Primer of diagnostic imaging 6th edition mukesh g. harisinghani All Chapters Instant Download

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Primer of Diagnostic Imaging 6th Edition Mukesh G. Harisinghani

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Primer of Diagnostic Imaging



Harvard Medical School


Massachusetts General Hospital

Boston, Massachusetts

John W. Chen, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Harvard Medical School


Massachusetts General Hospital

Boston, Massachusetts

Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD

Thrall Professor of Radiology

Harvard Medical School


Massachusetts General Hospital

Boston, Massachusetts

Table of Contents

Cover image

Title Page

Copyright Dedication




Chapter 1 Chest Imaging

Imaging Anatomy


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome


Chronic Lung Disease

Inhalational Lung Disease

Airway Disease

Lung Injury

Pulmonary Vasculature



Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 2 Cardiac Imaging

Cardiac Imaging Techniques

Congenital Heart Disease

Acquired Heart Disease

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 3 Gastrointestinal Imaging



Duodenum and Small Bowel



Biliary System



Peritoneum and Abdominal Wall

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 4 Genitourinary Imaging


Bladder and Urethra


Adrenal Glands

Male Pelvis

Female Pelvis

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 5 Musculoskeletal Imaging


Bone Tumors


Metabolic Bone Disease

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 6 Neurologic Imaging

Imaging Anatomy

Vascular Disease



Degenerative and White Matter Disease



Congenital Disease

Sellar and Juxtasellar Regions


Tumors (Fig 6 93)

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 7 Head and Neck Imaging

Temporal Bone

Skull Base, Foramina, and Cranial Nerves

Lymph Nodes

Oral Cavity, Suprahyoid and Infrahyoid Neck, and Larynx

Sinuses, Nasal Cavity

Glands and Periglandular Region

Mandible and Maxilla

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 8 Vascular Imaging


Thoracic Aorta and Great Vessels

Abdomen and Pelvis



Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 9 Breast Imaging


Breast Cancer

Noncancerous Lesions

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 10 Obstetric Imaging

First Trimester

Ectopic Pregnancy

Multifetal Pregnancy

Second and Third Trimesters

Measurements and Growth

Fetomaternal Structures

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 11 Pediatric Imaging

Respiratory Tract

Gastrointestinal Tract

Genitourinary Tract

Musculoskeletal System

Pediatric Neuroimaging

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 12 Nuclear Imaging

Pulmonary Imaging

Cardiac Imaging

Gastrointestinal Imaging

Genitourinary Imaging

Bone Imaging

Thyroid Imaging

Positron Emission Tomography

Miscellaneous Imaging Techniques

Differential Diagnosis

Suggested Readings

Chapter 13 Contrast Agents

X-Ray Contrast Agents

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents

Treatment of Contrast Reactions

Suggested Readings

Chapter 14 Imaging Physics

X-Ray Physics

Nuclear Physics


Ultrasound Physics

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics


Suggested Readings



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Copyright © 2019 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-323-35774-6

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Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods, they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whomthey have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions.

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To all of the radiologists whose knowledge, research, and wisdom contributed to this book


David Chow MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Nuclear Imaging

Brendan J. Diederichs MD, FRCPC, University of Calgary

Obstetric Imaging

Reza Forghani MD, PhD, McGill University (Montreal)

Head and Neck Imaging

Ravi Gottumukkala MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Contrast Agents

Sandeep Hedgire MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Cardiac Imaging

Gary Lloyd Horn Jr., MD, The University of Texas Medical Branch

Gastrointestinal Imaging

Genitourinary Imaging

Susie Huang MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Neurologic Imaging

Aoife Kilcoyne MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Nuclear Imaging

Weier Li MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Pediatric Imaging

Kathryn P. Lowry MD, University of Washington

Breast Imaging

Melissa Price MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Chest Imaging

Benjamin Pulli MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Musculoskeletal Imaging


The sixth edition of Primer of Diagnostic Imaging will continue to function as a integral learning source for residents and fellows, as well as a refresher text for faculty and practicing physicians. This book serves not only as the core curriculumfor our fast-evolving specialty but also as a current reference text for practitioners. We have sought to update and include material to reflect current imaging algorithms, while at the same time retaining older material that is pertinent to a variety of practice patterns. Since the preparation of the last edition, we have incorporated further advances in the various imaging modalities and have to the best of our knowledge corrected any inaccurate information. Furthermore, by continuing to have our successful graduates evaluate the content, we have ensured that the subject matter covers the information assessed by the current American Board of Radiology examination. We are particularly indebted to our reviewers for their feedback. It is our hope that Primer of Diagnostic Imaging will continue to serve the next generation of radiologists, helping them navigate the streamof continuously emerging new information.

Mukesh G. Harisinghani

John W. Chen

Ralph Weissleder


2D two-dimensional

3D three-dimensional

4D four-dimensional

5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid

AA aortic arch

A–a alveolar-arterialPo2 difference

AAA abdominalaortic aneurysm

ABC aneurysmalbone cyst

ABPA allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

ABS amniotic band syndrome

AC abdominalcircumference; acromioclavicular; alternating current

ACA anterior cerebralartery

ACC agenesis of corpus callosum; adenoid cystic carcinoma

ACL anterior cruciate ligament

ACLS advanced cardiac life support

ACOM anterior communicating (artery)

ACR American College of Radiology

ACS anterior cervicalspace

ACT activated clotting time

ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone

AD abdominaldiameter; autosomaldominant; average distance

ADC apparent diffusion coefficient

ADEM acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

ADH antidiuretic hormone

ADPKD adult dominant polycystic kidney disease

AFB aortofemoralbypass

AFI amniotic fluid index

AFL air-fluid level

AFP alpha-fetoprotein

AFV amniotic fluid volume

Ag silver

AHA American Heart Association

AHD acquired heart disease

AI aortic insufficiency; aluminum

AICA anterior inferior cerebellar artery

AICD automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

AICV anterior intercostalvein

AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

AIP acute interstitialpneumonia

AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer

ALD adrenoleukodystrophy

ALS amyotrophic lateralsclerosis

AM abnormalmotility

AMI acute myocardialinfarction

AML angiomyolipoma; anterior mitralleaflet

amu atomic mass unit

ANC acute necrotic collections

ANCA antineutrophilcytoplasmic antibody

AP anteroposterior

APKD adult polycystic kidney disease

APS anterior pararenalspace

APUD amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation

APW absolute percentage washout

AR autosomalrecessive

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome

ARF anterior renalfascia

ARKD autosomalrecessive kidney disease

ARPCKD autosomalrecessive polycystic kidney disease

ARVD arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

AS ankylosing spondylitis; aortic stenosis

ASA anterior spinalartery

ASD airspace disease; atrialseptaldefect

a-Se amorphous selenium

ASNR American Society of Neuroradiology

ATA American Thyroid Association Guidelines

ATN acute tubular necrosis

ATP adenosine triphosphate

AV arteriovenous; atrioventricular

AVF arteriovenous fistula

AVM arteriovenous malformation

AVN avascular necrosis

AZV azygos vein

Ba barium

BBOT 2,5-bis(5-ter-butyl-2-benzoxasolyl)thiophene

BI Billroth I

BII Billroth II

BAC bronchoalveolar carcinoma

BAI basion-axialinterval

BBB blood-brain barrier

BBBD blood-brain barrier disruption

BCDDP Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Program

BCNU 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea

BCP basic calciumphosphate

BCS Budd-Chiarisyndrome

BE bariumenema; binding energy

BEIR BiologicalEffects of Ionizing Radiation

BF Bucky factor

BFM bronchopulmonary foregut malformation

BGO bismuth germaniumoxide

β-HCG beta-human chorionic gonadotropin

BIP bronchiolitis obliterans interstitialpneumonitis

BI-RADS Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System

BLC benign lymphoepithelialcyst

BOOP bronchiolitis obliterans and organizing pneumonia

BP blood pressure

BPD biparietaldiameter; bronchopulmonary dysplasia

BPE background parenchymalenhancement

BPF bronchopleuralfistula

BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia

BPM beats per minute

BPOP bizarre parostealosteochondromatous proliferation

BPP biophysicalprofile

Bq becquerel

BRBPR bright red blood per rectum

BRTO balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration

BS buccalspace

C caudate; coulomb

CA carcinoma

CABG coronary artery bypass graft

CAD coronary artery disease

CAH chronic active hepatitis

CAPD chronic ambulatory peritonealdialysis

CaWO4 calciumtungstate

CBD common bile duct

CBF cerebralblood flow

CBV cerebralblood volume

CC cornealclouding; craniocaudad; craniocaudal

CCA common carotid artery

CCAM congenitalcystic adenoid malformation

CCF carotid-cavernous sinus fistula

CCK cholecystokinin

CCU coronary care unit

CD cystic duct

CD4 cluster designation 4 antigen

CDH congenitaldiaphragmatic hernia; congenitaldislocation of the hip

CDI color Doppler imaging

cd/m2 candela per square meter

CEA carcinoembryonic antigen

CECT contrast-enhanced computed tomography

CF cystic fibrosis

CFA common femoralartery; cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

CHA calciumhydroxyapatite; common hepatic artery

CHAOS congenitalhigh airway obstruction

CHD common hepatic duct; congenitalheart disease

CHF congestive heart failure

Cho choline

CHP chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis

CI cardiothoracic index

Ci Curie

CIDP chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

CIN contrast-induced nephropathy

CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

CLC corpus luteumcyst

CMC carpometacarpal(joint)

CMD corticomedullary differentiation

CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

CMV cytomegalovirus

CN cranialnerve

CNS centralnervous system

CO carbon monoxide

Co cobalt

COP cryptogenic organizing pneumonia

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CP cerebellopontine; choroid plexus

CPA cerebellopontine angle

CPAM congenitalpulmonary airway malformation

CPAP continuous positive airway pressure

CPC choroid plexus cysts

CPM centralpontine myelinosis

cpm counts per minute

CPPD calciumpyrophosphate dihydrate

cps counts per second

CR computed radiography

Cr creatine/phosphocreatine

CREST calcinosis, Raynaud's, esophagealdysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (syndrome)

CRL crown-rump length

CRMO chronic recurrent multifocalosteomyelitis

CRPS complexregionalpain syndrome

C-section cesarean section

C-spine cervicalspine

CS centralsulcus; carotid space

Cs cesium

CSF cerebrospinalfluid

CsI cesiumiodide

CSP corrected sinusoidalpressure

CT computed tomography

CTA computed tomographic angiography

CTAP computed tomographic arterialportography

CTC computed tomography colonography

CTDI CT dose index

CTP computed tomographic perfusion

CTPA CT pulmonary angiography

CTV computed tomographic venography

CU clinicalunit

Cu copper

CVA cerebrovascular accident

CVR CPAM volume ratio

CVS calciumvolume score; chorionic villus sampling

CWP coalworkers' pneumoconiosis

CXR chest radiograph

D dilatation

DA double arch

DAI diffuse axonalinjury

dB decibel

DC direct current

DCIS ductalcarcinoma in situ

DDH developmentaldysplasia of the hip

DDx differentialdiagnosis

DE-CMRI delayed-enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

DECT dual-energy CT

DES diethylstilbestrol; diffuse esophagealspasm

DFTN diffuse fold thickening with fine nodularity

DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation

DIP desquamative interstitialpneumonitis; distalinterphalangeal(joint)

DIPS direct intrahepatic portocavalshunt

DISH diffuse idiopathic skeletalhyperostosis

DISI dorsalintercalated segment instability

DJD degenerative joint disease

DLBCL diffuse large B-celllymphoma

DLP dose length product

DM diabetes mellitus

DMSA dimercaptosuccinic acid

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

DNET dysembryoplastic neuroepithelialtumor

DORV double-outlet right ventricle

DPS dorsalpleuralsinus

DR digitalradiography

DRE digitalrectalexamination

DSA digitalsubtraction angiography

D-TGA complete transposition of great arteries

DTPA diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid

DU deep ulcer(s)

DVT deep vein thrombosis

DW Dandy-Walker

DWI diffusion-weighted imaging

E exposure

Eaver average electron energy

Emax maximumenergy

EA esophagealatresia

EAC externalauditory canal

EBV Epstein-Barr virus

ECA externalcarotid artery

ECD endocardialcushion defect; ethylcysteinate dimer

ECF extracellular fluid

ECG electrocardiogram

ECMO extracorporealmembrane oxygenation

EDH epiduralhematoma

EDV end-diastolic volume

EEG electroencephalogram

EF ejection fraction

EFW estimated fetalweight

EG eosinophilic granuloma

EGA estimated gestationalage

EMS endometrialstripe

ENT ear, nose, throat

EPA EnvironmentalProtection Agency

EPO erythropoietin

ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

ERPF effective renalplasma flow

ERV expiratory reserve volume

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

ESV end-systolic volume

ESWL extracorporealshock wave lithotripsy

ET endotrachealtube

ETL echo train length

eV electron volt

EVLT endovenous laser treatment

EXP exponential

FAPS familialadenomatous polyposis syndrome

FBP filtered back projection

FCD fibrous corticaldefect

FD filling defect

FDA U S Food and Drug Administration

FDG fluorodeoxyglucose

Fe iron

FESS functionalendoscopic sinus surgery

FEV forced expiratory volume

FFDM full-field digitalmammography

FGT fibroglandular tissue

FIGO InternationalFederation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

FL femur length

FLAIR fluid-attenuated inversion recovery

FMC focalmyometrialcontraction

FMD fibromuscular dysplasia

fMRI functionalmagnetic resonance imaging

FN false negative

FNA fine-needle aspiration

FNH focalnodular hyperplasia

FOD focalspot–object distance

FOV field of view

FP false positive

FRC functionalresidualcapacity

FS focalspot; fractionalshortening

FSE fast spin echo

FSH follicle-stimulating hormone

FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemalantibody absorption (test)

FUO fever of unknown origin

FWHM fullwidth at half maximum

g gram

GA gestationalage

Ga gallium

GB gallbladder

GBCA Gd-based contrast agents

GBM glioblastoma multiforme

GBPS gated blood poolstudy

G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor

GCT giant celltumor

Gd gadolinium

GDA gastroduodenalartery

GE gastroesophageal

GEJ gastroesophagealjunction

GFR glomerular filtration rate

GH growth hormone

GI gastrointestinal

GIP giant cellinterstitialpneumonia

GIST gastrointestinalstromaltumor

GLAD glenolabraldegenerative joint disease

glut glucose transporter

GLUT1 glucose transporter 1

GM gray matter

GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone

GRE gradient-recalled echo

GSD genetically significant dose

GSO gadoliniumoxyorthosilicate

GTD gestationaltrophoblastic disease

GU genitourinary

GVH graft-versus-host (disease)

GWM gray-white matter

Gy gray (unit of radiation)

H height

HA hepatic artery

HAZV hemiazygos vein

Hb hemoglobin

HbAS sickle celltrait

HbSS sickle celldisease

HC head circumference

HCC hepatocellular carcinoma

HCG human chorionic gonadotropin

HD Hurter and Driffield (curve)

HGH human growth hormone

HIDA hepatic iminodiacetic acid derivative

HIP health insurance plan

HIV human immunodeficiency virus

HLA human leukocyte antigen

HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome

HMD hyaline membrane disease

HMDP hydroxymethylene diphosphonate

HMPAO hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime

HOCA high-osmolar contrast agent

HPF high-power field

HPO hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy

HPS hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

HPT hyperparathyroidism

HPV human papilloma virus

HQ high-quality

HR heart rate

hr hour

HRCT high-resolution computed tomography

HS hepatosplenomegaly; high-speed

HSA human serumalbumin

HSG hysterosalpingogram

HSV herpes simplexvirus

HTLV human T-celllymphotrophic virus

HTN hypertension

HU heat unit; Hounsfield unit

HVA homovanillic acid

HVL half-value layer

IA intraarterial

IAA interruption of aortic arch

IABP intraaortic balloon pump

IAC internalauditory canal

IBD inflammatory boweldisease

ICA internalcarotid artery

ICRP InternationalCommission on RadiologicalProtection

ICU intensive care unit

ICV internalcerebralvein

ID information density; inner diameter

IDA iminodiacetic acid

IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase

IG immunoglobulin

IgA immunoglobulin A

IgE immunoglobulin E

IgG immunoglobulin G

IHF immune hydrops fetalis

IHN infrahyoid

IHSS idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis

IJV internaljugular vein

IL-2 interleukin-2

ILO InternationalLabor Organization

ILT inferolateraltrunk

IM intramuscular

IMA inferior mesenteric artery

IMV internalmammary vein

In indium

INF inferior

INH isoniazid

INR internationalnormalized ratio

INSS InternationalNeuroblastoma Staging System

IPF idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

IPH idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage

IPKD infantile polycystic kidney disease

IPMN intraductalpapillary mucinous neoplasm

IPMT intraductalpapillary mucinous tumor

IQ intelligence quotient

IRV inspiratory reserve volume

ITB iliotibialband

IUD intrauterine device

IUGR intrauterine growth retardation

IUP intrauterine pregnancy

IV intravenous

IVC inferior vena cava

IVDA intravenous drug abuse(r)

IVP intravenous pyelogram

IVS interventricular septum

JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

keV kiloelectron volt

Kr krypton

KS Kaposisarcoma

KUB kidney, urethra, bladder

kV kilovoltage

kVp peak kilovoltage

L left; length

LA left atrium

La lanthanum

LAD left anterior descending (artery)

LAE left atrialenlargement

LAM lymphangioleiomyomatosis

LAO left anterior oblique

LATS long-acting thyroid-stimulating (factor)

LBBB left bundle branch block

LBWC limb/body wallcomplex

LCA left carotid artery; left coronary artery

LCF lateroconalfascia

LCIS lobular carcinoma in situ

LCL lateralcollateralligament

LCNEC large cellneuroendocrine carcinoma

LCP Legg-Calvé-Perthes (disease)

LCx left circumflex(artery)

LD lymphocyte depleted (Hodgkin lymphoma)

LD50 lethaldose, 50%

LDH lactate dehydrogenase

LEJV left externaljugular vein

LES lower esophagealsphincter

LET linear energy transfer

LFT liver function test

LGA large for gestationalage; left gastric artery

LH luteinizing hormone

LHA left hepatic artery

LHD left hepatic duct

LIJV left internaljugular vein

LIMA left internalmammary artery

LIMV left internalmammary vein

LIP lymphocytic interstitialpneumonia

LIQ low intelligence quotient

LL lower lobe

LLI left lateralinferior

LLL left lower lobe

LLS left lateralsuperior

LM lateromedial

LMB left mainstembronchus

LMI left medialinferior

LMP last menstrualperiod

LMS left medialsuperior

LN lymph node

LOCA low-osmolar contrast agent

LP lymphocyte predominant (Hodgkin lymphoma)

LPA left pulmonary artery

LPM anterolateralpapillary muscle

LPO left posterior oblique

LPV left portalvein

LR likelihood ratio

L-R shunt left-to-right shunt

LSA left subclavian artery

LSCV left subclavian vein

LSICV left superior intercostalvein

LSMFT liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor

LSO lutetiumoxyorthosilicate

L-TGA corrected transposition of great arteries

LTV lateralthoracic vein

LUCL lateralulnar collateralligament

LUL left upper lobe

LUQ left upper quadrant

LUS lower uterine segment

LV left ventricle

LVA left vertebralartery

LVE left ventricular enlargement

LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction

LVH left ventricular hypertrophy

LYSO lutetiumytriumoxyorthosilicate

MA meconiumaspiration; mesenteric adenopathy

mA milliampere

MAA macroaggregated albumin

MAb monoclonalantibody

MAG methyl-acetyl-gly

MAG3 methyl-acetyl-gly-gly-gly

MAI Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare

MALT mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue

MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor

MAP maximum-a-posteriori

mAs milliampere second

MBq megabecquerel

MC mixed cellularity (Hodgkin lymphoma)

MCA middle cerebralartery

MCD medullary cystic disease

MCDK multicystic dysplastic kidney

mCi millicurie

μCi microcurie

MCL medialcollateralligament

MCP metacarpophalangeal

MCTD mixed connective tissue disease

MCV middle cerebralvein

MD monochorionic, diamniotic (twins)

MDA metaphyseal-diaphysealangle

MDCT multidetector computed tomography

MDP methylene diphosphonate

MELAS mitochondrialmyopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke like episodes (syndrome)

MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia

MERRF myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers (syndrome)

MeV megaelectron volt

MFH malignant fibrous histiocytoma

MGH Massachusetts GeneralHospital

MHz megahertz

MI myocardialinfarction

MIBG metaiodobenzylguanidine

MIBI methoxyisobutylisonitrile

MIP maximum-intensity projection

ML mediolateral

MLCN multilocular cystic nephroma

MLD maximumtransverse diameter to the left frommidline

MLEM maximumlikelihood expectation maximization

MLO mediolateraloblique

MM monoamniotic, monochorionic (twins)

MNG multinodular goiter

Mo molybdenum

mo month

MOCE multiple osteocartilaginous exostoses

MOM multiples of median

mOsm milliosmole

MPA main pulmonary artery

MPD maximumpermissible dose

MPM posteromedialpapillary muscle

MPV main portalvein

MR magnetic resonance

mR milliroentgen

MRA magnetic resonance angiography

MRCP magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography

MRD maximumtransverse diameter to the right frommidline

MRE magnetic resonance enterography

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy

MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

MRV magnetic resonance venography

MS multiple sclerosis

MSA multisystematrophy

MSAFP maternalserumalpha-fetoprotein

MSD mean sac diameter

mSv millisievert

MT magnetization transfer

MTB Mycobacterium tuberculosis

MTF modulation transfer function

MTP metatarsalphalangeal(joint)

MTT mean transit time

MV mitralvalve

MVA motor vehicle accident

MVP mitralvalve prolapse

MW molecular weight

NAA N-acetylaspartate

NB nasalbone length

nCi nanocurie

NCRP NationalCouncilon Radiation Protection

NEC necrotizing enterocolitis

NEMA NationalElectricalManufacturers Association

NEMD nonspecific esophagealmotility disorder(s)

NEX number of excitations

NF neurofibromatosis

NF1 neurofibromatosis type 1

NF2 neurofibromatosis type 2

NG nasogastric

NH nonhereditary

NHL non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Ni nickel

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We have an addict in the house. LP43574.

Weinkauf, David S. MP25444.

Weird Wednesday. LP43184.

Welcome home, Johnny Bristol. LP43370.

Welcome stranger. R578383.

Well — flowing, dead and unloading. MU9002.

Well model and lift. MU9003.

Wells, H. G. LF130.

We’ll walk out of here together. LP43457.

Welt, Louis A. MU9010.

Wendland, John P. MP25485.

Wenzonsky (Pio) Productions. LP43122.

Werrenrath, Elizabeth I. MP25269. MP25270.

Wessex Film Productions. LP141.

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. MP25460.

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Division of Instructional Communications. Motion Picture Services. MP25460.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation. MU8988.

West of Dodge City. R577566.

Weston Woods. SEE Weston Woods Studios, Inc.

Weston Woods Studios, Inc. LP42979 - LP42980. LP42984. LP43121.

Wet chemical methods. MP25303.

We’ve come of age. MP24830.

What about McBride. MP25466.

What do you do while you wait. MP24839.

What do you want me to say. MP25470.

What happens when you go to the hospital.


What’s new in gonorrhea. MP24796.

What’s your I. Q. R567067. R570213. Wheel. LP43534.

When the bough breaks. LF149.

When the wind blows. LP43015.

Where is my wandering mother tonight. LP43509.

Where’s my little lame stray. LP43315.

Where’s Tommy. MP24905.

Where the lilies bloom. LP43371.

Where the wild things are. LP42984.

Where today’s cats came from. MP25178.

Where we stand in Cambodia. MP25090.

White, Carol Elizabeth Brand Gwynn. MU8991. Whitefield. MP25065.

White House family in the United States of America. MU8991.

White knight. LP43043.

Whittemore, L. H. LP43267.

Who are you, Arthur Kolinski. LP43374.

Who’ll cry for my baby. LP43439.

Who saw him die. LP43156.

Who says I can’t ride a rainbow. LP43350.

Who stole the quiet day. MP25422.

Why is a crooked letter. LP43141.

Wicked wolf. R570609.

Wide open spaces. R577488. Wife killer. LP42995. Wife wanted. R577411.

Wilderness: a way of life. MU8937.

Wild heritage. MU8950.

Wild kingdom. MP24855 - MP24859. MP25437 - MP25440. Wild West.


Wild West chimp. R572018.

Willard, Emmet E. MP25273.

William: from Georgia to Harlem. LP43093.

Williams, Bruce Bayne. MU9005.

Willie Dynamite. LP43623.

Wilson, Daniel. MP24733. Windjam. MP24989.

Wind raiders of the Sahara. MP24831.

Wine is a traitor. LP43020.

Winger Enterprises, Inc. LP43267.

Wings of an angel. LP43003.

Winkler, Irwin. LP43134.

Winn, William M. MU8903.

Winning the West. R572106.

Winter fun. LP43535. Winter holiday.


Winter Kill. LP43320.

Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center. MP24800.

Witches of Salem: the horror and the hope. LP43089.

Witch hunt. LP43595.

With a shout, not a whimper. LP43464.

Withers, Brian Gary. LU3664.

Without reservations. R570310.

With strings attached. LP43042.

Wizan, Joe. LP43209.

Wolf, Sidney. MP25425.

Wolf adaptations for defense. MP24763.

Wolf and the badger. MP24764. Wolfe, Tom. LP43209.

Wolf hunting pronghorn antelope. MP24791.

Wolper, David L. MP25445. Wolper Productions.

MP24831. MP25445.

Wolper Productions, Inc. MP25482.

Woman alive. MP25413. Women. LP43167.

Women, women, women. MU9011.

Wonderful world of Disney, 1972 - 73. LP43191 - LP43199. LP43612. MP25387.

Wonrac Productions. LP42983.

Wood (Francis Carter) Inc. MP24860.

Words of summer. LP43157. Wordworks. MP25058 - MP25061.

Workers depend on each other. MP25017.

Working heart. LP43422.

Working set and locality. MP25163.

World Book Encyclopedia. LP43189.

World Film Services, Ltd. LP42962.

World food problem. MP25409.

World of Charlie Company. MP25095.

World of concern. MP24917.

World of darkness. MP25214.

World of sports. R567593. R570079. R572343. R577572. R578420.

World of the black maned lion. MP25437.

World of work. MP24832. MP24833.

World premiere. LP43101.

Worldwide Church of God, Pasadena. MP25285 - MP25289. MP25497 - MP25500.

Woroner Films, Inc.

MP24931. MP24932. MP24933. MP25068. MP25419.

Writing better business letters. MP24888.

Writing workshop — secondary. MP25370.

Xerox Corporation.

LP42942 - LP42943. LP43312 - LP43317.

Xerox Films.

LP42942 - LP42943. LP43312 - LP43317.

Yachting Magazine. MP25040.

Yacht Racing Magazine. MP25040.

Yearling. R566404.

Year 1200. MP25088. Yorkin, Bud. LP43610. LP43611.

You and your eyes. MP24747.

You and your food. MP24759.

You and your sense of smell and taste. MP24754.

You and your senses. MP24758.

You are there. LP43357 - LP43369.

You can’t just hope they’ll make it. MP25338.

Young mother. MP25417. Young widow. R572754.

You’re too fat.


You see, I’ve had a life. MP25418.

Youth and church need each other. MU8970.

Yugoslavian coastline. MP25473.

Zaiontz, Michael G. MP24976.

Zanuck, Richard D. LP43102.

Zanuck / Brown. LP43623.

Zardoz. LP43258.

Ziff Davis Publishing Company. MP25463 - MP25470.

Ziff Davis Publishing Company, CRM Productions. MP25358.

Zlateh the goat. LP43121.

Zoos of Geographic Society. MP24741.

Zoos of the world. MP24741.

Zweig, Stefan. LF127.

Zwer, Joachim D. MU8903.


A list of domestic and foreign motion pictures registered during the period covered by this issue, arranged by registration number.




Bedelia. England. 90 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. Based on the book by Vera Caspary. Appl. au.; Isadore Goldsmith. © John Corfield Productions, Ltd.; 24May46; LF124.


Don’t look now. An Anglo-Italian coproduction by Casey Productions, Ltd. & Eldorado Films, S. R. L. England. 110 min., sd., color, 35 mm. From a story by Daphne DuMaurier. © D. L. N. Ventures Partnership; 12Oct73; LF125.


Men of two worlds. John Sutro. England. 107 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 9Sep46; LF126.


Beware of pity. A Pentagon production. England. 103 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by Stefan Zweig. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 22Jul46; LF127.


Theirs is the glory. England. 82 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Gaumont British Distributors, Ltd. & General Film Distributors, Ltd.; 14Oct46; LF128.


Carnival. A Two Cities film. England. 93 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 2Dec46; LF129.


The History of Mister Polly. England. 96 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. The History of Mister Polly, by H. G. Wells. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 28Mar49 (in notice: 1948); LF130.


The Reluctant widow. A Two Cities film. England. 86 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by Georgette Heyer. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 1May50; LF131.


Flood tide. A Pentagon production. England. 90 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Aquila Film Productions, Ltd.; 2May49; LF132.


Golden Salamander. A Ronald Neame production. England. 97 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Pinewood Films, Ltd.; 3Feb50 (in notice: 1949); LF133.


Fools rush in. A Pinewood Films production. England. 82 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the play by Kenneth Horne. © Pinewood Films, Ltd.; 23May49; LF134.


Dear Mister Prohack. A Pentagon production. England. 89 min., sd., b&w, 35 mm. Adapted from the novel, Mister Prohack, by Arnold

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