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Mayor lends a helping hand Clarification on confidentiality regarding municipal staff

by Brandon Mayer

Taxpayers often feel entitled to know everything when it comes to municipal business, including when it pertains to the staff who are paid with local public funds. It is easy to forget that although “our tax dollars pay their salary”, public employees are employees nonetheless, and are therefore protected by the same regulations regarding employment standards and confidentiality as everyone else.


A community member reached out last week inquiring about the status of municipal employees Jessica Workman and Gary Dyke. Mayor Nancy Peckford was able to provide some clarification.

“Jessica Workman is no longer with the Municipality. Typically, the terms and conditions of someone's departure are a private and confidential matter. This is the case with Ms. Workman,” said the Mayor. “Hillary Geneau, who was already serving as Deputy Clerk and the Director of Corporate Services is Acting Clerk while the position is vacant, and is serving us well in this additional role.”

Most of us could probably never imagine the busy schedule that comes with being North Grenville’s Mayor. Despite the pressures of the job, Mayor Nancy Peckford found time in her day last week to assist a senior lady whose walker had gotten away from her. Social media users identified the grateful recipient of the assistance as Joan, described as “a sweetheart”. Small town community love is on a whole other level!

As previously reported in the Times, CAO Gary Dyke has been on leave since early March. Again, it would be folly to think that the circumstances of someone’s personal life should be public knowledge, regardless of who pays their salary.

“Gary Dyke continues to be on leave but remains the CAO,” Mayor Peckford added. “Karen Dunlop has been and continues to serve as Acting CAO in his absence as she has done now for a number of months. As a matter of practice, we do not typically provide a press release on staffing changes when positions become vacant. I expect we wouldn't change this practice anytime soon.”

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