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Baldwin's Birds

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into the lee of the house by our basement windows and peaked in! What a lovely surprise, and one that enabled me a much closer view than I normally get of them. In the shelter they both "hunkered down", as they do, for a while and kept themselves warm in their beautifully colored plumage. The pigeons kept their distance and stayed under the garden feeders competing with the Bluejays and squirrels and the occasional Cardinal!

New Year Birds


A very Happy New Year to you from all your feathered friends and myself who, like you, have stayed here to endure and, maybe enjoy, some of our winter months. The weather has certainly not helped in making us feel like it will be too jolly, especially with today's freezing rain! Anyway enough of that and on to what I am supposed to be doing, and that is to talk about the birds, who set a good example to us and "carry on regardless"! Their's, and the three variety of squirrels', daily attendance at my feeders are a good indication of that!

The very snowy December days certainly made the feeders more attractive and necessary in the birds' quest for food of some sort, and they certainly attracted them. Our flock of Rock Pigeons were evident as were the Mourning Doves and Juncos, who, being mainly ground feeders, appreciated the sprinklings of bird seed that I made as I restocked the higher ones. A couple of Mourning Doves came right

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