1 minute read
Baldwin's Birds
Just a few ruffled feathers!
As I looked out of our front window and was thinking about what I should talk to you about this week. A circling Turkey Vulture caught my eye as it patrolled the fields and hedgerows seeking some sort of kill on which to feed. Coincidentally, but not really related, Turkey Vultures don't catch "live" food; there was a sudden flurry of activity as all the birds in the front garden beat a hasty retreat!
I scanned the garden quickly to catch a glimpse of what I think was a Merlin, as it flew rapidly by, with its quite distinguishable barred
Tid Bit Musings
by Elva Patterson Rutters RSSW
Are you aware that the most detrimental weapon in our world/community/ relationships is the tongue?
The atomic bomb or chemical warfare can wipe out many, but the human tongue leaves the targets alive and often forever in great distress. It is by no chance the loving God placed the tongue inside a mouth, behind a set of teeth and a set of lips! The ears are placed on the outside of the head open to listen freely. The old chant "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" is totally erroneous. Physical injuries heal leaving scars while verbal assaults can leave an individual psychologically victimized and distraught. This has a strong connection to mental illness for all parties involved.
As the human race, we need to strive to hear the "other" side of the story