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Lithium-Ion Supercapacitors

Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion

Series Editor: Jiujun Zhang

Institute for Sustainable Energy/College of Sciences, Shanghai University, China


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Electrochemical Supercapacitors for Energy Storage and Delivery: Fundamentals and Applications

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Lithium-Ion Supercapacitors

Fundamentals and Energy Applications

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Names: Zhang, Lei (Chemist), author. | Wilkinson, David P., author. | Chen, Zhongwei (Professor), author. | Zhang, Jiujun, author.

Title: Lithium-ion supercapacitors : fundamentals and energy applications / [edited by] Lei Zhang, David P. Wilkinson, Zhongwei Chen and Jiujun Zhang. Description: First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, [2018] | Series: Electrochemical energy storage and conversion | “A CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa plc.” | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2018001390 | ISBN 9781138032194 (hardback) | ISBN 9781138032521 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Lithium ion batteries. | Supercapacitors.

Classification: LCC TK2945.L58 L5996 2018 | DDC 621.31/2424--dc23 LC record available at

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Z henjiang He and Yuyu Liu

and Qinsi Shao

Kun Feng and Zhongwei Chen

Kunfeng Chen, Wei Pan, Xitong Liang, and Dongfeng Xue

Z henyu Xing and Zhongwei Chen

Dan Zhang and Delun Zhu

Hongbin Zhao, Muhammad Arif Khan, and Jiujun Zhang


Lei Zhang is a senior research officer at National Research Council Canada (NRC), a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), an adjunct professor of various universities, and a vice president of the International Academy of Electrochemical Energy Science (IAOEES). In 2004, she joined NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFCI) to help initiate the PEM Fuel Cell Program while she has carried out R&D of supercapacitors, metal-air batteries, Li-ion batteries, and hybrid batteries. She has co-authored more than 170 publications (>12,000 citations).

David P. Wilkinson is a professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC), British Columbia, Canada. He has more than 80 issued patents and 170 refereed journal articles, and a number of edited books and book chapters, covering innovative research in these fields.

Zhongwei Chen is a professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Advanced Materials for Clean Energy, a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, d irector of Collaborative Graduate Program in Nanotechnology, a director of Applied Nanomaterials & Clean Energy Laboratory at University of Waterloo, an associate editor of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, and the founder/associate chairman of the International Academy of Electrochemical Energy Science (IAOEES).

Jiujun Zhang is a professor and dean of the College of Sciences, and a dean of the Institute for Sustainable Energy at Shanghai University. He is a former principal research officer at the National Research Council Canada (NRC), a fellow member of the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC-CA), a fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (FISE), a fellow member of the Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC), a fellow member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC-UK), and the founder/chairman of t he International Academy of Electrochemical Energy Science (IAOEES).


Muhammad Arif Khan

College of Science, School of Material Science and Engineering

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

Kunfeng Chen

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun, China

Zhongwei Chen

Department of Chemical Engineering

Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Kun Feng

Department of Chemical Engineering

Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Zhenjiang He

School of Metallurgy and Environment

Central South University Changsha, China

Xitong Liang

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun, China

Yuyu Liu

Institute of Sustainable Energy/ Department of Science

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

Wei Pan

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun, China

Qinsi Shao

Sustainable Energy Research Institute

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

Zhenyu Xing

Department of Chemical Engineering

Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Dongfeng Xue

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun, China

Wei Yan

Sustainable Energy Research Institute

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

Dan Zhang

Institute of Sustainable Energy

Shanghai University

Shanghai, China

Jiujun Zhang

Institute for Sustainable Energy, College of Science

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

Hongbin Zhao College of Science, School of Chemistry

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

Delun Zhu

Institute of Sustainable Energy

Shanghai University Shanghai, China

1 Fundamentals of Lithium-Ion Supercapacitors

Zhenjiang He

Central South University

Yuyu Liu

Shanghai University


In the nineteenth century, German scientist Helmholtz discovered the double electric layer that forms on the interface between a charged electrode and an electrolyte solution. In the middle of the twentieth century, Grahame further improved the double electrode layer theory and laid the foundation for the application of supercapacitors. Since the 1990s, with the development and popularity of electric vehicles, development of high-energy pulsed-power sources are receiving more attention. At present, traditional capacitors have low energy density, and lithium-ion batteries have low power density [1–4]. Therefore, a single application of traditional capacitors or lithium-ion batteries

meet these demands of specific electric power tools. To solve this

problem, two kinds of methods have been put forward. First, the combined utilization of traditional capacitors and lithium-ion batteries has been proposed to satisfy these demands. Combining the high power density of a traditional capacitor with the high energy density of a lithium-ion battery can satisfy these demands to a certain extent. However, this combination requires other additional accessories to meet regulatory functions, which reduces the overall energy density by increasing the weight of the device. Second, new types of hybrid capacitors based on capacitor technology and the electrochemical principle have been developed to satisfy these demands [5–7].

Since the beginning of the 1990s, many famous research institutions and large corporations moved their research focus from electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) to new style capacitors. In 1990, Giner, Inc. reported an aqueous pseudo-capacitor, which used noble metal oxides as electrode materials [8]. In order to further improve the specific capacity of capacitors, D.A. Evans, in 1995, proposed a significant concept of electrochemical hybrid capacitor combining ideal polarized electrodes and Faraday electrodes [9]. In 1997, a Russian company called ESMA publicized a new hybrid capacitor system (NiOOH/activated carbon [AC]), which revealed a novel technology that integrates battery materials and capacitive materials for electrochemical devices. In 2001, G.G. Amamcci reported a nonaqueous hybrid capacitor that used the lithium-ion battery material (Li4Ti5O12) and AC as electrode materials, which is regarded as a milestone in the development of electrochemical hybrid capacitor. In 2005, Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI) publicized a novel electrochemical hybrid capacitor, which added lithium-ions to improve energy density that they named the lithium-ion supercapacitor (LISC). The key point of the LISC developed by FHI is doping anode materials (polyacene) with lithium in advance, which resulted in improved energy density of the anode by more than 30 times compared to the AC. In addition, the lithium doping can dramatically decrease the anode potential, which makes the individual cell voltage increase about 1.5 times, further improving the energy density. In 2006, Hatozaki reported a new style LISC, which used AC as the cathode material and a carbon material preintercalated with lithium as the anode material, with the operating voltage of this LISC reaching 3.8 V in organic electrolytes.

In the twenty-first century, increasing attention has been paid to the research of LISC. Nowadays, carbon materials (such as graphene, AC, and graphite), transition metal oxide, and transition metal sulfide have been widely studied and developed as electrode active materials because of the excellent electrochemical performance they display [10–15]. Many methods (such as hydrothermal treating, heat treatment, and atmosphere control) have been applied to design the morphology and structure of electrode materials and to enhance their electrochemical properties. Against the background of conventional energy crisis and environment al damage, the research on LISC becomes a popular area in the twenty-first century, and most of the countries in the world have invested many human and financial resources on it.



The LISC consists of an anode, cathode, electrolyte, separator, current collector, capacitor pack, etc. A LISC, in essence, is a hybrid capacitor, which can be understood

as the active material of one or two electrodes of a supercapacitor substituted by a lithium-ion battery material and operated in an electrolyte with the lithium content. Obviously, as a hybrid capacitor, the energy storage mechanism of LISCs includes not only redox reaction of lithium-ion batter ies, like lithium intercalation/transformation, alloying, etc. but also electric double layer and faradaic pseudocapacitance.

The energy storage of EDLCs is dependent on the electrostatic adsorption of cations and anions on the surface of an electrode. During the charge process, cations and anions will migrate to the cathode or anode under the electric field, separately. In turn, during the discharge process, these ions will be desorbed from cathode or anode and migrate the opposite way. The reaction process of double layer capacitor can be displayed as follows:

where EE anda ACrethe anode and cathode, respectively; −+AC and, the anion and cation; and e , the electron.

In general, the activated carbons with high specific surface areas are utilized as the electrode material of electric double layer capacitors, and the capacitance of one electrode is calculated using the following equation:

where C is the capacitance of one electrode; A, the effective specific surface area of activated carbon; εr , the permittivity of electrolyte solution; ε , 0 the permittivity of vacuum; and d, the distance of electrodes.

The basis of faradaic pseudocapacitance is the redox reaction between electrode materials and ions in the electrolyte, which can be further subdivided into three different types: redox reaction of transition metal oxides, protonation reaction of conducting polymers, and reversible absorption of hydrogen ions. Take MnO2 as an example; the reaction process of faradaic pseudocapacitance can be displayed as follows:

where = + MLi, Na, K .

Until now, there are many mechanisms of energy storage in a lithium-ion battery, such as intercalation reactions, alloying reactions, phase transformations, conversion reactions, free radical reactions, electrodeposition, interfacial interactions, and surface adsorption.

The typical principle of different capacitors is illustrated in Figure 1.1 [16]. The configuration of LISCs can be divided into two categories based on the electrolyte medium (aqueous and nonaqueous). Meanwhile, the LISC can be divided into two types, symmetric and asymmetric systems, based on the combination of capacitor materials and lithium-ion battery materials.

double layer capacitor)

FIGURE 1.1 The typical schematic diagram of electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC), lithium-ion capacitor (LIC), and lithium-ion based hybrid capacitor (Li-HEC, which is the same as a lithium-ion supercapacitor [LISC]) [16] (Reprinted from Aravindan, V. et al., Chemical Reviews, 2014, 114, 11619 with permission).


LISCs are a class of advanced energy storage devices combining second batteries and EDLCs. Usually, EDLCs utilize high surface area AC as both cathode and anode material. LISCs utilize AC as the anode material and an inert compound, which supports the fast reversible intercalation of lithium-ions, as a cathode material. Both of these anode and cathode materials are mixed with the binder (and conductive materials) to form a slurry and then coated on the Cu foil, Al foil, Ti foil, or st ainless steel substrate [17–19]. In LISCs, a membrane is utilized to separate the positive and negative electrodes and to prevent electron conduction and short circuits. However, the isolation propert y of the separator means that the small pore diameter will resist the movement of electrolytes. Therefore, the relationship of pore diameter and electrochemical properties is the main research topic [20,21]. The membrane should meet the following requirements, taking into account the processability and usability: (a) separator papers should be insulated and isolated in order to prevent short circuits while also letting the electrolyte pass through easily; (b) uniform thickness and homogenous pore-size distribution; (c) chemical stability in electrolyte, dimensional stability, certain level of mechanical strength, and thermostability; (d) good wettability and electrolyte storage function; and (e) the resistance should be as small as possible which means perfect ion transportation. Nowadays, the most common separator paper materials are polypropylene and cellulose. Based on how it is structured, separator paper can be divided into single layer structure and hybrid structure (two-layer and three-layer). The two general processes that are used to produce separator papers are dry-laid nonwoven fabric and wet-laid nonwoven fabric.

(Nano hybrid capacitor)

AC is one of the most popular capacitive materials. According to the working potential, AC can serve as not only a cathode material but also as an anode material. The specific capacity of AC has important effects on the capacitance of LISCs. Recently, the main method to improve the capacitance of AC is by modifying the open framework structure and surface structure. The charge storage capability of AC is dependent on the electrostatic adsorption on the surface of AC. However, continuously increasing the specific surface area of AC cannot result in an infinite increase in the charge storage as the pore diameter becomes too small for proper electrolyte infiltration. Furthermore, the increase of specific surface area and porosity will result in the decrease of skeletal density and then deteriorate the electric conductivity. Therefore, how to design and control the specific surface area and porosity is the key to improving the properties of AC.

The typical intercalation compound applied in LISC can be divided into four categories: (1) lithium-ion containing metal oxides, (2) polyanionic compounds, (3) graphite, and (4) transition metal oxides. Generally, lithium-ion containing metal oxides and polyanionic compounds serve as cathode materials; on the contrary, graphite and transition metal oxides are used as anode materials. The application of these four kinds of materials in LISC will be introduced in the following sections.

1.3.1 Lithium-ion Containing metaL oxides

According to crystal structure, lithium-ion containing metal oxides LiMOx (M = Mn, Co, Ni, etc.) can be divided into two categories: layered oxides (LiMO2) and spinel oxides (LiM2O4). Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) is the most widely used commercial material, and its theoretical capacity is around 274 mA h g−1. However, the practical capacity of LiCoO2 is about half of the theoretical value due to its structural instability at complete lithium delithiation [22,23]. According to the literature, element doping using Zr, Mg, Mo, Sr, V, and Al or surface modification with LiMn 2O4, MgO, AlPO 4, TiO2 , Al2O3, SiO2 , B2O3, and LiPON polyimide is an efficient way to raise the specific capacity of LiCoO2 [23–31]. However, the high price and toxicity of cobalt have limited further application of LiCoO2. Recently, many compounds have been developed as cathode materials to replace the commercial LiCoO2 , such as LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 , and LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 [32–38].

1.3.2 PoLyanioniC ComPounds

Li x M y (ZO 4) (M is transition metal, Z = P, S, Si, Mo, W, etc.) has been thought of as the most promising cathode material in the field of power batteries. In 1997, K.S. Goodenough and his colleague found the olivine-type phosphate compound LiFePO 4 (about 170 mA h g−1), which attracted extensive attention due to low cost, abundant raw materials, low toxicity, long cycle life, and safety [39]. Unfortunately, LiFePO4 exhibits a low-intrinsic electron ic conductivity, about 10 −9 –10 −10 S/cm, which is much lower than that of LiCoO2 (10 −3 S/cm) and is the main obstacle to its application. Nowadays, the main methods adopted to circumvent this drawback include conductive agent coating and minimizing the particle size of LiFePO4, etc. [39–41]. Conducive agent coating, such as carbon materials, can dramatically enhance the

electronic conductivity and resist the corrosion on the surface of LiFePO 4 particles. Reduced particle sizes are obtained through the synthesis of nanoparticles by different methods, and can facilitate the intercalation/deintercalation of lithium-ions and enhance its ionic conductivity.

1.3.3 graPhite

Graphite is the most popular anode material applied in lithium-ion batteries. However, the specific surface area of graphite is much smaller than that of porous carbon, which result in the low rate capacity of graphite. S.R. Sivakkumar reported that the rate capacity can be enhanced by increasing the specific surface area of commercial graphite from 9.4 to 416 m 2 g−1 using a ball mill. Recently, petroleum coke, carbon nanotubes, graphene, etc. have been proposed as a substitute for commercial graphite [42,43]. J.J. Ren compared the electrochemical performances of pre-lithiated graphene nanosheets and conventional graphite as negative electrode materials for LISC, and found pre-lithiated graphene nanosheets exhibit excellent specific capacitance, cycle stability, and rate capability [42].

1.3.4 transition metaL oxides

Recently, Li4Ti5O12 , a so-called zero-strain lithium insertion oxide with a theoretical capacity of 175 mAh g−1, has acquired considerable attention as an anode material of LISC. The Li insertion potential is around 1.55 V for Li4Ti5O12 , which is well above the formation potential of metallic lithium and can effectively suppress the decomposition of electrolyte. As a result, Li4Ti5O12 displays stable discharge potential, excellent cycle stability, and is especially safe to use. Unfortunately, the poor electronic conductivity of Li4Ti5O12 anode results in its poor rate performance. Conducive agent coating and minimizing the particle size of Li4Ti5O12 particles are effective ways to enhance its electronic conductivity and then improve the rate performance. H.W. Wang created a freestanding TiO2 nanobelt array on Ti foil, which can enhance the transportation of electron and ion and then exhibit high-rate capability and stable cycle performance [19]. H.L. Wang synthesized a monolayer of MnO nanocrystallites mechanically anchored by pore-surface terminations of 3D arrays of graphenelike carbon nanosheets, which achieved high energy, high rate, and high capacity characteristics [6]. Besides, many other transition metal oxides, such as Bi 2O3, Fe3O4, MoO2 , and V2O5, have been explored as anode materials [4,12,15,17,18].

Generally, LISCs can work in not only aqueous but also in a nonaqueous medium s. Aqueous electrolytes display low viscosity and high ion conductivity. However, the work potential of electrode materials was restricted to 1 V, a nd thus the energy density of electrode materials could not be brought into full play. X 2 SO 4, XOH, and XNO3 (X = Li, Na, K, etc.) have frequently been used as electrolytes. On the contrary, the voltage window can reach to 3 V, or even 4 V, with nonaqueous electrolytes (usually dissolve d LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate and d imethyl carbonate), which can dramatically improve the energy storage of LISC. But the high viscosity of nonaqueous electrolyte results in the low ion conductivity, affecting the power density.


Energy and power densities are the main characteristics of LISC application, which can be calculated using the following formulas:

where E is the energy density of LISC, W h kg−1; Ccell , the specific capacitance of the LISC, F g−1; V, the potential window of discharge current, V; P, the power density of LISC, W kg−1; and Δt, the discharging time, s.

Generally, cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiometry a re utilized to measure the specific capacitance.

1.4.1 CyCLiC VoLtammetry

Cyclic voltammetry is an essential research method of electrochemistry that has been utilized to study the mechanism of electrode reactions and dynamic factors of the electrode processes. The electrochemical reaction in the electrode and its reversibility can be evaluated by the location and peak current of redox peaks. According to the cyclic voltammetry curve, the specific capacitance can be calculated using the following formula:

where C isthe s specific capacitance of the electrode material, F g−1; m, the mass of total active material mass of electrodes, g; I, the constant charge or discharging current, A; v, the potential scan rate, mV s−1; dV, the potential drop at a constant discharge cu rrent, V; ϕ , 1 the initial potential, V; and ϕ , 2 the final potential, V.

1.4.2 ChronoPotentiometry

The fundamental principle of chronopotentiometry is that the electrode is charged and discharged under a constant current, so that a potential–time curve (GC cu rve) is obtained. The geometric shape of ideal GC curves is a symmetrical isosceles triangle. However, there are some differences between the actual and ideal GC curves, which is due to the effect of diffusion and pseudocapacitance. Under a

three-electrode system, the specific capacitance of the electrode can be calculated using the following formula:

Under a double-electrode system, the specific capacitance of the electrode can be calculated using the following formula:

The specific capacitance of capacitor can be calculated using the following formula:

where C3 and C 2 are the specific capacitances of the electrode material under the th ree- electrode and double-electrode system, respectively; Ccell , the specific capacitance of the capacitor, F g−1; m, the mass of total active material mass of electrodes, g; I, the constant charge or discharging current, A; ∆t , the discharging time, s; ∆V , the potential window, V.

Nowadays, increased energy and power density have been reported, and factors, such as types of electrode materials, pre-lithiation degree, and work potential window, that can affect the electrochemical properties of LISCs have been investigated [11,13,44–52]. Amatucci et al. investigated the electrochemical properties of nanostructured Li4TiO5 as a negative electrode material and AC as a positive electrode material. It was found that the reaction rate was improved after the application of high rate nanostructured Li4TiO5, while retaining 90% capacity at 10 C charge rates and 85%–90% capacity retention after 5,000 cycles. The energy density of 20 W h kg−1 was calculated under a flat plate cell configuration [53]. Han et al. modified graphene with MoO2 (G -MoO2), which resulted in a material that displays high specific capacitance, good rate capability, and excellent cycle propert ies. The specific capacitance of G -MoO2 maintained 91.2% capacity after 500 cycles at a current density of 1,000 mA exhibits an energy density of 33.2 W h kg−1 at a power density of 3,000 W kg−1 [18]. Cai et al. reported an anode TiO2 with modified morphology and structure that exhibits a high energy density of 80 W h kg−1 [54]. A LISC assembled with graphite and AC delivers an energy density of 103 W h  kg−1, which was reported by Khomenko et al. [55]. According to these reports, the capacity fading during continuous cycles mainly occurs in the initial cycles, which is proposed to be caused by the formation of solid electrolyte interphase film on anode surface [11,48,56,57]. One approach to improve the energy density is by increasing the electrode potential window. However, under high potential, the crystal structure of electrode materials collapses easily, and the electrode will become unstable. On the other side, low potential could accelerate the formation of solid electrolyte interphase. What is worse, dendritic lithium may grow crystalline defects, such as kinks, grain boundaries, and interfaces, which could penetrate the separator membrane and cause short circuiting risks [58,59]. Therefore, the modification of

electrochemical performance of LISCs is a comprehensive work that is concerned with optimizing the potential wi ndow, designing morphology and structure of electrode materials, even developing advance d materials, new capacitor system s, etc.


The LISC is an ideal choice for electric vehicles in the future. It has several times higher energy density than that of an electrical double-layer capacitors and has a better rate capacity than that of a lithium-ion batter ies. The technology of LISC is still in the research phase, but it has many promising applications. However, a LISC possesses a distinguished high energy and power density, and they have strict requirements with electrode materials. Therefore, the current research priority on LISCs is to develop composite electrode materials, which exhibit high specific capacitance, high potential window, high power density, long cycle life, etc. Obviously, integration of supercapacitors and second batteries becomes an inevitable trend of developing technology in the future. Someday, the development of supercapacitors and second batteries may unite.


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2 Anodes of Lithium-Ion Supercapacitors




The technological breakthrough of anode materials for lithium secondary battery in the end of the 1980s and early 1990s resulted in the birth and commercialization of lithium-ion battery (LIB) [1]. However, despite the high energy densities, the power densities and cycling lifetimes of LIBs are limited due to the sluggish solid-state lithium-ion transport. Although supercapacitors (electrical double-layer capacitors [EDLCs]) can provide powerful bursts and good durability, their energy storage is low because of the limited specific surface area of the electrode materials. Lithium-ion supercapacitors (LISCs), consisting of an LIB electrode and an EDLC electrode in a lithium salt containing organic electrolyte, are expected to bridge the gap between LIBs and EDLCs and become the ultimate power source for hybrid vehicles (HEVs) and electrical vehicles (EVs) [2]. Due to the wide working voltage window of the organic electrolytes, LISCs can store more energy than EDLCs. And because of the introduction of capacitor-type electrodes, LISCs can achieve greater power densities than LIBs. Activated carbon (AC) is the unanimous choice for the


FIGURE 2.1 (a) The charge/discharge profiles of the carbon anode, AC cathode and the carbon/AC LISC [3]; (b) typical electrochemical profiles of anode and cathode in AC/AC EDLC and LTO/AC LISC [4].

capacitor-type electrode material owing to its high surface area, good electronic conductivity, eco-friendliness, and low cost; a lot of research has been or is being carried out on the battery-type anode electrode materials (Figure 2.1)


A battery-type anode electrode material should satisfy the requirements such as low working voltage, high specific capacity, excellent rate capability, and long cycle life. Among all the battery-type anode materials that have been studied, carbon is still the dominant commercially available anode material. The most prominent feature of the LISCs based on carbon battery-type anodes is the wide working voltage. As the lithiated carbons have the potential close to that of metallic lithium, the carbon-anode LISCs usually work between ~2 and 4 V; meanwhile, the AC cathodes are cycled between 2 and 4 V. T he full use of the AC electrodes can improve the electrochemical performance of the LISCs. On the contrary, the LISCs based on transition metal oxide anodes such as TiO2 , can only be charged/discharged between 1.2 and 3.2 V because the intercalation/deintercalation of lithium-ions in Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) takes place at ~1.6 V. I n such conditions, The AC cathodes are usually cycled between ~3 and 4 V, resulting in the under usage of the AC electrodes [5]. Nowadays, carbons such as graphite, hard carbon (HC), and graphene have been used for the battery-type anode materials in LISCs.

The mechanism of lithium intercalation into graphite is well known [6,7], and it proceeds through several well-identified stages which can be characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements and potential plateaus on open-circuit voltage (OCV) curves. Ohzuku assumed the existence of first, second, third, fourth,

2.1.1 graPhite

and eighth stages and the transition of each stage [7,8]. The theoretical capacity of natural flake graphite is 372 mA h/g (based on the formation of LiC6, first stage). The reversible capacity is only about 300–350 mA h/g because of the impurities and defects in graphite powders (Figure 2.2).

Khomenko et al. constructed a LISC using commercial graphite and AC as the negative and positive electrodes, respectively [5]. The electrochemical properties of two types of commercial graphite (potato shape graphite and prismatic shape graphite) were evaluated. As lithium-ion intercalation occurs mainly at the edge sites of graphite, 3D structure (potato shape) could intercalate more lithium-ions than 2D structure (prismatic shape) at high current densities [10]. The LISC was assembled with the potato shape graphite anode and AC cathode. The mass of the electrodes was balanced to achieve optimum energy and power densities. The LISC was cycled between 1.5 and 4.5 V, a chieving a gravimetric energy density of 103.8 W h/ kg and a volumetric power density of 111.8 W h/ L. The capacitor retained 85% of its initial capacity after 10,000 cycles. To obtain the good electrochemical performance, a special procedure was performed—the LISC was op erated, charged to a given voltage, and then relaxed at open circuit for several cycles. Otherwise, an important fade of the capacity was observed only after



Intercalantion Stage 4Stage 3Stage 2

RegionILiC6 (first stage) LiC12 (second stage)

RegionIILiC12 (second stage) LiC18 (second stage)

RegionIIILiC18 (second stage) LiC27 (third stage) LiC36 (fourth stage)

RegionIVLiC36 (fourth stage) LiC72 (eighth stage)

Stage 1

FIGURE 2.2 (a) A schematic of the (A) Rüdorff and (B) Daumas–Hérold models of ion intercalation into graphite [9]; (b) the transition scheme of each stage [9].

(A) Rüdorff model
(B) Daumus–Hérold model

500 cycles. The special procedure was to pre-lithiate graphite, and the potential of the graphite anode stabilized around 0.1 V du ring cycling.

Nowadays, pre-lithiation of carbon anodes is critical for carbon-anode LISCs to achieve high energy density and long cycle life. After pre-lithiation, the potential of carbon anode shifts to ~ 0 V, which not only widens the potential difference between the negative and the positive electrodes, but also benefits the full usage of the AC cathode. Sivakkumar and Pandolfo constructed a LISC with a pre-doped graphite anode and an AC cathode [11]. The pre-lithiation was terminated once the potential of the graphite electrode dropped from 3 to 0.05 V. T hey investigated the performance of the LISC at two different cut-off voltages. When the operating voltage was between 3.1 and 4.1 V, t he potential of the pre-lithiated graphite rose from 0.13 to 0.2 V af ter 100 cycles, which can be ascribed to time-dependent loss of stored Li ions in the pre-doped graphite electrode. The potential of the AC positive electrode swung between 3.3 and 4.2 V, corresponding to the adsorption and desorption of anions. However, when the operating voltage was between 2.0 and 4.1 V, t he potential of the negative electrode rose from 0.16 to 0.56 V af ter 100 cycles. The potential of the AC positive electrode swung between 2.2 and 4.2 V, desorbing of anions in the voltage range of 4.2–3.0 V, a nd adsorbing Li ions in the voltage range of 3.0–2.2 V. For the latter process, the lithium-ions were supplied from the pre-doped graphite electrode. Although the energy density of the LISC increased because the AC electrode swung in a wide potential window, the stability of the LISC was damaged.

For pre-lithiation, metallic lithium is usually assembled into the LISCs to construct the Li/carbon/AC three-electrode cells. Pre-lithiation can be achieved by either externally short circuiting (ESC) the carbon electrode with the metallic lithium or electrochemically (EC) doping the carbon electrode from the metallic lithium. However, metallic lithium might lead to thermal runaway and firing of systems. Decaux et al. constructed a LISC using 2 M lithium bis(trifluoromethane) sulfonimide (LiTFSI) as the electrolyte instead of 1 M Li PF6 [12]. The LISC was in a two-electrode configuration, consisted of a graphite anode and an AC cathode. The pre-doping of the graphite anode was achieved through successive galvanostatic charge/discharge of the two-electrode cell. As the pre-lithiation would consume a large amount of available lithium-ions in the electrolyte solution, LiTFSI salt was used as the electrolyte because of its high solubility. The concentration of LiTFSI could reach 2 M in t he organic solvent of EC:DMC (dimethyl carbonate) (1:1, v/v).

After a few charge/discharge cycles, the potential of the negative graphite electrode decreased to 105 mV, confirming the formation of second stage graphite intercalation compound (LiC12). If 1 M LiPF6 was used as the electrolyte, the graphite electrode potential could only have reached ~ 0.5 V (indicating very low lithium intercalation degree) due to low lithium salt concentration in the organic solvent. The constructed LISC could be charged/discharged in the voltage range of 1.5 and 4.2 V. During the galvanostatic cycling of LISC, potential variation of the graphite electrode was very low. The LISC delivered an energy density of 80 W h/ kg, which was four times higher than the value for symmetric EDLCs.

In the Li/carbon/AC three-electrode cells, a porous polyolefin film of about 20 mm t hick is used to separate the carbon anode and the metallic lithium auxiliary electrode. During the pre-lithiation, metallic lithium is oxidized to release lithium

ions into the electrolyte, while reduction of the lithium-ions occurs at the surface of the carbon anode. Under these conditions, the pre-lithiation processes require a very long pre-doping time (>10 h) to reach the sufficient and uniform lithium pre-doping level because of the low diffusion rate of lithium-ions in the electrolyte solution, which is greatly influenced by the distance (20 mm) between the metallic lithium and the carbon electrode [13]. Kim et al. explored an internal short (IS) approach for pre-lithiation by directly attaching a lithium metal to the graphite electrode without the separator and the electrolyte [14]. Due to the direct attachment, lithium-ions had very short travel distance (almost zero). The IS approach method can provide a much faster lithium pre-doping kinetics with the potential of the graphite electrode changing to 4 mV within 1 min. A LISC was constructed using IS pre-lithiated graphite as the anode. The LISC exhibited better electrochemical performance than the LISC based on ESC pre-lithiated graphite and the LISC based on EC pre-lithiated graphite. Ahn et al. constructed a LISC with high oriented graphene sponge (HOG) as the anode and AC as the cathode [15]. HOG was pre-lithiated by the IS approach. The constructed LISC could achieve an energy density of 108 W h/ kg at the power density of 1.4 kW/kg with the capacity retention of 84.2% after 1000 cycles.

Park et al. used in-situ synchrotron wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) technique to study the IS pre-lithiation process [16]. On the WAXS curves, there are four discrete (002) peak zones: Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, corresponding to graphite→LiC24, LiC24→LiC18, LiC12 , and LiC6, respectively. During the IS process, the intensity of the Q1 peak decreased within 14 min. The Q2 peak appeared in <3 m in, reached maximum at 22 min, and disappeared at 49 min. the Q3 and Q4 peaks emerged at 13 min and 28 min, respectively. During ESC and EC processes, however, the Q4 peak was not observed, and the Q2 and Q3 peaks both emerged much later than in the IS process. These were the direct evidences that the IS approach provided much faster pre-lithiation kinetics than ESC and EC methods do.

Park et al. proposed another new pre-lithiation method that used a stable lithium metal oxide; Li2MoO3 as the lithium source [17]. Li2MoO3 has a typical rhombohedral symmetry with d spacing of ~ 0.25 n m [18], indicating that Li2MoO3 can release lithium-ions very well. Li2MoO3 was integrated into the AC cathode, and the LISCs were galvanostatically charged up to 4.7 V at a constant current to extract lithium-ions from the Li2MoO3 and to insert the lithium-ions into the graphite anode. Due to the irreversibility, <30% of lithium-ions could be recovered to the host structure above 2.5 V (the LISC was charged/discharged between 1.5 and 3.9 V, a nd the potential of AC cathode swung between 2.5 and 4.0 V), which means that most of the lithium-ions would stayed in the graphite anode. After lithium-ion extraction, the de-lithiated phase of Li2−xMoO3 in the cathode could contribute little to the electrochemical reaction of the LISC, and thus almost had no effect on the performance of the LISC. The pre-lithiation level of the graphite anode could be controlled through controlling the Li2MoO3 amount included in the cathode. Compared to the LISC pre-lithiation using metallic lithium, the LISC pre-lithiation with Li2MoO3 exhibited much higher capacity, higher Coulombic efficiency, and higher rate capability, which suggests that it has great potential.

Sivakkumar et al. investigated the effect of ball milling on the performance of the graphite battery-type anode LISCs [19]. Ball milling of graphite resulted in a

decrease in discharge capacity at relatively low charge rate, while an increase in discharge capacity at relative high charge rate, which was attributed to the interplay of two different charge storage mechanisms: lithium-ion intercalation and lithium-ion adsorption. Pristine graphite material stored the majority of charge mainly via a lithium-ion intercalation. The ball-milled graphite stored charge by lithium-ion adsorption in addition to lithium-ion intercalation because of the increase in its surface area after ball milling. At the low C-rate, the charge stored via ion adsorption was lower than that of ion intercalation. However, at the high C-rate, the charge stored via intercalation dropped rapidly due to the incomplete charging. However, ion adsorption could provide additional charge storage for ball-milled graphite.

Lee et al. used hydrogen peroxide treated graphite as the anode material [20]. After hydrogen peroxide treatment, there were many oxygen-containing groups on the graphite, which reacted with lithium-ions and formed lithium carboxylic salts. The lithium carboxylic salts could bond to the solid electrolyte interface [SEI] layers generated from electrolyte reduction, improving the stability of the SEI layers. The stable SEI layer blocked the co-intercalation of bulky counter ions such as PF6 , and thus prevented the exfoliation of exposed edge planes. Therefore, the LISC based on pre-lithiated hydrogen peroxide treated graphite anode exhibited improved rate capability and stable capacity retention.

2.1.2 hard Carbon

Another type of carbon material that could be used for the battery-type anodes in LISCs is HC, which is formed with interlaced single-layer graphite nanosheets. Since lithium-ions can be adsorbed on both sides of the single-layer graphite sheet, HC has a higher specific lithium storage capacity than graphite. Moreover, the large space gap between the carbon layers of HC is beneficial for the lithium-ion intercalation /deintercalation, which is particularly desirable for power sources. Kim et al. compared the electrochemical performance of graphite and HC and found that HC showed the better rate capability and longer cycle life [21]. Ni et al. studied the charge/discharge behavior of HC using a HC/Li half-cell [22]. They found that lithium-ions could not only insert/extract between the carbon layers of HC but also adsorb/desorb in both sides of the single sheets or walls of nanopores [23]. The HC delivered a capacity in a wide potential range and achieved a capacity of 526 mA h/g with the efficiency of 80%. A LISC prototype was constructed in 1 M LiPF6/EC:DMC (1:3, v/v) using HC and AC as the anode and cathode, respectively. The LISC was cycled between 2.8 and 4.0 V, achieving an energy density of 20.8 W h /kg at the power density of 480 W/ kg, and maintained 90% of its initial capacity after 3000 cycles. The LISC also displayed good rate capability with the capacity changing from 21.5 to 20.7 F/g when the discharge current increases from 100 to 400 m A/g.

Zhang et al. introduced two kinds of HC, i.e., spherical HC and irregular HC, to assemble LISCs [24]. Before the assemblies, either spherical HC or irregular HC electrode was pre-lithiated with metallic lithium, and the potentials of the HC anodes were stabilized close to 0 V with very small variations during the charge/discharge of the LISCs. Similar to the pre-lithiation of graphite anode, the pre-lithiation of

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Title: A summer journey in the west

Release date: September 25, 2023 [eBook #71725]

Language: English

Original publication: NYC: John. S. Taylor, and Co, 1841

Credits: Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A SUMMER JOURNEY IN THE WEST ***

LETTER I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI. Numerous typographical errors have been corrected.—Etext transcriber.






“I write that which I have seen” L B

NEW YORK: JOHN S. TAYLOR, AND CO. (Brick Church Chapel, 145 Nassau-St.) 1841.

Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1841, by JOHN S. TAYLOR & CO. in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.

P R E FA C E .

This little book assumes to be nothing more than a note book of all that passed before the observation of the author, during a summer tour of four thousand miles, through the great lakes; the prairies of Illinois; the rivers Illinois, Mississippi, and Ohio; and over the Alleghany mountains to New York. Since she has been ‘urged by friends to print,’ the author has added to her notes and letters, some little information regarding the western States, in hopes her book may be of use to future tourists and emigrants, who will here find an account of the distances, prices, and conveyances, throughout the author’s route. Anxious to guard against errors, information acquired upon the road, has been compared with the best Gazeteers. Accuracy, in a newly settled country, is difficult, and accounts differ much; still the author trusts the traveller who may honor her by taking her book for his guide, will not be far mis-led.

New York, May, 1841.


“I write that which I have seen” L B.



J 14th, 1840.

My dear E.—The variety of scenes which have passed before my eyes since I last beheld you, and the crowd of new ideas acquired thereby, have not obliterated your Shaksperian adieu from my mind:

“Think on thy Proteus, when thou haply see’st Some rare note-worthy object in thy travels,”

were your last words—in consequence of this desire, I hereby send you all I deem note-worthy. With what delight did I find myself once more upon the Hudson! Although so often seen, to me it is still lovely, for custom cannot stale its beauties. I pass along this river as through a gallery of cabinet pictures. The sunny vista and romantic glen of Gainsborough—the frowning cliff and murderous dell of Rosa—the Dutch cottage of Teniers— the Italian villa and graceful trees of classic Weir—cattle, as if just sprung from out a Berghman and grouped upon the shore, or standing ‘in the cool translucent wave,’ their ‘loose train of amber-dropping hair,’ not being ‘braided with lilies,’ but occupied in flapping the flies away!—all these, and many more are placed side by side before me as I float along.

You have never seen this famed stream, and I will therefore describe it to you minutely. Mine will not be ‘notes by the way,’ nor ‘crayoning,’ nor ‘pencil sketches,’ but perfect Daguerrotype likenesses of all I see.

With a bold rush our steamboat was free of the wharf and out into the stream. Ascend now to the upper deck with me and you will obtain a fine view of the city of New York and its noble bay. Upon one side lies the city with its mass of houses, churches, and vessels; beyond is Long Island. Observe what a pretty back ground is Staten Island: its numerous white buildings show well against the green elevated ridge behind them; then turn your eye to the opposite side and you will behold New Jersey, with its pretty city, and villages, and churches; and in the center of all this is the glassy water covered with steamboats, brigs, ships of war, and vessels of all sizes, and dotted with pretty fortress islets. Hoboken with its neat church and romantic colonade are passed, and the rugged cliffs of Weehawken rise

upon our left as we ascend the river. These cliffs are the commencement of the Palisade rocks, which soon retreat into the interior to arise again above. Bull’s Ferry (worthy of a better name,) next appears, with Fort Lee, pretty rural retreats, whose white houses, churches, and fences, are pencilled as with white chalk upon the river’s green and sloping bank.

From the east side, turret and spire have passed away, and villages and country seats adorn the shores until we arrive at Spuyten Duyvel creek, rendered famous by the redoubtable Van Corlear, who swore he would pass it in spigt den Duyvel; and also as being the boundary line of Manhattan Island. To a hasty observer, the shores beyond this are as lonely and wild as if we were hundreds of miles from any city; but if you will fix your eyes steadily upon the woodlands which line the river banks, you will catch glimpses, between the trees, of Grecian portico, Yankee piazza, or Dutch gable, telling of many a summer haunt of the city’s ‘tired denizen.’

Upon the west side the Palisade commences, a perpendicular wall, or to speak more scientifically, ‘a columnar escarpement,’ from three to eight hundred feet high, and two miles broad, thus continuing for twenty miles along the New Jersey side of the river. As you dabble in geology, I must not forget to tell you these rocks are of the trap formation, passing into green stone. Under it are layers of slate, sandstone, and grey limestone, much of which is used in the city and its neighborhood. Sloops were lying at the foot of the rocks, as we passed, taking in their load of sandstone flagging, or roofing slate for the use of the citizens. These sloops, which carry masts sixty or seventy feet high, show the height of these cliffs, as when seen anchored below them they appear like skiffs. A few stone-cutters have erected cottages upon the rocks, which might be taken for children’s houses. Shrubbery is seen in some spots, while a green fringe of trees is waving from the summit. These rocks have stood the brunt of that mighty torrent which wise men tell us once rushed over the country from the north-west, as if some lake had burst its barrier—for bowlders washed from the Palisades are seen in various parts of Manhattan Island and Long Island. To the alluvium brought down by this flood, we are indebted for Manhattan Island and Staten Island. What a pity ‘wise saws’ are out of fashion, or I could lengthen my epistle by telling what ‘modern instances’ these islands are, of the ‘good’ brought down by ‘ill winds.’

As we are both now tired of these Palisades, it is very pretty of them to retire as they do, into the country, making a fine back ground to the rich

land lying upon the river’s bank, adorned with several picturesque townlets. These are Nyack, reclining upon a verdant slope; Haverstraw, nestled under a high, green promontory; and Tappan, which ought to have been first mentioned. This is, however, but the ‘landing’ of the town of that name, lying a few miles in the interior, and whose ‘heavens’ ought to be ‘hung with black,’ for the sake of the talented and unfortunate Andre, whose silver cord was here untimely loosed.

The river swells out into a broad lake, called Tappan sea, which ought to be spelled Tap-pann Zee. The west side I have described, except that from these towns the ground rises into an elevated green ridge of Haverstraw, and then descends gracefully to the water, ending in a low level spot, covered with a rich velvet sward, dotted with groups of oaks, and evergreens, among which a silver rivulet winds its happy way. This is very prettily called Grassy Point.

Upon our right hand we have smooth, lawn-like slopes, over which the buildings of Yonkers, Tarrytown, and Dobbs’ Ferry (harmonious sounds,) are straggling, or reposing in graceful groups upon every gentle swell. Sing Sing, with its long range of prisons, is before us; so called, I suppose, that the inhabitants of those abodes may have something cheerful about them. It is a lovely spot commanding a beautiful view of the river scenery—so lovely that I am almost tempted to be wicked, that I may be ordered to reside there, and sit like a Naiad sing singing upon a

“diamond rock, Sleeking her soft alluring lock ”

That is all very well, you will say, when the rock is already cut out for you to sit upon; but where one is obliged to hew out one’s own rock, as do these woful sing-singers, it would be as well to abandon the place to the heroes who there do congregate. They quarry a white granular limestone which is used as building material. The antique Dutch church looks very well, seated upon an eminence; and Wolfert’s Roost, with its Dutch points and gables, the residence of the celebrated Irving, is another interesting object upon this shore.

Look behind you quickly, if you would take a last farewell of Staten Island, whose dark outline has, until now, filled up the back ground, although we are thirty miles from it. As we turn towards the narrow outlet

between Stoney and Verplanck’s Points, the Palisades are sweeping around to the east, and rapidly shoving in their side scene between us and the Island. Now it is gone, and the Narrows are fast being covered, through which you might, if your eyes could see so far, descry the green ocean and its gallant barks. The river now seems a lake behind us, upon whose bright bosom a fleet of vessels, like a flock of birds, are skimming, and ducking, or reposing upon the water. Two Points defend the entrance to the Highlands: Stony Point on the west, a bold rocky promontory, formed of fine horneblend granite rock, and surmounted by a light-house; Verplanck’s on the east presents a small village, containing a pretty fanciful hotel, and some lordly dwellings upon the elevated ground above. These are now behind us, and we find ourselves in the Grand Pass of the Highlands. Beautiful creations they are—high, green cones, sweeping gradually down to the water’s edge, where they sometimes appear a verdant precipice nearly two thousand feet high; or projecting their spurs into the river, and crossing each other so that the Hudson must wind hither and thither to follow the tortuous path between them. Various lights give new beauties to these hills. It is pleasant when the sun shines broad and bright upon them, to penetrate with your eye their green recesses, or endeavor to distinguish whether those bushes on the summit are indeed trees or no; and again when a cloud passes, running rapidly over the surface, the effect is very beautiful. As we were near the centre of the Pass, the sun was obscured, and a heavy shower clothed every thing with gloom.—Through the sombre light they seemed like giant mastadon or mammoth of olden times, couching down upon each side, musing upon the changes which have taken place upon this diluvial earth. The rain has ceased, and the mist has all retired into the mountain caves, save on one spot near the summit, where it lowering stands, like one of Ossian’s ghosts, whose wont it is, he tells us, to ‘fly on clouds, and ride on winds.’ Or, it may be the wandering spirit of some red warrior who has perished on these shores, and now haunts the scene of his former triumphs.

Upon a promontory jutting out from the river, are situated the Military Schools of West Point. It is a summer’s day well spent to ramble over that pretty spot. If you care not for the Schools, nor to see the orderly young cadets, you may admire the monument dedicated to Kosciusco, or walk in his garden as they call the spot where he used to ‘sit on rocks’ and muse upon the sweets of Liberty—or you may climb up to that ruined fortress crowning the summit of the mountain which overhangs the Point. From

thence you have a fine view of all the rugged, cultivated, wild, adorned and varied country for miles around—and of that broad silver stream bearing upon its waters many a graceful vessel. The dusky peaks and dells, and undulations of the several mountains around are here distinctly seen.

The Dunderberg, where is the thunder’s home, raises its frowning head at the right, followed by Bare Mountain, Sugar Loaf, Bull’s Hill, Crow’s Nest, Butter Hill, Breakneck Hill, and many others bearing designations equally euphonius. Among these hills, beside West Point, are many spots famous in the history of our country. Do not be afraid, I am not going to begin ‘In the year 17—’ nor tell of the iron chain which bound Anthony by the nose to the Fort opposite; nor arouse your indignation by pointing to the chimneys of Arnold’s house; nor make you sad by speaking again of Andre; nor arouse your patriotism by relating the deeds here done in times of old. Let the past be by-gones; and turn to the present whose sun is shining down upon the pretty village of Cold Spring opposite to us, and upon that romantic white chapel dedicated to ‘Our Lady of Cold Spring,’ which is so tastefully perched upon a rock washed by the Hudson’s waters. At West Point is a depot of fossil enfusoria, and sulphur has also been found. Shooting out of the Highland Pass, we find ourselves in a broad expanse of water, presenting some of the prettiest views to be seen upon the river. Seated upon the elevations of the left bank are many towns; Newburgh being the most conspicuous as it is the largest: and it is built upon a high cliff of argillaceous slate, thus displaying its numerous houses and churches to advantage. The opposite shore presents a beautiful green mountain wall, the highest peak of which is 1689 feet above the river. At its foot reposes the smiling town of Fishkill.

I must not linger thus by the way. Remember I have four thousand miles to travel and the summer is passing. Imagine then to yourself a broad and beautiful river, skirted with cultivated country with often a mountainous back ground, and rich with ‘summer’s green emblazoned field’—and wafting upon its waters river-craft of all forms, from the lazy whaler returning after a four year’s cruise, to the little pleasure yacht. There are many towns on this river, one of which, Poughkeepsie, is rendered famous as being the place where Washington, Hamilton, Jay and Chancellor Livingston met, to compose the Constitution of the United States. The city of Hudson is agreeably situated upon the summit of a slaty cliff commanding a view of the Catskill mountains, and the town of Athens on

the opposite bank of the river. Imagine, scattered like gems upon the borders of the stream, pretty villas of Grecian, Gothic and nondescript styles, the homes of the Livingstons, Dewitts, Ellisons, Verplancks, Van Renselears, Schuylers, and other gentlemen of taste and wealth. I saw nothing of those Dutch elves and fays which the genius of Irving has conjured up, among the dells and rocks of the Hudson—those creatures are unfortunately out of fashion; and one might as well look for them as for high heeled shoes. Perhaps they will come in with the ancient modes. If I thought so, I would immediately order hoop, train, cushion, buckle, high heel, and all the odious costume which rendered my ancestresses so hideous. Alas I fear the ‘mincing dryades’ with high crowned hats, are all departed—and no more—

“On the tawny sands and shelves, Trip the pert fairies, and the dapper elves.”

Albany appears at great advantage seated upon a side hill, presenting a mass of imposing buildings surmounted by many a tall steeple, and crowned by the Capitol and City Hall, from whose gilded dome the evening sunbeams are brightly streaming.

I have said nothing about my gallant bark, nor my company—the first a large and rapid steamboat, arranged with satin cushioned and canopied saloons—the latter a mixture of all countries and sexes.

But we are at the wharf and I must put up my papers. Adieu.

L E T T E R I I .

J 15th, 1840.

My dear E.—We shall of course remain in Albany during the Sabbath for the pleasure of worshipping that kind Friend, who has showered upon us the blessings we are now enjoying. In the morning we walked to the church of a Baptist clergyman, Mr. W——h, who has been long celebrated as a very interesting preacher. This church is a handsome marble structure, surmounted by a dome, and adorned by a colonade of pillars in front. The lecture room is below, and we ascended to the chapel, a neat apartment with a good pulpit and commodious seats. Mr. W. sprang from an obscure station, being a mechanic, and therefore could only obtain a common education. What he is, he has made himself, or rather was made by the Holy Spirit; for we all know how religion refines and elevates the intellect of man, as well as his affections. After his conversion he rapidly improved, and now one is astonished at the beauty and purity of his language. He is not an animated preacher, nor does his forte lie in arousing a sinner; but he shows forth the truth and beauty of religion, and expounds the Gospel doctrines with a power and grace, and clearness, which fascinate the hearer. This church is always crowded by the elite of Albanian society of all sects, and by the strangers who are in the city.

In the afternoon we attended service in an old Dutch church, one of the oldest in the city. It is built of brick, and boasts two spires which give it a singular appearance. The interior is richly fitted up, with gilded chandeliers and many comforts and elegant conveniences. Here we found ourselves surrounded by the old Dutch families, whose fathers emigrated from Holland and settled themselves here; among them were the family of the Patroon. I looked around with pleasure upon the sober benevolent faces of the congregation, for I have always felt a very kindly sentiment toward our Dutch brethren. The peaceful, even tenor of their lives; their contented spirit, their industry and integrity entitle them to our most ‘golden opinions.’ The Rev. Mr. Y——, who officiates here, is an able, solid, preacher, well versed in the fundamental truths of christianity.

I am happy to say, the people of this city, are a very moral and religious people. This applies also to the ‘first society’—which is a singularity in city history. Beneath their influence theatres, dissipation, and extravagance cannot thrive. Already I seem to breathe freer, although so little distant from New York; whose atmosphere, rank with foreign luxuries, is like a hot house over-crowded by fragrant exotics; stifling us with perfume.

We admire this city, which however we have only been able to see in our odds and ends of time. Its situation is very fine, it contains many handsome buildings, and it is generally kept very neat. A broad street through the centre leads up to a pretty square, surrounded by several imposing buildings —the Capitol occupies a fine position here; it is of dark stone, with a neat marble portico supported by four ionic columns. The City Hall on the opposite side of the square, is a noble edifice, built of white marble from the quarries of Sing Sing, surmounted by a gilded dome. The view from this dome is beautiful; embracing the city at your feet—green hilly country, dotted with country seats and towns, among which is the city of Troy—the noble Hudson, winding among this country and a back ground of mountains. The new State Hall is a pretty building—the Exchange, is a huge mass of granite, giving one a great idea of the extent of business which requires so large a structure for its merchants.

What a different place is this to the town which stood upon this two hundred years since. Then the only public building was a quaint old Dutch church, with painted glass windows; adorned with the coat of arms of those ancient worthies, who, clad in trunk hose and steeple crowned hats, sat demurely below. There are but few of the ancient Dutch houses left, and these are daily falling before the yankee spirit of improvement—which improvement by the bye sometimes merely amounts to alteration. At this city is the southern termination of the great Erie Canal.

L E T T E R I I I .

J 17th, 1840.

My dear E.—We arose at an early hour, and after looking into some of the public buildings we returned to breakfast, This dispatched, we drove to the rail road depot, an ugly building at the head of State Street where we alighted and stood in a large barn-like apartment, among men and trunks and boys—the latter screaming, Albany Argus’—‘Evening Journal!’—and among all sorts of confusion, until we were seated in the cars. Soon however, two fine horses, to whom I render my thanks, dragged us out of the barn into open day—up through the square, over the hill, to the Locomotive Depot, giving us on the way many sweet little back views of Albany and its pretty country and river, and the round tops of the Catskills in the blue distance beyond. The snort of a steampipe, and perfume of grease and smoke, announced the vicinity of our locomotive; and, as if to show off its paces, the engineer whirled the hideous thing back and forth before our—at least my—nil admirari eyes. Our horses were unhitched— the engine attached, and away we rushed, leaving our fine steeds gazing after us with tears in their eyes, to see themselves outdone by a great teakettle.

There are many pretty villas along the road; breathing places for the heated citizens below, which I would describe to you; but dashing along at sixteen miles an hour speed I can only catch a glimpse of white pillar and portico when the next minute we are three miles away. You must expect no description of the country when I am on a rail road, for the scenery is all blurred, like a bad lithograph. I only saw groups of pine trees rushing past and several bright dots which I suppose meant wild flowers when we came in sight of Schenectady, an antique dutch town. Before entering it I was struck by the vision of two immense tarred ropes walking deliberately beside our car, and discovered we were upon an inclined plain, descending which, cars of stone were brought up at the other end of our ropes. Our steam horse was once more exchanged for one of flesh and we set off upon a jog trot. Near the city we passed a canal basin in which lay several canal boats, for the Erie Canal passes through here. We entered the city, crossed the end of a long street filled with bright looking shops, where people and

horses were frisking about in the morning air,—when another large depot received us in its barn-like expanse. The Ballston and Saratoga train entered at the other end, and you may imagine the charming confusion as the people of both trains jumped in and out the carriages, marched and counter marched until they had settled down into their several seats.

We were not suffered long to look upon this pleasant picture, for at 9 o’clock we were on our way to Utica. We could see but little of Schenectady while passing through it, but it looked well at a distance. Upon an eminence above the town stands Union College a fine building of grey stone.

Schenectady is an Indian name spelt by them Schan-naugh-ta-da; meaning ‘the Pine Plains,’ a fitting name, for the pine is universal here. This town has been the property of many different nations—the Mohawk, the French, the Dutch, and the English having each in succession ruled its destinies.

After leaving the town, we entered at once the glorious valley of the Mohawk which runs nearly westerly, and whose course we followed eighty miles to Utica. There may be lovelier vallies in the world, but certainly not another like this, for it is unique in its kind. Imagine a long green valley covered with rich farms—through its centre a bright transparent river, having a rail road on one bank and a canal on the other; while a range of hills frame in the picture on each side. So straight is this valley, that canal, river, and rail road run parallel, and within sight of each other nearly all the way.

It was one of June’s sweetest mornings when we passed the shores of the pretty Mohawk, and I was never weary of gazing down into its smiling face, as we glided along; or of watching the lazy canal boat dragging its rich freight at the foot of those soft green hills opposite; or, of peeping out the coach at the rugged cliffs, which reared their bare heads far above our road.

There are many little villages on this route, where we stopped to refresh ourselves, or to fill the engine. The first was Amsterdam a small Dutch settlement. Near this place stands a handsome stone edifice which is renowned in the annals of New York as the residence of Grey Johnson and his brother Sir William, the dreamer. At these towns there are hotels, and at other spots refreshment houses, built at the road side, where you are allowed a few minutes to rest. You are shown into large rooms set out with

long narrow tables, bearing loads of coffee, oysters, cakes, pies, fruit lemonade, etc.,—you pile your plate with good things, stir around your coffee or tea, when tingle! goes the bell ‘all aboard!’ rings in your ears, and you have just time to put your 25 cents into the attendants hands and yourself in a car when puff! and away you go. Some of these towns are pretty, as St Johns, Fonda, Canajoharie, Herkimer, and many others.—What hungry people these travellers are! at every refreshment station the tables were crowded and at the signal they rushed into the cars each with a cake or pie, or apple, to finish at his leisure. We may say with Horace,

‘At Fundi we refused to bait.’

One would imagine he was speaking of our little Fonda, which is here pronounced as Horace spells it. It was named after the celebrated Col. Fonda.

Fort Plain is a pretty place on the other bank of the river; here I longed to ‘stay one turn’ to hammer a specimen from the encrinal lime-rock which is found there. The little falls of the Mohawk is a delightful place. The river here forces its way through a rocky country and falls over successive ledges of rock in pretty cascades. The beauty of the scene does not consist in altitude, but in number and variety of these saults; and the foaming river rushing over its rocky bottom or winding around its tiney islets, and in the towering cliffs around it. The village is seated upon each side of the river, connected by a handsome marble aqueduct leading to the canal basin, and by a neat bridge for carriages. The scene as we approached was very pretty. You see a frame work of rugged cliffs, enclosing a noisy rushing river with numerous cascades, its shores crowned with white buildings, and spanned by a noble bridge; the canal boat is seen creeping at the foot of the hills opposite, while the steeples, court house and hotels, are peeping from the trees which cover the sloping bank at our right. Perched upon every jutting point and grouped around the shores were many shanties occupied by the children of Erin who have kindly volunteered to make our rail roads and canals.

When the train stopped before the hotel, instead of the usual sound of ‘Newspapers,’ or ‘Nuts,’ or ‘Apples to sell,’ I heard young voices asking if we wanted some diamonds! Surprised, I looked out and beheld several little girls holding up small boxes containing Quartz Crystals. We of course

became purchasers, and found among them some very perfect and pure. ‘Where do you find these?’ I asked. ‘Oh, all among the cliffs ma’am,’ she answered in the Hibernian tongue—‘and if its stop ye wud, I’d show ye to the diamond holes where I often dig up the ful of my pocket.’ We observed this was a large town, having several churches, dwellings, a handsome court house, and many large manufacturers. Geologists tell us this was one shore of that lake of which the highlands were the southern boundary. How it came to wear through these hills and run away to the sea no one can ever know. The rocks here are limestone, principally; but I observed there was with it some fine granite. There was an old man among our passengers, who had lived here ‘when all this was a wilderness.’ He amused us with some stories of past times; one of which I think interesting enough to tell you. Here it is to fill up the page.

During the War of Independence there were two brothers, who, although they were brothers, could not think alike; they joined opposite sides in the war. It happened while the Division under Gen. Herkimer was destitute of arms, ammunition and clothing, he heard of the approach of the English troops. Fight he could not; fly he would not; and he was seeking some stratagem to better his situation, when fortunately, for him, the English brother having strayed too near his camp was taken up as a spy. The brothers, who had been long separated met once more; but it was a bitter meeting, for one was a prisoner and condemned to die. In spite of their different sentiments they loved each other. The prisoner earnestly entreated his brother, who was the General’s Aid, to use all the influence in his power to save his life. The Aid was conscious he could not succeed unless he made the ‘worse appear the better reason;’ for his brother had been fairly captured as a spy, and in consequence of some bloody deeds of the enemy, his life was to be forfeited. With a heavy heart and darkened brow he entered the General’s tent.

‘I know what you would ask ere you speak’ said his commander. ‘I have expected you and have determined upon my course. You come to ask your brother’s life—it is your’s upon one condition.’ ‘Name it! I am not afraid to agree to any thing my General may propose!’ ‘I require you to go over to the enemy as a deserter—tell them exactly of our numbers; for I have learnt they do not imagine we are so strong; conceal the state of our arms and provisions; and if I am not much mistaken, they will immediately withdraw

when they know how large is our force. You are then to find your way back again as you can. When you return your brother shall be free.’

For one moment the Aid hesitated. To appear as a deserter—to act the spy—to deceive even an enemy, was adverse to his open noble nature— there was also danger of discovery when returning, which would lead to disgrace and death.

‘Well young man! what is your determination?’ asked the General. ‘I will go, and trust in heaven and in you.’ He sought the enemy’s camp, was imprisoned as a spy—but his feigned tale procured his liberation. The enemy retreated before so large a force, which they could have conquered if they had known their distressed condition. It was many months ere the Aid rejoined his General. His brother was released, and after a parting full of sorrow they separated never to meet again.

We arrived at Utica at three o’clock, and repaired immediately to Baggs’s hotel. Here we found an excellent dinner, just ready, which to hungry travellers is a cheering sight. As I promised to put down our expenses, we pay $3,75 each, from Albany to Utica, eighty miles. We here concluded to leave the train, and spend a few days at the celebrated Trenton falls. After partaking a very nice dinner at Bagg’s hotel, we entered a neat carriage for Trenton falls, 14 miles north of Utica. The drive is a pretty one, and up hill all the way. We arrived at dark at a small inn in a forest, and were obliged to defer our visit to the cascade until the next morning.

After breakfast we walked out to visit the falls. Our way was through a deep forest breathing forth sweet fragrance in the early morning air. Suddenly, in the midst of the woods, we found ourselves upon the brink of a precipice, one side of a narrow chasm two hundred feet deep, while, too far below to be heard, a mountain torrent was rushing and foaming over the rock. A range of five ladder stairways led down the steep,—and as we thus hung over the water, we felt very much like some of Shakespear’s samphire gatherers, and thought what a ‘dreadful trade’ was hunting waterfalls. Safely down, we found a narrow ravine, so filled with the roaring torrent, that there was scarcely room for a pathway beside it. Part of the way a chain was inserted into the rock that we might, by holding upon it, pass the boiling whirlpool, if our nerves are strong enough to command our hands and feet—so scrambling, climbing, swinging, we contrived to reach the uppermost cascade, which is two miles from the last one. This stream,

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