3 minute read
Home Grown Patch and the many benefits of school gardens
Step into a bountiful and thriving garden – the ultimate Home Grown Patch. Explore the journey of food from its origins and witness the joy and fulfillment that gardeners experience as they cultivate vegetable crops and revel in fragrant companion plants. This educational patch is designed to inspire both children and adults to start growing their own food gardens not only at home, but in the community, and importantly, at school.
As an initiative of NGIV, working closely with the Victorian Schools Garden Program (VSGP), the Home Grown Patch champions school gardens and garden programs through an alluring garden of beautiful and productive plants.
So why should schools make space and time for gardens and garden programs?
School gardens and garden programs provide a unique and valuable learning opportunity for students that extends beyond traditional classroom settings. School gardens and garden programs:

» Encourage healthy eating habits: by growing and harvesting their own produce, students have a greater connection to the food they eat and are more likely to develop healthy eating habits. They can also learn about the nutritional value of different fruits and vegetables, and gain an appreciation for fresh, locally grown produce.
» Promote physical activity: school gardens require physical work, such as digging, planting, weeding, and harvesting. This provides an opportunity for students to engage in physical activity, which can improve overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, outdoor activity can provide a break from sedentary indoor learning environments.
» Enhances environmental awareness: through garden programs, students can learn about environmental issues, such as soil health, water conservation, and composting. They can also gain an understanding of the importance of biodiversity, and the role that plants play in the ecosystem.
» Provides hands-on learning: garden programs provide an opportunity for students to learn through hands-on experiences, which can be particularly valuable for those who learn best through practical applications. Students can apply science, math, and other subjects in a real-world context, while developing skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork.

» Foster community engagement: school gardens can bring together students, teachers, parents, and other community members to work together towards a common goal. This can help to build stronger community ties and a sense of shared responsibility for the environment.
School gardens and garden programs can help to develop aware and engaged students who are prepared to tackle the challenges of the future.
If you or your school are ready to get into the garden, The Victorian Schools Gardens Program offers support through grants and resources. Visit the NGIV or VSGP websites to find out more.

And if you have questions or need advice, chat with the friendly team at All Green, who are on-site in the Home Grown Patch to answer all your gardening questions.
The Home Grown Patch is brought to you by the Nursery & Garden Industry Victoria and is proudly supported by Victorian Schools Garden Program, All Green Nursery and Garden, Oasis Horticulture and Shapescaper.