1 minute read

End of Summer & Back To School

Tid Bit Musings


by Elva Patterson Rutters


Returning to the school circuit brings enormous stress to many families. Some throw out all they have just to start anew. Concerning is the amount of clothes simply put into the garbage when others could use them. Why do you not donate to a thrift shop? Technically a new outfit is nice for the first day, but surely overnight the youngster did not outgrow everything! Mind you, after you wear something once, it is then "used." Ironically, there is a craze by those with money to have "Value Village" shopped, and embarrassment by those on limited funds to do likewise. Explain that logic??? So how did we get into this mind set that a complete new wardrobe is a necessity? How did it become mandatory?

Definitely the school supplies are a must, and if you have the cash, buy some extra to donate to the teacher for distribution to those who are lacking. Mind you, a broken crayon colors as well as an intact one. For grandparents, this is an ideal time to buy art supplies for Christmas gifts when prices are slashed. No matter the time, new markers, pastels or crayons are appreciated. Perhaps the clothing falls into the prices slashed category. If you purchase the summer sales for next year, you are aiming for a larger size for sure, but who can beat Giant Tiger's final clearance rack of $3 season close outs?

This is definitely a teachable moment for your offspring. Set a budget and allow them to purchase what they need, not want, to start the school year with. Talk over the budget before you hit the stores, not argue and fight in the store. Humiliation leads to you giving into the tantrum. Remind them you will not "rescue" if they run short. If you choose to supplement with one outfit to start the year, feel free to indulge as a gift and as a surprise.

When you reflect on the cost involved, realize those on smaller budgets struggle even more. For those with no children, feel free to purchase supplies and donate to the school in your area. There is an incredible soul, Mike Barkley, who compiles back to school backpacks for those in need in this area. Hats off to him and hats off to you if you can lend a helping hand. Kudos to the parents who use this as a teachable moment!!!

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