5 minute read
The NG Photography Club
their table.
Wednesday, February 15
10 – 11:30
Pruning techniques, when and how you should prune based on different plant material.
Claude Smith
Thursday February 16
10 – 11:30

Garden to Table, Growing in Small Spaces
Don’t let lack of space stop you from growing edibles! Ideas for containers, vertical and trellis growing, plant selection, followed by some easy recipes to make with your harvest.
Carol Pillar
75 Campus Drive at Curtis, Kemptville, ON
For further information and registration, contact Claude Smith at claude431@ cogeco.ca Please register in advance by e-transfer or cash, $30 per workshop.

Calling all Seniors Groups and Organizations
Steve Clark, MPP is please to inform that the applications are now being accepted for this year’s Seniors Community Grants.
Seniors Community Grants support local, not-for-profit community organizations, Indigenous groups, and municipalities that deliver programs and services to Ontarians 55+.
"Our government is pleased to make investments in our community that have a significant impact for seniors looking to stay active and socially connected. I encourage interested organisations to contact my office if they are interested in applying," said Steve Clark MPP for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes"
Every year, the Ontario government provides hundreds of Seniors Community Grants ranging from $1,000 to $25,000 – funding that allows community groups across the province to offer a wide variety of activities to promote engagement, reduce isolation and promote healthy living.
"Our government is making these investments to help keep seniors fit, active, healthy and socially connected close to their homes," said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. "We're proud to deliver the Seniors Community Grant Program, which gives so many people the chance to learn new skills, socialize and take part in community life." Activities and services supported by the program include:
• fitness programs to keep adults age 55+ active, healthy, and socially connected to their communities
• nutrition and health classes to foster independent living at home
• community engagement to reduce social isolation and increase volunteerism
• strategies to promote employment and entrepreneurship among adults 55+ Eligible organizations can apply for a Seniors Community Grant by visiting Transfer Payment Ontario. Applications are open now and will be accepted until 5 pm on March 6, 2023
Hiring Immigrants: Free Employer Training
Local labour shortages have proved difficult for businesses across Leeds and Grenville. This has reflected the larger trend of shortages across the country, ones that seem set to continue for the foreseeable future. To help local employers tap into more talent, several local agencies have come together to offer free online training on the why and how of hiring immigrants.
With four sessions starting in January and running through February, the training offers employers insights on why hiring immigrants is beneficial to their business beyond just filling gaps, how to attract and retain immigrants, the different pathways to Canada and visas, and how to create a workplace culture that is welcoming to all. Each session is run independent of the others, allowing the choice of topics to attend depending on individuals’ schedules and interests.
The training is being done by Hire Immigrants Ottawa and Recruit Without Borders, industry professionals who have great insight and experience with the topics. As well, CSE Consulting, The Employment + Education Centre, KEYS Job Centre, the St. Lawrence— Rideau Immigration Partnership, and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville have all worked together to offer these sessions and add a local perspective to the trainings.
“Immigrants not only help fill labour gaps, but give businesses new perspectives, help create international connections, and can offer different solutions and ideas,” says Melissa Francis, Program Manager for the St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership. “Beyond simply business and the economic benefits, attracting more immigrants to the region helps add to the richness of our area’s culture and helps combat the aging population issues we face.”
To register or for more information, visit https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hiring-immigrantsfree-employer-training-tickets-510683838107 or email lauren@eecentre.com
Suicide Loss Support Group
submitted by Beth Donovan Hospice
Though death by suicide often hides in the shadows of our society, it is very real and the impact is significant. Every year, approximately 4,500 people in Canada die by suicide, which is equivalent to 12 people dying by suicide every day. The number of lives touched by suicide is considerably higher.
In the wake of death, people often seek to construct a meaningful narrative that helps them find peace and understand what happened. After a suicide death, as with any other type of death, the bereaved may seek to make sense of what happened. However, in this instance, they may find that many of their questions are either unanswerable or lead to distressing conclusions (whether or not these conclusions are true).
Facing the loss of a loved one to suicide can add another level of pain to your grief, resulting in a complicated grief experience. The shock and anguish following a suicide can seem overwhelming. As well as mourning your loved one's passing, you're likely also wrestling with a host of conflicting emotions and struggling to come to terms with the nature of their death.
It's likely you'll always be left with some unanswered questions about your loved one's suicide—and the sadness at losing them in such a tragic way will never completely disappear—but there are ways to deal with the pain.
The Beth Donovan Hospice will be facilitating an eight week Sucide Loss Support Group at the North Grenville Public Library beginning Feb 6 from 2:30-4 pm. The group will run for 8 consecutive weeks. This group will offer participants strategies and coping suggestions, as well as hold space for sharing and supporting. This group is free of charge. Registration is required. For more information please contact Megan Dillenbeck at 613258-9611 or counselling@bethdonovanhospice.ca
Save the Date! Hey Day is Back!
submitted by Jean Gallant
For 59 years, Kemptville has hosted a huge indoor garage sale, one of the largest in eastern Ontario. The annual event was called Hey Day, and after a three year delay due to Covid, we're excited to announce that Hey Day is back!
Save the date: Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10.
The Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary (KDHA), which is a volunteer-only team, is organizing the event. We'll be looking for many more volunteers to help with setup, sorting, sales, etc. As planning moves forward, more information will be available, including drop-off times for donations. Please take a look to see what items you might be able to donate to this important cause. All proceeds will go to the Kemptville District Hospital to go towards the cost of equipment and health care initiatives.
Thank you for your support! For more information, please email the Kemptville Hospital Auxiliary at kdh_volunteer@kdh.on.ca or leave a message at 613-447-4492.
Municipal Office Hours
The Municipal office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please see the Council agenda for further details on how to participate in Council meetings. All Council meetings will be live streamed on YouTube at: youtube.com/user/NorthGrenville/ featured and on the Municipality’s website at: northgrenville.ca/govern/governance/agendasand-minutes.
To make a deputation in relation to an item on the agenda, please provide your comments no later than two hours prior to the start of the meeting to clerk@northgrenville.on.ca. Council agendas are available at: northgrenville.ca/govern/governance/agendas-and-minutes.

• Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. – Virtual (Open Session) Community Grant Presentations
• Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. (Open Session)
• Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. - Virtual (Open Session) Community Grant Presentations
• Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. (Open Session) Draft Budget Presentation
The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill volunteer positions on various Advisory Committees of Council.
• Active Transportation Advisory Committee
• Agriculture & Rural Affairs Advisory Committee
• Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
• Community, Economic Development Advisory Committee
• Environmental Action Advisory Committee
• Health, Wellness & Fitness Advisory Committee
• Heritage Advisory Committee
• Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee
Visit www.northgrenville.ca/careers for more information on how to apply. For questions, please contact the Clerk by email at clerk@northgrenville.on.ca or by telephone at 613-258-9569 ext 171.
Deadline Extended - Applications due by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 3, 2023.

The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130 , Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 general@northgrenville.on.ca www.NorthGrenville.ca