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EGYPTIAN TRADITIONS AND CULTURE The Culture of Egypt has six thousand years recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations. For millennia, Egypt maintained a strinkingly complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. After the Pharaonic era, Egypt itself came under the influence of Hellenism, for a time Christianity, and later, Arab and Islamic culture. Today many aspects of Egypt’s ancient culture exist in interaction with newer elements inculding the influence of modern Western culture.

RELIGION Ancient Egyptian religion was a polytheistic system there was a strong cult of resurrection in the next life centered around the god Osiris. Coptic Christianity was popular in the Roman and Byzantine periods, and Egypt was indeed one of the strongest early Christian communities. Today, Christians constitute from approximately 5-10% of the population.Islam in Egypt came to the country with the successors of the Prophet Muhammad, and is today the dominant faith with over 90% of the population.

LANGUAGE: Egypt’s main language or mother tongue is Arabic. Arabic came to Egypt in the 7th century , and Egyptian Arabic has become today the modern speech of the country. Of the many varieties of Arabic, it is the most widely spoken second dialect, due to the influence of Egyptian cinema and media throughout the Arabic-speaking world. AIESEC GUC


MUSIC AND DANCE Belly dance, or Raqs Sharqi (literally: oriental dancing) in Arabic, may have originated in Egypt, and today the country is considered the international center of the art. The mamba is very popular in Egypt and can be found especially in the country’s capital, Cairo. African music is a rich mixture of indigenous Egyptian, Arabic, African and Western influences. The most popular Egyptian pop singers are Amr Diab, Mohamed Mounir,Ali El Haggar, Mohamed Hamaki and Tamer Hosny.

SPORTS The most played most-watched sport in Egypt is Footbol (Soccer). Egyptian Soccer clubs especially El Ahly and El Zamalek are known throughout the Middle East and Africa and enjoy the reputation of long-time champions of the sport regionally. They enjoy popularity even among non-Egyptians.

CUISINE Egyptian cuisine consists of local culinary traditions such as Ful medames, Kushari and Molokhia. It also shares similarities with food found throughout the eastern Mediterranean like kebab and falafel.





1st day of spring

It’s Called Sham El-Nessim day

25th April

Sinai liberation day

1st May

Workers day

23rd July

1952 revolution day

6th October

Armed forces day, victory day 1973

13th October

Suez liberation day

23rd December

Victory day

Eid El-Fitr

Comes right after the Holy fasting month of Ramdan

Eid EL-Adha

Comes right after the pilgrimage season, it lasts for four days

2nd monday after Coptic Easter day

Breakfast Feast

Sacrifice feast

Just avoid going out on this day to national parls and the zoo


We as AIESEC in GUC were rewarded a GCP for our LEAD implementation as we apply it in an experiential manner.

We started by compiling a comprehensive membership profile that consists of BTMI personality test, VP&TL feedback, motivational style test and LDM assessment. We started by creating an assessment tool for the LDM, by taking the three statements that describe every element in the LDM and brainstorming 3 questions to tackle every statement, and then we created a scoring tool for the assessment.



After finishing the assessment process for the whole LC we started our LEAD implementation cycle, on 4 different implementation phases, at the end of each implementation chapter we gather the LC membership and we start reflecting on the purpose of the activity and how is it related to AIESEC:

Phase 1 Self aware

We organized a camp that is called ilEAD, the whole purpose of the camp was reflection for the sake of self awareness, we covered 11 different aspects of self awareness through various activities.

Phase 2

We organized a charity day in Ramadan to pack some meals for the people in need and then we went and played with orphans and did some activities with them in order to plant the concept of empowering others in the LC membership.

Phase 3

We partnered with BreakOut which is a real life room escape where you get to enter a themed room and you get locked in and you have 60 minutes to break out, we did this in order to show people the importance of being solution oriented and how it can help you in life situations.

Phase 4

We took advantage of having the global village and we decided to make the lc members participate in it adding some new activities to make them interact with the interns and understand how to communicate with them and know more about their countries and the kind of issues these countries are facing to understand the world around them and how can you become a world citizen.

Empowering others

Solution Oriented

World Citizen

WHY OGCDP AIESEC GUC? OGCDP in AIESEC GUC has always been a driver program, Striving for excellence has been our goal this year as we wanted to maintain what we had and build on it and achieve more to build the legacy that we are working very hard for it. After all the hard work and efforts that we have been exerting we can proudly say that we are currently the number 1 LC both nationally and globally because we simply believe that the sky is our limit. Building a strong culture in the entire OGCDP department that stands out as one unit ensuring AIESEC GUC


OUR GCP WAS DUE TO: 1 2 3 4 5

6 7

the alignment of the program across the campuses yet tailoring the processes according to different realities. Strategic planning along with all the OD departments to ensure the synergy and the efficacy of the touch points. Having a constant planning for several scenarios to have a strong and prepared firefighting system along the way. Building clear goals and vision for the entire department to ensure that impact we are leaving on our members and middle management as well as our EPs as well. Tracking the whole processes that are run and have clear communication channels and responsibilities. Having Customer Centricity as one of our focuses so we provided all the suitable circumstances and preparations to prepare them before having their life changing experience as providing them with the Ambassdorship sessions and OPS and later after their exchange with PEDS as well as implementing the EP buddy system to follow up with our eps and solve any problems on spot . Having innovation as a main focus in our plans, we tried to implement it as much as possible in our processes, showcasing our eps and most importantly ensuring the brand management of our organizations. IR has been a great contributor to our goal as from the start that was a project handled by a matrix team from all functions and under the supervision of the VP and later assigning and dividing slots according to the demand and supply as well as reality of our EPs.

OGCDP DELIVERY & SATISFACTION As we aimed to be the number 1 customer centric organization, While planning each and every step our main focus is to ensure that our eps are having a satisfactory experience along the way. In order to achieve such thing our EPs preparation prior to their exchange was our main target so we worked to provide them with the best preparations for such an intense experience. AIESEC GUC has been offering the Ambassadorship program since 2013, our objective this year to tailor that to the reality of our EPs and their backgrounds what do they need and what do they lack before heading to such intense experience we worked on that program along with TM to ensure we provide our EPs with a satisfactory education cycle and clearly highlighted the MOS for such program. By offering around 5-6 session weekly to our EPs and kicking off the opening of that program with a combined session accommodating more than 200+ EPs.



Moving forward to the next milestone in our EP preparation which was OPS where we clearly identified the objective and the agenda for that 3 days and 2 nights conference to ensure that we don’t repeat any of the content delivered in Ambassadorship yet highlight some major touchpoints between both events and by tailoring the way of delivery to such sessions and managing the agenda wisely so that they benefit from both programs or even for the attendees who attended both to feel the are ready and ignited to start their journey. We even hosted a matching mania in our conference for our EPs who are still not matched and we showcased and highlighted some of the great projects that are offered by our partners and matching around 10-15 EPs there. Follow up surveys are sent to EPs and implementing the EP buddy system to be able to solve any problem that may arise on the spot and later implement the PEDS program just after their arrival.

IGCDP WHY IGCDP AIESEC GUC? Our IGCDP team is well known for their outstanding projects, activities, and R&S team. This year we come with seven projects. Here are some more details on what we offer:

RECEPTION & SERVICING TEAM: The reception and servicing team is an initiative that is taken by AIESEC GUC in order to ensure that the experience provided to our interns is the best possible. A team made up of some of AIESEC GUC’s most dedicated members, they are responsible for providing the quality we promise and strive for. Responsible for interns’ accommodation, interns’ help on a day to day basis, interns’ cultural experience within the country, trips, outings & much more, this team is basically the Standards & Satisfaction insurance team. AIESEC in GUC has one of, if not the best reception & servicing team in the whole MENA region and is proud of it. A number of people solely dedicating a big portion of their year in order to assist our interns, AIESEC GUC could never thank this team enough, the same goes for a lot of the interns whose lives were touched by this team. AIESEC GUC


INTERNS PREPARATION SEMINAR: Yet another attempt in order to provide S&S fulfillment, we in AIESEC GUC, believe that an Exchange should never be just the job description in whichever project you are in. With the R&S team contributing to the Cultural part of the Exchange, the last pillar left would be Education & Self Development. AIESEC GUC focuses on this last pillar by providing the Interns Preparation Seminar. Currently ongoing in Dahab for our Summer Realizations, the Interns Preparation Seminar is a full AIESEC conference attended by our AIESEC GUC interns. This conference aims at developing our interns through sessions and activities as well as providing them with the basic AIESEC knowledge. The job description and work pillar fulfilled through impactful work experience, the cultural exposure pillar tackled by the outings & trips provided and the education and self development provided by IPS, thus fulfilling what we see are the pillars of a good life changing experience Exchange.

IGCDP DELIVERY & SATISFACTION Global Village The Global Village is an event implemented by AIESEC GUC in order to bridge the gap between the Local Chapter members and AIESEC GUC’s very own foreign change makers, however this is not the only reason. It also connects the interns with our community, being an open event that anyone can attend, discussing a number of topics with different mindsets, getting insight on each of the other interns’ cultures through their presentation as well as getting insight on their own culture through the Egyptian mindset, learning more about the Egyptian mindset and much more. It is a cultural event that is attended by many, in which a number of shows are performed by both interns and AIESECers.



Arabic Sessions: In our attempts to provide a strong cultural experience, what could be more cultural than learning the language of the country you’re in and communicating with people using it? Of course it isn’t that easy as Arabic is a challenging language, but that just makes these lessons that much more fun, you get to learn enough Arabic to interact with people you see in the streets normally. This is something that we pride ourselves in and that we provide, totally free of any charge whatsoever, for any intern who wants to attend.

Accommodation: In AIESEC in GUC we do our best to provide our interns with the best Exchange accommodation there is. We allocate our interns in their respective accommodation according to their work place, we find the closest available accommodation, we as AIESEC in GUC, have and allocate the intern to in order to provide an easiness in transportation and to save the intern’s time and provide him with a satisfying journey. Our accommodation are divided into two sectors, the first being apartments and the second being hostels. Apartments: We’ve been doing this for quite some time now, we rent apartments for our interns in which they stay during the duration of their Exchange, the locations of which are decided based on how close they are to the place of work, in this sector we try to provide the absolute best we can get within the Exchange budget. Hostels: This is something that we as AIESEC in GUC piloted the past year and it has been something that proved extremely successful, we have contacted a number of hostels, having reached agreements with which in order to host our interns, providing them with a cozy family like feeling of staying together at all times. This initiative has proved so successful that it is currently becoming a trend and we’re keeping it and we’re even taking it to the next level.


Empowerment and education in the Egyptian society are always in need of development and upkeep. Our country that is unfortunately suffering in these sectors, which is why this project was created. The impact this project has on our society is one of a kind. In this project the intern teaches children languages, ethics, culture diversity, living diversity and everything in between. The intern in short becomes a mentor to the children showing them a side of the outside world that they have never seen before. Becoming their eye to the world and representing his/her culture to each and every young child he encounters and impacts his life, the intern adds to the children education and tools that will help them all throughout their lives, helping them become an empowered developed version of themselves in order to be able to adapt to society and become an influential part of it as they grow up.

Backpacking 4.0 Ever since the Arab spring, and the revolutions that occurred during and afterwards within Egypt, the Egyptian tourism has never been the same. With media lashing day and day out about how “unsafe” Egypt was, with countries red-flagging Egypt as a danger zone, the Egyptian tourism, which had always been flourishing, took a massive hit. It was with that in mind that last year, the Backpacking project was initiated. A project whose aim was to revitalize the Egyptian tourism and empower it enough in order to contribute to it going back to the state it was in before the revolutions. Now, on the fourth iteration of backpacking, and having run for two consecutive years, this project is still contributing same as before. In this project the interns literally backpack Egypt visiting it’s touristic places and heavenly spots all the while documenting their journeys through blogs, videos and photographs, sharing them with the rest of the world through our now widely-known AIESEC GUC Backpacking page. Receiving sessions about technicalities needed, and in need of decent photographers and videographers, this is a project for all photography and writing enthusiasts to enjoy.

Culture Vibes With a culture as rich as the Egyptian culture, some things wane in comparison to others, everyone knows the pharaohs, the sphinx and the pyramids, but there is so much more to the Egyptian culture than that. So much that is too often forgotten both by Egyptians and foreigners. This project aims to promote the Egyptian culture beyond just being the usual few informations everyone remembers. Helping struggling culture centers in Egypt perform and develop through various ways, participating in cultural centers events, promoting the culture centers during other events, helping their Facebook page become greater through managing it or even participating in events and plays organized by the culture center. These are just a few of the ways our project helps these culture centers gain more recognition as well as our Egyptian culture. As if that wasn’t enough the intern would go on outings to Egyptian culturally related places in order to document by way of pictures, videos and blogs the Egyptian culture which he would then represent through our Facebook, Instagram, Youtube pages and our Blog website. The Egyptian culture is to be preserved and we will contribute to this! AIESEC GUC


Environmental Awareness Environmental crisis is everywhere across the globe, with global warming coming up and with the way we humans treat our environment, many countries have issues with environmental pollution, Egypt is no different. With high pollution rates in many fields, environmental awareness was a necessity as our country desperately needs it. A new initiative taken in order for us to aid our community in yet another field, partnering with a number of NGOs, we are to provide our society with much needed support in this issue. From going on awareness campaigns, to aiding NGOs, to giving sessions and teaching values of safeguarding, this project is one that will hopefully impact the community and help improve the Egyptian environmental state and diminish the pollution levels.

iExist Child Rights Child rights are neglected in many parts of the world, sadly, in Egypt we also contribute to this sad but very true issue. Children below age working minimum wage jobs to support their families is not such a weird sight in Egypt, and that is just not right. For this reason and many more we have initiated the Child Rights project over a year ago. Delivering awareness on children rights, ranging from a good education to a safe home and shelter to children family rights and going on and on, we have partnered with a number of partners to deliver our message to the Egyptian society that children rights should be respected, we, alongside our interns deliver these sessions and workshops to children of varying ages making them aware of their rights and helping them learn and develop through our program.

iExist Women Rights Some would say “A woman is the center of the society, you can judge the society by how well they treat their women”, well, following in this logic, we want to better our society’s standing and therefore we have been focusing on Women Rights Empowerment for quite some time. Let’s face it, women rights in Egypt are not the best they could be, but this is why this project is so needed, for the past couple of years we have been working hand in hand with numerous NGOs developing women rights in Egypt. Writing reports, doing visits, the process of ensuring women rights fulfillment in Egypt is a long fight but one that is worth it and one in which the contribution of every single person will bring us that much closer to the final goal, and it is a worthy goal.

Illiteracy There is no sadder thing than someone who has all the gifts needed to live a normal life but cannot have such a life due to fate’s irony. A lot of people do not have the privilege of undergoing a successful education, for them life usually goes down a miserable path of hard work for minimum wages, all because they did not have a privilege that a lot of us take for granted. We at AIESEC GUC do not accept this and therefore we are starting our Illiteracy program. This program focuses on teaching such people the Arabic language with its intricacies, providing them with enough information and knowledge for them to be able to lead a normal life and have a more fruitful future. Needless to say, a strong or native Arabic language is required as well as a good English one. Let’s give these people better lives!

OGIP Aiming to expand our reach, and reach the perfect talents who would fit perfectly on our global network, AIESEC GUC have participated in two of the top employment fairs in cairo physically with more than 400 applications in two days only. and when it comes to online, the very clear marketing and promotional strategies that were used and the investments in facebook which was the main online chanell used lead to a dramatic increase in the number of online applicants. and then they started the matching process and during these they didnt forget about one of the main essence of our program which is the development of our exchange participants. they prepared a preparation seminar for the EPS of AIESEC IN EGYPT “lead’15”. it was one day event where we gathered different corporates &alumni to deliver some workshops, sessions and talks about three main pillars which were: personal development, career development and AIESEC preparations.also AIESEC GUC have been the number two entity in MENA region when it comes to their number of realizations in july and its not done , they are still striving for more! “providing the right experience to the right people at the right is their ultimate focus. AIESEC GUC


IGIP GE Global entrepreneur is a customized sub product of GIP ICX it aims to empowering youth through giving them entrepreneurial sights about any kind of business through involving them in the operations of startups and companies to gain the knowledge about how an organization runs and what are the main building blocks to establish a business. The uniqueness of this sub-product lies within its features which can be mainly summed up to being a short termed program and non-paid and it can also include under graduates to be participants.

Marketing Egyptian market is growing in a fast rate. Companies are expanding and are integrating to increase its share in the Egyptian market. The competitiveness among the companies is in its peak. We believe in AIESEC GUC that can help these companies to grow exponentially by providing them with Global Talents from all over the world. Marketing Talents are a crucial factor in the Egyptian market since it provides companies the important insights and expertise that give a competitive edge than other companies. This will help you (as an EP) in creating a strong image about the region’s economy and the problems that faces the companies. Being a marketer in this environment will give a chance to explore the Egyptian culture more and to get really close to local’s thoughts about many issues.

Education The Education Sector is mainly focusing on the high leveled Universities, Schools, Nurseries and Learning centers. In this sub product we are looking for the best experience all around. Educating Egyptian Students and helping them with better educated mindsets and also giving the chance for the intern to have the best experience of all, assuring the high quality of work place focusing on organizations that really want to make a change.




LCVP TM 1112644333

Ahmed Helali

LCVP Finance


Habiba Bahey



Mostafa Omar

GUC Manager


Nada Hassan

MIU Manager


Ahmed Hesham



Mostafa El Kotb

SME Manager


Mohamed Talaat



Mido Farag

PBOXs Manager


Hani Zaatar

XPROs Manager


Perihan El Ashry



Ahmed Zayed








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