Somalia NGO Consortium 2012 Annual Report
CONTENTS Highlights 3 Foreword
Introduction 6 Feature: 9 Social Safety Nets in Somalia Advocacy 10 Feature: 13 NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project II Somalia (NHRP II) Information
Feature: NGO Safety Program Coordination
Feature: 19 Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat Representation
Feature: Cash Consortium for South/Central Somalia
Member Feature: 27 Danish Refugee Council Horn of Africa and Yemen
Regional Updates
Financial Update
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
As of the close of 2012 registration, the Consortium membership consisted of 90 National and International NGOs operational in Somalia.
To strengthen the Consortium’s engagement in Somaliland, a Regional Focal Point for Somaliland – Halimo Elmi was recruited in May 2012. Another addition to the Consortium team in June 2012 was a Senior Information Officer – Nana Ndeda. In December 2012, the Consortium will recruit a Regional Focal Point for Mogadishu.
With the added Capacity, the Consortium Secretariat introduced new information products for its membership and external stakeholders. Monthly Updates as well as Timeline reports of key developments are now regularly shared with membership. The Consortium also regularly updates a Directory of Actors and Agencies in Somalia.
Members completed the Consortium’s annual joint advocacy strategy. The strategy identifies four priority areas for advocacy engagement by the Consortium namely: Protection of civilians, refugees and displacement; Humanitarian access, operations and aid; Peace building and conflict resolution and Resilience and Long term development.
In order to enable members to have more focused engagement on various issues, the Consortium has established working groups open for interested members. Active working groups within the Consortium are the Advocacy, Peace building/Armed violence reduction and Resilience working groups.
The Consortium Focal Point represents members on the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) the Coordination of International Support to Somalis Executive Committee (CISS ExComm), and the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) Advisory Board highlighting key NGO concerns and transmitting information to NGOs.
The Consortium has since March 2012 hosted the Somalia NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project II (NHRP II). This project has focused on enhancing NGO engagement within the various Humanitarian Reform structures and on NGO capacity building.
Building up on the outcomes of the NHRPII project, the Consortium has included a new activity line in support of capacity development of its members and NGOs working in Somalia as a whole. Concrete activities have included specialized trainings (social media and humanitarian leadership); a workplan for capacity building will be available in early 2013.
In September 2012, the Consortium membership nominated and endorsed new Deputy Focal Points and members of the Steering Committee. Further, upon request, the Consortium created a member observer status in addition to the existing membership status (i.e. full and associate membership).
In Somaliland, the Consortium signed an MOU with the Somaliland Ministry of National Planning and Development. Through this, the Consortium is recognized to represent the views and positions of member NGOs. NGO Consortium functions in Somaliland have also been enhanced by the introduction of informal Regional coordination mechanisms which now include regular meetings for members in Burcao. 3
Picture Courtesy of GIZ 2012
Foreword 2012 has seen significant change and growth for ister, as well as ongoing military action and the the Somalia NGO Consortium. From a growing take-over of key cities in South Central Somalia membership of both national and international by AMISOM and TFG/SNG affiliated troops have NGOs to the improvement of its functions and characterized 2012. services to members, the Consortium has been It is with great pride and pleasure that the NGO successful in fulfilling its mandated role of coordiConsortium secretariat presents the 2012 Annual nation, advocacy, information sharing and reprereport. This provides an overview of the Consorsentation in Somalia. tium’s activities in 2012, highlighting the achieveThe year has also witnessed significant shifts in ments thus far and the progress made in its manSomalia that have had impact on NGO operations dated functions. This reflection of progress is in the country and have considerably informed also aimed at giving direction to future focus and the NGO Consortium’s activities in 2012. So- activities of the Consortium. This report also gives malia remains in an acute humanitarian situation room for member NGOs to profile their activities. despite the improvements made since the famine Highlights during 2012 have included strong joint declaration in 2011. Furthermore, major political advocacy initiatives by the Consortium’s memprocesses for example the conclusion of the pobership on a variety of issues. The Consortium’ litical transition period in Somalia with the election has also significantly strengthened its information of a new Parliament, President and Prime min4
management capacity, with the introduction of new information products. NGO member agencies further benefit from regular updates on issues of relevance and concern. Members have also increasingly used the Consortium as a platform for learning, exchange and information sharing. Looking forward, the NGO Consortium will seek to remain proactive in identifying and addressing
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
NGO concerns and highlighting NGO operations in Somalia. We remain grateful for your support and look forward to working with you all in 2013. Sincerely, Tanja Schumer Somalia NGO Consortium Focal Point
Introduction The Somalia NGO Consortium is a voluntary mechanism of NGOs for NGOs. Given the highly insecure environment, the complexity of the operating environment and the large numbers of agencies working in Somalia, a coordinated voice is critical to successfully conduct development and humanitarian work in Somalia. Since 2009, the NGO Consortium has brought together local and international NGOs working in Somalia in order to share information and analysis on key issues, facilitate closer coordination and joint advocacy, and improve representation with stakeholders including local authorities, the UN system and donors.
At the end of November 2012, the Consortium has 90 members/observers comprising of both National and International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operational in Somalia. The membership is diverse including humanitarian, development and peace building focused NGOs. The Consortium endeavors to meet the needs of all its members regardless of their operational focus.
Consortium Core Values Transparency: Through effective policies, procedures and structures we ensure to be open and accountable to our members and stakeholders. Do no harm: We are committed to ethical and responsible actions and activities in the service of communities and people. Empowerment: In all our actions we strive to develop people’s capacity and confidence to increase the strength of individuals and communities. Equity: We promote fairness in all our actions as guided by our mandate. Impartiality: We, in all our interactions, show no bias or prejudice against any particular person or group. Accountability: Through our policies and procedures, and in all our actions, we are transparent and accountable, answering to our partners, membership and stakeholders
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
MEMBERS Steering Committee Host Agency
Host Agency Deputy. Int. FP Dep. Nat. FP Reg. FP Somaliland
NSP Programme Manager
Focal Point
Reg. FP Puntland
Info. Officer
Focal Point Asst./Adm.
NSP Staff
Somalia NGO Consortium Structure
The Somalia NGO Consortium is hosted by CARE Somalia which provides administrative support to the Consortium’s Personnel. The Consortium shares its office premises with the NGO Safety Program (NSP). At the Nairobi level the Consortium is managed by a Focal Point and two voluntary Deputy Focal Points supported by an Information officer and Focal Point Assistant/ Administrator.
The Deputy Focal Points represent HIJRA and NRC.
Upon request, the Consortium created a member observer status in addition to the existing membership status (i.e. full and associate membership). The Observer Status members will not have the right to vote on any issues. They can also not nominate themselves, or be elected for Consortium ‘offices’ or official roles (e.g. Regional This team is supported by support staff shared Focal Point, etc.). with the NGO Safety Program (NSP), including a senior Finance and Support Manager, a MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Finance Assistant, a Procurement Officer, and an Office Assistant. In Somaliland, the Consortium √ International or National NGO is supported by a Regional Focal Point and √ Programmes working in Somalia Information and Admin Officer, and two Deputy Regional Focal Points. In December 2012, the √ Signatory to International Federation Consortium will recruit a Regional Focal Point for of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Code of Conduct Mogadishu. Overall, the work of the Consortium is overseen by a Steering Committee elected by √ Commitment to adhere to the vision members. and mandate, as well as active In September 2012, the Consortium membership nominated and endorsed new Deputy Focal Points and members of the Steering Committee. Agencies represented in the Consortium’s Steering Committee are; World Vision Somalia, WASDA, Islamic Relief. AFSC, CARE & DRC.
√ Financial accountability shown through audit √ Payment of annual membership fee 7
THE CONSORTIUM TEAM Focal Point Dr. Tanja Schuemer Regional Focal Point ( Somaliland) Halimo Elmi Waheliye Regional Focal Point (Puntland) KISIMA (Mohammed Said Mohamud/ Yurub Timir Information Officer Nana Ndeda Focal Point Assistant/Administrator Serah Oluoch
Focal Point: Oversees the funtions of the Consortium as per the Mandate as well as that of the NGO Consortium Secretariat. Is the overall lead for advocacy by the Consortium and represents Members at various Coordination structures. Regional Focal Points: Represent the Consortium and its members regionally, coordinate regular meetings with members and stakeholders and facilitate information sharing between members and external stakeholders in the respective regions. Information Officer: Responsible for information gathering, analysis and presentation. Provides support in reporting by the consortium and supports the various advocacy engagements. Focal Point Assistant/Administrator: General Member support including registration, information sharing and operational support. Also provides support to the NGO Consortium’s administrative functions.
Consortium Nairobi Team left to right: Nana Ndeda, Serah Oluoch, Tanja Schuemer, Clarissa Fischer, Steffen Schwarz
Since June 2010, Adeso has led the implementation, in conjunction with Save the Children, of a 30-month pilot Social Safety Net (SSN) project in the Sanaag and Karkaar regions of Somalia. In coordination with relevant government Ministries, the project provides cash grants, skills training, livelihood grants and community DRR trainings to 2,200 households. Supported by the European Union and the Government of Sweden, this project aims to help vulnerable households meet their basic needs and access livelihood opportunities, as well as provide a mechanism for building resilience to livelihood related shocks.
Picture Courtesy of ADESO 2012
In a context where the recognition of NGO-provided social protection mechanisms as an important component of development programming is increasing, particularly in areas where security is a challenge and poverty conditions incredibly complex, the SSN project in Somalia is an example of the great impact a modest amount of money can have on communities facing chronic food insecurity. The inter-linkages between the different components of the project further contribute to sustaining the impact of the project, and building resilience over the longer-term.
Social protection is a system of ensuring the basic survival of citizens. It is often one of many basic services that, along with access to basic health care and education, is missing in vulnerable communities. It is frequently absent from the social agenda because it is considered primarily the responsibility of the government to provide, and otherwise too difficult to deliver. Conflict and post-conflict affected fragile states are by definition contexts where delivering any service is difficult, and social protection, in this context, is usually seen as too distant a long-term prospect To date, the impacts of the project have been to invest in. numerous: in addition to reducing the elevated debt Despite the challenges that exist in fragile states, obtained from borrowing essential items on credit, there is great potential to provide longer-term families who received cash from the SSN project assistance to those most in need, help maintain were able to meet their basic food and non-food lives and livelihoods, and build resilience to needs. In real terms, by March 2012 households future shocks. While it is ideal for governments to purchasing items on credit had decreased from provide social safety nets, there is a humanitarian almost 100% to 10%, and the average household imperative to do what is possible to ensure that the monthly income has increased from $50 (at the most basic needs are met. Fragile states have a time of the baseline) to $91. In addition, twenty long way to go before they can fully provide social percent of participants were able to start incomeprotection to their citizens, but the need for social generating activities. assistance is strong and cannot be ignored.
ADVOCACY The NGO Consortium effectively “creates a space for members to carry out advocacy”. This includes facilitating space for members to come together on advocacy issues or by facilitating advocacy efforts developed externally by members and then brought to the Consortium for wider engagement.
Protection of Civilians, Refugee Rights and Displacement All parties to the conflict in Somalia should adhere to and be held accountable to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law (IHL), Human Rights Law and Refugee law. This is the key message pushed by humanitarian and development agencies operational in Somalia through the NGO Consortium.
Pictures Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
Humanitarian operations, Access and Aid
Jointly addressing challenges facing NGO The Consortium has achieved common positioning operations in Somalia has remained a key of its membership in advocating for the need to advocacy priority for the Consortium. These protect Somali populations amidst the conflict, operational challenges are compounded by the messaging on the need to respect IHL by all lack of access by agencies to address needs actors and the need for durable solutions for IDPs in parts of Somalia as well as an augmented and respect for refugee rights. These messages shift of the aid architecture to become less have been shared with key stakeholders including independent. concerned donors, UN agencies and international The Consortium has endeavored to articulate advocacy partners (e.g. InterAction, ICVA). the challenges faced by agencies in operating The Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group in Somalia at different fora. This has included (SEMG) report findings released in July 2012 messaging on the access challenges faced by resonated with key humanitarian concerns. In NGOs in operating in the ‘newly accessible’ areas the aftermath of the report’s release, agencies of South Central Somalia as well as engagement under the umbrella of the Consortium held through its Regional focal points in coordination key advocacy meetings with donors and key and with regional authorities in Somaliland stakeholders where the need to address impunity and Puntland respectively (see reporting from and lack of accountability and protection of Regions). civilians was emphasized. Another avenue for advocacy engagement on this has been the UN The Consortium has been actively engaged in the Mini Summit on Somalia (September 26th 2012) humanitarian policy reform processes including where the Consortium lobbied governments through participation in coordination structures through their representation at the Nairobi level including the HCT, Ciss ExComm and SWALIM to push forward messaging on these key issues. (see reporting on Representation). These 10
have been important avenues for lobbying and messaging on access and operational challenges faced by NGOs. With the ongoing push for engagement in stabilzation programming, the Consortium has continued to engage with donors on issues of aid access and the importance of importance of impartiality, consistency and nonpoliticization of aid. Consortium membership is engaged in the development of the Somali Aid framework, as well as where possible providing input into various stability programs put forward by donors. Common messaging informed the Focal Point’s discussions with and briefing of key policy makers in Washington DC, New York, London and Istanbul and in the fringes of the London and Istanbul governmental conferences.
Resilience and Long term development There is an increased focus on development/ stability and resilience building for Somalia. In this regard, the Consortium has advocated for the availability of flexible longer term funding to meet the needs of Somalis and is independent of political/military agendas. Further, the Consortium has been the voice for humanitarian concerns in contexts where the development agenda is viewed as overriding lifesaving needs.
Cooperating with global partners The Focal Point has upheld an ongoing dialogue with representatives from global NGO advocacy mechanisms, including InterAction, ICVA and advocacy groups at capital level. In March 2012, she represented the Consortium at the InterAction sponsored NGO platforms conference in Washington DC. Global advocacy links have proven incredibly powerful in transmitting Somalia-related advocacy messages to a global audience and to strengthen outreach to policy makers abroad.
2012 Advocacy Highlights London Conference on Somalia 23rd February 2012 - NGO response to the London Conference on Somalia – 21 NGO Signatures. - Prioritizing Humanitarian action at the London Conference on Somalia: an NGO brief. Istanbul II Conference on Somalia 31st May – 1st June 2012. - NGO Common positions and concrete actions to be adopted during Istanbul II Conference on Somalia – 20 NGO Signatures - Press Release on Humanitarian Needs in Somalia Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) report – July 2012 - Advocacy Brief with key concerns and recommendations for action (shared with donors and governments) AMISOM Mandate Renewal October/November 2012 - NGO suggested language for new AMISOM Mandate. UN Strategic Review Process October/November 2012 - NGO letter on UN Structural Integration – 19 NGO Signatures Donor Advocacy 2012 - Various NGO key messages
NGO Consortium Advocacy Ways of Working > Consortium advocacy is informed by the operational and advocacy experiences of its members. Members commit to proactively share information and support majority advocacy initiatives both through provision of information and capacity. > It is strengthened by evidence drawn from information already existing within the membership – carried out by individual or groups of agencies, or where information is lacking, from commissioned evidence gathering on behalf of the Consortium. > The Consortium Membership develops collective positions and perspectives that articulate the voice of its members and address the priority issues under discussion. These is informed by the activities and messages of members. > The Consortium Secretariat and Staff support and represent the membership on coordination and advocacy issues.
NGO Consortium Advocacy Strategy In November 2012, the Consortium Membership concluded the development of an Advocacy Strategy to inform and give direction to the Consortium’s advocacy engagement. The Consortium Advocacy strategy outlines four broad Consortium advocacy priorities (with specific objectives and aims); these objectives are shaped by the Consortium’s previous and current advocacy activities and by a survey completed by member country directors. The priority areas also take into account various other activities that the Consortium is currently taking forward, including regular engagement in aid agency forums and implementation of cross agency projects housed within the consortium. 1) Protection of Civilians, Refugee Rights and Displacement 2) Humanitarian Operations, Access and Aid 3) Peace Building and Conflict Resolution 4) Resilience and Long term Development
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
Since March 2012, the NGO Consortium has hosted the Somalia NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project II (NHRP II). The Project Manager Steffen Schwarz is based at the Consortium office. The NHRP II activities focus on strengthening the role of national and international NGOs in coordinating and leading response. Building on the research and advocacy achievements of the first phase of the project, NHRP II is supporting NGOs – particularly local and national organizations - to improve humanitarian outcomes for communities affected by disasters and conflict. The focus is on enhancing NGO engagement in: reformed humanitarian coordination, leadership, financing mechanisms, adherence to the principles of partnership and promoting accountability to affected populations.
In June 2012, NHRPII in collaboration with the Somali Humanitarian Operational Consortium (SHOC), organized a workshop in Mogadishu on the need for coordination, roles and responsibilities and humanitarian reform architecture. NHRPII also collected data through an online survey of NGO experiences with the latest Standard Application Process of the Common Humanitarian Fund, the results of this were shared with OCHA and informed the subsequent allocation process in October 2012.
From its inception, it was noted that Capacity constraints, especially of national organizations would be a major priority area for the project as this is a significant impediment to their effective engagement in the humanitarian reform processes. To address this, NHRPII initiated dialogue with ECB and PHAP on ways of enhancing the capacity of organizations in Somalia to effectively deliver Humanitarian Assistance. In October, NHRPII supported participants drawn from Somali National Organizations to attend a Core Professional Training on Leadership and The NHRP II project for Somalia was launched in Management in Humanitarian Action. Eight February 2012 at a workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. representatives from Somali NGOs and umbrella This was followed by the establishment of the groups benefitted from the training. Somalis Core Working Group (SOCWOG) which comprises of both National and international NHRPII in collaboration with ICVA conducted organizations and gives direction for the project. research on the nature of humanitarian SOCWOG holds monthly meetings to review the partnerships in Somalia. This research examined the nature of relationships between international progress of project. organizations with focus on trust building and The project has made significant progress in integration of capacity building into partnership supporting Somali National Organizations in structures in Somalia. In September 2012, their engagement in the humanitarian structures the project organized a workshop on Capacity and processes on Somalia. It has conducted a building for Somali organizations in Nairobi, Kenya mapping of humanitarian reform architecture in where the research results were presented and Somalia which has been translated to Somali and opportunities for engagement on capacity building presented through both the NGO Consortium and identified. The workshop brought together key NHRP II websites. This is expected to enhance actors drawn from National and International understanding among the various actors and Agencies as well as the UN and donors. subsequently enhance their engagement in the various processes.
Information The Consortium has proactively shared information with its membership on a variety of issues in order to facilitate an informed NGO community able to best implement interventions in Somalia. It has provided an effective platform for communication and information sharing to and by its members as well as external stakeholders including donors, UN agencies and governments. With the increased capacity of its team, the Consortium has since June 2012 provided its membership with new information outputs. Among these are monthly Consortium Updates that provide an overview of activities conducted by the Consortium as well as highlights of humanitarian, political and security trends in Somalia. Further, the Consortium has developed and constantly updates a Timeline report of key developments in Somalia providing members with an overview of past key events taking place in the country and highlighting significant political, security and humanitarian developments in Somalia. The Consortium has strengthened its provision of feedback to its members on various activities by providing timely and detailed minutes and briefing notes of the various meetings held with/ by members or where Consortium membership is represented. It has further ensured that members are proactively informed of any new developments as they occur. These include information on funding and capacity building opportunities as well as various thematic/programmatic developments. Member agencies have increasingly used the Consortium as a forum for information sharing on their programming. The Consortium has provided a platform for its members to share experiences, approaches and lessons learnt from their programming and interventions in Somalia. This has facilitated dialogue on common approaches and collaboration among agencies.
2012 NGO CONSORTIUM THEMATIC INTER – AGENCY BRIEFINGS/ DISCUSSIONS Thematic Discussions. - Operations in South Central Somalia - Risk Management and Accountability - Resilience and Long term development - Peace Building and Conflict Resolution - Humanitarian Operations, access and aid - Protection of Civilians, refugee rights and displacement - Meeting on SPUs - Meeting on the New Deal Member Thematic/Program Briefings - Conflict and Governance Mapping (Saferworld) - Parliamentary/Executive Support and Civic Education in SCS (NDI) - Mogadishu Mapping project (ACTED/ REACH) - Somalia Non State Actors Platforms (Saferworld) Donor Briefings - DFID Somalia Stability Fund - OFDA - DFID/FCO - EC/ ECHO - Humanitarian Donor Group UN Briefings. - OCHA Access Unit - Transformative Agenda - OCHA Funding coordination - CERF Evaluation - CHF
The Consortium’s website is an important information source for both members and nonmembers in accessing relevant information including position papers/statements, advocacy information/key messages, program related documents, a map of member programming, funding opportunites, career opportunites etc. Members are able to provide and also access information by other members, and can upload vacancies and projects etc. The Consortium’s mailing list currently holds over 700 email contacts that receive regular email updates as the Consortium disseminates information it receives from members, donors, and other relevant stakeholders. The Consortium continues to bilaterally advice and support its members on request. In the pipeline is finalization of a Manual for NGO operations in Somalia.
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
2012 NGO Consortium Information Products >
NGO Consortium Monthly Updates The Somalia NGO Consortium Monthly updates provide an overview of activities conducted by the Consortium as well as highlights of advocacy, humanitarian, political and security trends on a monthly basis.
Somalia Timeline Report The timeline report of Key developments in Somalia is regularly updated by the Consortium and provides a chronological overview of significant developments in the country.
Somalia Actors and Agencies Directory Directory of Actors and Agencies operating in Somalia. Contacts included in this directory are: Embassies and Donors, UN and Intergovernmental Organizations, International NGOs and Aid Agencies and Somali National Organizations.
Somalia NGO Consortium Website Interactive Website for Information sharing and member coordination. Also includes an NGO 3W (Who, What, Where) matrix for member programming information. Link:
Introduction to Working in Somalia Course. This course has been developed in close cooperation with the Rift Valley Institute in response to repeated calls from the Consortium’s membership for such. The first course will take place on 29th - 30th January 2013. It is intensive 2day training for senior (upper/middle management) professionals /representatives from NGOs interested in gaining foundational and operational knowledge of the Somalia context.
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
What is NSP ?
Today, Somalia is still considered one of the most challenging contexts in terms of security for humanitarian and development workers. Based on similar programs around the world such as ANSO, the NSP objective is to ensure that NGOs operating in Somalia receive relevant and efficient support and preparation in various aspects of security.
What services does NSP provide for
The NGO Safety Program (NSP) for Somalia/ NGOs? Somaliland is a program created by NGOs, that contributes to enabling International and Nation- In the period 2011 – 2013 NSP provides NGOs al NGOs in Somalia and Somaliland to operate the following services. These, may change in safely and securely. 2013 according to evolution of the context and on NGO needs. New services will also be gradually NSP, initially called the NGO Security Preparedimplemented and added to this list. Please refer ness and Support (NGO SPAS), was established to the relevant sections of NSP website for more in 2004 by NGOs operating in Somalia / Somalildetails. and. One of the driving forces that gave rise to the All NSP services are free, thanks to the support program was the targeted killing of aid workers of its donors. between 2003 and 2004 and the realization that the operating environment for national and interInformation and analysis: national NGOs in Somalia was changing rapidly. • Daily reports • Weekly reports • Quarterly reports • Advisories • Nairobi and Hargeisa regular security briefings • Ad hoc briefings on request • Written Area Briefings: basic information (clan composition, history of security incidents, main contacts, medical facilities) for 25 to 30 key locations • Maps: area of control, risk maps, access map, city maps, geographical maps etc. • Database and incident tracking: production of specific reports and statistics on request for NGOs
16 Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
NSP and the NGO consortium:
• Hostile Environment Individual Safety NSP and the NGO Consortium have a close relationship and strong synergies. They are linked Training (HEIST) • Country Directors and Security Focal Point through 3 channels: specific training
• Ad Hoc training, on request Response • Support to NGOs on request in times of crisis. • SPU coordination
• NSP was created following a decision by the NGO Consortium in 2004
• The NGO Consortium and NSP share a Steering Committee • The NGO Consortium and NSP share offices in most locations (Nairobi, Hargeisa, Mogadishu)
• Follow-up and management of SPU re- However, it is not a condition for an NGO to be quests member of the NGO Consortium to benefit from • Provision of technical assistance in man- NSP services. agement of SPUs Donors • Facilitation between different stakeholders (UNDP, NGOs, Local authorities)
NSP is funded by donors. NSP favors a multi donor approach. Donors supporting NSP are the same donors supporting humanitarian action in Somalia and Somaliland. The present Donors supporting NSP are:
This donor support enables NSP to support its beneficiaries free of charge. NSP thanks its donors for their continuous support. Contact Emmanuel Rinck – Program Manager Tel: +254 (0) 725 236 631 (Kenya) Tel: +252 (0) 425 11 05 (Somalia) Mail: Website: Picture Courtesy of NSP TrainingTeam 2012
COORDINATION The NGO Consortium has proactively facilitated the coordination of various initiatives and activities for and by its membership. Its coordination activities have been beneficial in enabling the fulfillment of the Consortium’s other mandated activities i.e. advocacy, information sharing and information. The Consortium holds monthly meetings for its members. These have been important avenues for information sharing and feedback with members. Further, ad – hoc meetings have been organized based on need and request (both by members and by external stakeholders). The Consortium has also organized thematic meetings on various issues affecting programming in Somalia including funding, peace building, advocacy etc. To enable focused engagement by its membership on key thematic issues, Consortium members initiated the establishment of Working groups that draw together like-minded NGOs. Active working groups within the Consortium are the Advocacy, Peace building/Armed violence reduction and Resilience working groups. The Consortium has endeavored to facilitate links between NGOs, UN agencies, donors and national governments. This has majorly been through the proactive sharing of information with members on the various UN and donor – led processes that have taken place (e.g. pooled funding, stability funding etc.) and relaying member concerns and positions on various issues to external stakeholders. Further, the Consortium has strengthened coordination at regional levels in Somalia (See section on Regional updates).
Pictures Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
NGO CONSORTIUM WORKING GROUPS. Advocacy Working Group - Is composed of advocacy focal points of Member agencies. Aside from information sharing, the group provides direction for joint advocacy engagement by Consortium members by identifying issues and targeted actions to address these. Peace Building/Armed Violence Reduction Working Group - Members share information and ideas; identify targets for advocacy action, develop key messaging for the peace building aspect of the advocacy strategy, and identify and take forward concrete peace building/armed violence reduction related activities. Resilience Working Group - Information sharing, cross-learning and experience sharing between Member agencies engaged in Resilience programing, Feed into processes that inform Resilience programming in Somalia and develop evidence based messaging on Resilience programming that feed into advocacy processes on resilience.
In 2011 and 2012 over 200,000 individuals caught up in mixed migration flows crossed into Yemen facing a wide range of protection risks and much abuse.
Espen Rasmussen / Panos (Courtesy of RMMS)
Mixed Migration as a major protection concern – a new secretariat operating out of Nairobi. The Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS) has only been in existence since mid2011 but is already filling a clear vacuum in the protection sector as the Horn of Africa and Yemen hub for information, analysis, research and discussion on mixed migration issues. Created after two years of regional discussion between leading agencies (including IOM, UNHCR, DRC, Intersos and the Yemen Mixed Migration Task Force) on the need for such a hub, the RMMS is now hosted by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and based in the DRC’s regional office in Nairobi. The Horn of Africa region has witnessed high levels of movement in recent years with 2011 recording exceptionally high numbers on the
move: the ‘perfect’ displacement storm, perhaps, where conflict, poverty, political oppression and natural disaster combined to dislodge hundreds of thousands of people. In 2011 alone, Somalis left in big numbers with over 170,000 arriving in Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camp, 180,000 arriving at Ethiopian refugee camps while approximately 25,000 made their way into Yemen. Additionally over 1.3 million Somalis were classified as IDPs and an unknown number moved through Kenya and the eastern corridor towards South Africa. Eritreans are estimated to be fleeing their home country at the rate of 2000 or more per month and over 80,000 Ethiopians cross the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden into Yemen. These are the flows we know about – there are route and destinations we have yet to understand or monitor where thousands of others cross international borders seeking better futures elsewhere. In 2012 over 100,000 Ethiopians and Somalis will have made the perilous voyage into Yemen. 19
The concept of mixed migration is a relatively new phenomenon and is of rising importance, both in terms of sheer numbers and with regard to political significance at national, regional and global levels. One definition frames mixed migration as consisting of complex population movements including refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants and other migrants (IOM), while another describes them as people travelling in an irregular manner along similar routes, using similar means of travel, but for different reasons (UNHCR). This phenomenon reflects the tendencies for an increasing number of people to migrate with greater risks, in search of a better future in more affluent parts of a globalized world. It also indicates that people are on the move for a combination of reasons that fundamentally are related to safeguarding physical and economic security. Conceptually mixed migration includes: •
Irregular migrants (dislodged by a real and/ or perceived inability to thrive (economic migrants) or motivated by aspirations, a desire to unite with other family members etc. Their movement is often organized and facilitated by smugglers, although some move independently)
• Refugees and asylum-seekers (forced migrants) • Victims of trafficking (involuntary migrants) •
Stateless persons
Unaccompanied minors and separated children and other vulnerable persons on the move
Mixed migration is therefore closely linked to coping with livelihood problems caused by complex issues such as persecution, political turmoil and armed conflict, poverty and environmental problems arising out of factors such as climate change, population pressure, and natural disasters. In addition, social issues and emerging ‘cultures of migration’ in certain countries may create 20
compelling push and pull factors affecting peoples’ decisions to move. The risks and dangers faced by irregular migrants and others in the mixed migration flows in the regions are many. Apart from arrest, detention, imprisonment and deportation they face serious abuse from smugglers, criminals, local communities and even state officials. Migrants also die as a result of thirst, injury, exhaustion, exposure and drowning. Some die through misadventure and lack of preparedness or abandonment but others are victims of sexual attack, trafficking, murder and aggravated robbery. In an alarming new trend migrants arriving in Yemen are often kidnapped by gangs and held, tortured and beaten until the gangs extort money from their friends and relatives. The Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat performs a variety of functions in the region by supporting and coordinating the Mixed Migration Task Forces (in Yemen, Somalia, Puntland, Somaliland, Djibouti and Kenya) and offering a monthly detail report of all mixed migration movement (data and policy issues) along with a map that condenses the same information onto a single page. The RMMS has been called upon to present the human rights and protection problems around mixed migration as various regional and international fora and has conducted new research. The two main research studies completed in 2012 are : ‘Desperate Choices – conditions, risks and protection failures affecting Ethiopian Migrants in Yemen’, and in collaboration with the Oxford International Migration Institute (IMI) ‘Global Migration Futures – Using scenarios to explore future migration in the Horn of Africa and Yemen’. It is currently undertaking a trafficking study in Kenya of women and girls from DRC, Somalia and Ethiopia with Heshima, a local partner. View all RMMS products relating to the region, including data updates, maps, media summaries, feature articles and research at
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
REPRESENTATION The Consortium has served to represent its membership at formal coordination mechanisms on Somalia. Through the Focal Point (or Deputy Focal Point in her absence), Consortium members’ views and concerns have been articulated to key stakeholders and at key coordination and policy making for a. The Consortium Focal Point represents NGOs at the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the Coordination of International Support to Somalis Executive Committee (CISS ExComm), the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) Advisory Board and the Somalia Water and Land Information Management (Swalim) Advisory Board. The Focal Point’s regular attendance at the coordination structures’ meetings has ensured that key NGO concerns and recommendations are considered. Further this has achieved significant improvement of NGO engagement in the various coordination processes. The Consortium has endeavored to provide feedback to its membership on developments in the coordination mechanisms. 22
The NGO Consortium also represents NGO positions and messaging at various levels. The Consortium’s focal point and deputy focal points have bilaterally established and/or maintained relationships with key stakeholders including governments, donors, UN agencies and Nonmember NGOs. Through these relationships, the Consortium has effectively articulated NGO common NGO perspectives on identified issues. The Consortium has taken the lead in drafting position papers (e.g. the NGO position relayed at the Istanbul II Conference on Somalia), press statements, advocacy briefs etc. The Consortium has broad consultations with members on various issues in order to effectively represent the Consortium. Issues are presented to membership for input, comments and discussion. in order to gauge common positioning. This is also beneficial in ensuring that membership is well informed of the various positions.
NGO CONSORTIUM REPRESENTATION IN SOMALIA COORDINATION STRUCTURES The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) - This is responsible for coordinating the humanitarian response across the whole country, working with both UN agencies and non-UN organizations. The Humanitarian Country Team meets in Nairobi. Its members include the six main UN agencies, and non-UN organizations including The World Bank, the International Office for Migration, and the International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent and the Somalia NGO Consortium - NGO Members of the HCT are HIJRA, NRC, Oxfam, DRC, Save the Children and Adeso The Coordination of International Support to Somalis Executive Committee (CISS ExComm) - Brings together representatives from the Somali Donor Group (SDG), the clusters/ sectors, the NGO consortium and the UN country team and is co-chaired by the Resident Coordinator (RC) / Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and the World Bank. - The CISS ExCom is the mechanism whereby the international assistance community determines appropriate, effective and efficient means to deliver development assistance to Somalis, including through engagement with Somali Authorities. The Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) - It is an information management unit serving Somali administrations, nongovernmental organisations, development agencies and UN organisations engaged in assisting Somali communities whose lives depend directly on water and land resources The CHF Advisory Board - Is composed of four UN agencies, four NGOs, two donors as well as one nonCHF donor as observer. The Board is chaired by the Humanitarian Coordinator - The CHF Advisory Board supports the HC, ensuring strategic funding and inclusiveness. The role of the Board is to Review draft Standard Allocation Document, Review general functioning of CHF twice a year, Upon HC request, review proposals that do not fall within one cluster and Upon HC request, review appeal cases and conflict. Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
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CASH CONSORTIUM FOR SOUTH/CENTRAL SOMALIA 1. What is the ‘Cash Consortium’? The Cash Consortium is a group of four NGOs (ACF, Adeso, DRC and Save the Children) that came together in mid-2011 to advocate for the use of unconditional cash transfers as a humanitarian response in South Central Somalia. The Cash Consortium had a clear emergency mandate from the start; the overall aim of the Food Assistance for Vulnerable Households in South Central Somalia (FAVHSCS) project is to meet basic food and non-food needs, through the provision of unconditional cash grants. As markets have proven to function well (with essential commodities regularly available throughout the crisis and no evidence of inflation linked to CTP), the Cash Consortium maintains that cash continues to be an appropriate response for affected populations in South Central Somalia. Implementing Agency
Save the Children
Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC) 2012
2. What is the Cash Consortium’s coverage? The below table indicates the number of households the Cash Consortium has already reached in 2012 and expects to reach up until the Gu harvest in July 2013. Some funding has already been secured, but further funding is sought to respond to gaps in the response:
No. of Households targeted Phase 1 Sep 11–March 12
Phase 2 June 12- Nov 12
Phase 3 (Planned)
Lower Juba
Note: Some agencies’ dates are slightly different, due to staggered funding arrangements. The planned number of HHs to be targeted in Phase 3 is the same as figures that have been submitted to the CAP (2013-15).
Who is targeted for the unconditional grants?
In the areas in which the Cash Consortium is operating, the selection criteria for beneficiaries are as follows: • Very poor households: established through community self-wealth ranking; • Labour deficient households, with priorities for female-heades households; • Very poor households with children under-five years and unable to work; • Dependency ratio in relation to household income and food production levels; • Vulnerable community members such as widows, child-headed households, aged and disabled people with litle or no external support; • Pregnant and lactating women; • Displaced persons without labour capacity.
3. Why not support CfW activities, so as to build community infrastructure? For the most vulnerable - labour poor, disabled - CfW is not deemed to be the most appropriate response. Conditionality can add an extra burden to households that are already having difficulty meeting their basic needs and detract time from normal reproductive duties. For the most vulnerable, unconditional cash transfers are more appropriate than conditional cash transfers. Monitoring has shown that, when properly targeted, beneficiaries spend the unconditional grants to meet their basic needs. Average expenditure breakdown is: 42% food, 23% debt repayment (most of which pays food debts), 7% medical bills, 5% savings, 4% clothes/shoes, and 3% or less on livestock, water, school fees, firewood, business investment, household items and rent or shelter material. Targeting is therefore essential and the Cash Consortium is currently working on retargeting the most vulnerable people, for whom UCT continues to be a much more appropriate response than CfW. However, for other less vulnerable households, CfW can be suitable and consortium members may implement CfW activities in other programmes.
4. Can unconditional cash transfers be provided alongside other types of assistance? Yes, the key is to work with communities on targeting, so that the most vulnerable receive unconditional grants while others may receive different types of support. For example, those people physically able to work can contribute to community infrastructure through conditional cash transfers such as CfW programmes. Where beneficiaries decide to voluntarily return to their areas of origin, a return package is necessary. In-kind support for livelihoods can also complement UCTs. Furthermore, emergency UCT can potentially be provided to certain groups alongside longer-term social safety net type programmes.
Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC) 2012
5. Are we not creating dependency? What exit strategies are in place?
6. How can we monitor that the right people are receiving the cash grants?
The objective of the UCT is to support asset recovery so that households should be better off and able to produce enough of what they need following a series of monthly cash transfers (3 - 6 months). For example, there is already evidence that some IDPs in Mogadishu have been able to start small income-generating activities in the camps or send money back to their villages of origin to facilitate future return. Furthermore, in order to avoid dependence on UCT and to transition to other types of longer-term, rehabilitation programmes, the Cash Consortium coordinates closely with other projects. These projects may also be implemented by the Cash Consortium member organisations, or managed by others such as UNHCR (Return Consortium), FAO (CfW activities), or the Resilience Consortium, etc. Where appropriate, a certain caseload has been ‘handed over’ from the Cash Consortium to other programmes, as an exit strategy.
The Cash Consortium puts a strong emphasis on accountability to affected populations, carefully monitoring possible diversion through innovative complaints mechanisms and harmonized monitoring and evaluation. Working in conjunction with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), common post-distribution, market monitoring and process monitoring tools are used by staff. Quantitative and qualitative data is regularly collected, to analyse the process and impact of cash transfers. As in previous phases, an external evaluation will also be conducted in 2013. In 2012, research was conducted on the impact of cash transfers on beneficiaries’ access to credit and on gender relations. Further research studies are planned, looking particularly at protection risks for beneficiaries in Mogadishu and the role of gatekeepers. Research results are disseminated through the clusters and other coordination mechanisms, contributing to lessons learnt within the wider community of practice.
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The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Horn of Africa & Yemen works throughout the region coordinating activities from its regional office in Nairobi. Work in the region started in 1998 in support of Somalis and other populations displaced due to conflict. Today, local DRC offices are present in the region covering South Central Somalia, the semi-autonomous state of Puntland, and the selfdeclared Republic of Somaliland. In 2005, initial activities were launched in Kenya. Today, DRC works with multiple projects including numerous aid interventions in the world’s largest refugee camp Dadaab, assistance to people affected by the post-election violence in the Rift Valley, support for urban refugees in Nairobi and for drought and conflict affected pastoral communities in Northern Kenya. In 2008, DRC started work in Yemen, to receive Somalis and other asylum seekers and migrants arriving on the Yemeni shores from Somalia and Djibouti, as well as to support communities affected by conflict in Yemen. In 2009 DRC opened offices in Ethiopia where activities are carried out in support of Somali refugees and local host communities. Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC)2012
Danish Refugee Council coordinates activities in the Horn of Africa & Yemen from Nairobi, Kenya. The regional office functions as a hub for Danish Demining Group, the humanitarian mine action unit within DRC. In addition, DRC hosts the Great Lakes Civil Society Project, the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat and is lead agency for the Humanitarian Reform Project / Somalia.
Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC) 2012
Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC) 2012
THE SOMALIA PROGRAMME The Somalia programme is the largest of DRC’s four programmes currently carried out in the Horn of Africa & Yemen. Activities span from emergency response to longer term recovery and development aimed at strengthening resilience in the region. DRC has 17 operational field offices in Somalia where programmes are developed, designed and implemented by teams of international and national staff. DRC’s Somalia programme covers Somaliland, Puntland, and South and Central Somalia. The programme is managed through five programme offices in Hargeisa, Bossaso, Galkayo North and South, Beletweyne, Dollow and Mogadishu. This allows for rapid responses and flexibility in providing contextualized assistance to populations affected by humanitarian crisis in the region. DRC was among the agencies able to respond with short notice and providing emergency aid during the 2011 drought and famine in the region. Working in support of refugee and displaced 28
populations in both urban and rural settings, DRC introduces activities that in combination constitute a comprehensive approach to providing adequate humanitarian aid and making vulnerable communities more resilient to shocks. Danish Refugee Council’s approach aims to create synergy between the different humanitarian aid and development projects in the Horn of Africa & Yemen – both in terms of geographical coverage and types of activities implemented in support of refugees and populations displaced or otherwise affected by conflict, consequences of climate change and natural hazards in the region. To improve accountability and dialogue with beneficiaries, DRC developed and introduced an innovative SMS project in Somalia in 2011. The SMS feedback system allows for communication with recipients of aid in difficult accessible areas, and DRC is now exploring ways of further expanding the new tool to enhance accountability, transparency and dialogue in the region.
Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC) 2012
SOUTH AND CENTRAL SOMALIA DRC opened its first field office in South Central Somalia in 2005 in Beletweyne, Hiraan region. The office in Mogadishu, Banadir Region, opened in early 2007 followed by offices in Abudwak and Guriel in Galgaduug , and finally in Dollow, Gedo Region in 2012. With the office in Dollow, DRC aims to serve the displaced populations on the Somali side of the border and to explore cross border operations with DRC’s operations in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia. DRC’s South and Central Somalia programme is now concentrated in the Banaadir (Mogadishu and its environs), Hiraan, and Gedo regions. In these four regions, DRC provides lifesaving assistance, supports improved livelihoods, builds and rehabilitates infrastructure, and works with clan elders to build their capacities and strengthen local governance. Programme activities in Hiraan and Galgaduug are mainly related to agricultural development, water and sanitation and hygiene education (WASH), improved livelihoods, as well as DRC’s expanding Community Driven Rehabilitation and Development programme (CDRD). In the capital Mogadishu, DRC’s humanitarian interventions cover a wide range of activities from the provision of shelter and basic non-food items in standardised aid packages (NFIs), to distribution of daily meals from several kitchen sites, water and sanitation and hygiene education (WASH), alternative livelihoods, cash relief, and protection programmes. DRC’s new Dollow programme is currently addressing critical needs for shelter, water and sanitation and hygiene education (WASH), and protections of internally displaced and their communities.
SOMALILAND DRC has been working in Somaliland since 1998, when the very first DRC office in the region was established. Currently, there are six field offices in Somaliland supporting both urban and rural areas. In Somaliland, DRC works with emergency responses and longer term recovery and development projects. More recent activities include education and business development projects for youth, water and sanitation and hygiene education (WASH), agricultural development, improved livelihoods, capacity building to strengthen local governance, and support to victims of gender based violence (GBV). The eastern regions of Sool and Sanaag are the least developed and most insecure regions of Somaliland. To address recent needs for emergency 29
aid in these and neighbouring regions, DRC has provided relief aid through unconditional cash grants, and cash for work projects. Other activities include the construction of shared household latrines and distribution of basic non-food items (NFIs) in several communities in rural areas of Somaliland as well as community driven recovery and Development programming in the Qalqooyi Galbeed region, DRC works with a number of interventions in support of conflict-afflicted communities and displaced populations. Longer term engagements with rural communities include implementation of the Community Driven Recovery and Development (CDRD) programme, whereas shorter term interventions are addressing emergency needs.
north coast. Along with the DRC office in Bossaso, five DRC sub-offices in Qardho, Baran, Garowe, and North and South Galkayo in Puntland, are providing assistance to large numbers of people displaced by armed conflict and consequences of drought. DRC in Puntland adopts an integrated approach by providing life-saving assistance, supporting protection and livelihoods activities, and constructing and rehabilitating infrastructure for internally displaced persons (IDPs), conflict-and drought affected populations and the urban poor. DRC’s assistance includes the provision of cash relief and shelter kits, as well as the construction and rehabilitation of water infrastructure, schools, and other community assets.
In addition, DRC is implementing the Community The vast majority of DRC activities in the semiDriven Recovery and Development (CDRD) proautonomous territory of Puntland are targeting gramme in Puntland building local governance humanitarian assistance to support displaced capacities and support local recovery and develpopulations. DRC started its operations in Puntopment in rural communities. land in 2005 with a field office in Bossaso on the
Picture courtesy of Alexandra Strand Holm (DRC) 2012
REGIONAL UPDATES SOMALILAND The Consortium has since May 2012 had a full time Regional focal point (RFP) for Somalia who is based in Hargeisa. The RFP has been the main point of contact for advocacy, information sharing, coordination and representation in Somaliland. The Somaliland RFP is supported by a Regional Advisory Board. In July 2012, the regional membership held nominations for the Advisory Board, nominating CARE, Partner Aid, CESVI, World Concern and Progressio to be the new members of the Somaliland Advisory Board. The Consortium has conducted a number of advocacy and lobbying activities, both on individual member concerns as well as issues of common concern to membership. Key to this has been advocacy on the Somaliland NGO Act that resulted in the enactment of by laws in August that address most of the NGO concerns. The RFP has made outreach contact with members based in Somaliland in order to identify specific their concerns. This has also been extended to organizations that are not members of the Consortium. On coordination, the Consortium has held regular monthly meetings for its members in Hargeisa, as well as meetings in Burco. These meetings have served to present and address issues specific to agency operations in Somaliland. The RFP has also taken part in Inter-Sectorial coordination meetings which she co-chairs with the Somaliland Ministry of Planning on behalf of members.
The Consortium has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Somaliland Ministry of Planning. This MOU is expected to shape engagement between the Ministry and the Consortium and enhance working relations between the two.
PUNTLAND The Consortium’s regional Coordination in Puntland is voluntary led by KISIMA. The organization with offices in Garowe has served as a point of convergence of Puntland Consortium member views and concerns regarding their operations in the region. KISIMA hosts the consortium monthly meetings in its offices, prepares the agenda and minutes of the meetings and is the link between the members in Puntland and Nairobi based coordination. KISIMA is supported by two Regional Deputy Focal points from Mercy Corps and CARE. To follow up on critical issues, the Consortium in Puntland has established working groups/task forces to deal with these. In 2012, some of the issues that the Consortium has engaged on in Puntland include; the recently introduced labor law, SPU (Special Protection Unit) rates and relations, Puntland government/ministries and NGO Coordination as well as creating links with various UN processes in the region.
The Consortium has been at the center of coordination between the Puntland government and Puntland based NGOs. In this regard the The Consortium was active in the preparations consortium has represented NGO members in for the Somaliland Expo UN/NGO held in August. various meetings with Puntland line Ministries as The RFP represented NGOs in the organizing well as the Ministry of Planning and International committee for the Expo that comprised of Cooperation (MOPIC) in an effort to streamline representatives from the UN and the Somaliland government/NGO activities and to address contentious issues. government. 31
Financial Overview The Consortium’s functions are financed through membership fees and donors; it also shares premises and staff with the NGO Safety Program. The Consortium favors a multi donor approach. Donors supporting the Consortium are the same donors supporting humanitarian action in Somalia and Somaliland. We are extremely grateful for our donors’ generous support, without which the Consortium would be unable to deliver the same level of services. The Consortium has one budget for all Consortium functions and regional representations.
Financial contribution during 2012 (in%)
Picture Courtesy of NGO Consortium/ NSP 2011
Picture courtesy of NSP 2012
Written by Nana Ndeda Key Contributions from Somalia NGO Consortium Staff, Adeso, NHRP II, NSP, RMMS, the Somalia Cash Consortium and DRC. Front and back cover photos courtesy of Somalia NGO Consortium/NSP Design and Layout by Clarissa Fischer Print by Willart Productions Limited Copyright Š 2012 Somalia NGO Consortium
Somalia NGO Consortium P. O. Box 14762, 00800 Nairobi, Kenya. Telephone: +254 020 2607110/2, +254 700 419246 ; +254 734 211098 Cell Phone: +254 723 770842 Physical Address: Peponi Rise off Peponi Road Email: Website: