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Words See /siː/ Agree /əˈɡriː/ Big /bɪg/ Before /bɪˈfɔːr/ Shoe /ʃu:/ Knew /nuː/ Look /lʊk/ Put /pʊt/ Girl /gɜ:rl/ Birthday /ˈbɜːrθdeɪ/ Today /təˈdeɪ/ Number /ˈnʌmbər/

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Sentences Peter sees a sheep. /ˈpiːtər siːz ə ʃiːp/ He agrees this sea is so deep. /hi əˈgri:z ðɪs si: ɪz soʊ di:p/ Nick's ship is big. /Nɪks ʃɪp ɪz bɪg/ You need to keep fit before you eat. /ju: ni:d tu: ki:p fɪt bɪˈfɔ:r ju: i:t/ Her shoes are blue. /hɜ:r ʃu:z ɑr blu:/ He proved he knew the truth /hi pruːvd hi nuː ðə truːθ/ He would look if he could. /hi wʊd lʊk ɪf hi kʊd/ Put the book near a good puding. /pʊt ðə bʊk nɪr ə gʊd pʊding/ The girl works on her journey. /ðə gɜ:rl wɜ:rks ɒn hɜ:r ˈʤɜ:rni/ My birthday's on Thursday. /maɪ ˈbɜːrθdeɪz ɔːn ˈθɜːrzdeɪ/ Today we serve banana. /təˈdeɪ wi sɜ:rv bəˈnænə/ A number is in the picture. /ə ˈnʌmbər ɪz ɪn ðə ˈpɪkʧər/

Sheep /ʃiːp/ Deep /diːp/ Ship /ʃɪp/ Fit /fɪt/ Blue /blu:/ Truth /truːθ/ Could /kʊd/ Good /gʊd/ Work /wɜ:rk/ Journey /ˈʤɜ:rni/ Banana /bəˈnænə/ Picture /ˈpɪkʧər/


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Vowels æ






Words Cat /kæt/ Bad /bæd/ Send /send/ Member /ˈmembər/ Park /pɑ:rk/ Garden /ˈgɑ:rdən/ Love /lʌv/ Nothing /nʌθɪŋ/ Ball /bɔ:l/ Floor /flɔ:r/ Dog /dɒg/ Gone /gɒn/

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Sentences Pat's cat is fat. /pæts kæt ɪz fæt/ Brad is a bad man. /bræd ɪz ə bæd mæn/ There are many members here. /ðer ɑ:r ˈmeni ˈmembərz hir/ Ben sends his friend a letter. /ben sendz hɪz frend ə 'letər/ I park the car in the garden. /aɪ pɑ:rk ðə kɑ:r ɪn ðə ˈgɑ:rdən/ Are the stars from Mars? /ɑːr ðə stɑːrz frəm mɑːrz/ You’re in love with my cousin. /jɔːr ɪn lʌv wɪð maɪ ˈkʌzn/ Nothing is under the rug /nʌθɪŋ ɪz ˈʌndər ðə rʌg/ You're all wrong /jɔːr ɔ:l rɔ:ŋ/ The ball is on the floor and near the door /ðə bɔ:l ɪz ɑn ðə flɔ:r ænd nɪr ðə dɔ:r/ A dog is on the box /ə dɒg ɪz ɒn ðə bɒks/ John’s gone to the shops. /dʒɒnz gɒn tu: ðə ʃɒps/

Fat /fæt/ Man /mæn/ Many /ˈmeni/ Friend /frend/ Car /kɑ:r/ Star /stɑːr/ Cousin /ˈkʌzn/ Under /ˈʌndər/ All /ɔ:l/ Door /dɔ:r/ Box /bɒks/ Shop /ʃɒp/


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Words Beer /bɪər/ Fear /fɪər/ Day /deɪ/ Pray /preɪ/ Doer /duər/ Sure /ʃʊər/ Dare /deər/ There /ðeər/ Boy /bɔɪ/ Noisy /'nɔɪzi/ Why /waɪ/ Like /laɪk/ Shower /ˈʃaʊər/ Hour /ˈaʊər/ Know /nəʊ/ Toe /təʊ/

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Sentences We're here to have a beer, cheer! /wɪər hɪər tu: hæv ə bɪər, tʃɪər/ I have no fear but tears /aɪ hæv noʊ fɪər bʌt tɪərz/ The grey day in May. /ðə ɡreɪ deɪ ɪn meɪ/ We pray the grey day will go away. /wi preɪ ðə greɪ deɪ wɪl ɡəʊ əˈweɪ/ There is no spoor of the doer /ðer ɪz noʊ spʊər ʌv ðə duər/ Are you sure to take this tour? /ɑ:r ju: ʃʊər tu teɪk ðɪs tʊər/ I dare you share! /aɪ deər ju ʃeər/ There is where we learn to share. /ðeər ɪz weər wi lɜ:rn tu ʃeər/ Boy's toys are noisy. /bɔɪz tɔɪz ər 'nɔɪzi/ The boy toy has no choice. /ðə bɔɪ tɔɪ hæz noʊ ʧɔɪs/ Why don't you try? /waɪ dəʊnt juː traɪ/ Do you like dry wine? /du ju laɪk draɪ waɪn/ Shower the flower for an hour. /ˈʃaʊər ðə ˈflaʊər fɔːr ən ˈaʊər/ How to pronounce the vowel sounds? haʊ tu: prəˈnaʊns ðə ˈvaʊəl saʊndz I don’t know where to go. /aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ wer tu: gəʊ/ My toes are cold though. /maɪ təʊz ər kəʊld ðəʊ/

Cheer /tʃɪər/ Tear /tɪər/ May /meɪ/ Away /əˈweɪ/ Spoor /spʊər/ Tour /tʊər/ Share /ʃeər/ Where /weər/ Toy /tɔɪ/ Choice /tʃɔɪs/ Try /traɪ/ Wine /waɪn/ Flower /ˈflaʊər/ Pronounce /prəˈnaʊns/ Go / gəʊ/ Cold /kəʊld/ 5

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LESSON 03: CONSONANTS (1) Sounds p








Words Pen /pen/ Pet /pet/ Been /bɪn/ Baby /ˈbeɪbi/ Twin /twɪn/ Fat /fæt/ Dance /dæns/ Red /red/ Car /kɑ:r/ Make /meɪk/ Girl /gɜ:rl/ Beg /beg/ Family /ˈfæməli/ Found / faʊnd/ Have /hæv/ Van /væn/

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Sentences A pet is in the picture. /ə pet ɪz ɪn ðə ˈpɪkʧər/ I have a pen, an apple and some stamps. /aɪ hæv ə 'pen, ən ˈæpl ænd sʌm stæmps/ I’ve been busy now. /aɪv bɪn ˈbɪzɪ naʊ/ Bill says goodbye to his baby /Bɪl sez gʊdˈbaɪ tu: hɪz ˈbeɪbi/ Tom and Tim are Twins. /tɑːm ən tim ɑːr twɪnz/ The fat cat sat down on the mat. /ðə fæt kæt sæt daʊn ɒn ðə mæt/ We dance to ready for dinner /wi dæns tu: ˈredi fɔ:r ˈdɪnər/ He had a red head /hi hæd ə red hed/ The car key is on the bike /ðə kɑ:r ki: ɪz ɒn ðə baɪk/ I make a cake for Mike. /a meɪk ə keɪk fɔːr maɪk/ Good girl never play games /gʊd gɜ:rl ˈnevər pleɪ geɪmz/ Peggy begs to buy a big bag. /'pegi begz tu: baɪ ə bɪg bæg/ My family is fine. /maɪ ˈfæməli ɪz faɪn/ Fred found fresh flowers for his friend. /fred faʊnd freʃ ˈflaʊərz fər hɪz frend/ I have five vans /aɪ hæv faɪv vænz/ We leave at five past seven. /wɪ liːv ət faiv paːst 'sevən/

Apple /ˈæpl/ Stamp /stæmp/ Busy /ˈbɪzɪ/ Goodbye /gʊdˈbai/ Sit /sɪt/ Mat /mæt/ Dinner /ˈdɪnər/ Head /hed/ Key /ki:/ Cake /keɪk/ Game /geɪm/ Bag /bæg/ Fine /faɪn/ Fresh /freʃ/ Five /faɪv/ Seven /'sevən/ 6

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Sounds θ




Words Three /θri:/ Author /'ɔːθər/ Rather /ˈræðər/ This /ðɪs/ Share /ʃer/ Wish /wɪʃ/ Usually /ˈju:ʒuəli/ Pleasure /ˈpleʒər/

Sentences Three thin girls are athletes /θri: θɪn gɜ:rlz ɑ:r ˈæˌθli:ts/ Kathy is the author of the Math book. /ˈkæθi ɪz ðə 'ɔːθər əv ðə 'mæθ bʊk/ We rather go there together /wi ˈræðər goʊ ðer təˈgeðər/ This one is better than that one. /ðɪs wʌn ɪz ˈbetər ðæn ðæt wʌn/ She shares the sugar with Sue. /ʃi ʃerz ðə ˈʃʊgər wɪθ su/ She wished she had gone shopping. /ʃi wɪʃt ʃi hæd ɡɔːn ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/ I usually go massage with pleasure /aɪ ˈju:ʒuəli goʊ məˈsɑ:ʒ wɪθ ˈpleʒər/ I casually see her on television /aɪ ˈkæʒuəli si: hɜ:r ɒn ˈtelɪˌvɪʒən/

Thin /θɪn/ Math /'mæθ/ There /ðer/ That /ðæt/ Sugar /ˈʃʊgər/ Shopping /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/ Massage /məˈsɑ:ʒ/ Casual /ˈkæʒuəl/

* Bonus: Pie /paɪ/ - Buy /baɪ/

Time /taɪm/ - Dime /daɪm/

Pear /peər/ - Bear /beər/

Tore /tɔːr / - Door /dɔːr/

Pill /pɪl/ - Bill /bɪl/

Write /raɪt/ - Ride /raɪd/

Coat /kəʊt/ - goat /gəʊt/

Few /fjuː/ - View /vjuː/

Curl /kɜːrl/ - girl /gɜːrl/

Leaf /liːf/ - Leave /liːv/

Class /klæs/ - glass /glæs/

Ferry /ˈferi/ - Very /ˈveri/

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LESSON 04: CONSONANTS (2) Sounds ʧ








Words Cherry /ˈʧeri/ Choose /ʧu:z/ Joyful /ˈʤɔɪfl/ Jogger /ˈʤɒgər/ Name /neɪm/ Maybe /'meɪbi/ Sun /sʌn/ Know /noʊ/ Miss /mɪs/ Sell /sel/ His /hɪz/ Music /ˈmju:zɪk/ Hello /həˈləʊ/ Have /hæv/ Morning /'mɔːrnɪŋ/ Monkey /ˈmʌŋki/

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Sentences Cherries are cheap /ˈʧeriz ɑ:r ʧi:p/ I choose chocolate on the chair /aɪ ʧu:z ˈʧɔ:klət ɒn ðə ʧer/ Joyful joggers jog joyously. /ˈʤɔɪfl ˈʤɒgərz ʤɒg ˈʤɔɪəsli/ James, John, Jenny are joggers. /ʤeɪmz, ʤɒn, ˈʤeni ɑ:r ˈʤɒgərz/ My name is Tim. /maɪ neɪm ɪz tɪm/ Maybe my mother will make something. /'meɪbi maɪ ˈmʌðər wɪl meɪk ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ The sun shines. /ðə sʌn ʃaɪnz/ I know Nancy is nice. aɪ noʊ ˈnænsi ɪz naɪs. Miss Smith is coming soon /mɪs smɪθ ɪz ˈkʌmɪŋ su:n/ She sells seashells by the seashore /ʃi: selz ˈsi:ʃelz baɪ ðə ˈsi:ʃɔ:r/ He loves his toys. /hi lʌvz hɪz tɔɪz/ Our party has music and roses /ˈaʊər ˈpɑ:rti hæz ˈmju:zɪk ænd ˈroʊzɪz/ Hi! Hello, how are you? /haɪ həˈləʊ haʊ ɑːr juː/ Does he have any hope? /dəz hi hæv ˈeni həʊp/ Morning! what are you doing? /'mɔːrnɪŋ! wʌt ɑ:r ju: ˈdu:ɪŋ/ The monkey is bringing something. /ðə ˈmʌŋki ɪz ˈbrɪŋɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/

Cheap /ʧi:p/ Chocolate /ˈʧɔ:klət/ Jog /ʤɒg/ Age /eɪdʒ/ Some /sʌm/ Make /meɪk/ Shine /ʃaɪn/ Nice /naɪ/ Soon /su:n/ Seashore /ˈsi:ʃɔ:r/ Has /hæz/ Rose /roʊz/ How /haʊ/ Hope /həʊp/ Doing /ˈdu:ɪŋ/ Bring /brɪŋ/ 8

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Fry /fraɪ/ Really /ˈriːəli/ Will /wɪl/ Swim /swɪm/ Call /kɔːl/ Feel / fiːl/ Use /juːz/ Young /jʌŋ/

Road /roʊd/ Sorry /ˈsɔːri/ Away /əˈweɪ/ Warm /wɔːrm/ Later /'leɪtər/ Well /wel/ Yard / jɑːrd/ Yesterday /ˈjestərdeɪ/

Fry a rat on the road /fraɪ ə ræt ɑn ðə roʊd/ I’m really sorry for my wrong. /aɪm ˈriːəli ˈsɔːri fɔːr maɪ rɔːŋ/ Where will we go away? /wer wɪl wi ɡəʊ əˈweɪ/ I’m swimming in warm water. /aɪm ˈswɪmɪŋ ɪn wɔːrm ˈwɑːtər/ I'll call you later. /aɪl kɔːl juː 'leɪtər/ Linda doesn’t feel well. /lɪndə ˈdʌznt fiːl wel/ May I use your yard? /meɪ aɪ juːz jɔːr jɑːrd/ Yes. I met a young girl yesterday. /jes. aɪ met ə jʌŋ gɜ:rl ˈjestərdeɪ/

* Bonus: Shop /ʃɑːp/ - Chop /tʃɑːp/

Choke /tʃəʊk/ - Joke /dʒəʊk/

Ship /ʃɪp/ - Cheap /tʃiːp/

Cheers /tʃɪərz/ - Jeers /dʒɪərz/

Wash /wɑːʃ/ - Watch /wɑːtʃ/

Cheap /tʃiːp/ - Jeep /dʒiːp/

Thin /θɪn/ - Thing /θɪŋ/

Long /lɔːŋ/ - Wrong /rɔːŋ/

Ban /bæn/ - Bang /bæŋ/

Light /laɪt/ - Write /raɪt/

Win /wɪn - Wing /wɪŋ/

Cloud /klaʊd/ - Crowd /kraʊd/

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B. INTONATION Wh-word questions: falling intonation  Where are you?  What do you do in your free time? Statements: falling  I learn English in Starup Home.  She is my girlfriend. Yes/No questions: rising  Are you a good student?  Is she your girlfriend? Lists: rising, rising, rising, falling  I like apple, orange and banana.

A simple shopping dialogue demonstrates this: A: Can I help you? B: I'd like a chocolate (fall) ice-cream. A: One chocolate (rise) ice-cream. Anything else? (rise) B: One strawberry (fall) ice-cream. A: One chocolate (rise), one strawberry (rise). Anything else? (rise) B: Yes. One chocolate (rise), one strawberry (rise), and one vanilla (fall). Startup Home - Học để cho đi


Tiếng Anh nền tảng Startup Home

LESSON 06: AFFIRMATIONS FOR GOAL 1. I love myself for who I am.

2. I believe in myself about my English.

3. I am a fast learner of English.

4. I am an excellent English speaker.

5. I am healthy and confident.

6. Something wonderful is going to happen to me.

7. Everything is always working out for me.

8. I always choose happiness.

9. I look for the good in every situation.

10. I can do anything I put my mind to.

11. I am creating the life of my dreams.

12. There is nothing impossible with me.

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