3 minute read
Library Summer Hours and Concert Series
students and seniors all came.
We hope to continue our Sunday hours in the Fall (budget permitting), but from June through August, they are on hold. This is a common practice for libraries as summer demand for Sunday hours goes down, with people away on holiday and students out of school.
patio on Saturdays from 2 to 4 pm (unless scheduled elsewhere), and concert goers will be able to use the library’s amenities. As desk staff will be on-site until 4 pm, concert goers and community members at large are encouraged to come in, use our services and to take out a few books.
submitted by Rachel Brown, NGPL
Sunday hours at the main branch of the North Grenville Public Library’s have been a resounding success. We have heard from happy residents that they appreciated the additional hours, and atten- dance has been good. For some, it offered the only day on which they could get to the library. For others, it was the convenience of running Sunday errands or going to religious services, and then dropping by the library on their way home. Families,
Hike for Hospice to be held May 28
submitted by Laura Jackson
Now that spring has sprung, supporters of Beth Donovan Hospice are looking forward to lacing up their shoes on May 28, 2023 at the Ferguson Forest Centre in Kemptville for their annual Hike for Hospice Event.

The hike is part of a national fundraising initiative that began in 2003 to raise awareness about hospice and palliative care and the services that are provided at a local level. This year, all funds raised locally will go towards Beth Donovan’s outreach programs as well as purchasing new equipment for their lending program, according to Executive Director, Sue Walker. Clients can borrow equipment such as bed rails, commodes, bath benches, walkers and wheelchairs for free.
Walker encourages everyone of all ages to attend, including all breeds of dogs. The first 25 dogs to attend will receive a doggie swag bag from Pet Valu. All skill levels are welcome and there will be routes of 1 kilometer, 3 kilometers, or 5 kilometers to choose from. Participants collect pledges prior to the event and will enjoy a BBQ lunch after the hike.
“My favourite part is seeing everyone come together when they have finished the hike to chat and enjoy lunch and share in supporting the hospice,” adds Walker.
Registration begins at 10 am on May 28 in the parking lot by the main building at Ferguson Forest Centre. To participate or for more information, visit www.bethdonovanhospice.ca.
Rideau Hill Camp reunion next month
submitted by Marj Milne
Rideau Hill Camp is celebrating 75 years of bringing a camping experience to children. RHC is located at 3560 River Road Manotick, just minutes from Kemptville.
We are holding a Reunion Camp Weekend June 24-25 which includes camp activities, camp fire, exceptional meals and a night in a cabin. If you are an alumni you know the magic of RHC. Register on line at rideauhillcamp.com or send an email to rideauhillcamp@gmail for more information.
For the same periodJune through August - our main branch will be staying open for an extra two hours on Saturdays (from 10 am to 4 pm), as part of a partnership with the popular Kemptville Street Piano Concert Series. The concerts will take place at the Library’s creek-side
Stay tuned for information about Street Piano performers; concert descriptions will be updated on our ngpl. ca homepage calendar as details become available, and on the Kemptville Street Piano Facebook page at facebook.com/KemptvilleStreetPiano.

Bishop’s Mills Community Day –May 20th
Mark your calendar for the Annual Bishop’s Mills Community Day which will take place on Saturday, May 20th.
Discover treasures at various community-wide yard sales. Treat yourself to some delicious baked goods from the Bishop’s Mills WI bake sale in the Community Hall. Participate in a silent auction or browse through the extensive Tweedsmuir History collection. Enjoy lunch or pick up some quality “Made in Bishop’s Mills” crafts and used items in the St. Andrew’s Church Hall.
Signed copies of Tom Graham’s book Tales from the General Store – The Untold History of Bishop’s Mills will also be available for sale.
You can also pick up a copy of the Bishop’s Mills Historic Walking Tour brochure and enjoy a leisurely walk in the village to visit some of our beautiful heritage sites.
Maps for the yard sales will be available at the Community Hall at 8 am. The bake sale, silent auction, displays, etc. start at 9 am.
This community day event is hosted by the Bishop’s Mills Community Association, the Bishop’s Mills Women Involved, and the St. Andrew’s United Church Women.
Come out and experience the friendly hospitality of our hamlet!

For more information, please contact Victor Desroches at 613258-2115.