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PUPPIES – OUR PRICELESS GIFT IN THIS WORLD “Puppy” is a lovely name that human calls their beloved dog. People said puppies cannot think and act like human. But I don’t totally agree about this idea because what my puppy has done helps me change my mind. Puppy is a family’s animal and they are different from the animals in wild. Although they cannot speak, they control their heart and soul to act like us. Indeed, there is no doubt that they are the most priceless gift than ever before that heaven and gods gave us. In this article, I will supply you the basic information about this “gift”. Hope that it can be useful information to know more about puppies and a good suggestion as a preparation for you before you decide to keep a puppy.

1. History of puppies Many scientists carried out researching about the first appearance of puppy. However, there were many different results. For example, in 2002 researchers claimed that dogs were originated in East Asia. Yet, after 8 eight years of studying, the result was changed. In 2010, they denied the origin in East Asia and found that they appeared first in the Middle East. The earliest dog has appeared for 17,700 years and the second oldest dog was found in Russia 14,000 years ago. 2. Popularity Someone asked me whether I knew how many dogs there were in the world. It’s such a very hard question and I just can answer that that is a big number. Dogs are popular. We can encounter a dogs in everywhere in all continents from Europe, Asia, Africa and so on. Approximately, In Western Europe, the total numbers of dogs is 43 million. In US, the number of dog reaches up about 73 million. And the result about dogs in Asia is not specific. 3. Where the puppies live. As I mentioned above, we can see a dog everywhere, however dogs grow well only when they live within household. Vice versa, they cannot exist well in the wild.

4. Best food for puppies Dogs love meat such as chicken, turkey, pork and beef; also, they need to eat organ and especially bones. However, to make sure your dogs eat the safe food, you need to be careful in choosing the fresh raw meat and bones that cannot contain preservatives harming your dog’s health. Next, avoid feeding them cooked bones with splinters since this can create a bad effect on your dog’s digestion and internal damage. Beside of meat, they are interested in eating fresh vegetables, fruits as well as small amount of cooked vegetables like pumpkins, carrots. Do not feed them some kinds of food such as nuts, pea. These food can harm your puppies’ belly.

5. Life expectancy

The average life span of a healthy dog is from 6 years to 15 years. Normally, these following species such as Saint Bernards, Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds usually have short life spans from only 6 to 8 years. Nevertheless, the oldest dog can live up 29 years. That is was Bluey - an Australian Cattle Dog, which won the Guinness title for longest canine life span, from 1910 to 1939. There is an interesting discovery about the relationship between the life span and size of a healthy dog. Normally, the larger puppies tend to live longer than the smaller ones and the result of an experiment is that the lighter ones will live an average 2 years more than heavier ones. If you want to keep a dog that live in a long times, the following suggested list of top 5 dogs with a long life expectancy may be good and helpful for your choice: 1)


Chihuahua, one of the smallest dogs, can live from 15 – 20 years. Yorkshire Terrier can last the life about 17 – 20 years.

Pomeranian’s life span is shorter from 12-16 years. 4) Dachshund is the same as Pomeranian. They can live from 12 – 15 years. 5) Toy Poodle is such a very cute dog. It is so lucky for the owners because they can live from 12 – 15 years. 6. Reasons for keeping a puppy 3)

“If you want to have a friend, a puppy is the ideal choice to be brought into your heart and your home.” Actually, I read this statement from an appealing title of a video about a girl who was attacking by a bad boy and rescued by her dog. The statement is such a true one that has been approved through the video and, also, the reality of puppies’ strong appearance in the world. And we cannot deny one thing that puppies become overly important, highly necessary and indispensable in our daily life for many outstanding reasons, not just because of being a human’s true friend.


A good friend than ever before

Dogs have got characteristics of joyfulness and friendliness and especially loyalty so that we treat them like a good friend than ever before. A dog friend always follows you, runs beside you, enjoys the life with you and is willing to rescue you whenever you meet troubles; whenever you are in sadness; and especially, once you are in danger, they will sacrifice himself to protect you or eventually be beside you until the last breath. A friend dog also brings us many other benefits for your health. Walking in the park with your puppy every morning is the time you do the exercise and keep fit and healthier. Moreover, petting your dog, playing with them and watching them playing will help you reduce the stress, feel relaxed after a hard – working day.


An excellent house keeper

Dog is very responsible for their task of keeping. Keeping a dog in your house will protect your home from the thieves. The reason why dogs can recognize the strange people who enter in the house is because they are excellent and sensible in analyzing and determining the dangers. Once they discover the dangers, they immediately bark or eventually bite the enemy, which makes your home safe. However, for some aggressive dogs, they do the job of keeping over responsibly so that this may harm to someone who visit your house. Thus, you need to deeply understand your pet in order to adjust their behavior forward your guests. c.

A great servant, guardian and working puppy serving for military, police and other business

Why we choose the dog as a guardian for military, police and other business. It’s because they are famous for the characteristic of being smart, curious and especially trainable.

In military and police Dogs struggle against the enemy as heroes in the military in many countries over the world. They have a strong suffering so people train them in bomb, weapon and drug detection to use as their scouts, sentries and trackers. For instance, among all dogs, German Shepherd and Labradors are well-known as the dogs that can detect the dangers such as gases, boom, weapons more rapidly and properly than any available struggling equipment.

In the other business Of course, thanks for a million benefits that puppies bring up, people raise the dogs for the purpose of sale. Raising dogs for sale is a business that becomes a strong industrial in many countries. Moreover, in some countries, most in Asian, people keep dogs for food. However, this is not stimulated or eventually

condemned in the society and illegal because it breaks the legal rights about Animal Health and Welfare. 6. How to take care of your puppies Each kind of puppy has each own specifications about health condition and living habitats. The most significant thing we need to handle clearly as our right hand is to have a basic knowledge background about each of them, for example, living conditions, food, water, living places, hobbies, in order to build the most proper caring sheet. Because there are a million of puppies so we cannot mention the caring techniques here; therefore, If you want to get more useful information, you can reference the next articles about each specific puppy.

7. Legal rights of your puppies and rules for the keepers Puppies play a role as a member in each family. They enrich our life both soul and material. However, in many places, people treat them badly and unacceptably or some dog owners keep a puppy improperly, annoy the neighbors around and make the environment polluted. Thus, many legal rights are issued to protect the puppies and tighten the responsibilities of the dog keepers in the society. Generally, the legal rights include of Animal Health & Welfare to protect puppies; besides, the clean neighborhoods and Environment Act issued in 2005 required the owner to have a proper caring sheet not to badly affect on the others. In addition, we also have some laws such as breeding

and Sale of Dogs Act 1999, breeding of Dogs Act 1991 and Breeding of Dogs Act 1973, the performing Animal Act 1925 and so on. Each of dog owners has to know well about these laws in order to carry out their responsibility by the best way to protect not only their puppies but also their social life.


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