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Rideau Glen Ladies Golf League in mid-season
submitted by Joan Beauregard
Seems like we just started the golf season, and here we are at the end of July. And in spite of muggy days and a few rain challenges we’re unstoppable ! Each week brings a great turnout, enjoyable golf, and lots of fun and laughter.
Adding zest to our regular round of play in July, eight players took a road trip to Cobden for the Ottawa Valley Golf Association Intersectionals. We couldn’t have had a warmer welcome! As usual, our players had a great time and made new friends. Up against some stiff competition, we placed third in our division, and are looking forward to the Senior Intersectionals in September to be hosted by Lombard Glen.
July brings the Dickenson Tray Tournament. Despite the rain on July 27th, eleven determined and soggy players weathered constant downpour and seemingly endless puddles. Of course, once we were finished and enjoying a beverage on the verandah, the sun poked its head out. The group is debating a special name for themselves, maybe the Wet Heads Society, the Drowned Rats Club, or the Swampettes. Linda Stewart took first place and the trophy; Leslie Cheal was runner-up.
For our end-of-month fun-day, the round was played with only 3 clubs and putter, making for interesting challenges as each player navigated long, short, and troubleshots with our limited options. With a theme of ‘a day at the beach’ , we found a few special contests – including a pitch into a kiddie-pool after the round. Our winners were: 1st Place - Leslie Cheal, 2nd Place – Donna Lush, Closest to the Beachball - Daphne Stephenson (front) and Jenny Thibert (back), Chipping Contest into the kiddiepool - Jenny Thibert (1st ) and Cathy Maur (2nd ) .
Play was followed by lunch, awards and prizes, and announcements. Recognition for breaking 100 went to Jenny Thibert. A record number of league members made birdies this month: Leslie Cheal, Georgia Crawford, Liz Forbes, Maureen Fournier, Pat Kealey, Brenda Lawson, Donna Lush, Elaine MacNaughton, Su Ouellette, Penny Pépin, Heather Pitt, Jean Potvin, Suzanne Sampson, Thanh Simpson , Susan Smith, Nancy Stelzer, Bonnie Thibodeau, Barb Townson, Cathy Valcour, and Karen Whiteman. Way ‘ta go ! Highlights coming in August include the Low Ball Aggregate Depencier Tournament.