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The Weather with Connor

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of The Weather with Connor. This week, I thought I'd do more of a longer range forecast and a little bit of a recap rather than talk about a specific topic. So, let's get started.
First of all, the first half of May was generally well below normal temperature-wise. It was also cloudy for days and days, as it rained for 6 days in a row in Eastern Ontario. This caused flooding in rivers, basements, and farm fields. Rivers have still not fully recovered from that rain event and are still above normal water levels.
The middle of May
submitted by Amanda Burger, ABOP
For the second year in a row, A Bunch of People Arts and Events (ABOP) is bringing laughter to the community with their production of A Bunch of Sketches - Take 2, happening in May. This is only one of the many fun things to do at affordable prices for this year from ABOP events.
“We have a local writing team of five (5) veteran writers, who are also going to be acting, such as Tom Schoch, a well know former radio host, journalist, farmer, father, and funny man,” said Amanda Burger – Board President and Founder. “Tom’s dry humour is always good for a belly laugh and his contribution as sketch writer and mentor to the writers within A Bunch of People’s show A Bunch of Sketches, Take 2 is clearly felt”. Other comedy writers include humorous Harmony Koiter, theatre-Mom and funny woman Jennifer Heale, the ever-funny Jo-Anne Barton, and local standup comic Curtis Russell.

was better, as we got into a prolonged period of sunny skies and temperatures around normal. There was the occasional above normal day, which is expected to continue into the week of the 15th under sunny skies. This will cause the area to become dry, maybe dry enough for counties to start introducing fire bans as a precaution.
The later portion of May, aside from a couple random days, looks like it will be below normal temperature-wise. There will also be a couple of rainier days during the later portion of May, but it likely won't end up being enough for what we'll actually need at the time.
The rest of May is also terrible for me as a storm chaser. There are no opportunities for the rest of May, aside from chasing little showers if I wanted to. This will end up being the quietest May for chasing of my entire chasing life.
There will be no derechos this May, and no tornadoes either. We are all good in that regard. I will have to wait until June to get my first chase under my belt, which is astoundingly late in the season. Usually, my first chase actually comes in late April or early May, not June.
With a quiet May like this, you can only hope the rest of the summer isn't filled with bad storms to compensate for May. This area has been through a lot with storms in recent history, so it'd be nice if something bad didn't happen.
In short, May is and will continue to be quiet and dry.
While I wait for my first chase, I can finally start getting my new chase vehicle prepared with everything it needs. It was actually sitting in the shop for two months getting some important things repaired, but the parts got delayed and it
Rounding out the troupe is Kaitlyn Morrow, whose natural comedic style is the cherry on the top.
“I’m so excited to be working on this again. This project started off with great laughs in the writers’ room in our first meeting when Heidi Foss, four-time Canadian Comedy Award nominee for Best Female Stand-up Comic, joined us virtually to mentor and guide the writers, drawing from her vast experience”, stated Marie Thèrèse Robinson – ABOP Board member and director. Heidi is an acclaimed screenwriter, storyteller, and series developer for shows on HBO, Fox, PBS, Family, YTV, Nickelodeon, and BBC, as well as part of the staff writing team for CBC's "This Hour Has 22 Minutes". She continues being active on the standup comedy circuit, as well as many other projects.
With initial guidance from Heidi Foss, the comedy writing team has created fifteen original sketches spanning the comedy of aliens, horses, a not-so-famous mouse, monsters, cab took two months for them to get to the dealership. Anyway, things inside and outside the vehicle will start to get installed for the upcoming season. I'll reveal the vehicle on my Facebook page whenever everything gets done.
Also, my annual announcement: I'll be going out to Western Canada for my 3rd annual Chasecation. From June 24th to July 10th, I'll be away from my stomping grounds of Eastern Ontario, and going to my secondary stomping grounds of the Alberta Foothills (or Saskatchewan/Manitoba, wherever the storms are).