Social Conscience Poster - Postcard - Toy Mascot
Style 1 - Expressive Typo â—?
My first poster + postcard theme is AIDS infection through blood (international), most of the case people are infected because of using contaminate syringe.
My inspiration: David Carson
Style 1 - Expressive Typo My sketches:
Material use on the Internet:
Style 1 - Final Artwork
Style 1 - Mock Up
Style 2 - Bauhaus Style ●
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Theme for the second style is “pinprick attack” - using syringe tainted with AIDS virus to threaten people (local). My inspiration My sketch
Work Progress
Style 2 - Final Artwork
Style 2 - Mock Up
Style 3 - Photo Montage ●
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The theme for my third poster + postcard is supporting the AIDS children (national) - the case of kids that have AIDS being discriminated in schools is not rare in Vietnam. My sketch Work in Progress
Style 3 - Final Artwork
Style 3 - Mock Up
Toy Mascot A syringe wearing a suit with a tie looks like an aids ribbon, its quote is “Towards HIV free generation” (the suit means “clean and tidy” meaning to say if you use clean syringes you are unlikely to be infected by AIDS through blood).