Proposal copy

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1/2018 – 12/2020

Đơn vị tài trợ

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VSEF-THE PREMISE Increasing Demand for Energy in Vietnam. Energy demand growth in Vietnam continues to rise at a phenomenal rate. In order to sustain the average GDP growth rates of 7% during 2017-2030, Vietnam needs 52.0 GWe, 320 TWh in 2020 and 110.2 GWe, 695 TWh in 2030. Vietnam is not able to finance their energy projects due to ballooning public debt. To meet the increase demand for energy, Vietnam requires as much as $148 billion of investment. While its gross domestic product (GDP) has grown at an average of 6% per annum, and now totals approximately $204 billion, the country’s public debt account as much as 64.8% of GDP. Vietnam cannot obviously afford to fund all of the power generation and transmission network projects. Vietnam’s energy plan focuses on coal, which will cause tremendous economic damages, serious health and environment impacts. The Revised Power Development Plan VII aims to generate 55 GW power from coal, and much of this will be from imported coal. Vietnam needs at least $21 billion of investment to turn this target into reality. Meanwhile, research has found that existing coal plants are releasing 4.29 million tons of carbon dioxide, causing as many as 4,300 premature deaths every year. Carbon dioxide emissions resulted from the coal expansion plan might go up to 443 million tons, causing at least 25,000 premature deaths per year. Renewable energy systems and energy efficiency technologies are rapidly becoming more efficient and cheaper. Just ten years ago, generating electricity through solar cost about $600 per MWh, and it cost only $100 to generate the same amount of power through coal and natural gas. But the price of renewable sources of power plunged quickly – today it only costs around $100 to generate the same amount of electricity through solar and $50 through wind.

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COAL IN THE ENERGY MIX Historical and expected electric generating capacity in Vietnam (2010-30) gigawatts 160 imports


nuclear 8%



100 6%

80 1%

60 26%



20 0









renewables hydroelectricity oil and natural gas

21% 18%


56% 46%







2nd largest coal producer in southeast Asia 2nd largest coal reserves in Southeast Asia with 3.4 billion tonnes of coal reserves

36% Of electricity generation provided by coal in 2015


Of electricity generation will be provided by coal in 2030


100% access to energy

3 million

people lack access to electricity

Population with access to electricity up from 54% in 1990



people still rely on traditional use of biomass for cooking

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VSEF-THE PREMISE Attracting private investment into sustainable sources of energy as an alternative to more coal. Vietnam could achieve its energy targets without further relying on mega-power coal plants or government revenues, subsidies and guarantees. This can be done through mobilizing private sector resources and building local manufacturing capabilities. Vietnam can also keep up with the energy demand through 2030 by giving greater emphasis on cleaner domestic sources of energy such as renewables including biomass, biogas, wind and solar; together with sustainable energy efficiency measures to reduce the current high levels of electricity intensity. Vietnam needs more public-private dialogues. Public-Private dialogue (PPD) is one of the best ways for the government to learn about the private sector’s problems and adjust their policies to ensure the sector’s growth and development. Through negotiating with the government, private sector representatives (i.e. investors/financiers, project developers/businesses and service/technology providers) are able to foster a better and more transparent business climate for their operations. Unfortunately, such dialogue is not very organized in Vietnam. Without adequate preparation, lack of trust, experience and credibility, private sector representatives and the government hardly reach any meaningful consensus.

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Building on the success of the Vietnam Private Sector Forum, the Vietnam Sustainable Energy Forum is the key to good governance and development of sustainable energy. Vietnam Private Sector Forum (VPSF) is an initiative of the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs’ Association and the Mekong Business Initiative (MBI).VPSF received funding support from the Asian Development Bank and the Australian Government. The forum is a bridge between the government, public authorities, and the private sector for continuous and close consultation on public and private policy, based on the gathering and reflection of concerns from private companies. VPSF successfully organized two cycles of PPD that focus on discussions and dialogue between the government and the private sector in three key areas: agriculture, tourism, and the digital economy. At their events, VPSF brought together 1,000 delegates, including those from all levels of government, international organizations, business associations, as well as economic experts and heads of local and foreign companies. Capitalizing on its past accomplishment in arranging high-quality dialogues for the government and the business community, VPSF proposes the next forum-Vietnam Sustainable Energy Forum (VSEF). The Forum would serve as a platform to catalyze reforms and promote inclusive policymaking while stimulating private financing and promoting technology transfer for renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE), and developing cities using sustainable energy efficient.

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VSEF GOALS VSEF expects to create an inclusive policy-making approach, a collaborative policy implementation process, and a sense of ownership of reform programs

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Get the private sector efficiently participate in and significantly contribute to the policy-making process.

Improve the transparency and credibility of policies and secure commitments from the Government in enhancing the sector competitiveness and investor confidence.

Create a level playing field for sustainable energy businesses to grow while facilitating investments and technology transfer.

Increase the understanding and collaboration among stakeholders in sustainable energy development.


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VSEF OUTPUTS VSEF expects to create the following outputs:

9 6 3

Working Group Meetings Meetings with Government Implementing Agencies

200 3

Members of the Private Sector participating in PPD

White Papers



At least policy reforms related to sustainable energy development being accepted and implemented by the Government 10 |

VSEF FUNCTIONAL MODEL Vietnamese Government

Government Implementing Agencies

Vietnam Sustainable Energy Forum

Working Group 1

Working Group 2

Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

Working Group 3 Urban Solutions for Sustainable Energy

VSEF consists of three working groups – RE, EE, and Urban Solutions for Sustainable Energy. Each working group consists of a chairman, a secretary general, business associations, chamber of commerce, project developers, foreign multinational corporations, auxiliary service providers, technology providers, and investors/financiers. Three working groups will meet regularly to decide key issues for PPD. Once a list of key issues is obtained, VSEF will proceed organizing a pre-plenary meeting - the first PPD with relevant ministries, departments, and city authorities that are in charge of promoting sustainable energy in Vietnam. The pre-plenary will be observed and supported by development partners. Based on the results of the first PPD, working groups will meet again to revise key issues, policy recommendations, and reform proposals before proceeding to the Forum – the high-profile PPD with the (Deputy) Prime Minister. It expects to get a commitment for a reform from the highest level of authority at this Forum. The Forum will be observed and supported by development partners.

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It is difficult to sustain dialogues without champions who invest in the process and drive it forward. VSEF will be driven by two influential associations in Vietnam: 1) Vietnam Young Enterprise Association and 2) Vietnam Clean Energy Association. They would act as high-profile cheerleaders for dialogue – motiving working Với mức chi phí nhỏ hơn rất nhiều so với việc tổ chức vận hành bộ phận thu mua, of chi phí công groups, or assuaging public skepticism about the purpose dialogues tác nước ngoài, sàn giao dịch Findeal luôn là 1 giải pháp tối ưu của doanh nghiệp.

Với số lượng 2.000.000 nhà cung ứng trực tuyến, cùng với tất cả các ngành nghề máy móc, nguyên vật tiến hành báo giá làm tăng tính so sánh giá cả hợp lý, một lượng lớn các nhà sản xuất tiến hành báo giá, nâng cao chất lượng báo giá.

nhân viên thu mua hùng hậu sẵn sàng phục vụ bạn, tìm nhà cung ứng tốt nhất cho bạn.

ho khách hàng ệm c nhấ t ki t ế i T g n o phú n h p u hất liệ Dữ h vụ tốt nhấ t Dịc




ưu n hất


uy ên

ấ ch óng nh


t n g h iệp nh ấ Đội ngũ thu mua chuyên nghiệp phụ

2.000.000 nhà thu cung ứng trong dữ liệu của báo giá. Hỗ trợ người mua tất cả các khâu từ khi kí

12| | 14

cử những nhà cung ứng với giá hợp lý nhất, chất lượng nhất.


Vietnam Young Enterprise Association (VYEA): is a business association with 10,000 entrepreneur across 63 provinces in Vietnam. VYEA is Các góiyoung dịch vụ của findeal cung members cấp supporting their members to improve their businesses, provide them with consulting Gói services business management. VYEA is carrying many dịch vụ in law, policy and Giá thành Đơn vị activities to promote knowledge exchange and technology transfer among their members. VYEA will support VSEF and drive PPD forward. Gói tìm nguồn 2.000.000 1 mặt hàng Gói thẩm ịnh Energy nhà Vietnam Clean Association (VCEA): is an association with 300 members. cung cấp nhà cung cấp VCEA is working to accelerate 4.000.000 clean energy 1development in Vietnam. VCEA will alsoGói work giaoclosely dịch và with chămthe government to develop an appropriate regulatory framesóctonâng cao more investments 3.000.000 tháng work mobilize into clean1energy.

1. Gói dịch vụ tìm nguồn : Cung cấp bảng phân tích danh sách những nhà cung cấp Trung Quốc phù hợp nhất với nhu cầu của khách hàng theo các tiêu chí : Giá thành, năng lực sản

2. Gói thẩm định nhà cung cấp

3. Gói giao dịch và chăm sóc nâng cao Hỗ trợ khách hàng như 1 nhân viên phòng thu mua và xuất nhập khẩu của

về giá, chính sách cho khách hàng

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VSEF STAKEHOLDERS VSEF will target four different groups of stakeholders who are promoting sustainable energy in Vietnam: 1) all levels of authorities and public companies; 2) private sector; 3) intermediaries; and 4) development partners more investments into clean energy. Office of Prime Minister Electricity Regulatory Authority Ministry of Industry & Trade Ministry of Planning and Investment Public Authorities Ministry of Finance & Companies Energy Conservation Center Electricity of Vietnam National Power Transmission Corporation National Load Dispatch Center Provincial Authorities

Stakeholders in Sustainable Energy

Project Developers Private Sector

Foreign Multinational Corporations Auxiliary Service Providers Technology Providers Investors/Financier Business Associations


Bi-national Associations Chambers of Commerce

Development Partners 14 |

Members of the World Bank Group (IBRD, IFC) ADB; GIZ; USAID; AusAID; EU Agence Francaise de Developpement

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VSEF CORE ACTIVITIES VSEF is proposed to run from 1/1/2018 through 31/12/2020. It will consist of four core activities Working Group Meetings: Through meeting sessions, three working groups collect business community views, opinions and concerned issues in sustainable energy development, then build them into policy positions, recommendations and requests. These documents will be evaluated by senior advisors before submitting to the Government and ministries for consideration. Pre-plenary Meetings: Three working groups present recommendations of policy adjustments to Government Implementing Agencies (GIAs). Working groups revise their recommendations based on feedbacks from GIA before proceeding to the Forum – the high profile PPD with the (Deputy) Prime Minister. Forums: Annual meetings with large and high profile attendance consisting of private entrepreneurs, partner associations, development partners and think tanks. Forums expect to get a commitment for reform from the highest level of authority. Follow-up: Three working groups set time to follow-up and track the progress of policy amendment and reform implementation. White Paper Publication: This document provides a high-level overview of renewable energy and energy efficiency, related applications and technologies in Vietnam. It also includes analyses of market trends, and projections of compound annual growth rates through 2030. Barriers and constraints against the development of sustainable energy as well as policy recommendations will also be discussed in the white paper. Phasel I VSEF Formation * Forum Board * Working Groups * VSEF Secretariat 16 |

Phasel II

Phasel III

Phasel IV

Phasel V

Working Group Meetings

Pre-plenary meetings - PPD with Government Implementing Agencies

Forums PPD with (Deputy) Prime Minister

Follow-up & White Paper Publication

VSEF BUDGET The total budget for the VSEF to fully operate is $104,407 each year, up to $316,221 for three years Items 1. Operating Cost 1.1. Office rental cost 1.2. Stationery cost 1.3. Utilities, communications fee 1.4. Tools and supplices expenses 1.5. Office expenses 1.6. Provision for operating cost Total Operating Cost




$10,428 $726 $1,056 $1,605 $660 $3,300 $17,775

$10,428 $726 $1,056 $1,605 $660 $3,300 $17,775

$10,428 $726 $1,056 $1,605 $660 $3,300 $17,775

2. S taffing Cost 2.1. Salary of General Secretary 2.2. Salary of Deputy General Secretary 2.3. Salary of ExecutiveSstaff Total S taffing Cost

$17,905 $12,192 $3,384 $33,481

$17,905 $12,192 $3,384 $33,481

$17,905 $12,192 $3,384 $33,481

3. Meetings/Forums Cost 3.1. Working Group M eeting Venue and Expenses 3.2. Pre-plenary M eetings Venue and Expenses 3.3. Forums Total Meetings/Forums Cost

$14,460 $7,960 $17,023 $39,443

$14,460 $7,960 $17,023 $39,443

$14,460 $7,960 $17,023 $39,443

4. Media/Promoting Cost 4.1. Building and maintain website cost 4.2. Printing PR material cost White Paper Publication 4.3. Public relation expense Total Media/Promoting Cost

$660 $628 $1,100 $2,388

$660 $628 $1,100 $2,388

$660 $628 $1,100 $2,388

5. Business Travel Cost 5.1. Domestic per diem 5.2. Domestic return air ticket 5.3. Abroad return air ticket 5.4. Abroad per diem 5.5. Visa Fee 5.6. Transportation expense Total Business Trave Cost

$990 $1,540 $1,650 $1,320 $110 $1,320 $6,930

$990 $1,540 $1,650 $1,320 $110 $1,320 $6,930

$990 $1,540 $1,650 $1,320 $110 $1,320 $6,930

6. Consulting Cost 6.1. Cost for key consultants 6.2. Cost for strategic experts Total Consulting Cost

$1,650 $2,200 $5,390

$1,650 $2,200 $5,390

$1,650 $2,200 $5,390




Total per year

TOTAL COS T 1/2018-12/2020

$316,221 | 17

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VSEF ACTIVITY TIMELINE Year 1 – January 1 – December 31 2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun VSEF Board and Secretariat Formation Preparing for the first Working Group Meeting Three Working Group Meetings Preparing for the first Pre-plenary Meetings First Pre-plenary Meeting

Prepare for the first Forum

First Forum GIAs formulate Reform Proposals Consultation Workshop with GIAs First White Paper Publication

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Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

VSEF ACTIVITY TIMELINE Year 2 – January 1 – December 31 2019 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Follow-up and Review Year 1 Activities Preparing for the second Working Group Meeting Three Working Group Meetings Preparing for the second Pre-plenary Meetings Second Pre-plenary Meeting Prepare for the second Forum Second Forum GIAs formulate Reform Proposals Consultation Workshop with GIAs Second White Paper Publication

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VSEF ACTIVITY TIMELINE Year 3 – January 1 – December 31 2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Follow-up and Review Year 2 Activities Preparing for the third Working Group Meeting Three Working Group Meetings Preparing for the third Pre-plenary Meetings Third Pre-plenary Meeting Prepare for the third Forum

Third Forum GIAs formulate Reform Proposals Consultation Workshop with GIAs Third White Paper Publication

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Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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