. Ammonia was held to the nostrils, and rubbed in large quantity over the surface of the chest and abdomen. It was also applied to the most delicate parts of the skin, e. g., the lips and the extremity of the penis, with a view to excite irritation. Mustard was used; the head was inclined over the bed; and, finally, an attempt was made to restore respiration by means of alternate pressure on the abdomen and chest. After two or three minutes, respiration reappeared, and even acquired a certain fulness, but the pulse nowhere returned. Frictions were continued. Respiration became again slower, and at length ceased. Artificial inflation was practised, at first through the mouth, and afterwards through the larynx, by passing a tube through the glottis, as it was perceived that air had passed from the mouth into the stomach. The precordial, epigastric, and laryngeal regions were energetically cauterised with a hot iron. The pulse did not return. For the space of half an hour every effort was made to resuscitate the patient; but in vain.

“The autopsy could not be made until seventy-two hours after death. The temperature being low, the body showed no signs of

decomposition; there was still rigidity of the limbs. The features were not altered. The examination of all the organs was made with care.

“The stomach contained about one ounce and a half of a thick fluid, of the colour of the lees of wine, in no respect resembling an alimentary fluid. The organ was distended with gas, as was also the rest of the alimentary canal, which was otherwise sound. The liver and spleen were somewhat congested.

“The heart, which was normal in volume, was flaccid and empty, contained neither blood nor air. The ventricular parietes were moistened by a fine, very red foam, as if from the presence of a little blood, which had been, as it were, whipped by the fleshy columns of the heart. The venæ cavæ and the portal veins were distended by black fluid blood in great quantity. On the Eustachian valve there was a fibrinous clot, moderately firm, and weighing from sixty to seventy grains. It was the only clot met with in the cavities of the heart and great vessels. These cavities, which were carefully opened, did not contain any appreciable quantity of air.

“The lungs retracted on opening the chest. They presented both in their surface and in their substance a very black colour; otherwise their tissue was healthy. The larynx and trachea presented no lesion. The brain was normal. The sinuses of the dura mater contained a considerable quantity of black uncoagulated blood.”[79]

In this case every precaution appears to have been taken, except that which is the most essential, of regulating the amount of vapour in the respired air. Arrangement was made that there should be amply sufficient air for the purpose of respiration; the patient was carefully watched by three persons at least, one of whom was constantly attending to the pulse, but with no other result than to be able to announce the exact moment when it suddenly stopped. The arrest of the action of the heart in this case took place at a time when the patient was not yet rendered insensible by the chloroform, although he had been inhaling it for five minutes. We must conclude that during these five minutes the vapour he inhaled was largely diluted with air, and that he then inhaled vapour in a much less diluted form. It is not improbable that he took a deep inspiration of strong vapour, just at the moment when he struggled violently, and within a quarter of a minute of the time when his pulse suddenly ceased.

The breathing continued a little time after the heart ceased to beat, and it is therefore very probable that, if this organ had not been irrecoverably paralysed, the natural breathing would have restored its action after a short pause, that would have attracted but a momentary attention. As the spontaneous breathing of the patient did not restore the heart’s action, there is no ground for surprise that the measures adopted did not succeed.

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