3 minute read

Historically Speaking Antiquing

Wilson, Jean Elizabeth (Dougall)

22 February 1930 – 19 March 2023


by Donna Ross, MDHS

The next Merrickville and District Historical Society lecture is planned for Tuesday, April 25, at 7 p.m. at the Merrickville Legion. Please join us for “Antiquing – The Thrill of the Find” with Nick Previsich.

Collecting antiques for many is a hobby. And why? A bit of nostalgia. An heirloom. A treasure. A piece of history. An old piece that settles nicely into your home. Nick will talk about his journey into the antiquing world, the ups and downs, the searching and finally the “thrill of the find”.

Nick’s interest in art and antiques goes back 40 years – first in Southern Alberta attending farm auctions, and later in Toronto as a graduate student. He spent weekends visiting museums, galleries, and antique stores in Toronto – often bartering

The Food Corner

By Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville

with his pickup truck services in exchange for items from the shop!

Although his career focused on the biological sciences and federal public policy development, Nick has an abiding interest in the arts and antiquities, which flourished even more in retirement.

Nick has been a resident of Merrickville for 12 years. He has had a seasonal antique shop open to the public on

Sundays on his property for the past five years.

Come and enjoy a chat with Nick, an enthusiastic speaker on a subject he has a passion for. See what he has brought to the presentation as his special “antique find”. And while you are doing that, enjoy a sweet treat from Violets on Main Bakery!

It is with sadness that we announce that Jean passed away peacefully on Sunday at Hilltop Manor, Merrickville, in her 94th year. Jean was the much loved only daughter of Fred and Myrtle (Hyndman) Dougall of Merrickville. The childhood sweetheart and loving wife of the late Merlin Edson Wilson. Beloved mother of Catharine (Matthew Sutton) and Julie (Terry Turcotte). Cherished Grandma to Kaitlin and Cameron Turcotte (Samantha Wong) and Anna and Charlie Sutton (Katrina Allison), and great grandma to Nathan Turcotte. Jean graduated from Whitby Ladies College, then Kingston General Hospital, and nursed before marrying. She and Merlin then made Kemptville their home, where they raised their family and eventually retired. Jean lovingly supported her family’s endeavours. She will be remembered fondly by family and friends for her delicious cooking, generous hospitality, love for her kitties, crafts, genealogy, and all-around loving care. A Celebration of Life will be held 20 May 2023, 11 am to 1 pm (eulogy at 11:30), at the Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 805 Prescott Street, Kemptville. Donations may be made to Muscular Dystrophy, the Cancer Society, the Lanark Animal Welfare Society, or St. John’s United Church Kemptville. The family thanks the compassionate staff at Bayfield Manor (Kemptville) and Hilltop Manor.


Hulse, Playfair & McGarry www.hpmcgarry.ca



The Ploughman’s Lunch varies according to the country that you are in. This recipe combines ideas from a broad variety of sources. The idea is to put together ingredients that your family or guests might appreciate. Some of the ingredients may be new to your taste buds but it’s a great way to try new flavours, textures and colours, including combining sweet, sour and pungent. The following recipe meets my fancy but feel free to go your own way. It is written on a one-plate principle rather than a community dish and only makes economic sense if you are serving multiple guests. You can also vary quantities according to your personal touch.

Ploughman’s Lunch

Possible Ingredients

• 1 extra-large hard-boiled egg, chilled and sliced in two (sprinkle with some paprika)

• 1 slice of Naan bread (or more), cut in smallish triangles

• 3 slices of chilled prosciutto

• 1 - 2 oz ramekin of olives filled with blue cheese

• 1 - 2 oz ramekin of hummus

• 1 - 2 oz ramekin of Tzatziki

• 1 - 2 oz hunk of the Pâté of your choice (I’m partial to Chicken Liver Pâté myself)

• 3 slices of assorted cheese, e.g., Limburger, Jarlsberg or some old white Cheddar

• 1 jumbo dill pickle, thinly sliced


1. You’re going to want largish serving plates due to the number of ingredients involved

2. Be your artistic self and arrange all of the ingredients on the plate (but not the Naam)

3. Warm the Naam bread in the microwave briefly and serve on separate plate

This rather fancy Ploughman’s lunch calls for either a dark beer like the St. Ambrose Stout, a cold Sauvignon Blanc or a slightly chilled Shiraz in the reds. I like to chill reds a bit to duplicate European wine cellars where you need to wear a jacket to work or visit.

Other options for ingredients include: cocktail sausages, grainy mustard, chutney, sweet, pickled onions, small chilled or warmed meat balls, dried fruit such as apricots and capers.

Please let me know what your choices were and how they worked out by contacting me at pcormier@ranaprocess.com.

Demonstrate your civic pride by cleaning up and beautifying our waterways, public roadways, wilderness trails, public parks or urban areas.


Residents who wish to participate must register with the Municipality by calling 613-258-9569 ext. 133 or via email: publicworks@northgrenville.on.ca

Registered participants will receive PITCH-IN bags (available at the Municipal Centre). Filled bags can be set out with curbside waste collection or dropped off at the Waste Transfer Station. There are NO bag tags required.

More information: www.northgrenville.ca


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