1 minute read

NDDHS art students bring life to Winchester library exhibit

Art Students on the theme of "Who Am I? / Qui suis'je?"

These stunningly original pieces will be on display until the end of August and are a must-see! Also in the works is an NDDHS Arts Fair in early December. Watch for details!


Want to exhibit your works? Contact Ann at northdundasartscouncil@ yahoo.ca for more info on this free service promoting local Artists.

NDAC meetings to resume

The North Dundas Arts Council (NDAC) will be resuming its monthly meetings on Wednesday, August 16 at 7pm at the Winchester Legion, 482 Main Street E., Winchester, ON. If you have the skills, dedication and desire to be part of our board, or have fresh ideas to share, we want to meet you!

‘Art in the Branches’ continues its local art exhibits at Winchester Public Library through the summer with a very exciting new installation! Art teacher

Kathi Poirier, pictured here with some of the artwork on the shelves and beside her, has installed several new pieces created by North Dundas District High School

On the agenda will be the forming of a new board of directors and identifying key goals and special projects for the coming year. Artists of all genres and supporters of the Arts are welcome and refreshments will be served. For more information, visit our Facebook page "North Dundas Arts Council" or contact Ann at northdundasartscouncil@yahoo.ca.

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