8 minute read
Sending Sunshine: A simple idea more important than we realize
elderly relatives in long term care. Their loneliness knows no bounds. Long term care facilities are great at planning activities and providing amazing care, but there is no substitute for the family that an elderly person raised and loved their whole life.
ing for relatives who were never going to show up. If the mental picture of that doesn’t have you choking back tears, I don’t know what would. Truly heartbreaking.
Sending Sunshine are many seniors who have no family or friends to celebrate with. This makes the holiday season an especially lonely time for our most vulnerable.
by Brandon Mayer
Some stories in life truly stick with you. My mom worked for over a decade as a Personal Support Worker. She was itinerant, and therefore worked both in people’s homes, and in retirement homes and long term care homes. As is common for PSWs, she
by Graeme Waymark Retired resident, Kemptville
Two weeks ago, I submitted a rhetorical question regarding the matter of how North Granville (NG) residents currently assess news reporting. Importantly, I highlighted a commonly reported "divide" in community opinion. I had speculated as to whether an improvement in reporting would assist us in better differentiating between fact and opinion.
"Could there be an improvement to (ameliorate) the divide amongst (us)" (at least in N.G.)?
I hoped to provoke a response. And I got a perfect one plus an editorial comment on top of it!
Why am I publishing this question through our local media, the North Grenville Times? Let me reference an issue not covered in my first letter: Bill C-18 (44) was introduced by our Parliament.
I felt that this government policy was responding to a present policy demand to alter certain aspects of news reporting. Apparently, policy supports were received by our Government. Today, Facebook and Google have responded to the passage of this Legislation, as fol- had to work every second Christmas and got roped into working most other holidays.
Of course, being a PSW takes an emotional toll for many reasons, but one thing that my mom had to deal with was seeing senior citizens excitedly get dressed up for no one. I’m sure that many readers currently have
When my mom invariably worked a split day on Christmas, early morning and then a couple of hours late afternoon or early evening, what she saw was often heartbreaking. Seniors who hadn’t seen their families in months would automatically assume that today was the day. It’s Christmas, of course my family will visit, right? My mom would be asked to dress them in their best clothes and make sure they looked nice. When she would return later that same day, many would still be wait-
When the Times received a submission from a Canadian charity called “Sending Sunshine”, which sends holiday cards to seniors, the above stories from my mom flooded into my mind immediately. A holiday card may not be the same as a visit, but it’s certainly something. The charity has a goal of dramatically increasing its output of holiday cards this year. See their message below:
“Did you know that the winter holidays are the loneliest time for seniors? While it is generally a time to gather with loved ones, there
Sending Sunshine is on a mission to help raise the spirits of our seniors this holiday season in a BIG way. Last year, we delivered cards to 200 facilities across the country during the holidays. This year, our goal is to send cards to all 669 (and counting) of our partnered facilities!
In order to make this goal a reality, we have launched our "Holiday Cheer Throughout the Year" campaign to raise the funds necessary to cover the shipping cost of these cards. Last year, we spent $3,000 to send 200 packages of cards, and so we are hoping to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of shipping cards to more than triple the number of facilities as last year.
To help out a great cause, visit https://www. sendingsunshine.ca/.”
Health Unit seeking assistance in identifying people at risk of infection
submitted by LGLD Health Unit lows: "Canadian news will be no longer delivered..." (on our platforms).
Today, my neighbour and I find ourselves capable of parroting any public release of information in either an affirmative or negative belief on any subject. It is fun for us. We both could have different opinions on Bill C-18. We may ask if either of us feel that we received the facts behind this legislation, enough that could fully inform us in developing an opinion?
Of course, that depends on our individual values, as a minimum, or how we receive the news, amongst many other considerations. Regardless, a few examples that have challenged many of us recently are:
- COVID data: vaccine efficacy, masking, quarantines, shutdowns,
- climate change/ warming: causes and consequences,
- economics- ideological: to spend or conserve,
- elections: interference, fraud and voting rights,
- aboriginal issues: rights and reparations,
- the nation's bedrooms: marriage, conception, abortion,
- royalty issues: a King for Canada? opting in or out of the British "Corporation"?
- my gosh, even the teaching of cursive writing is up for debate.
But, are we debating as a citizenry? Do we have enough reliable data to debate?
Last week, I enjoyed the satirical response to my letter to the Editor, from (Sir) Paul Gleiser. In turn, his reply received an anointing from our Editor (who wears "beautiful socks"). You have to read his letter to understand the satire and salutations! Both Sir Paul and Brandon attempted, I think, to accentuate a form of "neutrality" as sensible? critical? or imperative maybe? I think that is their community response to my question.
Yes, I did want to provoke the bureaucratic, fence-sitting, indifferent, diplomatic neutrality of Canadians. Lo and behold, I got it. They were both perfectly neutral. Had I wished for no less? It was perfect!
To be neutral or notthat is the question, eh?
In being neutral or simply poking fun at serious issues in our community, does it commit or perhaps permit all of us to deflect? Are we comfortable as Ca- nadians in deflecting away from tough questions? Or is my question silly? Here it is: e.g. Is the fact generally accepted as provable and is the opinion derived from expertise?
"When I read or hear what I believe could be deemed newsworthy by us, how will the N.G. Times and others assist me in the process of discerning between fact and opinion"?
In conclusion, I now reformulate my question:
Do readers have any opinions, expert or otherwise, on how we can bring together, even incrementally over time, the two sides of any divided issue percolating in our community that may have the potential to harm our established social fabric?
Is there a metaphorical seed that we can plant and help sprout?
I believe that this divide in 21st Century growth is truly fettering our ability to pass on a brighter torch to future generations.
Thank you Paul Gleiser and Brandon Mayer. I do appreciate your willingness to at least address the issue.
The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit previously communicated regarding an Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lapse associated with a body piercer. This IPAC Lapse may have led to a risk of exposure to blood-borne infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and to a lesser extent, HIV.
The Health Unit has now determined that the operator’s client list is not complete, and there are clients at risk of exposure who the Health Unit is not able to identify.
The Health Unit is issuing a public notice to identify any members of the public who received piercing services from Melissa Charland through Piercings by Melissa during the time period from February 25th until June 8th, whether at LUX Tattoo and Piercing or elsewhere. If you have not received a letter from the Health Unit about this situation and have received services in this timeframe, please contact the Health Unit to assess your risk and to receive recommendations for next steps. Although no infection or illness has been linked to this situation at this time, it is important for members of the public who did receive piercing services to be tested.
To contact the Health Unit, call the toll free line at 1-800660-5853 ext 2222.
The Health Unit has become aware that there may have been misleading information on social media and in phone calls made directly to clients about the Health Unit’s investigation and risk assessment. All clients who have received a letter from the Health Unit about this situation are still considered at risk of exposure, and those individuals are urged to follow the recommendations described in the letter, including speaking to a healthcare provider.
More information about the IPAC Lapse, including more details about the Health Unit’s risk assessment for this situation, can be found at www.healthunit.org under Infection Control Information. This website also includes the client information package: a client letter, a client FAQ document, a memo for healthcare providers, and a partially-completed laboratory requisition.
Please visit www.healthunit.org and click on the Infection Control Lapse tab for more information on the IPAC Lapse, and/or contact the toll free line at 1-800-660-5853 ext 2222.
For Sale
Antique Farm Machinery for lawn decoration. Call 613-258-3561 after 6:00pm
Sawmill for Sale
Heavy duty dimensional sawmill (Southern) for sale. Equipped with two 20-inch edger blades and a 32-inch main blade, which produces a finished board with each pass. Ideal for quarter sawing hardwood flooring. Max cutting size is 6” X 12” x 20 ft. This mill is in good operating condition and is equipped with a 4-cylinder, 60 hp diesel engine The mill is located near Merrickville, ON. Phone
1.5 ton York Central A/C unit. 3 years old. Perfect condition. Asking $1500. 613-222-9452
Now booking orders for new crop small square bales of hay. Call or text Jon. 613-227-3650
Dollhouse , Foxhall Manor by Real Good Toys, with side extensions. Currently under refurbishment. $1500. tineboyer@gmail.com
Cedar posts and rails for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
4X4 round bales of hay and straw for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
Dry firewood for sale $110 a cord plus delivery fee. Call or text Jon 613-2273650
HISTORIC HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS in Beautiful Burritts Rapids! Start a book club in time for cooler weather in a hamlet near walking trails and parkettes. Our hall is well equipped for any gathering or celebration, and we offer very competitive rates. http://burrittsrapids.com
Looking to harvest cedar trees for hedges off acreages from landowners. Please call Joanne 613-799-0958
Experienced+local farming family looking to buy a farm. Min. 10ac tillable with a liveable house. Open to creative solutions. davidrbailie@gmail.com.
Looking to rent farmland for cash crops. Call or text Mitch @ 613-262-1204.
For Rent
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. Laundry, appliances included. 1 block proximity to

all amenities. Immediate occupancy, $1975/ month. Call Jeff at 613978-4700
Garage Sale
Garage Sale Aug 12, 8am to 2pm Multi family 114B George street west rain or shine.
Afternoon and evenings, weather dependent Light duty work. Must be a resident of Kemptville, Transportation provided. $20 An hour to start. No experience required Also seeking experienced labour. Pays $25-$30 an hour. Must have own transportation. Could lead into full-time work. CALL
Community Events
Recurring Event
PROBUS: Fellowship, Fun and inFormed presenters are part of the PROBUS gathering on the third Wednesday of each month at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall at 9:30AM. For more information contact at n.g.probus97@gmail.com
Kemptville Legion: Now Open Fridays 3-9. Free Pool and Darts. Everyone Welcome
BINGO, Kemptville Legion, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, doors open at noon
NG Duplicate Bridge Club Bridge, Masonic Lodge 311 Van Buren Kemptville, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:15. All Levels of bridge players are welcome. Info call 613-795-7155
EUCHRE on Tuesday, August 22, September 5 and 19 at Pierce's Corners also known as the Marlborough Community Centre, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and play starts at 7:00 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
BID EUCHRE on Tuesday, August 15, 29, September 12 and 26 at Pierce's Corners also known as the Marlborough Community Centre, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and play starts at 7:00 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

Easy Medium Hard
Solution to last week’s Crossword