5 minute read
Shelter from the storm
by David Shanahan
It sometimes seems that the world is about to explode into something bad. Democracy itself seems to be under threat in the very places you wouldn’t expect: the United States, for example. Extremist views appear to be on the increase everywhere, and the values and traditions we often think are fundamental to society are being questioned and abandoned in a remarkably quick process. Are we really in such a bad place? Is there any shelter from the storm?
Maybe, as an historian, I don’t feel as worried as appearances would seem to demand. No matter how bad any given situation is today: politically, socially, environmentally, and otherwise, it is possible to point to times past when things looked equally gloomy. Other times of pandemics far worse than the one we’ve been going through for the past few years. Social and political upheavals which changed the very structures of society and brought revolution to governments and regimes.
That’s one side of things. The other is less comforting and requires a bit more consideration.
The fact is that nothing stays the same for long; as they say, change is the only constant in life. The reason why such change is seen as a threat, and why so many people are indulging the most outrageous conspiracy theories is, in part, because we have been led to believe that we’d got things just about right. Statistics pointed to higher standards of living in the last half century, better healthcare available to more and more people, longer life spans, and an increasing level of education and employment opportunities.
But there’s a problem with that approach: it isn’t necessarily the full picture. Yes, things generally have been improving since the end of World War II, and, as long as you ignore
Letters to the Editor


17 January 2023
Canada Post
9 Ruben Street, Kemptville, ON K0G1J0
CONCERN: less-favoured countries and their challenges, all seemed to be going in the right direction. The myth that a rising tide raises all boats was accepted almost without question. But the 2000's have shown up many cracks in the walls surrounding our complacency, and we are very aware of major changes taking place all around us.
I would like to bring to your attention the poor condition of the postal boxes on Colonel Drive in North Grenville, Ontario.
These boxes are now more than thirty years old. We moved here in September, 1993 . The current boxes were there when we moved in and have never been replaced or even upgraded. The boxes have deteriorated and are a disgrace to Canada Post. In the winter time, the locks become frozen and we are unable to open them or close them properly. The box where parcels are left by the carrier has become so worn that the lock is unworkable.
For some, the changes are welcome, seeming to show society becoming more open, tolerant, inclusive of all. But to others, the changes are worrying, causing a sense of being under attack, with deeply-held values threatened by strange and unwelcome ideas. Things seem to be changing too quickly, without any real consideration: values that seemed to be established are now either in peril or completely discredited.
So, how are we, individually and as a society, supposed to deal with all this, and where do we find shelter from the storm? Perhaps we first need to accept that we, as a society in the 21st Century are not as unique, evolved, or sophisticated as we’d like to think. As one wise man once wrote: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”. History has recorded times like these over and over again, in many parts of the world, through millennia. Perhaps a few lessons in history might allow us some perspective and a chance to re-evaluate our times.
Empires come and go, and we’ve seen that happen a few times, even since 1945. Such changes can be chaotic, violent, sometimes peaceful, but they always bring the kind of situation we’ve been finding ourselves in recently. Both the U.S. and Russia are experiencing various levels of meltdown, while Europe and China, and perhaps India too, are developing a different kind of imperial status. Things change, it’s as simple as that. But, having been led to believe that we had reached a pla- teau of social and political stability at one point, it is very disconcerting to see it all unravel. One thing to remember: although all this has happened before throughout history, we are more aware of it taking place in real time now because of technology. Social media, mainstream media, and instantaneous transmission of news in video, print and pictures means that we are aware of all the disturbing events and changes as they happen. Previous generations did not have that blessing, or curse.
The positives? If this all happened before, and will happen again, we know that society survived it all, albeit by adapting, changing to meet the new realities. How do we adapt in these times? Information and perspective, a willingness to be open and always learning. Reacting blindly to threats to our values and traditions will not help, and will not prevent time, history, doing its thing. As I say every time Air Canada loses my luggage, cancels flights, fails to get me to my connecting flight in time: It’s all part of the Great Adventure!
And, as a famous crooner once sang: “That’s life!” May you live in interesting times? We do.
Phone:613 329 0209

This winter has been particularly bad and our own box has been frozen shut and impossible to open. It should not be necessary for me to have to bring a de-icer with me whenever I go for my mail. That is unacceptable.
The replacement of these boxes with newer more up-to-date boxes is overdue. I would appreciate your forwarding my letter to whichever Canada Post Department is responsible for the maintenance and replacement of community mail boxes.
Shirley Price Kemptville
Dear Editor, Didn’t mean to insult you or your family Mrs. Price. I wasn’t there during those times and I am sure books and stories don't do it justice compared to your real life experience.

I tell you what I do know though, because I am living it! I know a first time home buyer that is in the same line of work as myself, he and his partner decided to cap their mortgage at $700,000?
I asked if he was serious, he quickly educated me on the cost of rent. A fellow I met recently pointed at his 23 year old co-worker and said he just came back to work from his second heart attack? Someone just told me that they overheard an old girl talking to her friend at the grocery store and said that she eats every second day due to the high costs. Now none of these compare to those days you speak of, Mrs. Price, maybe a good war will revitalize the economy once these pandemics are all over.
It's not all bleak on the Canadian front however, we do have those climate change rebate cheques to look forward to by our government, “and the peasants rejoice”! We pay so much in taxes only to get a little back, looks like money laundering to me? Government overspending and stories of their indulgence is hypocritical to what they preach, we all see it and do nothing.
Oh, don’t feel sorry for the boys, that is the last thing they need! To be honest that is the last thing any young person needs, or first time home buyer, or couple just starting out, people with no pension or maybe very little. I guess we can also include the next generation and the generation after that and so on. We Canadians are doing such a great job for the generations to come, so much to look forward to…..paying!
Paul Gleiser