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IMAGE SOURCES https://www.lomography.com/cameras


What is Lomography? A definition by Adorama Learning Center 2018

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The popularity of old-school analog photography has skyrocketed in recent years, thanks to a resurgence of interest among professional and amateur photographers. If you’re exploring different forms of photography, analog offers many unique benefits — like the fact that it teaches you to become a better photographer and that it usually requires minimal to zero editing. And of course, there’s the exhilarating feeling of having to wait before you can actually see your images you worked so hard to compose and capture. Now, if you’re a little more out there as a photographer and you love experimenting with different cameras and photography styles, then you’ve probably considered venturing into the exciting world of lomography at some point. As a unique form of photography, lomography lets you try out new styles and become more creative with your images. It’s both an analog camera movement and a community facilitated by The Lomographic Society International. This movement motivates practitioners to be imaginative and play around with their shots. But what exactly is lomography and why should you dabble in it?

Definition of Lomography True lomography uses analog film cameras to create soft-focus images with bright colors. Though the word “lomography” is often used to refer to the art of taking photos with analog cameras marketed by The Lomographic Society International, the word is being increasingly used to describe any photography that uses cheap and quirky cameras. This unusual style of photography allows enthusiasts, or lomographers, as they are called, to incorporate techniques such as distortion, blurring, and multiple exposures into their photos. Ironically, these methods are all considered to be “bad” in conventional photography. However, lomographers abide by the “Don’t Think, Just Shoot” philosophy that enables them to take quirky, interesting shots from unusual angles and in different lighting conditions.

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According to Lomography.com, this movement is “all about having fun while taking good pictures” and being “ready to throw your photography inhibitions away.” If you’re interested in exploring lomography further, here are the “golden rules” you need to be aware of so that you can truly immerse yourself in this fun and liberating photography style:

1. Take your camera everywhere you go. 2. Use it any time — day and night. 3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it. 4. Try to shoot from the hip. 5. Approach the objects of your Lomographic desire as close as possible. 6. Don’t think. 7. Be fast. 8. You don’t have to know beforehand what you captured on film. 9. Afterwards either. 10. Don’t worry about any rules! Page 7

The Birth of the Lomo Movement The “lomo” in lomography has different meanings. It can refer to the Russian company LOMO, an acronym for the Leningrad Optics and Mechanics Association. They were the manufacturers of the LC-A (Lomo Kompakt Automat), the first lomographic camera, which was released in 1982. “Lomo” can also pertain to the LC-A camera itself or to the usual definition of capturing images through the lomographic style. The lomo movement began in 1991 when Austrian students Wolfgang Stranzinger and Matthias Fiegl stumbled upon the LC-A on a trip to Prague. They purchased a second-hand model and used it to chronicle their travels. After being impressed and intrigued by the surreal—and oftentimes otherworldly—look of their images, with their mysterious vignettes and vivid colors, the two began to buy and resell the camera to enthusiasts in Austria. The LC-A’s popularity abroad rose because of this, and eventually, in 1992, Stranzinger and Fiegl founded the Lomographic Society, an organization consisting of lomographers from around the world who use low-fidelity cameras to create beautiful lomo images.

Characteristics of Lomography Photographers can run out of creative juices due to their obsession with the quality of their gear and photos. This situation can lead them to search for new ways of capturing images to reignite their creativity. If you’re stuck in the same rut, you’d be happy to know that lomography highlights casual, snapshot-style photography. It also celebrates “happy accidents,” and encourages the use of various techniques that are considered to be “wrong” in regular photography. Other characteristics that set lomography apart from other forms of photography include: •

Oversaturated colors

Extreme optical distortions

Rainbow-colored subjects

Off-kilter exposure


Alternative film processing

Some of these characteristics, including oversaturated colors and contrast, can be achieved by processing color slide film as standard 35mm film.

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Types of Cameras Used in Lomography You can use different types of cameras to practice lomography. Also known as “toy” cameras, these simple (and usually inexpensive) imaging instruments let you shoot without having to worry about the technical aspects of your image. Let’s take a look at these different lomo cameras:

Instant Cameras As we all know, instant cameras allow you to print your pictures immediately, thanks to its self-developing film. Now, they’re also making a splash in the lomography world, as the Lomography brand has developed the Lomo’Instant Camera ($99). This camera lets you shoot instant images with the click of a button.

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Multi-lens Cameras As the name suggests, these lomo cameras have multiple lenses. The ActionSampler ($35) was the first lomo camera to have this feature, as it has four lenses arranged in a quadrant. When you take pictures with this model, every 35mm frame will be divided into four separate images, placing them on one frame. On the other hand, the four-lens SuperSampler ($39.99) arranges the images sideways on a 35mm frame instead of placing four images in a grid. Another multilens camera, known as the Oktomat, has eight lenses instead of four, enabling it to produce prints with eight sequential images.

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Fisheye Cameras With fisheye cameras, you can take photos that have a rounded shape, making them different from the usual pictures taken with an ordinary camera. Fisheye cameras allow you to capture more details with their 170-degree wide-angle lenses, including close-up shots. These lomo cameras first burst onto the scene with the introduction of the Fisheye One ($49.99), a compact point-and-shoot 35mm film camera boasting a 10mm f/8, 170-degree lens. Models such as the Fisheye No.2 ($79.99) and the Fisheye Baby 110 followed suit.

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Panoramic Cameras These cameras let you take images that show more of your surroundings. Models such as the Sprocket Rocket ($69) and the Spinner 360 ($99) create images with a wider aspect ratio. The Sprocket Rocket can shoot images that are twice as long as a standard 24mm x 36mm frame, as well as photos with the full width of a 35mm film. The Spinner 360, meanwhile, spins horizontally as you shoot and, true to its name, can record up to a full 360 degrees. You can record up to eight panoramas per roll of film with this camera.

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Pinhole Cameras Pinhole cameras are made up of a light-proof box, film, and a pinhole. They produce images based on the rectilinear propagation of light. These cameras can shoot objects from either close or long-range distances with equal sharpness, thanks to their infinite depth of field. Also, pinhole cameras have an extremely wide angle. However, it has a small aperture, which can make it impossible for photographers to capture moving subjects or shoot in darker environments.

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Medium Format Cameras Unlike digital cameras, these lomo cameras produce big, detailed images using medium format film. It’s much bigger than 35mm film and comes in both 120 film and 220 film. The former produces 12 6cm x 6cm images per roll, while the latter produces 24 6cm x 6cm images per roll (although some medium cameras can’t load this type of film).

The Holga 120

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Pros and Cons of Lomography Lomography may have its apparent shortcomings, but you can use these to your advantage as well. These include light leaks and the general unpredictability of these cameras. Light leaks happen when your camera has a hole or gap in it, allowing extra light to enter and compromise the film. Of course, this may not always be a bad thing, as such issues can actually produce a hallucinogenic/trippy visual effect that isn’t necessarily displeasing—especially since lomography is supposed to be interesting and imperfect. Lomography’s unpredictability makes it both fun and frustrating. It’s enjoyable because you get to create spur-of-the-moment yet visually arresting images. However, there may be times when you’ll feel disappointed with your shots. But as with any type of camera, it’s safe to say that when you learn more about your instrument and its inner workings, you will probably get better at it and may even learn to use your lomo camera’s failings to your advantage. Although it has been criticized by established photographers and has been derided as a subculture for hipsters, lomography is an avenue for those who want to produce images that are disorganized and/or confusing, but in a way that is surprisingly attractive to certain viewers. This style may not be appropriate for every moment, but if you’re feeling a little artistic, why not try it out?

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The LOMO LC-A is Conceived So this is how it all started – General Igor Petrowitsch Kornitzky, right-hand man to the USSR Minister of Defense and Industry, slammed a little Japanese compact camera called the Cosina CX-1 onto the desk of his comrade, Michail Panfilowitsch Panfiloff. Panfiloff, who was the Director of the powerful LOMO Russian Arms and Optical factory, carefully examined the item, observing its sharp glass lens, extremely high light sensitivity and robust casing. Realizing its potential, the two gentlemen gave orders to the LOMO PLC factory in St. Petersburg, Russia, to create an improved version of the Cosina CX-1 – and the first working sample of the LOMO LC-A was born!


The LC-A goes into Mass Production In 1984, the LOMO LC-A began mass-production, with 1200 people working on the camera. Starting at 1100 units per month for the Russian market, the camera’s popularity soon spread to then Communist countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Cuba.

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Discovery! The LC-A takes a trip to Vienna While touring Prague, a group of young Viennese students stumbled upon the LOMO LC-A in a quirky, old-school camera shop, and started shooting from the hip. Upon returning to Vienna, they had their film rolls developed, resulting in strangely beautiful images. Soon the questions started coming from friends, family and strangers – they wanted their own LC-A cameras!


The Official Birth of the Lomographic Society International Interest in the mysterious Soviet jewel was rapidly growing and the Lomography founders resorted to carrying out daring backpack raids to Russia in order to satisfy the demand for more and more of these fantastic LOMO LC-A cameras. It was in 1992 that the decision was finally made to found the Lomographic Society International (LSI). During the summer, the legendary “10 Golden Rules of Lomography” were written and later published in the “Wiener Zeitung” newspaper along with the revolutionary “Lomography Manifesto” on November 5th. Shortly after this, the Vienna City Council provided the LSI with an empty house on Breitegasse in the city’s 7th district, which would soon act as a base for all Lomographic operations! It was here that the very first Lomography exhibition was held. At the exhibition, 700 LOMO LC-As were sold and one of Lomography’s most defining features was born – the LomoWall!

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Lomography goes Online, an NYC vs Moscow Exhibition and the first Lomography Embassy In 1994, Lomography invaded the world wide web by launching lomo.com. It was also in this year that a momentous Lomographic exhibition was simultaneously held in New York City and Moscow, with massive LomoWalls gracing each city, showcasing colorful Lomographs from the other. Soon, the first Lomography Embassy Store was established in Berlin.


Securing the Future of the LOMO LC-A With the LOMO LC-A’s popularity continuing to rise, the biggest challenge so far for Lomography arose – the Russian manufacturers of the camera decided to stop its production. But the Lomographic founders bravely scooted to the LOMO Optics factory in Russia and successfully convinced the factory honchos and then-Vice Mayor Vladimir Putin to continue with the LC-A production!


The First Lomography World Congress is held in Madrid Relaunching lomo.com as lomography.com, the new website introduced a product shop, community interaction, special projects, activities and services, plus the WorldArchive, which displayed a collection of amazing Lomographs from different places across the globe. Also in 1997, the first Lomographic World Congress was held in Madrid and boasted a LomoWall of over 120 meters – it consisted of more than 35,000 analogue photos!


The Actionsampler launches at Photokina In 1998, we launched the 4-lensed Actionsampler at Photokina – the largest photography convention in the world. The strange-looking plastic camera takes four sequential images in one 35mm photograph and was an instant worldwide hit!

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The Supersampler is unveiled and new Website Community Functions are Launched Designed, manufactured and patented by Lomography, the Supersampler was launched in 2000 and emerged as the “Queen of all Multilens Cameras.” The revolutionary camera takes four sequential images in one 35mm photograph. Among the new community functions launched on lomography.com were LomoHomes — a space for the Lomography community to store all of their analogue photos and make their very own LomoWalls!


The First Lomography Store Opens The very first Lomography shop in the world opened in Vienna in 2001. The store featured walls decked with Lomographs (LomoWalls), a wide range of innovative products from all over the world and the full line-up of Lomographic items. It also hosted analogue workshops and other activities that catered to the flourishing Lomography community.


The 10th Anniversary Lomography World Congress in Vienna In 2002, Vienna hosted the 10th Anniversary Lomography World Congress which was a grand party and showcased beautiful Lomographic shots from across the globe.


Lomography Fashion makes its Entrance In 2003, we introduced the Sidekick TPE bag – designed to hold cameras, films and even a small laptop. This launch kick-started our line of fashion items which now includes T-shirts, tote bags, camera bags and accessories.


The Lomography World Congress in China and the biggest LomoWall ever! In 2004, we installed the biggest LomoWall to date during the Lomography World Congress in China. For one whole week, Beijing was bursting with shiny analogue photos and tons of exciting activities!

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The Fisheye Camera is Launched 2005 was the year we introduced a breakthrough in photography with the world’s first compact Fisheye camera. Yielding nearly 180-degrees of circular Fisheye distortion in a 35mm photograph, the Fisheye One offered the easiest and most convenient way to take Fisheye photos!


The Legendary LC-A+ enters the Lomography World In 2006, we introduced the LOMO LC-A+. The LC-A+ offers the same endearing qualities of the original LOMO LC-A – sharp contrast, deep saturation and the trademark vignetting – while also adding more exciting features such as a multiple-exposure switch and the option to use newly-developed LC-A+ accessories!

2007 The Diana+ Launches, a White Stripes Collaboration and the London World Congress In 2007, the Diana+ was born. Whilst it looks like a faithful reproduction of the 1960s medium-format classic Diana camera, the Diana+ is no mere replica, it also has enhanced features to offer brand new and exciting creative options. The year also saw the opening of Lomography Gallery Stores in Hong Kong, Paris and Seoul, the World Congress in London and our collaboration with the White Stripes on limited edition Jack Holga and Meg Diana+ cameras.


The Lubitel+ Launches plus brand new Redscale and X-Pro Films In 2008, we launched the Lubitel+ – this is our pimped-up version of the twin-lensed classic Lubitel camera. The Lubitel offers the capability to switch between 120 and 35mm film and aperture/shutter guides. Two photographic techniques – cross processing and redscaling – were made easier with the introduction of the very first Lomography films – the Lomography X-Pro film and Lomography Redscale film.


The Diana Mini Lands and the LOMO LC-A celebrates its 25th Anniversary 2009 was the year we launched everyone’s favorite miniature Queen, the Diana Mini. With a design modeled on her older sister, the Diana F+, the Mini shoots 35mm film and allows you to pick between shooting 36 square shots or 72 half-frame shots on a single film. There was also more Diana-based news to come. The international exhibition, the Diana World Tour,

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set sail this year, with the aim of sharing the very best vignetted square-shots and great parties with Lomographers across the globe. Finally, we saw the Diana+ go instant with the launch of the Diana Instant Back+. We celebrated the iconic LOMO LC-A+ camera that started it all, with the release of the LC-A+ 25th Anniversary and a South Korean-designed “No Nukes” limited editions! The Lomography website was re-launched again, with brand-new features and an improved online experience for our expanding global community! We also launched localized versions of the website for Canada, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, China, the UK and Italy, as well as opening nine new gallery stores worldwide!


“10 Prophecies for the Analogue Future” at Photokina, plus the Sprocket Rocket and Spinner 360° Launch 2010 will be remembered as the year Lomography ensured that the future would remain analogue once and for all! We took the Cologne Photokina by storm yet again, spreading analogue love and announcing our 10 Prophecies for the Analogue Future! The revolutionary Spinner 360° was launched and was quickly awarded the European Consumers Choice Award! We then unleashed the time-travelling Sprocket Rocket in October, the first analogue camera dedicated entirely to sprockets! We also set about ensuring that the future was on film by producing more of our own! We released a whole range of 120 and 35mm format films including special redscale and X-Pro films. In celebration of the LOMO LC-A that started the Lomographic movement, two limited editions were created: the LC-A+ White & the LC-A+ Gold. Also in this year, 10 groups of film-fanatics from around the world teamed up to join the great LC-A Race – a race from the four corners of the globe back to Lomography headquarters in Vienna, armed only with a GPS, a notebook and an LC-A+ camera!

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The Lomography Times Square Exhibition and tons of New Releases

ers to Lomographic fun. In July, we spread the analogue love further with

In 2011, the people of Hong Kong celebrated everything analogue with the the launch of the limited edition LC-A+ Russia incredible Lomography Times Square Exhibition. Over 100,000 people turned Day. We also made a big step in securing the up to discover and explore an enormous LomoWorldMap made up of thou- future of film with the release of our brand-new sands of Lomographic pictures and a collection of four giant, interactive Earl Grey and Lady Grey B&W films. cameras including the Sprocket Rocket, Diana F+, Fisheye No.2 and a Lubitel In November, we launched one of the most ex166+. It was at this exhibition that we announced the launch of the brand- citing innovations of the year – the world’s first new Hong Kong City Guide and a special edition White Sprocket Rocket to Lomographic movie camera – the LomoKino – adding a whole new dimension to analogue celebrate the event! In May, we unleashed the world’s widest compact camera, the Lomo LC-Wide; photography. the latest innovation in the LOMO legacy. Featuring a newly developed 17mm Minigon 1 Ultra-Wide-Angle lens, soon Lomographers were head-over-heels in love with our latest member of the LC-A family. Following in June was the lovable La Sardina camera which featured a brandnew Lomographic flash, Fritz the Blitz. With a wide-angle lens and shooting easy-to-find 35mm film, the La Sardina attracted a whole bunch of newcom-


20 Years of Lomography, 110 Film Returns and a huge Analogue vs Digital Survey 2012 was a hugely exciting year for all things Lomography. We launched a whole host of exciting cameras and started a big celebration for our 20th anniversary. To start with, we announced that Lomography was re-introducing 110 film to the world! This film format had been out of production since 2009 and it was a pleasure to bring it back in style with the launches of Orca B&W 110 film and Tiger CN 110. We then followed this up by producing our very first 110 format cameras, the Fisheye Baby 110 and Diana Baby 110 (you can find out more about them on our dedicated 110 photography site). In September, we demonstrated our ever-inquisitive nature by producing a huge survey about how the worlds of analogue and digital are involved in Lomographers’ lives. The survey was answered by over 5000 people from 82 countries and produced some very interesting results. You can view the data as an infographic on our Analogue vs Digital site. We left what many would say was the biggest and best news of the year until October. It was in this month that we announced the launch of the Belair X 6-12,the world’s first medium format 6×12 auto-exposure camera. And if all this wasn’t quite enough, it also happened to be the year when we reached the ripe old age of 20! That’s right, Lomography started all the way back in 1992 – we celebrated our anniversary by taking a look back at some of our favorite memories on our 20th Anniversary Site.

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The New Petzval Lens is (Re)invented, plus the Konstruktor and LomoChrome Purple Film are Unveiled

the world’s first 35mm do-it-yourself SLR camera. Then in July we had another Kickstarter campaign, this time to reinvent the legendary Petzval Lens. The Lomography New Petzval Lens gives the classic

2013 started with a big bang. By the end of January, we had already launched look of old Petzval lenses but allows you to now get two products. Firstly, we began our first ever Kickstarter campaign with the this on modern day Canon EF and Nikon F camerLomography Smartphone Film Scanner, which offers an easy way for you to as (and other cameras using adapter mounts). The digitize analogue photos. Kickstarter campaign was a tremendous success Then, within only a few weeks, we unveiled LomoChrome Purple Film. Avail- and reached its funding goal in less than 24 hours. able in both 35mm and 120 formats, with this film you can transform green As if that wasn’t enough new products for one year, tones into bright purples; it gives a similar look to the legendary Kodak Aero- in October the Experimental Lens Kit launched, chrome film and was a sure-fire hit with the entire Lomographic community. which works with all Micro 4/3 digital cameras and Fast-forward to April and we celebrated the first ever Film Photography Day. gives photographers the opportunity to shoot real Film enthusiasts from all over the world came together on April 12th to party, optical multiple exposures and color-splash photos with three different lenses. shoot, meet and generally celebrate film photography in all its forms. In summer, we had two further launches to enjoy. First came the Konstruktor,


The Lomography Instant Family and Art Lens Family Expand! Plus brand new Film Launches In the first half of 2014, three new instant cameras were launched. The LC-A+ Instant Camera and Belair X 6-12 Instant Camera turned the iconic LC-A+ and Belair X 6-12 into instant snap-shooters. Then in May came the Lomo’Instant,Lomography’s first dedicated instant camera and the world’s most creative instant camera! It was our 3rd consecutive successful Kickstarter campaign and made Lomography the first company to ever have 2 projects raise over $1 million in the Product Design category of Kickstarter. During the year, we also launched the New Russar+ Lens (L36/M Mount), which expands the Lomography Art Lens family. The New Russar+ is a rebirth of the legendary 1958 Russar MR-2, which was the mother of all modern super wide-angle lenses. With the New Russar+, you can shoot sharp wide-angle photos bursting with wonderful character. It’s perfect for capturing landscapes, architectural shots, portraits and street photography. In August, we celebrated a year since we first unveiled the New Petzval Lens by holding the first ever dedicated Petzval competition and displaying the best photos taken with the New Petzval in Lomography Gallery Stores around the world. To coincide with Film Photography Day earlier in the year, we also held two ‘Search For Analogue Stars’ competitions in order to find the very best photographers shooting film in the 21st century. We also had a bunch of exciting film launches during the year. In July, we unveiled to the world Cine200 Tungsten Film; it’s a real cinematic film

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which has been specially altered to enable it to be used on 35mm photographic cameras. Having sold out in a matter of days, we were thrilled to be able to offer its follow-up, the 400 ISO Cine400 Tungsten Film, in October. And our film fun was not done yet. Later in October, LomoChrome Turquoise XR 100-400 Color Negative Film was launched. This film works similarly to LomoChrome Purple Film but offers brand new, crazy and fun color shifts to enjoy. It bathes your photos in lustrous tones – turning lighter colors into varying shades of blues from aqua to cobalt, transforming greens into deep emerald shades and changing a crystal clear sea into a golden hue.


The All New Lomography Community Site In 2015 so far, we are extremely excited to have launched the brand new Lomography Community Site! The site has been totally redesigned and is fully optimized for all screen sizes. We talked with thousands of Lomography community members about the most wished-for new features and improvements for the site. The new site allows you to browse over 12,000,000 photos, read over 50,000 magazine articles and connect with over 1 million talented Lomographers from the world!


The World’s First Optic Lens Reinvented, an Instant Unlike Any Other and the TEN AND ONE Annual Lomography Photo Award In April 2016, we launched a brand new addition to the ever-expanding Lomography Art Lens family. Inspired by the lens that gave the world practical photography, the Daguerreotype Achromat 2.9/64 Art Lens is perfect for shooting rich, atmospheric images with beautiful bokeh backgrounds. Our brand new Art Lens was successfully funded on Kickstarter in just four hours – we could not have asked for a better response! Hugely inspired by the support for the Daguerreotype Achromat, August 2016 saw us return to Kickstarter to launch an instant camera unlike any other. Fully automatic, jam-packed with creative features and super easy to use, the Lomo’Instant Automat lets you take perfectly-exposed pictures in any and every lighting situation. Our brand new instant innovation was a huge success, and received excellent reviews from around the world. We were super excited to take our two brand new inventions to Photokina, the world’s leading trade fair for photo and video. We had tons of fun at our booth holding a live instant competition, hosting exhibitions, chatting to visitors, and letting

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people try out the very latest Lomography products. We were thrilled that so many people came to see us and loved our products! Competitions celebrating the great photography produced by our talented Community have always been at the heart of Lomography, and that’s why we decided to launch the TEN AND ONE Annual Lomography Photo Award. Lomographers are challenged to explore the fringes of photography, think outside the box, and enter their best shots into 11 different categories including “Urban Explorers” and “Breaking Boundaries”. The winners of each category then qualify for the TEN AND ONE Annual Lomography Photo Award. In 2016 we received tons of inspirational entries and we were delighted to award the winner over 20,000 EUR worth of prizes at the end of the year!


Celebrating 25 Years of Lomography with Exciting Exhibitions, Creative Cameras and Heaps More! Back in 2017, we turned 25 — and partied all year long! We curated the biggest LomoWall exhibition in history, collaborating with millions of creatives across the globe to bring countries, cultures and people together with the longest series of LomoWalls ever constructed. We threw crazy parties in Lomography Gallery Stores all over the world, showering our lovely Lomographers with special exhibitions, wonderful workshops and delicious cocktails. And that’s not all! We rocketed back onto Kickstarter with two brand new inventions. Our brilliant backers helped us to create the Neptune Convertible Art Lens System, a handcrafted system with a collection of interchangeable front lenses for unlimited creative possibilities; and the Lomo’Instant Square Glass, the world’s first fully analogue camera for Instax square film. We didn’t stop there though. We created a rockin’ retro version of the Diana F+ to celebrate 10 years of daring Diana adventures, a gorgeous chrome-plated version of the Daguerreotype Achromat 2.9/64 Art Lens, and poured the purple back into the photographic ocean with new and improved LomoChrome Purple Film. Topping it all off, we brought the world bolder, sharper instant masterpieces than ever before with the Lomo’Instant Automat Glass Magellan and Cabo Verde editions — and gave in to wanderlust with the Lomo’Instant Murano, Panama, Yangon, and Oxford editions. And now, you can share your memories with your followers instantly through our new Lomo’Instant App! Our marvelous Community have racked up an incredible 69 million likes so far — create a LomoHome and join the fun. Once you’re a member you can enter the TEN AND ONE Annual Lomography Photo Awards — last year, we received over 164,000 entries!

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