8 minute read
100 Women & 100 Men Who Care North Grenville Q2 Meeting
The 100 Women Who Care NG and the 100 Men Who Care NG are pairing up for their upcoming meeting! Everyone is welcome.
The second quarterly meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21st at 6:00pm at Catered Affairs on the Kemptville Campus; please go to the website www.100womenwhocareng. com to register for the meeting. There will be a meal (Brisket on a Bun with a salad) for $20. Please preorder and pay for dinner via either Catered Affairs or 100 Women Who Care NG websites. The cash bar will be open as well.
Nominations for the second quarter charities will be accepted via our website link or the 100 Men Who Care up until June 1st. Four charities will be chosen at random (2 from each group) to present at the June meeting. We will be choosing 1 winner from the women’s votes and 1 winner from the men’s votes to receive the collected funds. The other two charities will each receive $250 from each group.
To date, the 100 Women Who Care North Grenville has raised $99,168 towards local charities. The 100 Men Who Care North Grenville has raised $98,152.
Both groups have partnered with the Ottawa Community Foundation to streamline their donation process. Members can log on to the Foundation’s website Donate 100 Women and enter “100 Women Who Care North Grenville” or “100 Men Who Care North Grenville” Donate 100 Men as the fund to receive their donation. Please ensure that you choose the correct group for your donations. This system automatically generates a tax receipt, making the whole operation that much easier. Please do not choose to be anonymous.
We are looking to make
Early Hormone Therapy has benefits
It was surprising news in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. There’s another about-turn among scientists studying hormone therapy (HT) as a treatment for symptoms of menopause. This time, researchers have produced findings that suggest benefits to healthy women who start HT early in the transition to menopause.
Women have long been perplexed by conflicting advice on hormone replacement, and this new study doesn’t offer universal guidance. The bottom line remains, HT is a complicated business, requiring patients and doctors to weigh many factors in deciding for or against.
Dr. Iliana Lega of the Women’s College Hospital and the University of Toronto has this to say, “Menopausal hormone therapy is the first line treatment of symptoms in the absence of contraindications.” That clarity may be overly simplified, and she adds that patients and doctors need to consider symptoms before and during menopause and to discuss treatments based on personal preferences and potential risk factors.
Those risk factors have been well publicized. Many studies have suggested leaning away from HT due to associated increased risk of breast cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. But new findings offer important insights for younger women.
Previous studies have shown an increased risk of breast cancer in women taking HT. However, this new study reports the risk is much lower in people aged 50-59 years and in those who start HRT in the first 10 years of menopause.
Increased risk of ischemic stroke (blood clot) has been a concern for women older than 60 years who start HT 10 years after the start of menopause. But new findings suggest that the risk is reduced for those younger than sixty.
Furthermore, data from the Women’s Health Initiative trial show a possible reduction in coronary artery disease with HT among younger menopausal patients, specifically those who start HT before 60 years of age or within 10 years of the start of menopause.
Be sure to discuss the issues with your surgeon if you are scheduled for a hysterectomy. Leaving ovaries in place can preserve natural estrogen function for a time. But removal of ovaries and use of HT eliminates any future risk of ovarian cancer. Of course, most saved ovaries do not develop a malignancy. So, sparing one or both ovaries in younger patients should be a matter for discussion.
There are other benefits of hormone therapy in the treatment of menopausal the biggest local and immediate charitable impact we can. Remember that 100% of the proceeds go towards the chosen charities that night. Join us, the North Grenville chapters of this amazing charity. and help bring positive change to your community. symptoms. Reducing the severity of hot flashes is the main one. Another is reduced fragility, with one large study involving over 25,000 women aged 50-79 showing that HT reduced the risk of any fracture by 28 percent, a major osteoporotic fracture by 40 percent, and a hip fracture by 34 percent. HT can also offer relief from mood swings, vaginal dryness, and joint pain.
For more information on 100 Women Who Care North Grenville, visit them on facebook https://www.facebook. com/100womenwhocareng/ or on their website ttps://100womenwhocareng. com/. For more information on the 100 Men Who Care North Grenville, visit them on facebook https://www.facebook. com/100MenWhoCareNG.
The cognitive effects of HT are debated. Past research questioned the impact on risk for dementia. Other research found benefits including reduced “brain fog” and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s.
Dr. Pauline Maki is a specialist in menopause and cognition in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She notes, “Women who initiate hormone therapy before their final menstrual period show increased blood flow to the hippocampus and better verbal memory compared to nonusers.”
The message is that “timing is everything” in decisions around hormone therapy.
That’s not easy to action given menopause may begin up to 10 years before the last menstrual period and can last more than 10 years. For some women, the symptoms are intense. Others never know that the menopause has come and gone.
So get informed guidance from your doctor and start the discussion early.
We look forward to hosting our members and guests for a fun-filled meeting on Wednesday June 21st at 6:00PM for a meal and socializing and 7:00PM for the meeting.
Tid bit musings
by Elva Patterson Rutters RSSW

With Mother's day behind us and Father's day looming, perhaps it is mindful to acknowledge your beliefs, ideals, and reflections on these two events in reference to expectations. Whenever there are expectations not met, there is disappointment and often deep hurt. Three keys words whether uttered or written-"Happy Mother's/Father's Day" can make a huge impact on a parent's self- esteem. Where do you stand on acknowledgement of everything your parents' did for you? have you talked issues out with the parent for clarification? Withholding affection from a parent is termed "parental abuse."
It is very easy to focus on the things you did not receive or get to do. Make a list of the things you did experience and you might be surprised to acknowledge your parent did the best they could with what resources they had. The fundamental components on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (food, shelter, clothes, safety) were most likely achieved thro careful budgeting and efforts to fulfil those needs. Again distinguishing "needs" from "wants" is imperative. For the "in-law" critical of the spouse's parent, bear in mind, that spouse is a wonderful blend of that parent's love and attention. Perfection is not possible, present only with God. The ability to resolve differences is a sign of maturity.
Unfortunately for all too many, the two celebratory/ appreciation days go by without acknowledgement. Parents are stymied as to why this child negates them and chooses to be alienated. Sending out an olive branch may work but may also be rejected. Mind you overt abuse and neglect elicit a different consideration where forgiveness does not equate to reconciliation. Stop to consider your perceived interpretation and measure it against how someone else may interpret the same behavior. Bear in mind, there are three sides to every story, his, hers and the truth! Even the Bible instructs that we are to "love one another" but also "honor your parents so your days shall be long on this earth." There is a differentiation between love and honor. In a self-centred society, concern for others is minimized.
Leave the onus on the adult child for their behaviors. You can only control your own reactions. If you are estranged, at least talk it over with the parties involved knowing no one is infallible. When the child was young you were "responsible for" them but as they grew your role changed to "responsible to." like a bird that feathers the nest making it real cozy for the hatchlings, she then takes out that down and the nest becomes more uncomfortable encouraging the babes to fly on their own wings. This is a parents' role to allow the child to learn from teachings and experience their ability to be independent. Showering a child with everything- car, house, etc- diminishes their ability to learn accountability.
A parent's role-modelling and attitudes are absorbed by the child. Watching a child at play indicates the dynamics in the family home. Exposure to a crass environment (swearing, drug/alcohol dependency, smoking, theft, murder, abuse) may not be what you desire your offspring to emulate, yet you knowingly expose your child to that.
Why? Keep in mind there is a time after the death of a parent, you experience " I wish I had... That void hurts over and over.
Now is the action time. Karma bites and bites hard and deep!
For Sale
Harmonica Phe 64 Chromonica, 4 Octaves, professional model, M Hohner, Germany. Contact 613-567-8533
Mandolin, Veritona, 6 string, made in London England. Contact 613567-8533
Free AKC Reg Male & female yorkies puppies Need a good home and great companion if interested contact : jacbow2023@gmail. com
Spring and Summer
Potted Canna Lilies 18-20" tall. Ready to be planted outside after last frost. 1/$4.75, 2/$8.50, 3/$11.25, 4/$15.50. Contact Carman 613-824-5252
Cedar posts and rails for sale. Jon 613-2273650.
4X4 round bales of hay and straw for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
Cedars for hedging, 2' tp 10', Tamarac &
Antiques Appraisal
Saturday, 3 June 2023, 1:00 to 3:00pm at the History Hub, 148 Prescott Street. A certified appraiser will examine and value your grandmother's hatpins and any other precious antiques you may have. Please contact us and we will send you some questions to assist the appraiser in doing research to make your estimate as accurate as possible. No charge.
Spruce. Call Jim after 6pm 613-258-3561
Dry firewood for sale $110 a cord plus delivery fee. Call or text Jon 613-2273650

HISTORIC HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS in Beautiful Burritts Rapids! Start a book club in time for cooler weather in a hamlet near walking trails and parkettes. Our hall is well equipped for any gathering or celebration, and we offer very competitive rates. http://burrittsrapids.com
Looking to harvest cedar trees for hedges off acreages from landowners. Please call Joanne 613-799-0958
Experienced+local farming family looking to buy a farm. Min. 10ac tillable with a liveable house. Open to creative solutions. davidrbailie@gmail.com.
Looking to rent farmland for cash crops. Call or text Mitch @ 613-262-1204.

FOR RENT 2 bed/2 bath apartment in senior’s building in the heart of Kemptville. Newer build, walk to amenities. $2250 plus utilities. Available July 1st. Call 613-978-4700
Property for rent for spring & fall deer & turkey hunting. Call Jim after 6pm 613-258-3561
Recurring Event
PROBUS: Fellowship, Fun and inFormed presenters are part of the PROBUS gathering on the third Wednesday of each month at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall at 9:30AM. For more information contact at n.g.probus97@gmail.com
BREAKFAST, Kemptville Legion! Every 3rd Saturday from 8-10am - $8 for adults, $6 for children 10 and under. Euchre will be held following breakfast, registration starts at 11:30 am.
Kemptville Legion: Now Open Fridays 1-7. Free Pool and Darts. Everyone Welcome
BINGO, Kemptville Legion, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, doors open at noon

NG Duplicate Bridge Club Bridge, Masonic Lodge 311 Van Buren Kemptville, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:15. All Levels of bridge players are welcome. Info call 613-795-7155
EUCHRE on Tuesday, June 13, 27, July 11, 25, August 8, 22, September 5 and 19 at Pierce's Corners also known as the Marlborough Community Centre, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and play starts at 7:00 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
BID EUCHRE on Tuesday, June 6, 20, July 4, 18, August 1, 15, 29, September 12 and 26 at Pierce's Corners also known as the Marlborough Community Centre, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and play starts at 7:00 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ ymail.com.
Upcoming Event
Spring Market & Yard Sale, Sat., June 3, 8am-2pm, Yard Sale 8 am, Plant & Bake Sale 9 am, BBQ 11 am, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 319 Prescott St., Kemptville