6 minute read
École élémentaire publique Rivière-Rideau
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the STAFF at 43 AutoWorks


Professional, Sterile Advanced Mobile Foot Care Nurse 613 858 4383 toesinneed@bell.net www.toesinneed.ca
SNOW REMOVAL : walkways, stairs, deck, small driveways 613.295.0300 or 613 258.3847

DogWatch Hidden Fences. BigLeash remote trainers. Xmas gifts 613-290-5559
Retired carpenter. I miss working and keeping busy, so looking for work. I am an honest trustworthy and very good at what I do. Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, home repair. Call George at 613-462-7637
DRUM LESSONS - All ages/ levels. Free trial lesson! Visit: WWW.DRUMHEAD.CA
SEWING: Weddings to alterations, stonehousesewing. com. Call Sharon at 613-2243182, Kemptville.
House cleaner available. Call or text for quote. 613-2822397
SEW BE IT clothing repairs alterations zippers hems 258-0108
Looking for Avon products , please call Joan at 613-2587644
Small backhoe, bush hog and yard work. Call Dan 229-4520.
CFSC & CRFSC Courses & Exams Steve Hoy 1894steve@ gmail.com 613-258-6162
Natural way to deal with Pain Call1-800-361-1351
Improve bloating, reflux and gut discomfort. Nutrition and gut healthwww.Wholesumapproach.com Carol Pillar RHN 613 258 7133
Housecleaning Every mother/ father needs a housewife phone Sandy 613.219.7277
Firearms Safety courses. Non restricted and restricted. Kemptville area, cathyirving@outlook.com
Snowbirds I'll do home security checks while you're away 613-294-0385.
First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.
Property clean-up, trees, brush, scrap metal anything removed. Wayne Scott 613286-9072.
SEAMSTRESS - 30+ years of experience, in Merrickville. kimberlymcewanclothingdesign.ca 613-299-8830
Local Author Barbara Avon. Editing Services also available. barb8855@gmail.com
Driveway Sealing Sprayed with quality asphalt oil plus Masonry Services call Keith - 613-258-2135
Commercial & Residential 613.276.4583 Kemptville area

Complete Home Property Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300

The Plumb”Mur ” Plus Bathroom PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 nmmuir@gmail.com
Rural Home Care servicesAffordable, professional & experienced care for your loved one. 613.868.0356
HANDY MAN specializing in renovations & house staging. We do it all CALL 613.294.2416
Goodnight Bed Company Supporting your well-being with genuine sleep solutions. 613 258 2902.
You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call Rhonda at 258-5248
Rock My House music lessons in fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656.
For Rent
Feb 1, 2 bedroom, 4 appliance, apartment, downtown, waterfront. $1150 + utilities. 613-258-0237.
Furnished room in a shared house for rent, $700/mth in Oxford Mills. Call 613 294 7420
For Sale
Firewood Hardwood $95/cord Joseph 343.262.1979
96 Wine bottle storage rack $75, floor corker $30, 60 bottle drying tree $20. 613769-4995
Highland ground beef for sale. Locally raised 613 2692439 Stpierrey@rogers.com
2 rain barrels $100 215-0665 Andy kemptville
Inglis full size clothes dryer. $200. OBO. 613-258-4522
4 winter tires, used one winter, 225/65R16 100T. $425.00 613-713-9374
BRAND NEW - Never used. Four 245/65R17 Tires Motor Master Total terain on Ford Explorer OEM Rims with sensors Balanced/ready to install $700 firm 613-2150385
FORD EXPLORER REAR LIFTGATE window Fits 2002 - 2006 Models Complete with parts & harness No rust/like new $110 (firm) 613-2150385
For Sale: Great Unique Christmas Gift. Italian - Made White Pearl Accordion.Abco Master. In good condition. Needs strap replaced. 16 "Keyboard. Down from $500 to $300. Call: 613 558-3399
SNOWBLOWER Yardworks 10.5 hp 29” $700.00 Call 613-258-2119
Kenmore Fridge, clean,good condition, $150 firm, call 613-258-7707
Dry and wrapped round bales of hay suitable for cattle. Jon 613-227-3650
Nexen WinGuard SUV225/65R17 4 Winters $95/tire. Joseph 343.262.1979
Antique Massey Harris 13 row, grass and grain seeder for sale. Seeder is in working order. Call 613-269-4415.
1 yr old Good Year tires 185/60 R15 needing a good home for the winter. $150.00 for set. Please contact RJ at 613-282-4868
1 new Nordic & rim 225/75/15 . $75.00. 613 258 6254
25 yr old Napoleon fireplace and 27 ft of insulated chimney. Fireplace needs welding. $500 obo 6132587425
Stack of newspapers 18261976, 1901 Eatons catalogue $90.00 613-269-3384 evenings mink stole $85.00 613269 -3384 evenings
Indoor RV, boat storage. Reasonable rates. Call Jon 613227-3650.
New Beautiful-tone drywall primer sealer 18.9 liters $50.00. 613 269-3386
For sale: Craftsman12hp snowblower $250.00. Phone 613-258-4005
Household furniture by appointment, dealers welcome, call 613 269 4759
2014 Yamaha ATV excellent condition $9,000 613.258.4867
Firewood: hardwood. $90 a face cord, delivered. 613-258-4416 or 613-913-8480(cell).
Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.00 ve3mhm@sympatico.ca
Infant Car seat Used once $50 or best offer 613.258.8820
Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 per cord delivered. Charlie 9892768.
Firewood: dry softwood(pine) 59/cord hardwood(ash) $95/cord pickup 613 269 3836
Mixed hardwood firewood, $100 a cord delivered. Jon 227-3650
FIrewood Hardwood $100/cord delivered. Softwood $75 Call Peter 613-913-0810.
Dry seasoned firewood. Split and delivered. Call: Wayne Scott 613-286-9072
Co-pilot with pilots licence. phone 613-258-2958
Looking to harvest cedar trees from 3 ft high and + off acreage. (613)799-0958
SINGLE WOMAN looking to share my residence & expenses in Kemptville with mature Lady or Ladies. Please call my rep. 613.258.2142
Looking for a roommate to share a house in Merrickville. $550 inclusive per month. References required. Contact Meredith at (613)323-0162 or meredithgowling@gmail. com
Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom apartment on one floor, Kemptville 613.258.0964
WANTED TO BUY Ducks-Muscovy also Massey Harris Tractor 613301-1747
Senior needs old car batteries for making weights. Call 613 258 6254.
NOW HIRING: Engineers
Technologists Machinists Mechanics Please submit resumes via email to: info@compendiumgroup.com
Looking to rent farmland for 2018 crop year. Call or text 613-262-1204
Necklace with heart and pendant cubic zirconia, sentimental value. Reward. 613-258-1968
First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to production@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville


1. Killed 2. Grotto
3. Dogfish
4. A jaunty rhythm
5. Cocoyam
6. Office worker
7. Test
8. Opera star
9. Latter part of the day
10. Rock gunnel 11. Mistake 12. Slumber
13. Sounds of disapproval 21. L 25. Tiny 26. Hack 27. Indian music 28. Not odd 29. Gar 30. A drama set to music 31. Back talk 33. Appear
Community Events
Dec 14 Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Christmas Party.
Dec 25 CHRISTMAS DAY COMMUNITY DINNER, St. John's United Church, Noon until 2 pm Turkey or Ham with all the trimmings
Dec 28 Children’s Fun Fest, NG Library Tallman Room, 10 am. Admission is free, nonperishable food items for the Salvation Army welcomed.
Weekly and recurring events
Mon Kemptville Quilters Guild, 2nd Mon./mth at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome.
Kemptville Cancer Support Group, 3rd Mon/mth, St. John’s United Church, Prescott St., 2 pm. All welcome. For info call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613-258-7778. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, NG Municipal Centre Newcomer Bridge-St John's United Church 12:15pm. Cost $5.00 All levels welcome. No partner needed. Info 613-915-1464 or 613-806-4495
Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast , Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613 -918-0430.

Euchre at Kemptville Snowmobile Clubhouse, 1505 O'Neill Road. 7:30 pm start. $5.00 each. 3rd Tues/mth.
Bridge St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $ 5. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, call 613-915-1464 or 613-806-4495
The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tue/mth, 7 pm. New members welcomed!
Wed NG Photography Club - 1st Wed./mth, 7-9 pm, at the Grenville Mutual Insurance, 380 Colonnade Drive. See ngphotoclub.ca for info
Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed/mth, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00.
Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed/mth., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available.
New Horizon Club: Meetings held at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall.. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership call Janet 613-269-2737.
Probus Club of North Grenville, 3rd Wed./mth. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:30 am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall for fellowship.
Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed/mth. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed.
Thurs Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, call 613-915-1464 or 613-896-4495
North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs/mth., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258 -7665.
NGPL Science and Technology Group meetings are held the 1st/Thurs/mth, 7 -9 pm in the program room at the Library.
Fri Friendship Lunch held at St. John's United Church. Lunch is served at 11:30, donations accepted but not expected. Everyone welcome
Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri/mth, 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library.
Sat Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat/mth, 100 Reuben Crescent. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome.
Euchre Tournament, 3rd Sat/mth. Registration 12-12:30pm. Cost $10.00 Games start 12:30 pm at the Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Crescent, Refreshments available. Everyone Welcome.
Sun Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed.
M,W,F Kemptville and Area Walking Group meet at Municipal Centre at 8 am. All welcome.
Solution to last week’s Crossword