1 minute read
Donation to Historical Society will help fund Kids Club
by Brandon Mayer
A generous donation made to the North Grenville Historical Society will be put to good use in helping to fund children’s programming at the Society. The donation of $3,000 came in the form of a Community Foundation Grant sponsored by Desjardins Insurance.

On Friday, February 3, the NGHS was presented with the $3,000 cheque.
Kerrie-Lynn Kossatz is the Treasurer of the NGHS, and she is also in charge of all of its children’s programming. She explained that she had to apply for the grant, and that all grant applications are left for Desjardins employees to vote on each day for the causes they want to support. “My dad happens to be my insurance broker, so he voted for me every day,” Kerrie-Lynn revealed through laughter.

Kids programming at NGHS is ever-evolving.
Kerrie-Lynn explained that the programs have not been very full lately, likely because not enough parents know about them. One of the only ways that Kerrie-Lynn has managed to get kids programming out into the community has been to offer it through partnerships with local schools. One such case has been a partnership with Oxford-on-Rideau Public School to offer programming at Maplewood Hall.
Now, the goal is for the NGHS kids programming – given the name “Kids Club” which is subject to tweaking – to be offered independently on a weekly basis. For parents and kids with busy schedules, there would be no commitment required for any kind of continuing programming. Each week’s activities could be independent, meaning parents could bring their children just for the weeks that it fits into their schedule.
Another option – now that the Society has money –will be for interested kids to participate in a longer term project, such as a kindness project. This is what KerrieLynn is most excited about focusing on in the immediate future.

All the NGHS needs now to make the Kids Club bigger and better… are kids! Any interested parents can get in touch with KerrieLynn directly to get more information or sign up for programming. She can be reached at kerlyn@rogers. com, or by calling the NGHS at 613-258-4401.